2nd Grade Classroom Community Unit Plans

Mental Health Resiliency Activities, Notes, and Review

By Sign with me TOD

This product focuses on the following areas: This product includes a 3 page teacher guide with tips and tricks when teaching resiliency, coping skills, and setting goals. Students will learn what resilience and coping mean, the different meanings of resiliency, what to do when we experience a tough time, examples of resilience that students can relate with and how they can improve next time or bounce back, steps that help build resilience, examples of healthy coping skills, how to include healthy coping skills into your daily routine, and setting goals.

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Internet Safety Notes and Review

By Sign with me TOD

This product includes the following: vocabulary words, their meanings, and sentences using the words - stranger, caution, and friendly. This product talks about being friendly to people you know and don't know, how you can be friendly to acquaintances by using a greeting, commenting on the weather, asking for information/assistance, offering assistance. These areas are reviewed and examples are provided. Stranger danger is briefly reviewed, internet safety and what should never be sent to friends or strangers, what should never be shared with anyone, 5 internet safety situations are also included in this product. Throughout each safety situation, questions are asked pertaining to how students would handle each situation and what they should and shouldn't do. Comprehension questions are asked throughout this product as well to ensure student understanding.

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