Grade Three Number Exit Tickets | Australian Curriculum Aligned | Assessment
By Visual Vibe
Exit tickets are a great way to inform your teaching practices, identify student misconceptions and can be used as a formative assessment tool. These exit tickets are aligned with the Australian and Victorian curriculum for Grade 3, but will also cover many standards in the American and UK curriculum!
Each page contains 4 exit tickets to make printing and distributing to your students easier. Curriculum content codes are displayed on each ticket to assist you in assessing the skills and knowledge of your students.
What's Included:
Number Content Covered:
By Visual Vibe
These Maths proficiencies are fundamental to learning and working mathematically. They are embedded across all three strands of Mathematics; Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, Statistics and Probability.
I have created these resources to assist you in creating units of work with these proficiency goals in mind. They can be used as student goals or success criteria for your lessons.
What's Included:
Proficiency Posters - Broken down into 'I can' statements. Each with matching icons, to help to explain the proficiency goal.
Student goal cards - Colour-coded to match their associated proficiency.
Larger goal cards - Can be used as your unit focus and displayed on your board throughout your unit.