12th Grade Government DBQs

Holocaust Propaganda DBQ Freebie {History Guru}

By History Guru

Holocaust & WWII DBQ Freebie!

This DBQ will engage your students to examine the propaganda of WWII, the Holocaust, and Hitler’s reign.


Analyze media and political communications (bias, symbolism, propaganda).

Document Based Questioning

What will the students learn?

The students will be learning about how the propaganda of the time influenced the people throughout Germany as Hitler came of power. They will understand that at this time Germany was facing a hardship and Hitler gave the people of Germany a group of people of where to place the blame.

How will they learn it?

The students will answer the following DBQs while the teacher displays and discusses the document on the SMART Board.

How will you know that they have learned it?

Students will apply their knowledge in their Final activity by making connections through DBQs and the Holocaust testimonies under "stories."


Analyze media and political communications (bias, symbolism, propaganda).

Subject Area: Social Studies Grade: 7

Strand: Civics and Government

Standard: Evaluate the roles, rights, and responsibilities of United States citizens, and determine methods of active participation in society, government, and the political system. Date Adopted or Revised: 02/14

Status: State Board Approved

Link to digital pictures: http://www.ushmm.org/propaganda/exhibit.html#/gallery/

Check out samples on my Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare

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Close Read Whiskey Rebellion

By History Guru

Close Read for Whiskey Rebellion: Letter from George Washington to Alexander Hamilton

Letter from George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, September 7, 1792 The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745- 1799. John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor.--vol. 32 Mount Vernon, September 7, 1792.

Also a good read before hand:


This is great for an ELA, Reading, US History, Government, or Civics class.



Examine the influences of George Washington's presidency in the formation of the new nation.


Examples may include, but are not limited to, personal motivations, military experience, political influence, establishing Washington, D.C. as the nation's capital, rise of the party system, setting of precedents (e.g., the Cabinet), etc


Recognize the contributions of the Founding Fathers (John Adams, Sam Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Mason, George Washington) during American Revolutionary efforts.


Examples may also include, but are not limited to, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine, John Jay, Peter Salem.

Check out samples on my Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare

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Follow me on Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare


NAVA Forms & Types of Gov't SS.7.C.3.1

By History Guru

Looking for an easy way to incorporate Language Arts & Propaganda into your Civics course? The NAVA Strategy is a GREAT way to put the ELA standards to work in your Social Studies course. NAVA stands for Noun, Adjective, Verb, and Adverb. This walks the students through a step by step document analysis or DBQ. Quick, Simple, & Easy! This NAVA strategy incorporates Gummie Bears and Forms & Types of Government.


Reading in Social Studies: Legislative Bellwork/ Bellringer

By History Guru


The students will complete the bellwork in a 5 day model. Each day is a scaffolded release of questions targeted at 5 main language arts standards. This allows students to pick apart the important information while meeting their language arts requirements in social studies.

Bellwork Procedure

Conversation: There is no talking during Bellwork time. Silently get Bellwork out from the bin & return it silently as well. Quiet/ voices off from entrance into the classroom till last Bellwork is put away.

Help: There should be no talking during this activity, so if you have a question: please raise your hand quietly, wait patiently, & once I can I will answer your question. Please think about the wording of your question before you ask, seeing as this is an assessment.

Activity: Bellwork day 1-4: One question per day.

Bellwork 5: Quiz= do all four questions.


Underline the title

Number the sections

Read to understand: mark the text

Eliminate wrong answers


Look back to double check answers

Movement: 1. Quietly grab your Bellwork from the bin without emptying file folder out; just grab yours.

2. Silently do your Bellwork at your seat.

3. Silently place Bellwork back into the correct file folder.

4. Sit quietly at your seat as we patiently wait for others to finish.

Participation: This is an independent activity. Please look at your paper only and give a full effort. I am checking your understanding/ skills, not someone else’s.


• UNREAL: __/12 points

• Daily Questions (front): ___/10 points each

• Quiz (back): total of ___/40 points

• Efficiency: Smart Goal of 80% or above

Check out samples on my Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare

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I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. If you have any concerns or any of my resources are not what you expected, please contact me first before leaving feedback so I can have a chance to fix it for you! You can DM or follow me at Follow me on Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare

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Follow me on Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare


Citizenship Bellwork SS.7.C.2.1 & SS.7.C.2.2

By History Guru

SS.7.C.2.1 & SS.7.C.2.2 Civics Citizenship The students will complete the bellwork in a 5 day model. Each day is a scaffolded release of questions targeted at 5 main language arts standards. This allows students to pick apart the important information while meeting their language arts requirements in social studies.


Foundations of Government Bellwork

By History Guru

SS.7.C.1.1 & SS.7.C.1.2 Civics “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine Excerpted from The English Bill of Rights The students will complete the bellwork in a 5 day model. Each day is a scaffolded release of questions targeted at 5 main language arts standards. This allows students to pick apart the important information while meeting their language arts requirements in social studies.


Legislative Bellwork with Current Event SS.7.C.3.8

By History Guru

The students will complete the bellwork in a 5 day model. Each day is a scaffolded release of questions targeted at 5 main language arts standards. This allows students to pick apart the important information while meeting their language arts requirements in social studies Standards: SS.7.C.3.3 :Illustrate the structure and function (three branches of government established in Articles I, II, and III with corresponding powers) of government in the United States as established in the Constitution. Belongs to: Demonstrate an understanding of the principles, functions, and organization of government. related instructional resources more information SS.7.C.3.8 :Analyze the structure, functions, and processes of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Belongs to: Demonstrate an understanding of the principles, functions, and organization of government. Keywords: tutorial, laws, House of Representatives, Senate, legislative, Congress, Legislative Branch, make laws, legislate, Representative, Senator, Civics Bellwork Procedure Conversation: There is no talking during Bellwork time. Silently get Bellwork out from the bin & return it silently as well. Quiet/ voices off from entrance into the classroom till last Bellwork is put away. Help: There should be no talking during this activity, so if you have a question: please raise your hand quietly, wait patiently, & once I can I will answer your question. Please think about the wording of your question before you ask, seeing as this is an assessment. Activity: Bellwork day 1-4: One question per day. Bellwork 5: Quiz= do all four questions. UNREAL: EVERYDAY Underline the title Number the sections Read to understand: mark the text Eliminate wrong answers Answer Look back to double check answers Movement: 1. Quietly grab your Bellwork from the bin without emptying file folder out; just grab yours. 2. Silently do your Bellwork at your seat. 3. Silently place Bellwork back into the correct file folder. 4. Sit quietly at your seat as we patiently wait for others to finish. Participation: This is an independent activity. Please look at your paper only and give a full effort. I am checking your understanding/ skills, not someone else’s. Success: • UNREAL: __/12 points • Daily Questions (front): ___/10 points each • Quiz (back): total of ___/40 points • Efficiency: Smart Goal of 80% or above


Digital Notebook for Civics- Citizenship INB in Google Slides

By History Guru

Topics Included (but not limited to):

  • Citizenship
  • 14th Amendment
  • National Anthem


Types of Activities for each unit Included (but not limited to):

  • Question Practice
  • Readings & Dialectical Journals
  • Videos and Questions
  • Interactive Vocab Activities
  • Visual Vocab
  • Learning Goal Charts to start each unit!
  • Bellwork to start each unit!
  • Close Readings
  • DBQs


Product Description/ Breakdown:

This is a Google Slide with interactive tabs. This would be distributed to each student via your Distance Learning or Classroom platform per student. This can easily be printed, downloaded as a pdf, or downloaded as a PowerPoint to meet your learning needs in this crazy teacher world that we teach in. This unit has a huge variety of styles to make learning needs and to achieve learning goals! It has Readings, Document Based Questioning, and Video Q&A's. Check this out and click to follow to stay informed as more pop up in my store. Bundle in the digital interactive notebook: ACTIVITIES, BELLWORK/ BELLRINGERS, GUIDED READINGS, LEARNING GOAL CHART, DBQ’S, READING STRATEGIES, VOCAB, & MUCH MORE


Check out samples on my Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare


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Follow me on Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare


Distant Learning- Civics Questions in Google Docs form! A Growing Google Drive!

By History Guru

Google Drive Folder FILLED with Google Docs for all your topics... Ever growing! 28 products and GROWING!

EOC Practice and DBQs!

Directions: Determine the objective of each question. Then, explain why each option is correct or incorrect.

The EOC Practice problem is originally created based on those released by the state of Florida. This sheet allows space for students to practice locating important information, show their work, and write their answers. Some are multiple choice to provide practice for the EOC's multiple-choice responses, but they must also explain their answer choice. This is an AVID Strategy to explain what is the right answer, what is the incorrect answer, and WHY. This file is a mini DBQ section to keep up with the high demand for Document Based Learning.

This Practice Sheets can be used in multiple ways. Printed on cardstock and laminated for repeated classroom use in groups, as warm-ups, as centers, test prep, exit questions/ activities, study time at the end of the year, etc. It can also be arranged in take-home packets or INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS for the students to complete as homework or it can be simply used as a handout. The choice is yours!


Check out samples on my Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare

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I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. If you have any concerns or any of my resources are not what you expected, please contact me first before leaving feedback so I can have a chance to fix it for you! You can DM or follow me at Follow me on Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare

How to get TeachShare credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you'll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases.

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Follow me on Instagram: @HistoryGuruTeachShare


Zipped Parliamentary, federal, confederal, and unitary systems unit

By History Guru

SS.7.C.3.2 Compare parliamentary, federal, confederal, and unitary systems of government. This zipped unit includes Civics EOC preparation, hooks, processing activities and ways for your students to dive into their work.


African American Freedom Post Civil War Reconstruct Document Based Question DBQ

By More Lessons Less Planning

Freedom's Journey: A DBQ on African American Liberty After the Civil War

Delve into the complex journey of African American freedom with this engaging DBQ!
This meticulously crafted DBQ offers a comprehensive exploration of the extent to which African Americans achieved freedom following the Civil War. Through a carefully curated selection of primary sources, students will analyze the challenges, triumphs, and enduring struggles faced by African Americans in their pursuit of liberty.

Key Features:

  • Engaging Primary Sources: A diverse collection of primary sources, including excerpts from historical texts, images, and personal accounts, provide a firsthand glimpse into the experiences of African Americans during this transformative era.
  • Thought-Provoking Questions: Each primary source is accompanied by carefully crafted questions that encourage critical thinking and analysis.
  • Clear Directions and Rubric: Detailed instructions and a comprehensive rubric guide students through the DBQ process and help teachers assess their work effectively.
  • Real-World Relevance: The DBQ connects historical concepts to contemporary issues, fostering a deeper understanding of the enduring struggles for racial equality.
  • Versatile Use: Ideal for classroom instruction, independent study, or as a sub plan, this DBQ is adaptable to various teaching styles and learning needs.

Primary Sources

  1. Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
  2. Thirteenth Amendment (1865)
  3. Black Codes (1865-1867)
  4. Fourteenth Amendment (1868)
  5. Fifteenth Amendment (1870)
  6. Ku Klux Klan (1865-Present)
  7. Jim Crow Laws (1877-1960s)
  8. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
  9. The Experiences of a Sharecropper (Personal Account)
  10. Hiram Rhodes Revels (1827-1901)

Learning Objectives:

  • Analyze the challenges and triumphs faced by African Americans in the pursuit of freedom after the Civil War.
  • Evaluate the extent to which African Americans achieved freedom during this period.
  • Develop critical thinking skills through the analysis of primary sources.
  • Understand the historical context of the Civil Rights Movement and its enduring legacy.

Common Core Standards and Courses:
This DBQ aligns with the following Common Core Standards:

  • History/Social Studies: Analyze primary sources to construct and support arguments.
  • Language Arts: Analyze the author's purpose in a nonfiction text.
  • English Language Arts: Produce clear, coherent, and focused writing.

Recommended Courses:

  • American History
  • World History
  • AP U.S. History

Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!


Did Prohibition Fail? Student Led DBQ Document Based Question Progressive Era

By More Lessons Less Planning

DBQ: Prohibition - A Critical Thinking Adventure

Engage your students in a deep dive into the complex history of Prohibition with this engaging DBQ!
This resource provides students with a rich collection of primary sources, including speeches, newspaper articles, and historical documents, that allow them to explore the multifaceted impacts of Prohibition on American society. By analyzing these sources, students will develop critical thinking skills, historical understanding, and a nuanced perspective on this pivotal era.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive DBQ: The DBQ includes a thought-provoking prompt, a variety of primary sources, and guiding questions to help students analyze and interpret the evidence.
  • Real-world connections: The documents offer a glimpse into the lives of ordinary Americans during Prohibition, fostering a deeper understanding of the historical context.
  • Critical thinking skills: Students will develop essential skills such as analyzing sources, evaluating arguments, and synthesizing information.
  • Differentiated learning: The DBQ can be adapted to suit various learning styles and abilities, making it a valuable resource for all students.
  • Sub-plan friendly: Use this DBQ as a standalone activity or incorporate it into your unit on the Progressive Era or American history.

Learning Objectives:

  • Students will be able to analyze primary sources to identify key arguments and perspectives.
  • Students will be able to evaluate the impact of Prohibition on American society, including its economic, social, and political consequences.
  • Students will be able to develop a well-supported argument based on historical evidence.

Common Core Standards:

  • History/Social Studies: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.2, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.3, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.4, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.6, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.7, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.8, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.9, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.6-8.10, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.2, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.3, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.4, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.6, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.7, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.8, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.9, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.10

Recommended Courses:

  • American History
  • Progressive Era
  • 20th Century American History

Ready to unlock your students' critical thinking potential? Explore my store for a treasure trove of reading comprehensions that tackle diverse themes and inspire insightful discussions. From historical mysteries to scientific explorations, there's something for every classroom! Support a fellow educator and get rewarded! Purchase this resource, leave a review, and earn TeachShare credits you can use on any product on the platform. Your feedback helps others and benefits you too!

Related Product:

Progressive Era Reading Comprehension Bundle
