12th Grade ELA Test Prep Independent Work Packet

Passive Voice in ELA | Handout | Worksheets | Teaching Pages- HS & MS

By Blooming Through High School

Looking to help your students master the passive voice for standardized tests like the STAAR? This 16-page resource is your go-to guide for teaching passive voice with a gradual increase in complexity.

Start with the basics of identifying subjects and verbs in sentences, then progress to understanding direct objects and other key components essential for a full grasp of passive voice. This packet is designed to make learning passive voice engaging and effective.

Included are:

  • 5 Pages of handouts to make sure to make sure students understand each part of passive voice.
  • Practice pages that progressively challenge students, ensuring they can identify and use passive voice with confidence.
  • Exercises in evaluating and revising sentences, crucial for mastering the revising sections of tests.
  • 2 editing passages for applied practice, perfect for honing skills in a test-like environment.

Ideal for both classroom use and independent practice, this resource is an excellent tool for students in middle and high school.


Reading Comprehension Graphic Organizer-Analyzing Text Questions & Answers

By Amanda Robinson

Having trouble getting your students to slow down, pay close attention to passage questions, and prove their answers?

This may be just the resource you need! Give your students the structure that they need to slow down and tackle assignments/assessments with intention.

This resource will help your students to:

  • Analyze passage questions for key words and relating reading skills
  • Refer back to the text, and...
  • Prove answers by providing rationales for correct and incorrect answers

Resource includes:

  • Question Analysis Forms

-May be printed blank or text boxes can be added to add specific questions

  • Answer Analysis Forms

-Highly customizable answer analysis space

  • Customizable/editable anchor charts

-Can be pre-made teacher-created anchor charts

-Can be an active document that students help create

Teaching Tips:

I typically allow:

  • One class period to read/annotate the passage (passages not included/resource will work for any passage)
  • One class period to analyze the question stems
  • One class period to answer questions and provide analysis/rationales of answer choices
  • This process can be adjusted as needed for in-class assignments or homework. Pacing can also be adjusted as needed, especially as students become more familiar with the process.

Word Meaning w/Greek & Latin Words - Worksheet/Quiz/Task Cards - English

By Blooming Through High School

✔️Need to teach Greek & Latin along with Context Clues?

✔️Looking for way to get your students thinking critically & making connections?

✔️Need to integrate vocabulary in a meaningful way?

This activity includes worksheets, task cards and Google Quizzes for vocab practice

Students will use key words from the definitions in the first activity to determine the meaning of the Greek or Latin prefix. By recognizing the prefixes in words they recognize (and some they won't) students will begin making connections to other words they hear and read. This is a natural way to build in vocabulary to daily instruction that includes context clues and the Greek and Latin.


  • Greek & Latin Roots Exploration: Dive into 45 carefully selected words, each featuring 9 impactful prefixes from the rich realms of Latin and Greek languages.
  • Word Definitions: Equip your students with a solid understanding of each word, laying the foundation for deeper language comprehension.
  • Fill in the Blank Sentences: Immerse your class in the learning process with cloze sentences that challenge them to apply their newfound knowledge in context.
  • Task Cards: Make learning interactive and enjoyable with task cards that encourage independent exploration and reinforce language skills.
  • Google Quizzes: Easily accessible quizzes that provide instant feedback, saving you valuable time and promoting a tech-savvy learning environment.

The Vocab Bundle - Finding Meaning Of Unfamiliar Words Using Context Clues

By Blooming Through High School

Word Meaning with Nonsense Words

Why teach word meaning through nonsense words (context clues only)?

  • Students must use critical thinking to solve
  • Students must read the whole passage for context clues
  • Students must problem solve to find the best word that makes the most sense.
  • They can't find the answer except through problem solving.

All of these are things we want every student to do! This is something that is already adapted for high and low learners.

Starting with three nonsense words gets students going so they can work in groups or independently to decode the meaning of 7 REAL words (selected from the SAT vocabulary list).

This is a perfect activity for group problem solving and critical thinking!

Finding the meaning of words: in context, with a definition and from the Latin or Greek base. Four teaching pages are included for self-guided learning along with 7 student pages for practice with various shortened reading passages.


  • 3 Self-grading Google Forms
  • Editable Word Doc
  • PDF
  • Reading Passage
  • Teaching pages
  • Answer Key

BUNDLE & SAVE: ELA Test Prep, Study Guide & Activities Bundle

Word Meaning with Greek & Latin

✔️Need to teach Greek & Latin along with Context Clues?

✔️Looking for way to get your students thinking critically & making connections?

✔️Need to integrate vocabulary in a meaningful way?

This activity includes worksheets, task cards and Google Quizzes for vocab practice

Students will use key words from the definitions in the first activity to determine the meaning of the Greek or Latin prefix. By recognizing the prefixes in words they recognize (and some they won't) students will begin making connections to other words they hear and read. This is a natural way to build in vocabulary to daily instruction that includes context clues and the Greek and Latin.


  • Greek & Latin Roots Exploration: Dive into 45 carefully selected words, each featuring 9 impactful prefixes from the rich realms of Latin and Greek languages.
  • Word Definitions: Equip your students with a solid understanding of each word, laying the foundation for deeper language comprehension.
  • Fill in the Blank Sentences: Immerse your class in the learning process with cloze sentences that challenge them to apply their newfound knowledge in context.
  • Task Cards: Make learning interactive and enjoyable with task cards that encourage independent exploration and reinforce language skills.
  • Google Quizzes: Easily accessible quizzes that provide instant feedback, saving you valuable time and promoting a tech-savvy learning environment.

Vocabulary Starter


You came to the right place! I have been teaching for 5+ years, I have my Master's in Education with a focus on Literacy and I didn't know where to start.

So, I went back to everything I learned in my graduate program and re-read everything I could find.

I wrote & designed a student-engaging template to help students in my classroom to deeply internalize a word. I gathered key word lists when I didn't have a word from our daily reading, and thought about how to teach vocabulary so my love of etymology and words could be shared with my 10th graders. I've included all that and a guide to help other teachers get started with implementing and teaching vocabulary in THEIR classrooms.

Is this book for me?

  • You want to teach vocabulary explicitly
  • You want flexibility to choose your words daily based on what you’re reading
  • You need versatility to choose your own words from a given list
  • You want your students to deeply internalize the vocabulary they learn
  • You’re not sure where to start

Then this book is for you!

Adaptable to every classroom in every situation, this is more than a fill-in-the-blank activity. Your students will have a guide to build a vocabulary for a lifetime of learning.


Generating curiosity and delight in playing with words supports long-term memory, enhances the connection between orthography and meaning, and develops a disposition which stimulates word consciousness. It also builds vocabulary! All of these are a part of a vocabulary rich classroom environment.


Editing Sentences: Test Prep/ELA/STAAR Aligned/Packet

By Blooming Through High School

Bundle includes 46 Pages total & 3 Google Forms

I made these after realizing that my students in high school needed practice with the mechanics of how to construct a sentence before I could begin instructing them on best practices for structure in their essays. There are pages for them to practice (on paper) or you can use as a quiz for after instruction! All of the Google quizzes will self-grade and they are editable.

This is the essential Test Prep Bundle for students testing for state or district exams.

They're also adaptable for students who are doing self-directed learning as each includes a short teaching page for students to reference as they are working through the activities.


Deleting Sentences: No Prep Test Prep ELA Grammar Revising & Editing

By Blooming Through High School

Teach your students how to evaluate sentences in revising passages. This is specific to deleting sentences.

While this is a tested skill, students will learn what to look for and evaluate sentences carefully through examining redundant and extraneous sentences. Five practice passages are included with the answer key and rationale. A "teach" page is included for self-guided learning!

INCLUDED: Self-grading Google Form Quiz, Word Doc & PDF!

BUNDLE and SAVE: ELA Test Prep, Study Guide & Activities Bundle

Check out these other resources!

  • All Things English For Middle & High School Students (best seller)
  • Once Upon A Crime
  • Revising & Editing Workbook
  • Revising & Editing for Group Lessons
  • Bell Ringers for the Semester
  • Everything Writing