Deaf Education: There, Their, and They're Sentences
By Sign with me TOD
As our Deaf/hard of hearing/ELL students are completing written assignments, little words/parts of speech that are commonly confused when writing with words such as there, their, and they're. My students are confusing them for each other continuously. The words there, their, and they're are emphasized in this product. Students will determine if there, their, and they're belong in each sentence, circle the correct use of the word there, their, and they're in sentences, write sentences using there, their, and they're when looking at different picture scenarios, and will write there, their, or they're to complete each sentence. Students are provided space to make up their own sentences using there, their, and they're as well.
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ESL Lunch and Dinner Vocabulary Workbook for Newcomers
By Sign with me TOD
In this product, students will learn the English vocabulary word for the different lunch and dinner food items presented. Students will initially write each vocabulary word in their native language and after learning the English word, students will complete different lunch and dinner food items vocabulary review where they will be required to fill in the English and their native language word for different lunch and dinner food items vocabulary word. I tend to use that section as a quiz. I will read the word aloud and the students will then write the English word and the word in their native language. Pictures are included for each vocabulary word to help students make connections with each lunch and dinner food item. Students can do this independently or with help. Students will be required to answer a few comprehension questions that relate with what is ordered when they go out to eat for lunch or dinner and what their favorite lunch or dinner food is.
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