11th Grade Winter Workbooks

Winter Vocabulary and Prepositions Sentence Workbook

By Sign with me TOD

In this product, students will review winter vocabulary words. Students will be provided with 12 winter picture cards that they can cut out. Students will be given two different forms of the picture cards - one with the name of each picture card and one without. Once students cut out the picture cards, they will follow the directions on each page of the winter prepositions booklet and glue the pictures where they belong. Students will then make up a sentence using each preposition. The product can be cut and made into a smaller pocket booklet. This product can also be laminated and Velcro can be used to attach each of the 12 picture cards so it can be used over again.


Deaf Education - ASL & English Winter Vocabulary & Prepositions Sentence Review

By Sign with me TOD

In this product, students will review winter vocabulary and their signs. Students will be provided with 12 winter picture cards that they can cut out. Students will be given two different forms of the picture cards - one with the name of each picture card and one without. Once students cut out the picture cards, they will follow the directions on each page of the winter prepositions booklet and glue the pictures where they belong. Students will then make up a sentence using each preposition. The product can be cut and made into a smaller pocket booklet. This product can also be laminated and Velcro can be used to attach each of the 12 picture cards so it can be used over again.
