High School Physics Bundle | PowerPoint Lesson Slides | Capacitors Electricity
By Building Bright Brains
Are you a High school Physics teacher who is looking for rigorous lessons to strengthen and supplement your explanation? This Bundle is perfect for you! It includes lessons on Waves, Electric Current, Capacitors, Energy, Force, Reflection and Refraction of Waves and many others!
What is included?
✦ 34 total lessons (906 Slides)
1. AC voltage
2. Atomic Nucleus
3. Capacitors part 1
4. Capacitors part 2
5. DC Voltage
6. Description of Motion
7. Electric Current
8. Electric Field
9. Electrical Power and Energy
10. Electricity Electrostatics
11. Electromagnetic Force
12. Energy
13. Energy levels of the atom
14. Equilibrium of a Body Subjected to Two Forces- Hooke's law
15. Force and Interaction
16. Generators & Receivers
17. Linear Momentum
18. Magnetic Field
19. Motion of a particle
20. Newton’s Laws
21. Newton’s Second Law & Applications
22. Ohmic Conductor
23. Particle Aspect of Light
24. Potential difference
25. Radioactivity
26. Rectilinear Motion
27. Reflection and Refraction of Waves
28. Rotational Dynamics
29. System of particles
30. Transfer of heat energy
31. Vibration and Waves
32. Voltage of the mains
33. Waves & Superposition of waves
34. Work and Energy
This Bundle is great to be used for:
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Physical Science Interactive PowerPoint BIG Bundle Digital Resource
By The STEM Master
Physical science, physics digital interactive PowerPoint activity bundle covering equations, diagrams, chemical formulas and periodic table of elements. Digital interactive science task cards games, Distance Learning.
each product has 2 challenges with 10 self-checking multiple-choice questions each
❗❗The students use the present mode and click on the correct answer to move to the next problem
⭐⭐⭐BIG Bundle of Chemistry⭐⭐⭐
⭐Digital Chemistry Worksheets Bundle
⚡️⚡️⚡️**BIG Bundle of Physics**⚡️⚡️⚡️
✅Physical Science Equation Worksheets Bundle
✅Physical Science Graphing Digital Worksheets Bundle for Google Classroom™
❤️Images designed by Freepik
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Purchase of this product is for single classroom use by the purchaser only. It is a violation for individuals, schools, and districts to redistribute, edit, sell or post this item on the Internet or to other individuals. Disregarding the copyright is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and subject to legal action.
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High School Biology Bundle | PowerPoint Lesson Slides | Respiration Digestion
By Building Bright Brains
Are you a high school biology teacher who is looking for rigorous lessons to strengthen and supplement your explanation? This Bundle is perfect for you! It includes lessons on Circulatory System, Digestion, Genetic Polymorphism, Immune System, Nervous System, Respiration and many others!
What is included?
✦ 31 total lessons (1.204 Slides)
1. Autotrophy Photosynthesis Part 1
2. Autotrophy Photosynthesis Part 2
3. Basic Mechanism for Sexual Reproduction
4. Birth Control and MAP
5. Chromosomes Carriers of Genetic Information
6. Circulatory System Part 1
7. Circulatory System Part 2
8. Digestion (From food to nutrients)
9. DNA Genetic Material & Cell Cycle
10. Female Reproductive Cycles
11. Genetic Polymorphism Part 1
12. Genetic Polymorphism Part 2
13. Genetic Recombination and Transmission of Genes
14. Glycemia
15. Human Genetics Pedigree Analysis
16. Immune Response
17. Immune System Role and Components
18. Mendelian Heredity
19. Mitosis
20. Molecular Techniques
21. Mutations
22. Nervous System Part 1
23. Nervous System Part 2
24. Neurophysiology Functions of Neurons Part 1
25. Neurophysiology Functions of Neurons Part 2
26. Neurotransmitters and Medical Applications
27. Pedigree
28. Plant Supply with Raw Materials
29. Protein Synthesis & Enzymatic Activity
30. Respiration
31. Synapses
This Bundle is great to be used for:
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High School Chemistry Bundle | PowerPoint Lesson Slides | Chemical Kinetics
By Building Bright Brains
Are you a high school chemistry teacher who is looking for rigorous lessons to strengthen and supplement your explanation? This Bundle is perfect for you! It includes lessons on Alkanes, Alkenes, Atoms, Chemical Bonding, Chemical Solutions, Ions, Oxidation Numbers and many others!
What is included?
✦ 32 total lessons (950 Slides)
1. Acids and Bases
2. Alcohol
3. Aldehydes and Ketones
4. Alkanes
5. Alkenes
6. Atoms (part 1)
7. Atoms (part 2)
8. Balancing Redox Reactions
9. Carboxylic Acids Derivatives
10. Chemical Bonding
11. Chemical Equilibrium (part 1)
12. Chemical Equilibrium (part 2)
13. Chemical Kinetics
14. Chemical Reactions
15. Chemical Solutions
16. Electrochemistry
17. Elemental Analysis
18. Functional groups
19. Galvanic Cell
20. Hydrocarbons
21. Ions
22. Kinetic Factors
23. Molecules
24. Oxidation Numbers
25. Oxidation Reduction
26. pH Metric Titration
27. Rate of Reactions
28. Reaction Between Weak Acid and Strong Base
29. Strong Acid Strong Base
30. Volumetric Titration (part 1)
31. Volumetric Titration (part 2)
32. Weak Acid Weak Base
This Bundle is great to be used for:
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