11th Grade Poetry Assessment

IMAGERY IN POETRY: Poems with Vivid Sensory Images | 3-Day Lesson | High School

By Rigorous Resources for High School English

This 40-page EDITABLE poetry unit promises to elicit dynamic engagement from all students without compromising on intellectual rigor. The 10 poems in this unit all pivot on vivid and evocative SENSORY IMAGERY.

Because even our strongest students often have difficulty analyzing poetic imagery, I designed this unit to help students learn to "unpack" images and to explain how images deepen a poem's meaning. The literary devices quizzes, discussion prompts, and analytical writing assignment will challenge your students to dig beneath the surface of the text and generate profound interpretive insights!!

Here are some highlights from this 40-page curriculum:

Homework Packets with Poems: The two homework packets contain a total of 10 poems by award-winning poets such as Emily Dickinson, Robert Hayden, Mary Oliver, Gary Soto, Sharon Olds, Mark Doty, Yusef Komunyakaa, Tony Hoagland, and others. The poems in each homework packet derive their meaning from the deft use of sensory images. These carefully selected poems will set the stage for your class to have fascinating and profoundly productive discussions!! (10 pages)

Literary Devices Glossary: A glossary with definitions and examples of the various types of figurative language, imagery, stanzas, and syntactic devices. Many teachers already have a glossary of literary devices, but I'm providing this in case you need one. (2 pages)

Literary Devices Quizzes: Open each class with a quiz of 10 questions to assess whether your students can accurately identify the literary devices: metaphor, personification, symbolism, imagery, alliteration, etc. The digital versions of the quizzes on Google Forms will grade every student's work and generate a list of their scores. Answer keys included. (4 pages).

Discussion Questions: Lists of discussion questions for the first poems in each homework packet. The discussion questions will ensure that your class discussions get off to a productive start. Every discussion question is grounded in concrete textual details and challenges students to arrive at lucid interpretive insights! The questions lend themselves to a range of different pedagogical uses: 1) to focus students’ thinking prior to beginning a discussion, 2) to prompt in-class writing, 3) to assign written reflections for homework, etc. Guaranteed to elicit student engagement and foster deep thinking! Answer keys included. (8 pages)

Quick Writes: The quick writes give students an opportunity to capture and refine the best ideas generated in the discussion. Quick writes can also help reticent students to gather their thoughts so they'll feel ready and eager to contribute. (2 pages)

Analytical Writing Assignment: Challenge students to take their interpretations one step further by writing an analytical paper on a poem of their choice. The assignment sheet contains detailed instructions for how to generate a formalist analysis of a poem (analyzing how the poem's formal features contribute to its meaning). This kind of formalist analysis is exactly what students are asked to generate on the AP Literature exam! Sample paper included. (3 pages)

This entire 40-page unit will come to you in two separate formats: Word *and* PDF. Because the Word doc is fully editable, you'll be able to customize the materials to suit the skill levels of your students — year after year! If you don't have Microsoft Word, you'll still be able to access all of the materials as a PDF — which is easy to navigate and quick to print! Finally, as a free bonus, I'm including links to digital copies of every document in user-friendly platforms like Google Docs and Google Forms.

My store is called “Rigorous Resources” because all of the resources contain rigorous content that will motivate students to engage in thought-provoking and productive discussions. Thank you for choosing Rigorous Resources!!

Happy teaching!

Adam Jernigan, Ph.D.


Links to all of the poetry units in this collection:

Poetry Unit #1: Sensory Imagery in Poetry

Poetry Unit #2: Figurative Language in Poetry

Poetry Unit #3: Love Poems

Poetry Unit #4: Ethical Dilemmas in Poetry

Poetry Unit #5: Family Dynamics in Poetry

Store: https://www.TeachShare.com/Store/Rigorous-Resources


FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE in POETRY: Analyze Poems w/ Metaphors, Similes, Symbols, etc

By Rigorous Resources for High School English

This 50-page EDITABLE poetry unit promises to elicit dynamic engagement from all students without compromising on intellectual rigor. The 12 poems in this unit pivot on the use of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE: metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, etc.

Teach your students how to analyze figurative language through a series of engaging lessons on poems that students are guaranteed to love. The literary device quizzes, discussion prompts, and analytical writing assignment will challenge your students to dig beneath the surface of the text and generate profound interpretive insights!

Here are some highlights from this 50-page curriculum:

Homework Packets with Poems: The two homework packets contain a total of 12 poems by award-winning poets such as Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, Elizabeth Bishop, Richard Wilbur, Sylvia Plath, Maya Angelou, Julia Alvarez, Mark Doty, Sharon Olds, and others. The poems in each homework packet derive their meaning from the deft use of sensory images. These carefully selected poems will set the stage for your class to have fascinating and profoundly productive discussions!! (12 pages)

Literary Devices Glossary: A glossary with definitions and examples of the various types of figurative language, imagery, stanzas, and syntactic devices. Many teachers already have a glossary of literary devices, but I'm providing this in case you need one. (2 pages)

Literary Devices Quizzes: Open each class with a quiz of 10 questions to assess whether your students can accurately identify the literary devices found in poems from the packet: metaphor, personification, symbolism, imagery, alliteration, etc. The digital versions of the quizzes on Google Forms will grade every student's work and generate a list of their scores. Answer keys included. (4 pages).

Discussion Questions: This bundle features a list of discussion questions for two poems in each of two homework packets. The discussion questions will ensure that your class discussions get off to a productive start. Every discussion question is grounded in concrete textual details and challenges students to arrive at lucid interpretive insights! The questions lend themselves to a range of different pedagogical uses: 1) to focus students’ thinking prior to beginning a discussion, 2) to prompt in-class writing, 3) to assign written reflections for homework, etc. Guaranteed to elicit student engagement and foster deep thinking! Answer keys included. (16 pages)

Quick Writes: The quick writes give students an opportunity to capture and refine the best ideas generated in the discussion. Quick writes can also help reticent students to gather their thoughts so they'll feel ready and eager to contribute. (4 pages)

Analytical Writing Assignment: Challenge students to take their interpretations one step further by writing an analytical paper on a poem of their choice. The assignment sheet contains detailed instructions for how to generate a formalist analysis of a poem (analyzing how the poem's formal features contribute to its meaning). This kind of formalist analysis is exactly what students are asked to generate on the AP Literature exam! Sample paper included. (3 pages)

This entire 50-page unit will come to you in two separate formats: Word *and* PDF. Because the Word doc is fully editable, you'll be able to customize the materials to suit the skill levels of your students — year after year! If you don't have Microsoft Word, you'll still be able to access all of the materials as a PDF — which is easy to navigate and quick to print! Finally, as a free bonus, I'm including links to digital copies of every document in user-friendly platforms like Google Docs and Google Forms.

My store is called “Rigorous Resources” because all of the resources contain rigorous content that will motivate students to engage in thought-provoking and productive discussions. Thank you for choosing “Rigorous Resources”!!

Happy teaching!

Adam Jernigan, Ph.D.


Links to all of the poetry units in this collection:

Poetry Unit #1: Sensory Imagery in Poetry

Poetry Unit #2: Figurative Language in Poetry

Poetry Unit #3: Love Poems

Poetry Unit #4: Ethical Dilemmas in Poetry

Poetry Unit #5: Family Dynamics in Poetry

Store: https://www.TeachShare.com/Store/Rigorous-Resources


Sonnets: Poem Analysis, Quizzes, Writing | Shakespeare to the Harlem Renaissance

By Rigorous Resources for High School English

This 45-page EDITABLE unit tracks the development of the sonnet from Shakespeare's day through by Harlem Renaissance. How are traditional sonnets written by English poets like Shakespeare and Keats similar to and/or different from modern sonnets written by Harlem Renaissance poets like Claude McKay and Countee Cullen? This unit invites students to compare traditional sonnets focused on love with modern sonnets focused on socioeconomic equality....

The twelve poems are divided into two reading packets, with the first packet focusing on early sonnets about romantic love, and the second packet focusing on modern sonnets about the black experience. Each reading packets is followed by a classwork packet that contains a quiz on literary devices, discussion questions for two poems, and quick writes. Finally, a third packet features a writing assignment, sample student paper, and glossary of literary devices.

Here's a detailed account of what you'll find in this 45-page curriculum:

Homework Packets with Poems: The two homework packets contain a total of 12 love poems by award-winning poets such as William Shakespeare, Christina Rossetti, John Keats, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Claude McKay, Countee Cullen, Maya Angelou, Gwendolyn Brooks, and others. While the first packet focuses on traditional love poetry, the second packet focuses on modern love poetry. Thus, the two packets will set you up to facilitate fascinating discussions about how the sonnet has been put to different uses over the centuries! (12 pages)

Literary Devices Glossary: A glossary with definitions and examples of the various types of figurative language, imagery, sound devices, and syntactic devices. Many teachers already have a glossary of literary devices, but I'm providing this in case you need one. (2 pages)

Literary Devices Quizzes: Open each class with a quiz of 10 questions to assess whether students can accurately identify the literary devices found in poems from the packet: metaphor, personification, symbolism, imagery, alliteration, etc. Answer keys included. (4 pages).

Discussion Questions: This unit features a list of discussion questions for two poems in each of the two homework packets. The discussion questions will ensure that each class discussion is focused and productive. Every discussion question is grounded in concrete textual details and challenges students to arrive at lucid interpretive insights! The questions lend themselves to a range of different pedagogical uses: 1) to focus students’ thinking prior to beginning a discussion, 2) to prompt in-class writing, 3) to assign written reflections for homework, etc. Guaranteed to elicit student engagement and foster deep thinking! Answer keys included. (16 pages)

Quick Writes: The quick writes give students an opportunity to capture and refine the best ideas generated in the discussion. Quick writes can also help reticent students to gather their thoughts so they'll feel ready and eager to contribute. (4 pages)

Analytical Writing Assignment: Challenge students to take their interpretations one step further by writing an analytical paper on a poem of their choice. The assignment sheet contains detailed instructions for how to generate a formalist analysis of a poem (analyzing how the poem's formal features contribute to its meaning). This kind of formalist analysis is exactly what students are asked to generate on the AP Literature exam! Sample paper included. (3 pages)

This entire 45-page unit will come to you in two separate formats: Word *and* PDF. Because the Word doc is fully editable, you'll be able to customize the materials to suit the skill levels of your students — year after year! If you don't have Microsoft Word, you'll still be able to access all of the materials as a PDF — which is easy to navigate and quick to print!

My store is called “Rigorous Resources” because all of the resources contain rigorous content that will motivate students to engage in thought-provoking and productive discussions. Thank you for choosing “Rigorous Resources”!!

Happy teaching!

Adam Jernigan, Ph.D.


Store: https://www.TeachShare.com/Store/Rigorous-Resources


FAMILY DYNAMICS IN POETRY: Poems on Parent-Child Relationships | 3-Day Lesson

By Rigorous Resources for High School English

This 45-page EDITABLE poetry curriculum promises to elicit dynamic engagement from all students without compromising on intellectual rigor. The 12 poems in this mini-unit all focus on the complex nature of family dynamics and parent-child relationships.

Because teenagers are caught up in complex relationships with their parents, these poems will set the stage for your class to have authentic discussions that inspire a whole new depth of reflection. The literary devices quizzes, discussion prompts, and analytical writing assignment will challenge your students to dig beneath the surface of the text and generate profound interpretive insights!

Here are some highlights from this 45-page curriculum:

Homework Packets with Poems about Parent-Child Relationships: The two homework packets contain a total of 12 poems by a diverse range of award-winning poets such as Sylvia Plath, Theodore Roethke, Sharon Olds, Audre Lorde, Li-Young Lee, Galway Kinnell, Tony Hoagland, Ada Limón, and others. Every poem focuses on a different kind of parent-child dynamic. Because teenagers have a lot to say about relationships with parents, these poems will set the stage for your class to have fascinating and profoundly productive discussions!! (12 pages)

Literary Devices Glossary: A glossary with definitions and examples of the various types of figurative language, imagery, stanzas, and syntactic devices. Many teachers already have a glossary of literary devices, but I'm providing this in case you need one. (2 pages)

Literary Devices Quizzes: Open each class with a quiz of 10 questions to assess whether your students can accurately identify the literary devices used in the poems from the homework packets: metaphor, personification, symbolism, imagery, alliteration, etc. The digital versions of the quizzes on Google Forms will grade every student's work and automatically generate a list of their scores. Answer keys included. (4 pages).

Discussion Questions: This bundle features a list of discussion questions for the first poem in each of the homework packets. The discussion questions will ensure that every class discussion starts on a productive foot. Every discussion question is grounded in concrete textual details and challenges students to arrive at lucid interpretive insights! The questions lend themselves to a range of different pedagogical uses: 1) to focus students’ thinking prior to beginning a discussion, 2) to prompt in-class writing, 3) to assign written reflections for homework, etc. Guaranteed to elicit student engagement and foster deep thinking! Answer keys included. (10 pages)

Quick Writes: The quick writes give students an opportunity to capture and refine the best ideas generated in the discussion. Quick writes can also help reticent students to gather their thoughts so they'll feel ready and eager to contribute. (4 pages)

Analytical Writing Assignment: Challenge students to take their interpretations one step further by writing an analytical paper on a poem of their choice. The assignment sheet contains detailed instructions for how to generate a formalist analysis of a poem (analyzing how the poem's formal features contribute to its meaning). This kind of formalist analysis is exactly what students are asked to generate on the AP Literature exam! Sample paper included. (3 pages)

This entire 44-page unit will come to you in two separate formats: Word *and* PDF. Because the Word doc is fully editable, you'll be able to customize the materials to suit the skill levels of your students — year after year! If you don't have Microsoft Word, you'll still be able to access all of the materials as a PDF — which is easy to navigate and quick to print! Finally, as a free bonus, I'm including links to digital copies of every document in user-friendly platforms like Google Docs and Google Forms.

My store is called “Rigorous Resources” because all of the resources contain rigorous content that will motivate students to engage in thought-provoking and productive discussions. Thank you for choosing “Rigorous Resources”!!

Happy teaching!

Adam Jernigan, Ph.D.


Links to all of the poetry units in this collection:

Poetry Unit #1: Sensory Imagery in Poetry

Poetry Unit #2: Figurative Language in Poetry

Poetry Unit #3: Love Poems

Poetry Unit #4: Ethical Dilemmas in Poetry

Poetry Unit #5: Family Dynamics in Poetry

Store: https://www.TeachShare.com/Store/Rigorous-Resources


Foldable Poetic Element Analysis of Woodstock by Joni Mitchell

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze the poetic elements in Joni Mitchell's "Woodstock" by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps, and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the song lyrics for theme, symbolism, characterization, allusion, format, simile, and metaphor.

This foldable includes an answer key! Please ask if you have any questions!


Abuelito Who by Sandra Cisneros Foldable Poetry Analysis Activity + answers!

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze Sandra Cisneros' "Abuelito Who" by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps, and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the poem for theme, characterization, tone, mood, diction, imagery, and figurative language. This poem works well paired with Cisneros' other works, coming of age stories, or texts that deal with themes of family, love, and loss.

This foldable includes an answer key! Please ask if you have any questions!


Juliek's Violin by Cyrus Cassells chunked poetry analysis to use with Night ch 6

By The Red-Haired Reader

This worksheet will help your students understand and analyze Cyrus Cassells' poem Juliek's Violin. The 12 questions are "chunked" stanza-by-stanza and analyze the poet's use of syntax, diction, theme, characterization, figurative language, setting, and symbolism. You can assign it digitally or print it out. I've also included an answer key for your convenience.

I always incorporate this poem after reading chapter 6 of Elie Wiesel's Night during our study of humanity during The Holocaust. It's a great way to incorporate poetry analysis into the novel study unit. Please let me know if you have any questions!


Marrying the Hangman by Margaret Atwood chunked text analysis with answers

By The Red-Haired Reader

This Google doc helps students analyze Margaret Atwood's narrative poem "The Hangman's Wife". You can print the doc or have students complete it digitally.

I've included the full text of the piece on the left side of the doc and chunked it to correspond to 17 analysis questions on the right. Students will answer questions on symbolism, point of view, narrative voice, imagery, direct address, use of rhetorical questions, figurative language, characterization, syntax, word choice, and themes of power and gender. An answer key is included for your convenience.

You can use this piece in conjunction with The Handmaid's Tale, Alias Grace, or any of Atwood's other masterpieces. It would fit in well with a narrative poetry unit as well. Thank you for looking!


The Quiet World by Jeffrey McDaniel foldable poetry analysis activity

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze Jeffrey McDaniel's incredible Science Fiction poem "The Quiet World" by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the poem's tone, diction, theme, irony, protagonist, and setting. An answer key is included for your convenience!

This product is perfect for your students' interactive notebooks, as an in-class activity, or for homework. The activity would be appropriate for accelerated middle school or high school classes.

I have 100+ Foldable Poetry Analysis Activities in my store; please check them all out here! If you don't see what you're looking for, send me a message and I'll create it for you!


Snow Day by Billy Collins stanza-by-stanza poetry analysis questions!

By The Red-Haired Reader

This worksheet will help your students understand and analyze Billy Collins' poem Snow Day! The 9 questions are "chunked" stanza-by-stanza and analyze Collins' use of imagery, diction, syntax, theme, description, characterization, and author's purpose. Please let me know if you have any questions!


Never Shall I Forget ch 3 Elie Wiesel's Night foldable poetry analysis + answers

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze Elie Wiesel's "Never Shall I Forget" from Night chapter three by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the poem's tone, diction, figurative language, repetition, theme, author's purpose, symbolism, alliteration, and format. An answer key is included for your convenience!

This product is perfect for your students' interactive notebooks, as an in-class activity, or for homework. The activity would be appropriate for accelerated middle school or high school classes.


Love Poems Poetry Analysis Question Trail Secondary English Valentine's Day!

By The Red-Haired Reader

This is an interactive partner or small group activity that will have students up and moving throughout the room in order to answer 15 questions about poetic devices in 15 different modern and classic LOVE POEMS!

The product contains 15 multiple questions that have 4 answer choices. You will hang these signs around your classroom. Based on their answer, the students will be directed to another question. If the students make a mistake, they have to retrace their footsteps and find the question(s) they answered incorrectly. Each group/ pair will start at a different question, and the kids will "follow the trail" of questions throughout your room.

Poetic devices and techniques that are analyzed in the questions include: tone, figurative language, diction, syntax, rhyme, characterization, gist, author's purpose, paradox, enjambment, repetition, and anaphora.

Questions are asked about excerpts from the following poems:

Sara Teasdale's "I Am Not Yours"

Shakespeare's Sonnet 116

Shakespeare's Sonnet 130

Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Love's Philosophy"

Lord Byron's "She Walks in Beauty"

Sonia Sanchez's Haiku [for you]”

Nikki Giovanni's "Love Is"

Robert Burns' "A Red, Red Rose"

E.E. Cummings' "[i carry your heart with me(i carry it in]"

Edgar Allan Poe's "Annabel Lee"

Pablo Neruda's “Don’t Go Far Off, Not Even For A Day”

Anne Bradstreet's "To My Dear and Loving Husband"

Judith Viorst's "True Love"

Luís Vaz De Camões' “Love is a fire that burns unseen”

Elizabeth Barrett Browning's “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways”

Also included is an answer sheet for students to record their answers as well as an answer key for the teacher.

Please view the attached video that explains how to use my line of Question Trails for Literary Analysis!


Requiescat by Oscar Wilde Foldable Poetry Analysis Activity + answer key!

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze Oscar Wilde's "Requiescat" by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the poem's format, tone, diction, theme, rhyme scheme, and characterization. An answer key is included for your convenience!

This product is perfect for your students' interactive notebooks, as an in-class activity, or for homework. The activity would be appropriate for accelerated middle school or high school classes.


Disabled by Wilfred Owen stanza-by-stanza poetry analysis questions- Google Doc!

By The Red-Haired Reader

This Google Doc is ready-to-go to help your students analyze Wilfred Owen's "Disabled"! You can print it or post it to Google Classsroom!

This product is a 3-columned chart. On the left, you'll find the full text of the poem broken down by stanza. The middle column has poetry analysis questions. The right gives students a place to answer each question.

The 14 questions address diction, imagery, figurative language, characterization, theme, tone, symbolism, foreshadowing, and plot.

I've included a suggested answer key for your convenience at the bottom of the doc.


Blackberry Eating by Galway Kinnell foldable poetry analysis activity + answers

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze Galway Kinnell's Blackberry Eating" by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the poem's mood, tone, diction, figurative language, and repetition. An answer key is included for your convenience!

This product is perfect for your students' interactive notebooks, as an in-class activity, or for homework. The activity would be appropriate for accelerated middle school or high school classes.


Harlem by Langston Hughes Poetry Analysis Google Doc Distance Learning

By The Red-Haired Reader

This Google Classroom- ready worksheet asks students to analyze Hughes' famous poem "Harlem (What happens to a dream deferred?) " line-by-line. Perfect for distance learning! The doc includes 3 columns: the first contains the full text of the poem, the second poetry analysis questions, and the third is blank for students to write their answers. The questions address word choice, form and structure, tone, mood, author's purpose, sensory details, theme, and figurative vs. literal meaning. A suggested answer key is provided for your convenience!


I stood upon a high place by Stephen Crane foldable poetry analysis + answers

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze Stephen Crane's "I stood upon a high place" by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the poem's tone, theme, diction, and characterization. An answer key is included for your convenience!

I use this in conjunction with Lord of the Flies, but it can be used all on its' own or with a variety of other texts! This product is perfect for your students' interactive notebooks, as an in-class activity, or for homework, and would be appropriate for accelerated middle school or high school classes.


Metaphors by Sylvia Plath Foldable Poetry Analysis Activity + answer key

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze Sylvia Plath's "Metaphors" by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps, and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the poem's use of diction, tone, imagery, and figurative language.

This product is perfect for your students' interactive notebooks, as an in-class activity, or for homework.


On Being Brought from Africa to America by Phillis Wheatley analysis + answers

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze Phillis Wheatley's "On Being Brought from Africa to America" by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps, and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the poem's tone, theme, diction, allusion, and characterization. I've included a suggested answer key for your convenience.

This product is perfect for your students' interactive notebooks, as an in-class activity, or for homework. The activity would be appropriate for accelerated middle school or high school classes.


Morning Song by Sylvia Plath foldable poetry analysis activity + answer key

By The Red-Haired Reader

This product will allow your students to easily understand and analyze Sylvia Plath's "Morning Song" by breaking it down line-by-line!

Instruct your students to fold the paper in half the long way, and to cut along the black lines into the midline of the paper. They will end up with a long, skinny version of the poem on the front of the flaps, and analysis question inside.

As they read the poem, they will peel back the flap to reveal questions that ask them to analyze the poem's use of characterization, diction, tone, imagery, and figurative language. I've included a suggested answer key for your convenience.

This product is perfect for your students' interactive notebooks, as an in-class activity, or for homework.
