11th Grade Math Simulations

Geography Understanding and Reading Graphs & Charts Carousel Activity

By Geography & Math Made Easy



This lesson is an introductory lesson to (1) prepare students and a climate students with the different types of graphs and charts, (2) to understand the difference between a graph and a chart, (3) begin learning to decipher the data each represents and (4) how each represents the data.

o The learner will understand the difference between a graph and a chart and will be able to identify each.
o The learner will recognize 14 graphs and/or charts.
o The learner will interpret 14 graphs and/or charts.


o Reading Activity: (2 pages) Is it a Graph or Chart? (Included)
o 14 Graph & Map Stations (Included)
o List of graphs & charts (Included)
o Laminate- Laminate all 14 stations and list of graphs and charts for future use and

durability. o Blue painters tape to display stations on the wall throughout the

o Rulers for each station for students to use in reading the graphs.
o Student answer sheet, one per student or one per team to save paper and ink.


o Exit Cards (Included)
o Timer to measure time at each station.


Laminate each station and the list of chart and graph names for each station. The list of chart and graph names will be used as a reference for students. Prepare each station with a ruler and any other supplies that may be needed.

Either show an introduction video (there are some suggestions below) or have students participate in the introduction activity.

Reading Activity: Organize the class into teams of 2-4, at the teacher’s discretion. Have student groups read and discuss the student reading activity (2 pages included).

Carousel Activity: Student groups will rotate from one station to the next answering four (4) questions at each station and identifying each graph and/or chart. Based on the information provided in the reading on how to determine a graph and/or chart, students will identify each station as a graph or chart, how the data is being displayed, the name of the graph or chart, and provide an interpretation of each. Provide groups 3 minutes at each station; use a timer. You may cut down on the number of stations if- your class time is more limited. Students will work together to complete the questions for each station on their Student Answer Sheet. When the timer goes off, all groups will move on to the next station. Once the carousel activity is complete, display each chart and answer and discuss them together allowing students to correct their answers.

Have students complete and submit an Exit Card

Have students choose a topic and create their own chart or graph as a home assignment for extra credit. They can present and display them in the classroom the next day.


One purchase is for the use of one teacher. If additional teachers would like to use this product, please purchase additional licenses.
