11th Grade For All Subjects Excel Spreadsheets

The Smart Seating Chart - Never Write a Seating Chart Again!

By Blooming Through High School

How Does It Work?

It’s Magic!

Actually it’s all Made Using Excel Formulas and Cell References.

I HATE writing seating charts and I made these so I wouldn’t have to anymore.

But I didn’t stop there... I wanted a way to organize students more efficiently for checking work and giving feedback, as well as having a way to modify my seating chart based on my instructional needs, so I made all kinds of seating charts and used my knowledge of Excel to make this SMART. (How to instructions and videos are included!!)

What Can You Do With This?

  • Sort students by mastery to focus on a specific part of the classroom for intervention
  • Sort students by work speed to give feedback to students who may work more quickly, and give those students who may work slower more time to complete their assignment before having feedback.
  • Sort student translators with non-native speakers for assistance.
  • Add a column with #1 (and sort) to designate students who may be on the cusp of advancing .These students will be at the front of your check-ins during independent practice.
  • Quickly see what classifications students might have (Special Education, 504 plans, Emergent Bilinguals) so you can provide supplemental materials required by law or your school.
  • When you print this out, the Legend is not visible to students or to a substitute. Student information will not be shared outside of the circle it needs to stay in. (requires numbers or letters in the columns)
  • Change your seating chart instantly to adapt student seating based on instructional goals.
  • Use this column under the student's name: (HW/Late/Beh) to track homework submission, tardiness, and behavior - see trends on a weekly basis.
  • Use the column with 1 2 3 to track the student's mastery on a particular day OR how often you have checked in with them.
  • Best of all, you only need to copy and paste your student names to get started. Everything else will auto populate in the seating chart!

Check Out These Other Smart Products:

  • SMART Lesson Planning
  • SMART Charting for Student Data