10th Grade Student Council Lesson

Think Before You Speak - An Interactive Activity

By Jeni Donath

This "Think Before You Speak" activity puts a focus on taking time to reflect and think before speaking to others. In this interactive activity, students are put into teams, where they are helping one another guess a specific word while also avoiding the guess of another word. Students must focus and carefully select the words in which they are using to be helpful - a social skill that we all utilize daily (even if we do not realize it!) This activity is a great resource to bring this skill to life and take time to reflect and connect - while having a little fun in doing so! Everything you need for this activity is included in the digital download, including reflection discussion questions, so once you purchase, you are ready for your next classroom lesson! *A note is included on materials that may be helpful for the activity, but are not necessary when fully utilizing the activity!*
