10th Grade Religion Graphic Organizers

Vocabulary Example and Non-Example Graphic Organizer & Poster Activity

By Catholic Kids

This simple graphic organizer can be used with ANY vocabulary words. Students can write in the words and definitions, then think of examples and non-examples for each word. This helps the students think about and discuss vocabulary throughout the lesson. The second page has another graphic organizer that can be used to make a poster about a specific vocabulary word. This can be used as a part of any lesson--I often use this as a differentiation tool for early-finishers or those struggling with a particular word. After posters are made, I use them as an adorable Word Wall!

Vocabulary Graphic Organizer: Example of Use 

Whenever I introduce vocabulary, I give the students the definitions and then ask them to find examples and non-examples. My favorite part of that class period is listening to students debate about topics such as whether zombies are an example of a resurrection or a nonexample. Because they're moving so they're like alive again kind of like resurrected, but they're Undead and Jesus wasn't Undead, he was alive again. Not the Living Dead. There's so much theology in that bizarre argument, I love it!
