10th Grade Other (World Language) Centers

Ser and Estar | Task Card Activity and Worksheets Bundle

By Senorita Creativa

Are you looking for an engaging way to practice or review the uses of ser and estar in the present tense with your Spanish students? These 60 task cards (30 in English and 30 in Spanish) are so versatile - use them for in-class review, a quick formative assessment, an exit ticket, a board game, an extension for fast finishers, a centers activity, or the game SCOOT! This resource now includes the task card questions in a worksheet format, which is perfect for absent students!

This is a bundle of my Ser vs Estar Task Cards in English and my Ser vs Estar Task Cards in Spanish - buy both sets together in this bundle and save 20% over buying them individually!

This resource includes:

  • 60 task cards in color (30 in English, 30 in Spanish)
  • 60 task cards in black and white (30 in English, 30 in Spanish)
  • 2 multiple choice worksheet versions (one in English, one in Spanish) of the questions on the task cards (2 per page and single page)
  • 2 fill-in-the-blank versions (one in English, one in Spanish) of the questions on the task cards (2 per page and single page)
  • 2 blank student response sheets (2 per page, one in English, one in Spanish)
  • answer keys (in English and Spanish, formatted for the task cards and worksheets)

These task cards pair well with my ¡A Clasificar! sentence sorting activity for ser vs estar to extend the learning further.

If you liked this activity, check out my other task cards.

© 2014-2019 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved


Tú Commands Task Card Activity Bundle

By Senorita Creativa

This is a set of 120 task cards for reviewing or practicing both positive and negative tú commands in Spanish. You can use these cards for in-class review, a board game, a centers activity, or for the game SCOOT! This includes an answer key. Buy all four sets together in this bundle and save $3.00! This bundle includes the following task cards in PDF form: Positive Tú Commands (fill-in-the-blank) task cards Positive Tú Commands (translation) task cards Negative Tú Commands (fill-in-the-blank) task cards Negative Tú Commands (translation) task cards

For an easier way to hold your students accountable for their work, download my free answer sheet for task cards. If you liked this activity, check out my other task cards. © 2014 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved


Present Tense of Stem-Changing Verbs Spanish Task Card Activity Bundle

By Senorita Creativa

This is a bundle of 90 task cards in Spanish for reviewing or practicing the present tense of e to ie, e to i, and o to ue stem-changing verbs. You can use these cards for in-class review, a board game, a centers activity, or for the game SCOOT! This includes an answer key in the present tense. I like to pair these task cards with my Juego de Dados activity for stem-changing verbs bundle. All files included are PDFs. For an easier way to hold your students accountable for their work, download my free answer sheet for task cards. This is a bundle of my e to ie, e to i, and o to ue stem-changing verbs task cards. With this bundle, save 20% over buying each product individually! If you liked this activity, check out my other task cards. © 2014 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved


AR, ER, IR Present Tense Verbs in Spanish Task Card Activity Bundle

By Senorita Creativa

This is a bundle of 108 task cards in Spanish for reviewing or practicing -ar, -er and -ir verbs. You can use these cards for in-class review, a board game, a centers activity, or for the game SCOOT! This includes an answer key in the present tense. All files included are PDFs. For an easier way to hold your students accountable for their work, download my free answer sheet for task cards. This is a bundle of my ar verbs, er verbs and -ir verbs task cards. **With this bundle, save 20% over buying each product individually! ** If you liked this activity, check out my other task cards. © 2014 Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved
