10th Grade Life Skills Unit Plans

Mental Health Stigma Activities

By Sign with me TOD

This product focuses on the following areas: This product provides students with information regarding stigma. Students will answer questions regarding technology and social media and how they can affect our ability to show compassion to others, why people forget to take care of themselves and show compassion for themselves, how to stop negative thoughts from happening. Students will review the meaning for stigma, stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination. Students will also review what negative things they have heard about people with mental illness, along with positive things. Talking about how others are different and that's what makes them unique, and how others are stigmatized based on how they look, act, etc. Examples of possible stigmas are presented. The meaning of self-stigma and what examples of self-stigma are presented. Students will also review health conditions or social differences that were stigmatized throughout history, and ways to reduce stigma to eliminate negative feelings.

Throughout this product, students will answer comprehension questions and will also be presented with social scenarios that they may encounter where they are asked how they would feel or what they would do. An attitude survey regarding mental health that contains 10 questions is also included in this product. Students will compare their results when they are finished and will go over the correct answers.

This product can be used for 7th - 12th grade students depending on maturity and academic level.

you may also be interested in the following additional products:

Mental Health Curriculum Bundle:


Positive Self Talk:


Resiliency Activities:


Communication Styles Adapted Notes and Review:


Mental Health Stigma Activities:


Gratitude Activities:


Stress Response Adapted Notes:

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Life Skills Math Functional Telling Time Resource Guide Special Education

By Alyssa Stamm

This resource guide pairs with the Telling Time Year Long Unit Bundle. Make your planning for your life skills special education math class simple and easy with lesson plans, IEP goal ideas, a scope and sequence, and community based instruction ideas. This curriculum is perfect for high school and transition age special education students.

What is in the Resource Guide?

The resource guide includes the following:

  • Leveled Workbook Scope and Sequence

  • Example Lesson Plan and Ideas for Implementation

  • IEP Goal Ideas

  • Community Based Instruction Ideas

These engaging worksheets are great for high school and transition age students working on the following skills:

Life Skills

Functional Math

Telling Time

Looking for more Life Skills Math?

Purchase the money math year long unit bundle HERE

Purchase the telling time year long unit bundleHERE

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Stress Response Adapted Notes and Activities

By Sign with me TOD

This product focuses on the following areas: This product provides students with information regarding stress. Students will complete a stress test and reflect on what may cause them stress. Fight/flight/freeze response is also reviewed in this product and how it relates with stress. Once students have taken the stress test, they will analyze their results. Students will work in groups and complete the packet regarding the effects of stress. Students will answer questions such as how they felt when they were feeling stressed, etc. Students will review the effects of stress charts provided that include what happens when the body is in fight or flight compared to when it is relaxed. Students will also learn about the emotional, physical, and mental effects of stress and see how they differ from one another. Students will learn what stress and stressors are when they discuss coping with stress. Healthy and unhealthy strategies to cope with stress are included in this product. Students will take time to reflect on a time when they were stressed or if they were stressed and answer questions regarding making healthy or unhealthy choices to cope with stress.

Throughout this product, students will answer comprehension questions and will also be presented with social scenarios that they may encounter where they are asked how they would feel or what they would do. An attitude survey regarding mental health that contains 10 questions is also included in this product. Students will compare their results when they are finished and will go over the correct answers.

This product can be used for 7th - 12th grade students depending on maturity and academic level.

you may also be interested in the following additional products:

Mental Health Curriculum Bundle:


Positive Self Talk:


Resiliency Activities:


Communication Styles Adapted Notes and Review:


Mental Health Stigma Activities:


Gratitude Activities:


Stress Response Adapted Notes:

If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


Life Skills Functional Money Math Curriculum Scope and Sequence Special Ed

By Alyssa Stamm

The Life Skills Money Math Curriculum is a curriculum geared towards students with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and autism spectrum disorder who need to work on money skills. This 12 month curriculum is made for high school and transition special education curriculum.

This scope and sequence is FREE so that you can determine if the curriculum meets your students needs. You can mix and match each of the 3 levels each month to further differentiate for your students!

The topics included in this curriculum include:

* counting bills

*counting change

*counting dollars and change

*dollar up

*addition/find the total

*subtraction/ change back


*story problems


*unit price

*stay within budget

*do you have enough?

This curriculum is perfect for high school and transition age special education students needing support and instruction in the following concepts:

  • Community Based Instruction (CBI)
  • Functional Life Skills
  • Consumer Math
  • Money Math

Want to try the Life Skills Money Math Series?

Purchase the GROWING BUNDLE HERE and save now!


Resiliency Activities

By Sign with me TOD

This product focuses on the following areas: This product emphasizes resiliency and how it is important for students to learn from adversity and become a stronger, wiser person and recover quickly from challenges, 7 activities that can be carried out with small groups or the entire class are included in this product - these 7 activities include a teacher's guide, tips, and templates (as required are included) to go along with the teacher's guide are also included in this product. Feelings are also discussed in this product. a feelings journal template is included in this product that allows students to document how they are feeling regarding each prompt that is asked each day. A blank template is also included in this packet if you want students to complete a free-write journal entry each day.

This product can be used for 7th - 12th grade students depending on maturity and academic level.

you may also be interested in the following additional products:

Mental Health Curriculum Bundle:


Positive Self Talk:


Resiliency Activities:


Communication Styles Adapted Notes and Review:


Mental Health Stigma Activities:


Gratitude Activities:


Stress Response Adapted Notes:

If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


Communication Styles Adapted Notes and Review

By Sign with me TOD

This product focuses on the following areas: This product provides students with skills to support effective communication skills, explore the importance of both verbal and nonverbal communication skills, identify the principles of effective communication, and learn the difference between the 4 communication styles - passive, passive aggressive, aggressive, and assertive. Students will answer short answer comprehension questions that compare the 4 communication styles. Students will learn about passive, passive aggressive, aggressive, and assertive communication, what each communicate style entails, how they differ from each other, what passive, passive aggressive, aggressive, and assertive communicators will do (body language, facial expression, etc.), the impact of each communication style in individuals is reviewed, what each communicator may believe and say to others, and tips on how to communicate with individuals who use the 4 kinds of communication styles to communicate.

This product can be used for 7th - 12th grade students depending on maturity and academic level.

You may also be interested in the following:

True Friend File Folder Activity:


Friendship Role Playing Scenarios:


Mental Health Curriculum Bundle:


Positive Self Talk:


Resiliency Activities:


Communication Styles Adapted Notes and Review:


Mental Health Stigma Activities:


Gratitude Activities:


Stress Response Adapted Notes:

If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)
