10th Grade Decimals Activities

Recurring Decimals as Fractions Follow Me Cards

By LittleStreams

These 30 follow me cards are a great way to revise converting recurring decimals as fractions from simple ones such as 0.999 (recurring) through to more complicated ones such as 0.7125252525 (recurring). Play is similar to dominoes, where the cards are placed end to end with the question to the answers, but each question only has one answer. Students connect the questions and answers together forming a chain, with questions steadily getting harder. Students should be expected to not use a calculator.

Some ideas for how to use follow me cards:

  • Have students race to connect the cards.
  • Have a treasure hunt, around the classroom or outside. Students start with the starter card and record the solutions in the table.
  • Students each take ownership of a card, and then get themselves in line correctly with the answers. If there are more than 30 students, assign some students as ‘managers’. If there are less than 30 students, the first students to connect their cards can be given the remaining cards.
  • Cut each card in half and give the students a matching activity. They can then glue the answers into their books.
    For an advanced start, begin on page two of the record sheet (the first card number is given).

Fraction, Decimal & Percentage Follow Me Cards Bundle

By LittleStreams

This bundle contains our 5 sets of follow me cards on the topic of Fractions Decimals and Percentages

Each pack includes 30 cards, designed to get more challenging as students progress through the questions. A recording sheet is including so students can record their solutions, and an advanced start option is available for students that wish to jump to the more challenging questions.

An answer key is also included.

The following packs are included.

  • Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
  • Fractions Arithmetic
  • Percentage of Amounts with Increasing & Decreasing
  • Recurring Decimals and Fractions
  • Compound & Reverse Percentages

Please note that there are two versions of the Compound & Reverse Percentages included in the pack, both the UK £ and the US $ versions. If you require a version in a currency we have not yet made, please feel free to email us at contact@LittleStreams.co.uk and we will be happy to assist you.
