First Grade Math: Full Year Math Center or Small Group Activities
By Jennifer Connett
This bundle includes a years worth of math center activities that are each aligned to standards and concepts taught in first grade. These math rings are differentiated to help provided meaningful activities for all levels of learners. These rings can also be used with higher kindergarten students. These card sets can be laminated for use with dry erase markers. There are recording sheets available if written documentation is required. This set currently includes the following math rings: Math Rings: Addition -- Students will use addition strategies to solve addition problems within sums of 100. Math Rings: Addition by Making -- This set contains math rings for solving addition problems by making 10. There are 2 part and 3 part addition problems, number bonds and word problems. There are 5 different rings with 2 levels of difficulty. Math Rings: Commutative Property of Addition and Related Subtraction Problems -- This set of math rings is for teaching the commutative property of addition and related subtraction problems. There are 4 different types of rings, each with 2 levels of difficulty. Math Rings: Equivalent Addition -- There are three sets of rings where students are to write an addition problem that has the same sum as the addition problem or number bond on the left. Math Rings: Fact Families -- This includes 1 math ring for practicing fact families for sums 10 and under. Math Rings: Measurements -- Practice standard (cm) and non-standard (cubes/squares) measurements with this math ring set. Math Rings: Money -- Students practice counting and comparing coins. Math Rings: Number Bonds for Sums up to 10 -- This math ring is designed to help students create their own number bonds and addition problems by using picture prompts. This set of rings goes up to sums of 10. There are 16 cards in this set. Math Rings: Numbers within 120 -- Students will fill in the missing number in various sequences of numbers by counting by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Math Rings: One More One Less -- This math ring packet includes problems and word problems for solving one more and one less. There are 6 different rings with 2 levels of difficulty. Math Rings: Place Value of Two Digit Numbers -- This ring includes various activities to practice number knowledge and working with place value of two digit numbers. Math Rings: Sequencing -- Fill in the missing number in a variety of number sequences, from counting to skip counting with in 120. Math Rings: Telling Time -- Students read different clocks to record what time they say. Math Rings: Ten More/Ten Less -- Students will find 10 more or 10 less of numbers with 100 as well as solve word problems for 10 more and 10 less. Math Rings: True and False Equations -- This set contains math rings for determining if the card shows a true equation or a false equation comparison. There are 3 different rings each with 2 difficulty levels.