Día Internacional de la Mujer PowerPoint with Discussion Questions and Decor in SPANISH
By Class Plus
Fomenta el pensamiento crítico y los debates significativos con tus estudiantes este Día Internacional de la Mujer utilizando esta atractiva presentación de PowerPoint y el paquete de decoración. Diseñado para fomentar la reflexión, este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a explorar la rica historia y el significado del Día Internacional de la Mujer mediante diapositivas interactivas y preguntas que invitan a la reflexión. Cada diapositiva profundiza en temas importantes, desde el papel histórico y moderno de la mujer hasta los estereotipos, la igualdad de género y otros temas. Los estudiantes también tendrán la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre las mujeres que les inspiran, ya sean miembros de su familia o personajes públicos, lo que les permitirá establecer vínculos personales con la celebración.
Crea el ambiente adecuado con una vibrante decoración para el aula que genere una atmósfera de empoderamiento. Este recurso es perfecto para crear un entorno animado e inclusivo para tu clase o para todo el centro escolar, garantizando que se celebre, reconozca y honre a todas las mujeres.
Ideal para los tablones de anuncios o las puertas de las aulas, la decoración ayuda a los estudiantes no sólo a comprometerse con el contenido, sino también a sumergirse en un espacio lleno de energía, celebración y respeto. Inspira un sentimiento de unidad y aprecio desde el momento en que entran en el aula.
Cuando los estudiantes, compañeros o padres vean el aula decorada, sabrán inmediatamente que forman parte de un acto especial centrado en la igualdad, los derechos humanos y los logros de las mujeres.
Este recurso incluye:
**Decor: **
**Letras **(Feliz Día de la Mujer):
**Imágenes en Punto: **18 diseños a color
Tarjetas Póster: 6 medias páginas a color
Formatos de la Presentación:
Google Slides
JPG images
¡Feliz día de la Mujer!
International Women's Day Presentation - Kindergarten - Grade 4
By Sean Alexander Dennison
Celebrate Women's International Day in your classroom with our engaging PowerPoint presentation, "Empowering Voices". This resource is designed to educate students about the significance of Women's International Day, highlighting the achievements and struggles of women worldwide. Featuring the stories, quotes, and backgrounds of three influential women, this presentation is a powerful tool to inspire and educate.
Why It's Valuable:
Ideal for educators looking to incorporate important cultural observances into their curriculum, this PowerPoint is a great resource to foster discussions on gender equality and inspire students with real-life heroines.
Día Internacional de la Mujer Collection BUNDLE, PPT, Decor, Worksheets & Crafts
By Class Plus
Celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer con este BUNDLE de la Colección del Día Internacional de la Mujer, ¡todo en uno! Diseñado para ahorrarte tiempo y esfuerzo, este recurso te ofrece todo lo que necesitas: PPT, decoración, hojas de trabajo y manualidades, listos para usar en cuestión de minutos. Celébralo con confianza, sabiendo que estás inspirando a tus estudiantes con actividades significativas que destacan el papel vital de la mujer en la sociedad. Este paquete presenta a los estudiantes el Día de la Mujer mediante actividades atractivas que fomentan la escritura, la comprensión, la reflexión y el auto-descubrimiento. Es una forma excelente de empoderar a los niños y suscitar conversaciones importantes sobre el impacto de las mujeres a lo largo de la historia.
Sorprende a las mujeres de tu comunidad escolar, a los maestros, a las madres y a los estudiantes con manualidades y decoración bien pensadas. Este recurso único hará que su día sea aún más memorable, aportando alegría y sonrisas sinceras al aula.
Transforma tu clase con decoraciones creativas y llamativas y divertidas manualidades que a los niños les encantará hacer. Estos llamativos materiales seguro que impresionan, fomentando tanto la creatividad como el aprecio por el Día de la Mujer.
Esta colección incluye:
¡Feliz Día de la Mujer!
Empowerment Ensemble: The Ultimate Women's International Day Bundle
By Sean Alexander Dennison
Celebrate Women's International Day in your classroom with the "Empowerment Ensemble", a specially curated TeachShare bundle that brings together a diverse collection of activities and lessons designed to honor and explore the lives of influential women. This comprehensive package is the ultimate resource for educators who aim to inspire and educate students about the significant contributions of women in shaping our world.
Bundle Includes:
Why This Bundle Stands Out:
Ideal For:
This bundle is a treasure trove of resources that promises to make Women's International Day not just a date on the calendar, but a memorable learning experience that sparks conversation, understanding, and appreciation for the trailblazing women of history and today.
International Women’s Day PowerPoint BUNDLE with Discussion Questions & Decor
By Class Plus
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the International Women’s Day PowerPoint Presentation and Decor. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms. Promote critical thinking and meaningful discussions with your students this International Women's Day using this engaging PowerPoint presentation and decor pack. Designed to foster reflection, this resource helps students explore the rich history and significance of International Women's Day through interactive slides and thought-provoking questions. Each slide delves into important topics, from women's historical and modern roles to stereotypes, gender equality, and beyond. Students will also have the opportunity to reflect on women who inspire them, whether a family member or a public figure, sparking personal connections to the celebration.
Set the tone with vibrant classroom decorations that create an empowering atmosphere. This resource is perfect for creating a lively and inclusive environment for your class or the entire school, ensuring that all women are celebrated, recognized, and honored.
Ideal for bulletin boards or classroom doors, the decor helps students not only engage with the content but also immerse themselves in a space filled with energy, celebration, and respect. Inspire a sense of unity and appreciation from the moment they step into the classroom.
When students, colleagues, or parents see the decorated room, they'll immediately know they're part of a special event focused on equality, human rights, and the achievements of women.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
**Decor: **(English and Spanish Version)
Letters (Happy Women's Day):
Decor Dots: 18 colorful designs
Poster Cards: 6 half pages in color
Presentations Formats:
Happy Women’s Day!
Earth Poetree Education 2023 - 2024 Academic Bundle | 20% OFF! |
By Sean Alexander Dennison
Welcome to the ultimate Earth Poetree Education 2023 - 2024 Academic Bundle! This comprehensive bundle includes everything we've created and discussed, tailored for a variety of educational needs. As a Grade 2 teacher and with the collaboration of my partner, a kindergarten teacher, we have crafted resources that cater to elementary students, extra-curricular activities (ECAs), and younger learners. Enjoy a 20% discount on this extensive collection designed to enhance teaching and learning throughout the academic year.
Bundle Highlights:
Why This Bundle Is Essential:
Ideal For:
Enjoy a 20% discount on this extensive bundle and equip your classroom with the ultimate set of educational resources from Earth Poetree Education! This comprehensive resource ensures you have everything you need to make the first days of school productive, engaging, and fun, setting the stage for a successful year ahead.
All the Kickstarter academic content is included in this bundle. Explore the full range of resources from our Kickstarter campaign, "Classrooms & Chimeras," which you can view here. This ensures you have access to all the innovative educational tools and materials we've developed to create engaging and dynamic classroom experiences.
International Women's Day Collection BUNDLE, PPT, Decor, Worksheets and Crafts
By Class Plus
Elevate your International Women’s Day celebration with this all-in-one International Women’s Day Collection BUNDLE! Designed to save you time and effort, this resource offers everything you need, PPT, Decor, Worksheets, and Crafts, ready to use in minutes. Celebrate confidently, knowing you’re inspiring your students with meaningful activities that highlight the vital role of women in society. This bundle introduces students to Women’s Day through engaging activities that promote writing, comprehension, reflection, and self-discovery. It's an excellent way to empower children and spark important conversations about the impact of women throughout history.
Surprise the women in your school community, teachers, mothers, and students with thoughtful crafts and decor. This unique resource will make their day even more memorable, bringing joy and heartfelt smiles to the classroom.
Transform your classroom with creative, standout decorations and fun crafts that kids will love making. These eye-catching materials are sure to impress, fostering both creativity and appreciation for Women’s Day!
This collection includes the following resources:
Happy International Women's Day!
International Women's Day PowerPoint Presentation with Discussion Qs and Decor
By Class Plus
Promote critical thinking and meaningful discussions with your students this International Women's Day using this engaging PowerPoint presentation and decor pack. Designed to foster reflection, this resource helps students explore the rich history and significance of International Women's Day through interactive slides and thought-provoking questions. Each slide delves into important topics, from women's historical and modern roles to stereotypes, gender equality, and beyond. Students will also have the opportunity to reflect on women who inspire them, whether a family member or a public figure, sparking personal connections to the celebration.
Set the tone with vibrant classroom decorations that create an empowering atmosphere. This resource is perfect for creating a lively and inclusive environment for your class or the entire school, ensuring that all women are celebrated, recognized, and honored.
Ideal for bulletin boards or classroom doors, the decor helps students not only engage with the content but also immerse themselves in a space filled with energy, celebration, and respect. Inspire a sense of unity and appreciation from the moment they step into the classroom.
When students, colleagues, or parents see the decorated room, they'll immediately know they're part of a special event focused on equality, human rights, and the achievements of women.
This resource includes:
Letters (Happy Women's Day):
Decor Dots: 18 colorful designs
Poster Cards: 6 half pages in color
Presentation Formats: