1st Grade COMPLETE INTO READING Spelling Words Worksheets (12Modules)
By Ms Garcia Store
Master the spelling words of the HMH INTO READING program with ease and zero preparation.
This comprehensive resource includes a complete set of ready-to-use worksheets featuring 6 to 10 spelling words from each week of the HMH INTO READING program for first grade. The first 15 weeks consist of 6 spelling words per week, while the following 21 weeks have 10 spelling words per week. These worksheets are perfect for homework assignments or as a center activity.
With your purchase, you will receive 36 PDF files, corresponding to the 36 weeks of the program, covering a total of 300 Spelling Words.
Each spelling word is given its own dedicated page, and you have two options for the back of the page. One option allows students to continue practicing by formulating sentences using the word of the day, while the second option focuses on writing and practicing the word itself, along with other words from the week.
Each module consists of 3 weeks, and the program spans 12 modules, totaling 36 weeks of learning.
Students will engage with each spelling word in 8 different ways:
- Reading the word and its corresponding letter sounds.
- Tracing the letters that form the word.
- Searching for the word among other words from the same week.
- Filling in blocks with each letter of the word.
- Arranging letter tiles to form the word.
- Counting the number of syllables in the word.
- Writing the word multiple times for practice.
- Crafting several short sentences that incorporate the word.
By using this resource, students will develop a solid understanding of the spelling words in the INTO READING program, enhancing their spelling skills and boosting their overall literacy. Grab your copy today and make spelling practice a breeze for your students!
Get the 12 modules:
⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING Spelling Words Worksheets (12Modules)
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11
⭐ HMH Spelling Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12
Get the 12 modules of High-frequency Words:
⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12
Image used in the cover:
Character photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com
First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week
By Ms Garcia Store
Teach and learn the first-grade HMH Spelling Words of the week with this wonderful set of centers and worksheets. They work on 11 words each week through entertaining games that will keep your students interested.
300 Spelling Words in 36 weeks.
⭐Spelling Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)
⭐Spelling Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)
⭐Memory Game HMH Spelling Words
⭐ I Spy HMH Spelling Words (and more activities)
⭐Find the tiny Spelling Words ('Find and write' and 'Find and trace' versions)
⭐Spelling Words Dobble Playing Cards sets to play 5 different games
This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.
Related Products
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH
⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource
Image by brgfx on Freepik
Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik
Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik
First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH
By Ms Garcia Store
Teach and learn the first-grade HMH words of the week with this wonderful set of centers and worksheets. They work on 11 words each week through entertaining games that will keep your students interested.
The 8 to 14 weekly words are made up of 8 High-frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words. Altogether there are almost 400 words throughout 36 weeks and 12 modules.
⭐Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)
⭐Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).
⭐Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)
⭐ I Spy HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words (and more activities)
⭐Memory Game HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words
⭐Dobble-type Cards Game (Spot it!) High-frequency and Decodable Words
This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.
Related Products
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH
⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource
Image by brgfx on Freepik
Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik
Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik
Fichas Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de 1er grado completo (los 12 módulos)
By Ms Garcia Store
Fichas de trabajo Palabras de uso frecuente de ¡Arriba la lectura! de HMH de 1er grado completo (los 12 módulos)
Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de uso frecuente de la semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH de primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.
Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán 36 archivos PDF de 7 páginas cada uno para trabajar las 5 palabras de cada una de las 36 semanas. Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones de distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.
En esta actividad se trabajan 5 de las palabras de uso frecuente de la semana del programa de HMH de primer grado. Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y cada semana tiene 5 palabras, para un total de 15 palabras de uso frecuente por módulo. El programa consta de 12 módulos distribuidos en 36 semanas.
Cada palabra se trabajará de 7 formas diferentes:
Sería conveniente no recortar las letras hasta haber completado el ejercicio del reverso de la página, la numero 7, para que así sigan teniendo la ayuda mostrada en la parte baja de la página de cómo se escribe cada palabra.
Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)
⭐ Módulo 1
⭐ Módulo 2
⭐ Módulo 3
⭐ Módulo 4
⭐ Módulo 5
⭐ Módulo 6
⭐ Módulo 7
⭐ Módulo 8
⭐ Módulo 9
⭐ Módulo 10
⭐ Módulo 11
⭐ Módulo 12
Puedes también adquirir la versión digital en EASEL de TeachShare:
Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)
Módulo 1
Módulo 2
Módulo 3
Módulo 4
Módulo 5
Módulo 6
Módulo 7
Módulo 8
Módulo 9
Módulo 10
Módulo 11
Módulo 12
Recursos EASEL relacionados que pueden ser de su interes:
Palabras de ortografía HMH completo (los 12 módulos)
Módulo 1
Módulo 2
Módulo 3
Módulo 4
Módulo 5
Módulo 6
Módulo 7
Módulo 8
Módulo 9
Módulo 10
Módulo 11
Módulo 12
Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de uso frecuente
Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía
Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía
Imagen utilizada en la portada
Character photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com
First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH
By Ms Garcia Store
¡Enseña y aprende de manera divertida con este fantástico conjunto de centros y fichas de trabajo para las palabras de la semana del programa HMH en primer grado! Con entretenidos juegos, mantendrás el interés de tus alumnos mientras trabajan en las 11 palabras semanales.
Cada semana se trabajan 11 palabras, que incluyen 5 palabras de uso frecuente y 6 palabras de ortografía. En total, son casi 400 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 12 módulos.
- Fichas de trabajo diarias para palabras de uso frecuente HMH
- Fichas de trabajo para palabras de ortografía (nuevo)
- Juego del "veo veo" y otras actividades propuestas
- Sopas de letras (con dos fichas diferentes)
- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (escribir las palabras)
- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (trazar las palabras)
- Encuentra con lupa y escribe las palabras de la semana (con dos fichas diferentes por semana, una para trazar la palabra y otra para escribirla)
- Memorama de palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía
- Juego de cartas tipo Dobble Palabras HMH de Primer Grado
Este conjunto estará en constante actualización, agregando nuevos centros en el futuro, lo que aumentará su valor con el tiempo. Al adquirir este recurso, tendrás acceso a los futuros centros que se añadan a este conjunto. ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad y enriquece tu material educativo!
Related Products
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH
⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
Image by upklyak on Freepik
Fichas de Ortografía para imprimir HMH de 1er grado COMPLETO (Los 12 Módulos)
By Ms Garcia Store
Fichas Ortografía Arriba la lectura de HMH de 1er grado COMPLETO (Los 12 Módulos)
Fichas de trabajo, listas para ser usadas, de las palabras de ortografía de la primera semana de Arriba la lectura de HMH en primer grado. Puede ser usado como tarea o incluso como centro.
Al adquirir este recurso, obtendrán 36 archivos PDF correspondientes a las 36 semanas de curso, para trabajar las 304 palabras de ortografía del programa.
Cada palabra tiene su propia página, y tienes dos opciones distintas para el reverso de la página. Una de las opciones es la de seguir formulando oraciones con la palabra del día, mientras que la segunda opción es la de practicar cómo se escribe la palabra del día o incluso las palabras de la semana.
Cada módulo tiene 3 semanas y el programa consta de 12 módulos(36 semanas).
Cada palabra se trabajará de 8 formas diferentes:
Sería conveniente no recortar las letras hasta haber completado el ejercicio del reverso de la página, para que así sigan teniendo la ayuda mostrada en la parte baja de la página de cómo se escribe cada palabra.
Consigue los 12 módulos de ortografía:
⭐ Fichas de Ortografía para imprimir HMH de 1er grado COMPLETO (Los 12 Módulos)
⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 1 (semanas 1 a 3)
⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 2 (semanas 4 a 6)
⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 3 (semanas 7 a 9)
⭐ Fichas de Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 4 (semanas 10 a 12)
⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 5 (semanas 13 a 15)
⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 6 (semanas 16 a 18)
⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 7 (semanas 19 a 21)
⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 8 (semanas 22 a 24)
⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 9 (semanas 25 a 27)
⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 10 (semanas 28 a 30)
⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 11 (semanas 31 a 33)
⭐ Fichas Ortografía HMH de 1er grado Módulo 12 (semanas 34 a 36)
Disponible también todos los módulos de la versión imprimible de Palabras de Uso Frecuente:
Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)
⭐ Módulo 1
⭐ Módulo 2
⭐ Módulo 3
⭐ Módulo 4
⭐ Módulo 5
⭐ Módulo 6
⭐ Módulo 7
⭐ Módulo 8
⭐ Módulo 9
⭐ Módulo 10
⭐ Módulo 11
⭐ Módulo 12
Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de uso frecuente:
Los 12 módulos (pack ahorro completo)
Módulo 1
Módulo 2
Módulo 3
Módulo 4
Módulo 5
Módulo 6
Módulo 7
Módulo 8
Módulo 9
Módulo 10
Módulo 11
Módulo 12
Puedes también adquirir la versión digital de Palabras de Ortografía:
Palabras de ortografía HMH completo (los 12 módulos)
Módulo 1
Módulo 2
Módulo 3
Módulo 4
Módulo 5
Módulo 6
Módulo 7
Módulo 8
Módulo 9
Módulo 10
Módulo 11
Módulo 12
Otros recursos que pueden ser de tu interés:
Encuentra, escribe y traza las palabras de uso frecuente
Encuentra y escribe las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía
Encuentra, marca y traza las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía
Imagen utilizada en la portada
Character photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com
Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words
By Ms Garcia Store
¡Enseña y aprende de manera divertida con este fantástico conjunto de centros, juegos y fichas de trabajo para las palabras de uso frecuente del programa HMH de Kinder! Con estos entretenidos juegos, mantendrás el interés de tus alumnos mientras trabajan 12 palabras mensuales.
Cada semana se trabajan 3 palabras de uso frecuente, a excepción de las primeras 4 semanas que son 2. En total, son 104 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 9 módulos.
-Lecturas Semanales Palabras de Uso Frecuente HMH Kínder y Comprensión Lectora
- Fichas de trabajo diarias para palabras de uso frecuente HMH
- Tarea semanal de las palabras HMH de uso frecuente de Kínder
- Juego de cartas tipo Dobble Palabras de uso fecuente de Kinder HMH
- Memorama de palabras de uso frecuente
- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (escribir las palabras)
- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (trazar las palabras)
- Juego del "veo veo" y otras actividades propuestas Palabras de uso frecuente
- Dominó Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH
- Sopa de letras HMH (escribe las palabras)
- Sopa de letras HMH (traza las palabras)
Este conjunto estará en constante actualización, agregando nuevos centros en el futuro, lo que aumentará su valor con el tiempo. Al adquirir este recurso, tendrás acceso a los futuros centros que se añadan a este conjunto. ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad y enriquece tu material educativo!
Image by upklyak on Freepik
Related Products
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH
⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
1st Grade COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)
By Ms Garcia Store
Master the First-grade "INTO READING" Sight Words program from HMH effortlessly and without any preparation with our comprehensive resource.
This complete set of ready-to-use worksheets covers the 8 High-Frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-Frequency Words for every week of the HMH INTO READING program in first grade. These worksheets are perfect for homework assignments or as a center activity.
By purchasing this resource, you will receive 36 PDF files, corresponding to the 36 weeks of the course, allowing you to effectively practice the 455 High-Frequency Words and Decodable High-Frequency Words of this program.
Each word is presented on its own page, and you have two options for the back of the page. Option one allows students to continue formulating sentences with the word of the day, while option two provides practice in writing the word of the day or other words from the week.
The resource is organized into 12 modules, with each module consisting of 3 weeks (36 weeks in total). This ensures comprehensive coverage of the program's sight words throughout the school year.
For each word, students will engage in eight different activities to reinforce their learning:
1. Reading the word and sounding out each letter.
2. Tracing the letters that form the word.
3. Searching for the word among other words of the same week.
4. Filling in blocks with each letter of the word.
5. Arranging letter tiles to form the word.
6. Counting the number of syllables in the word.
7. Writing the word multiple times for practice.
8. Constructing several short sentences that include the word.
With these varied approaches, students will develop a strong foundation in sight word recognition, phonics skills, and sentence construction.
Simplify sight word practice and enhance your students' reading abilities with our comprehensive resource. Purchase now and provide your students with engaging and effective learning opportunities.
Note: This resource is compatible with the HMH INTO READING program and is suitable for first-grade students.
Get the 12 modules:
⭐ COMPLETE INTO READING High Frequency Words Worksheets (12Modules)
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 1
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 2
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 3
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 4
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 5
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 6
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 7
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 8
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 9
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 10
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 11
⭐ HMH High Frequency Words Worksheets INTO READING Module 12
Image used in the cover:
Character photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com
1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
By Ms Garcia Store
Printable Centers and Worksheets for the First Grade Spanish and English Words of the Week of HMH.
English Set
Teach and learn the 400 High-frequency and Decodable Words and the 300 Spelling Words in 36 weeks with a fun and complete set of centers and worksheets.
⭐Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)
⭐Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).
⭐Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)
⭐ I Spy HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words (and more activities)
⭐Memory Game HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words
SPELLING WORDS (300 words)
⭐Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)
⭐Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)
⭐Memory Game HMH Spelling Words
⭐ I Spy HMH Spelling Words (and more activities)
⭐Find with a magnifying glass and write the spelling words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).
This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.
Spanish Set (396 words)
Enseña y aprende con este magnifico conjunto de centros y fichas de trabajo las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía de primer grado. En ellos se trabajan 11 palabras cada semana por medio de entretenidos juegos que mantendrán el interés de tus alumnos.
Las 11 palabras semanales están compuestas por las 5 palabras de uso frecuente y 6 palabras de ortografía. En cojunto son casi 400 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 12 módulos.
Este bundle queda abierto a futuros centros con lo que, con su llegada, su valor subirá con el tiempo. Comprando este recurso, tendrás acceso a futuros centros añadidos a este bundle.
Related Products
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH
⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource:
Image by upklyak on Freepik
Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik
Image by Freepik
Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik
1st Grade Bilingual HMH Homework Words of the Week
By Ms Garcia Store
Thank you for choosing the comprehensive "Bilingual HMH Homework Words of the Week" bundle! This resource is thoughtfully designed to support your first-grade students throughout the entire school year, spanning 36 weeks. It aims to guide students in mastering over 1000 high-frequency and spelling words in both English and Spanish.
Resource Format: Your purchase includes 36 PDF files, organized into 4 sets of 9 weeks each. Each file corresponds to a specific week, providing engaging tasks for High-Frequency and Spelling Words in Spanish and English.
Student Activities: The activities are strategically structured to enhance learning. Students will write each word three times, analyze them into sounds and syllables (English words focusing on sounds only), and construct a sentence highlighting each word of the week.
Resource Highlights: Each PDF's first page contains detailed instructions for completing HMH tasks, a list of the week's words in both languages and reading recommendations featuring two titles in Spanish and one in English. Additionally, instructions on printing HMH books from their portal are provided. Alternatively, you can share these titles as ebooks with students through Google Classroom from the HMH portal.
Optional Enhancements: To enrich the learning experience, I suggest students complete a weekly math task available in my store. Furthermore, I encourage the use of educational applications like Imagine Learning (in both English and Spanish), Dreambox, ST Math, and IXL.
I hope you and your students find immense value and enjoyment in using "Bilingual HMH Homework Words of the Week." This resource is crafted to make the learning journey engaging and fruitful. May it contribute positively to your classroom experience, fostering language proficiency and a love for learning. If you have any questions or feedback along the way, feel free to reach out. Happy teaching!
Get the 4 sets of 9 weeks
⭐ Bilingual HMH Homework for the First 9 Weeks of School
⭐ Bilingual HMH Homework for the Second 9 Weeks of School
⭐ Bilingual HMH Homework for the Third 9 Weeks of School
⭐ Bilingual HMH Homework for the Fourth 9 Weeks of School
Thanks to the graphic designers for letting me use their pictures in creating this resource.
Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik
Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words
By Ms Garcia Store
Teach and learn the Kinder HMH Words of the Week with this wonderful set of centers and worksheets. This resource covers 120 words over 36 weeks through engaging games and worksheets that will keep your students interested.
⭐Kinder HMH High-frequency Words Worksheets
⭐Kinder HMH Weekly Homework High-Frequency Words
⭐Word Search Puzzles (Search & Write and Search & Trace worksheets)
⭐Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).
⭐Words of the week Spinners ( 4 Worksheets and 4 center versions. Spin & Write, Spin & Trace, Spin & Fill and Spin & mark)
⭐ I Spy HMH High-frequency Words (and more activities)
⭐Memory Game HMH High-frequency Words
⭐Domino Game HMH High-frequency Words
⭐Dobble-type Cards Game (Spot it!) High-frequency Words
This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.
Related Products
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH
⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource
Image by brgfx on Freepik
Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik
Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik
Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
By Ms Garcia Store
Printable Centers and Worksheets for the Spanish and English Words of the Week of HMH in Kinder.
English Set
Teach and learn the Kinder HMH Words of the Week with this wonderful set of centers and worksheets. This resource covers 120 words over 36 weeks through engaging games and worksheets that will keep your students interested.
⭐Kinder HMH High-frequency Words Worksheets
⭐Kinder HMH Weekly Homework High-Frequency Words
⭐Word Search Puzzles (Search & Write and Search & Trace worksheets)
⭐Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).
⭐Words of the week Spinners ( 4 Worksheets and 4 center versions. Spin & Write, Spin & Trace, Spin & Fill and Spin & mark)
⭐ I Spy HMH High-frequency Words (and more activities)
⭐Memory Game HMH High-frequency Words
⭐Domino Game HMH High-frequency Words
⭐Dobble-type Cards Game (Spot it!) High-frequency Words
This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.
Spanish Set
¡Enseña y aprende de manera divertida con este fantástico conjunto de centros, juegos y fichas de trabajo para las palabras de uso frecuente del programa HMH de Kinder! Con estos entretenidos juegos, mantendrás el interés de tus alumnos mientras trabajan 12 palabras mensuales.
Cada semana se trabajan 3 palabras de uso frecuente, a excepción de las primeras 4 semanas que son 2. En total, son 104 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 9 módulos.
- Fichas de trabajo diarias para palabras de uso frecuente HMH
- Tarea semanal de las palabras HMH de uso frecuente de Kínder
- Juego de cartas tipo Dobble Palabras de uso fecuente de Kinder HMH
- Memorama de palabras de uso frecuente
- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (escribir las palabras)
- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (trazar las palabras)
- Juego del "veo veo" y otras actividades propuestas Palabras de uso frecuente
- Dominó Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH
- Sopa de letras HMH (escribe las palabras)
- Sopa de letras HMH (traza las palabras)
Este conjunto estará en constante actualización, agregando nuevos centros en el futuro, lo que aumentará su valor con el tiempo. Al adquirir este recurso, tendrás acceso a los futuros centros que se añadan a este conjunto. ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad y enriquece tu material educativo!
Related Products
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH
⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource:
Image by upklyak on Freepik
Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik
Image by Freepik
Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik
1st Grade Bilingual Printable worksheets 'High-frequency Words' SP/EN
By Ms Garcia Store
Printable Centers and Worksheets for the First Grade Spanish and English Words of the Week of HMH.
English Set
Teach and learn the 400 High-frequency and Decodable Words and the 396 Spanish High-frequency Words in 36 weeks with a fun and complete set of ready-to-use printable worksheets.
⭐Daily HMH High-frequency Words Worksheets- First Grade
⭐Fichas diárias Palabras de uso frecuente HMH de primero
Related Products
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words
⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week
⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH
⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN
Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource:
Image by upklyak on Freepik
Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik
Image by Freepik
Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik
Lecturas Semanales Palabras Uso Frecuente HMH Kínder y Comprensión Lectora
By Ms Garcia Store
Este recurso educativo es una herramienta imprescindible tanto para profesores de Kinder como para padres comprometidos con el aprendizaje de sus hijos. El PDF de 88 páginas que recibirás incluye 36 cuentos cortos diseñados para captar la imaginación de los estudiantes de Kínder y reforzar el vocabulario de uso frecuente acorde al currículo HMH.
Cada cuento se acompaña de ilustraciones encantadoras pensadas para ser coloreadas, fomentando la creatividad de los niños mientras aprenden. Las palabras del módulo están resaltadas en negrita dentro de los cuentos, ayudando a los estudiantes a fijarse en el vocabulario clave. Además, también recibirás una copia de estos cuentos sin las palabras en negrita, perfecta para actividades adicionales donde los niños pueden buscar y resaltar las palabras de la semana, del módulo, o incluso del trimestre.
Cada cuento viene acompañado de cinco preguntas de comprensión lectora con tres posibles respuestas, lo que facilita la evaluación del entendimiento del estudiante. Además, hay una hoja común (página 88) para todos los cuentos donde los niños pueden escribir sobre la trama, los personajes, el escenario o el tipo de narrativa (ficción o no ficción) y dibujar su parte favorita del cuento.
Este recurso no solo apoya el desarrollo del vocabulario y la comprensión lectora, sino que también fomenta el amor por la lectura y la escritura desde una edad temprana. Es una herramienta integral que hace que el aprendizaje sea una experiencia divertida y enriquecedora para los pequeños estudiantes.