1st Grade Student Council Lesson

A "Pocket" Full of Kindness - An SEL Classroom Activity

By Jeni Donath

A "Pocket" Full of Kindness - An SEL Activity that focuses on kindness and the idea that you can take it with you wherever you go and "pull it right out of your back pocket" as the saying goes!! This activity is great for younger elementary students who are getting an introduction to all things kindness and all of the different ways that they can show kindness to others! For this activity, you will need string and scissor to help make it the most successful! My students LOVED being able to put their very own pocket together! I love the hands-on lessons as much as they do!

Looking for more kindness lessons and ideas? Check out the links below:

Kindness and the Impact of our Words (Upper Elementary/Middle School)

Kindness Classroom "Snowball" Fight (Upper Elementary/Middle School)

Kindness "Hot Potato!" (Elementary/Middle School)

Know Your Impact Activity (High School)


Caught Ya Being Respectful - An SEL Activity on Respect

By Jeni Donath

"Caught Ya Being Respectful" is a fun and engaging activity that not only gets students talking about being respectful and what that looks like, but it also encourages them to make connections of people (that they know and often admire!) that are showing respect around them as well! This activity includes everything needed for your next classroom lesson on respect, including two worksheets (Wanted Poster and Bonus Activity!) as well as different ideas that you can do with the finished products! My students LOVED this and it was fun for our teachers to see the outcome as well. We got a lot of learning and laughs out of this activity!
