Subtraction With Base Ten Blocks BUNDLE- Google Classroom & Printable Resource
By SPO Resources
Use the base ten blocks strategy to teach students subtraction with regrouping and subtraction without regrouping. This bundle includes drag and drop interactive Google slides, self-grading Google forms, place value worksheets and detailed answer keys to help students understand subtraction.
Bundle includes three subtraction resources:
2 Digit Subtraction No Regrouping Base 10 Google Slides Digital Math Centers
2 Digit Subtraction With Regrouping Base 10 Blocks Google Classroom Math Center
3 Digit Subtraction Regrouping Base 10 Blocks Google Slides Digital Math Center
The following formats are included for each resource listed above:
★Google Slides Digital Resource
20 interactive slides with base 10 blocks
10 interactive slides with standard algorithm only
Video Model
Example slide
Digital manipulatives: base 10 blocks
Fill in text boxes
★Recording Sheet & Answer Key
★Subtraction Worksheet & Answer Key
★Printable place value mat
★Self-Grading Google Form
★Google Slides Answer Key
It’s best to introduce subtraction with regrouping using concrete manipulatives related to place value such as base 10 blocks. Using base 10 blocks is an effective way to support students in developing a conceptual understanding of subtraction because they are able to see the value of each digit in the number. This visual model helps students understand the regrouping process of exchanging 1 ten for 10 ones or 1 hundred for 10 tens.
The slides are designed for students to simultaneously model subtraction equations with base 10 blocks and the standard algorithm. Building a correlation between the equation and the physical model will help students build a strong foundation for subtraction as they move on to more advanced skills.
SAVE TIME and ENERGY creating activities for students with these no prep ready to go math centers.
WHO? Resources in this bundle are designed for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students learning or reviewing subtraction.
Common Core Aligned:
Add and subtract within 1000, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method. Understand that in adding or subtracting three-digit numbers, one adds or subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose or decompose tens or hundreds.
★Google Slide Digital Resource
20 interactive slides to solve double digit subtraction problems with base 10 blocks
10 interactive slides to solve double digit subtraction with standard algorithm
Example slide
Video Model- (Youtube Link) to show stow students how to complete activity
Blank slide to create additional problems
★Answer Key Slides
★Subtraction Worksheets
★Recording Sheet
★Self-Grading Google Form
★Easel Activity
★Printable Place Value Mat
★PDF File with instructions for use and access to digital resources
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Addition & Subtraction Strategies- Anchor Charts & Posters
2nd Grade Double Digit Addition Google Classroom Math Practice Bundle 2.NBT.B.5
3 Digit Addition Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Self-Grading Math Center Bundle
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Created by Samantha Osleger, ©SPO RESOURCES.
All rights reserved by the author. This purchase is for single classroom use only.
Feel free to send me an email if there is anything I can help you with!
I hope this subtraction with base 10 blocks Google classroom Resource is an effective tool to help your students learn and practice their subtraction skills.
Double Digit Addition with Base 10 Blocks Google Classroom Math Practice Bundle
By SPO Resources
This Double Digit Addition Bundle includes 3 resources with over 100 interactive slides for students to master 2 digit addition with and without regrouping using base 10 blocks to model place value.
This Bundle includes:
2 Digit Addition No Regrouping- Base 10 - Google Slides - Digital Math Centers
Double Digit Addition with Regrouping #1- Base 10 Blocks- Digital Math Center
2 digit Addition with Regrouping #2- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides Math Center (sums up to 199)
Each resource listed above has 2 differentiated levels, for a total of 6 differentiated levels to help your students build confidence with 2 digit addition regrouping up to the hundreds place with 3 digit sums. The interactive slides allow students to drag moveable base-10 blocks into the tens and ones place to model the addition problem. The regrouping resources allow students to exchange tens and ones to model what happens when a number is regrouped in the standard algorithm.
All of the resources in this bundle can be used in Google Classroom for math centers, independent practice, distance learning, or for small group mini-lesson. In addition, this can be used as a teaching resource for a whole class lesson. Simply project the Google Slides presentation on the whiteboard, use the moveable pieces to model each problem, and give students the worksheet or place value mat to follow along with the lesson.
Each Resource includes:
This activity is just right for 2nd grade students first learning double digit addition without regrouping. It could also be a great resource for 3rd grade students who need some extra practice with regrouping and adding multi digit numbers.
This resource is aligned to the Common Core Standard 2.NBT.B.5: Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction.
You may also like similar activities with 3 digit addition:
3 Digit Addition With Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides #1
3 Digit Addition With Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Google Slides #2
3 Digit Addition Regrouping- Base 10 Blocks- Self-Grading Math Center Bundle