1st Grade Physical Science Centers

Science Experiments for the 100th Day of School

By Joyful Explorations

Have fun on your 100th day of school with these hands-on, inquiry based science experiments! Included are a week's worth of activities, all based around the theme of "100".

*"100 Pennies in a Boat"

*"100 Melting Crayons"

*"100 Magnetic Paperclips"

*"100 Dancing Chocolate Chips"

*"100 Licks" Experiment

This product is also available in my 100th Day of School Bundle

Click here to see all of my 100th Day of School Products

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Push or Pull-Kindergarten-Force and Motion-Next Generation Science

By Regina Frazier

Are you looking for a set of resources and activities to use while teaching Pushes and Pulls? I created this activity to use while I teach the Next Generation Science Standard Pushes & Pulls. This set was created with my kindergarten students in mind, but would definitely work for Pre-K or grade one.

Here is what is included in the set.

  • Push Pull Picture Sort
  • Push/ Pull Cut and Paste Activities
  • a Venn diagram,
  • science experiment using cars and ramps to show how friction can change how objects move,
  • a sorting T graph for students to write their responses about what they know about pushes, pulls, and forces.
  • vocabulary cards.

This activity meets Next Generation Science Standard K-PS-2-1

You can find the cut-and-paste sort pushes and pull activity in my Science Interactive Notebook for Kindergarten and First Grade. Be sure to check out this product as it includes many of the standards for Next Generation Science.

Related Products
⭐ Kindergarten & First Grade Science Interactive Notebook for the Entire Year
⭐ Day and Night Time Sky
⭐ Phases of the Moon Cut and Paste & Phases of the Moon Calendar
⭐ Solar System Flip Flap Books
⭐ Nocturnal / Diurnal Animal Sort-Cut & Paste, Writing Fun


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Here you will find motivating, fun ideas and interesting ways to teach young children. From time to time, I may be hosting a few giveaways. Don't miss out on this great opportunity.


Let's Be Scientists: Comparing Mass

By Jennifer Connett

Compare the mass of different solid objects with this packet of three mass comparison activities. Each activity uses easy to find objects that fit in a typical balance so students can compare their masses.

Activities Included

  • Activity 1: (Materials: Random objects, balance, page 2 of this packet) Each student or group of students will look around the room for objects to weigh in a balance. The will draw the objects on the recording sheet then fill in the symbols to make the comparison correct.
  • Activity 2: (Materials: Page 3 of this packet, a toy car, a block, a coin, a key, a shell, a button, a pine cone, a ball and balance for each group.) Students will place the two objects in the balance. They will fill in the correct answer on the recording sheet.
  • Activity 3: (Materials: balance, picture cards, page 2 and objects represented on the picture cards) Students will choose two picture cards and use a balance to compare the mass of the two objects, recording the results on the recording page. Large Activity Cards with Words are on pages 4-9. Small Activity Cards without Words are on pages 10-11.

More Science Activities

Science Sorts

Plants Activity Bundle


Let's Be Scientists: Pumpkins

By Jennifer Connett

This packet contains one observation activity and two experiments. Students will observe a pumpkin, noting its appearance, feel and measure it's height and then use different parts of a pumpkin for a sink and float experiment. There is also a pumpkin volcano experiment to observe two different types of eruptions. It is part of my Let's Be Scientists series!

Each experiment includes a detailed instruction sheet with materials lists and step by step directions for the experiment. There is a recording page for students to make predictions and record the results of the project. Also provided are journal pages for students to write why they think the results happened the way they did. Journal pages are differentiated where appropriate.


Plants and Seeds Science Match and Worksheet Packet

By Jennifer Connett

This product contains 3 activities. Each activity focuses on plants and seeds, particularly the concept that seeds grow into specific plants, and plants make specific seeds.

What is included:

1 Matching activity where students match the parent plant to the seeds.

1 Cut and paste activity to sort seeds and plants.

1 Cut and paste activity to match the parent plant to their seed.


Let's Be Scientists: Making Butter

By Jennifer Connett

Are you studying about the farm or where our food comes from? This science activity for making butter is an easy and fun experiment for students to get hands on experience on what making butter consists of. An easy to follow instructional page, child friendly recording sheets and a journal page are including with this packet. The instructional page includes tips for a successful experiment!

What is included:

Instruction sheet for how to make butter.

2 recording sheet options for making observations, predictions and conclusions.

1 journal page to draw a picture and write about what they did and learned.


Let's Be Scientists: Candy Cane Science

By Jennifer Connett

Are you looking for a Christmas themed science experiment? This candy cane science activity is an easy and fun experiment for students to practice making predictions, observing, and recording their observations and results. An easy to follow instructional page, child friendly recording sheets and a journal page are including with this packet.

What is included:

Instruction sheet for the candy cane experiment

3 recording sheet options for making observations, predictions and conclusions.

1 journal page to draw a picture and write about what they did and learned.


Solid, Liquid and Gas Center Sorting

By Jennifer Connett

Practice sorting solids, liquids and gases in this great science activity! There are 2 sets of sorting mats for each solid, liquid and gas for students to sort on.

When and how to use:

  • Morning Tub Activity
  • Science Center Activity
  • Quick Assessment

Other Science Sorting Activities:

Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources

Living and Nonliving Things

Needs and Wants


Let's Be Scientists: Transportation Science Experiments

By Jennifer Connett

Let students explore the science around transportation with this packet that contains two experiments.

Experiments Included:

Does it roll?

Sink the boat!

Each experiment includes a detailed instruction sheet with materials lists and step by step directions for the experiment. There is a recording page for students to make predictions and record the results of the project. Also provided are journal pages for students to write why they think the results happened the way they did. Journal pages are differentiated where appropriate.


Let's Be Scientists: Seeds and Plants

By Jennifer Connett

This packet contains two experiments aligned with a plant theme. It is part of my Let's Be Scientists series!

Experiment 1: What happens when a seed gets wet?

Experiment 2: How do seeds grow?

Each experiment includes a detailed instruction sheet with materials lists and step by step directions for the experiment. There is a recording page for students to make predictions and record the results of the project. Also provided are journal pages for students to write why they think the results happened the way they did. Journal pages are differentiated where appropriate.
