1st Grade Other (ELA) Scripts

Reader's Theater Bundle - Bonus Reader's Theater Added!

By Mr. Lee's Learners

Reader's Theater is a fun ways for students to practice reading aloud with fluency and expression. They also get the opportunity to perform in front of an audience without the stress of memorizing lines.

This product includes 7 different reader's theater scripts is a book companion to help your students enjoy the picture books even more!

The Night Before Summer Vacation

In the style of Clement Moore’s familiar Christmas poem, this story tells of a family’s last-minute preparations for summer vacation.

There are roles for three students.

Big Shark, Little Shark

Big Shark has big teeth, Little Shark has little teeth. Big Shark swims fast, Little Shark swims slow. But they are both hungry. Will they find a tasty snack?

This reader’s theater is a quick two page reader’s theater to use with emerging readers. It has two parts.

I Don't Want to Be Big

Little Frog does not want to grow up, and he gives his father all sorts of reasons why being small is best.

This reader’s theater is 3 pages long. There is one version included for three students - Child, Adult, and Pig.

I Don’t Want to Be a Frog

A frog that yearns to be any animal that is cute and warm discovers being wet, slimy, and full of bugs has its advantages.

This reader’s theater is 4 pages long. There is one version included for three students - Child, Adult, and Wolf.

The Night Before Class Picture Day

It's the night before class picture day, and kids all down the block are getting ready. Everyone wants to look perfect for the photo. They fix their hair, practice smiles, and choose outfits. At school the next day, they try to stay picture-perfect. Will everything look perfect for the big moment when they say, “Cheese?”

There are four versions included. Two of the versions have roles for three students. One version is three pages and the other version has four pages. The other two versions have roles for four students. One version is three pages and the other version has four pages.

Splat the Cat and the Quick Chicks

When Splat takes home his class project of fertilized chicken eggs, the eggs hatch and chicks wind up all over the place, forcing Splat to round them up. Based on the series created by Rob Scotton.

This reader’s theater is 4 ½ pages long. There are two versions included; one version has roles for two students and the other version has roles for three students.

There's Nothing to Do! Bonus File

This reader’s theater is 4 pages long. There is two version included in this reader's theater. The first version is for three students - Child, Adult, and Other Animals. The other version is for 7 students - Child, Adult, Rabbit, Girl Frog, Cat, Owl and Pig.
