1st Grade Math Printables

Tropical Jungle Boho Black and White with Leaves Number Posters Classroom Decor

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Looking for simple but elegant number posters that are designed with students in mind? I've got you covered! No matter your need, you are sure to find one of the two included designs to be exactly what you've been wanting.

With numbers 1-20 printed in an easy-to-read, elementary-friendly font, these posters are the perfect addition to your elementary classroom.

Available in pink or black numbers with tens frames to represent numbers visually.

Print on cardstock and laminate for extra durability.

Alphabet posters are also available in the same design! Check them out here!

This is a PDF document and is not editable.


Elementary Labels

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

These labels are for Kindergarten through fifth grade. They include labels for supplies, IEPs, Parent Communication, worksheets, etc. And they match my meet the teacher letter and graphics.


Kindergarten Math Centers with Differentiation

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

8 math activity mats and graphic organizers for early math standards.

Your kindergarten and first grade students will love these activity mats to make math learning and practice more hands on! They are perfect for students in special education, as well.

Roll it Mats: Use dice and manipulatives to roll, make, and write numbers and simple addition problems

Part-Part-Whole Mats: Use with manipulatives to create simple addition problems

Number Tracing: Students will trace numbers 1-10 on the top and then try their own writing to write the numbers on the bottom.

Roll-a-Problem: Use dice to create simple addition problems. Students can draw the dots of the dice or write the number in the boxes provided.

How Many?: For use with counting collections

*Updated to include single digit addition cards for use with the Part-Part-Whole mats.*


Tropical Jungle Boho Classroom Decor Bundle Black and White with Leaves

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Looking for simple but elegant classroom decor designed with students in mind? Look no further than my JUNGLE WHIMSY collection.

Suitable for all grade levels, these Jungle/Tropical themed educational printables have been created to elicit feelings of calm and imagination with a limited color palette and elementary-friendly fonts and images.

This whimsical classroom decor bundle is currently under construction, but will eventually have everything you need to keep your classroom organized and labeled with matching visuals for students and fun extras for you and your classroom.

Since this is a bundle, you will have access to any new products added, EVER. All you'll have to do is redownload the file to get the latest additions.


Affirmation Station and Growth Mindset Posters

Alphabet Posters in pink or black, with and without clip art

Binder Covers in various designs including matching spines

Bulletin Board Kit

Number Posters with Tens Frames in pink or black

Teacher Toolbox Labels with multiple design options


Purchase of this resource entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce pages in limited quantities for single classroom or home school use only.

Duplication for a friend, another staff member, entire school or commercial purpose without purchase of an additional license is strictly forbidden.

Copying any part of this resource and placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal or classroom website/ school server) is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).


Numbers of the day math worksheets numbers 121 to 160 'Model B+' Ready to print

By Ms Garcia Store

Fantastic daily math worksheets to work on the number of the day, from number 121 to 160, and up to 19 more activities spread over three different models. Model A, which is designed to be used at any time of the year, and models B, and B+, which is more suitable for the second half and introduce new concepts learned during the course.

There are a total of 40 worksheets on model B+, one per number, but they are not assigned to any particular date of the school calendar, so they can be used indistinctly according to the teacher's objectives at any given time.

Features in this resource:

  • A color PDF file with the numbers from 121 to 160 of Model B+
  • A black and white PDF file with the numbers from 121 to 160 of Model B+

Feature NOT in this resource:

  • The digital version adapted to the EASEL platform of TeachShare for said numbers and model.

You can print them both in black and white for daily use, or in color for the creation of centers by laminating each of the sheets.

The activities to work between the three models are the following:


Day number (1 to 120)_____________________________A & B

Write the name of each number of the day_____________A & B

Distinguish even from odd__________________________A & B

Count tally marks_________________________________A & B

One more and one less ____________________________A & B

10 more and 10 less________________________________A & B

Number line______________________________________A & B

Greater than, equal to, and less than (>,=.<)_______________A & B

Complete two incomplete number sequences ____________A & B

Write the day of the week____________________________A & B

Write the month of the year___________________________A & B

Solve 4 two-digit additions and 4 two-digit subtractions daily__A & B

Put the number of the day in the ten-frames_________________A

Show the number of the day with coins_____________________A

Algebraic reasoning____________________________________A


Day number (1 to 120)_________________________________A & B

Write the name of each number of the day_________________A & B

Distinguish even from odd_____________________________A & B

Count tally marks____________________________________A & B

One more and one less_______________________________A & B

10 more and 10 less__________________________________A & B

Number line________________________________________A & B

Greater than, equal to, and less than (>,=.<)________________A & B

Complete two incomplete number sequences _____________A & B

Write the day of the week_____________________________A & B

Write the month of the year____________________________A & B

Solve 4 two-digit additions and 4 two-digit subtractions daily___A & B

The expanded form of each number_______________________B

Place value__________________________________________B

Base-10 blocks_______________________________________B


Analog to digital clock and digital to analog clock_____________B

Model B+

  1. Day number (121 to 160)
  2. Write the name of each number of the day
  3. Distinguish even from odd
  4. Count tally marks
  5. One more and one less
  6. 10 more and 10 less
  7. Greater than, equal to, and less than (>,=,<)
  8. Complete two incomplete number sequences
  9. Write the day of the week
  10. Write the month of the year
  11. Solve 4 two-digit additions and 4 two-digit subtractions daily
  12. Expanded form of the number
  13. Place value
  14. Base-10 blocks
  15. Fractions
  16. Analog to digital clock and digital to analog clock
  17. Shapes recognition (2D and 3D)
  18. Use of coins to represent the number of the day

Try models A and B with the numbers from 1 to 5 free, (Model A, Model B) and if you like them, don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to get a hold of this resource. Your students will reinforce mathematical fundamentals, learned in class, like never before, and with little effort.

You have for sale the following packages of numbers:


Model A

  • 1 to 120 bundle
  • 5 numbers packages

Model B

  • 1 to 120 bundle
  • 5 numbers packages

Models A & B Bundle

  • 1 to 120 bundle

Model B+

  • 121 to 160 bundle

⭐ Numbers 121 to 125 Model B+

⭐ Numbers 126 to 130 Model B+

⭐ Numbers 131 to 135 Model B+

⭐ Numbers 136 to 140 Model B+

⭐ Numbers 141 to 145 Model B+

⭐ Numbers 146 to 150 Model B+

⭐ Numbers 151 to 155 Model B+

⭐ Numbers 156 to 160 Model B+

This resource is available in Spanish too:

Modelo A

  • Del 1 al 120 completo
  • Paquetes de 5 números

Modelo B

  • Del 1 al 120 completo
  • Paquetes de 5 números

Modelos A y B juntos

  • Del 1 al 120 completo

Modelo B+

  • Del 121 al 160 completo

⭐ Números del día 121 al 125 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 126 al 130 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 131 al 135 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 136 al 140 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 141 al 145 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 146 al 150 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 151 al 155 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 156 al 160 modelo B+


⭐ Numbers of the day math worksheets numbers 1 to 120 Model A ready to print

⭐ Numbers of the day math worksheets numbers 1 to 120 Model B Ready to print

⭐ Complete NUMBER OF THE DAY WORKSHEETS. 240 math worksheets.


⭐ Números del día Modelo A del 1 al 120

⭐ Números del día Modelo B del 1 al 120 listas para imprimir

⭐ Número del día completo. 240 fichas de matemáticas listas para imprimir

Credits to:


Computer classroom vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Border vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Digital clock vector created by iconicbestiary - www.freepik.com

Alarm clock photo created by onlyyouqj - www.freepik.com

More ways to contact me:



Números del día del 121 al 160 // 40 fichas de trabajo listas para imprimir

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Descubre nuestras Fantásticas Fichas Diarias para trabajar con los números del día del 1 al 160 y hasta más de 20 actividades adicionales repartidas en tres prácticos modelos! El Modelo A está diseñado para su uso en cualquier momento del año, mientras que los Modelos B y B+ son ideales para la segunda mitad del curso, introduciendo nuevos conceptos que tus alumnos han aprendido durante sus clases.

En total, dispones de 120 fichas diarias tanto en el modelo A como en el B, más otras 40 en el modelo B+, sin estar asignadas a fechas específicas del calendario lectivo. Esto te brinda la flexibilidad de usarlas según tus objetivos de enseñanza en cualquier momento que lo desees.

¿Qué incluye este recurso?

- Un documento PDF a color con los números del 121 al 160 del Modelo B+.

- Otro documento PDF en blanco y negro con los números del 121 al 160 del Modelo B+.

Este recurso NO incluye una versión digital adaptada a la plataforma EASEL de TeachShare para los números y modelo mencionados.

Podrás imprimir las fichas tanto en blanco y negro para su uso diario, como a color para crear centros de aprendizaje laminando cada una de ellas.

Entretenidas actividades en los tres modelos:

Tanto en el Modelo A como en el Modelo B y el B+, podrás explorar una amplia gama de actividades estimulantes, que incluyen:

Modelo A:

- Identificar el número del día (del 1 al 120).

- Escribir el nombre de cada número del día.

- Distinguir entre números pares e impares.

- Contar marcas de conteo para cada número.

- Sumar y restar 1 y 10 a los números del día.

- Utilizar la recta numérica para una mejor comprensión.

- Comparar números usando los símbolos mayor que (>), igual a (=) y menor que (<).

- Completar dos secuencias de números incompletas.

- Escribir el día de la semana y el mes del año.

- Resolver sumas y restas diarias de dos dígitos.

- Representar el número del día utilizando cuadros de diez (ten frames) y monedas.

- Fomentar el razonamiento algebraico para mejorar las habilidades de resolución de problemas.

Modelo B:

- Identificar el número del día (del 1 al 120).

- Escribir el nombre de cada número del día.

- Distinguir entre números pares e impares.

- Contar marcas de conteo para cada número.

- Sumar y restar 1 y 10 a los números del día.

- Utilizar la recta numérica para una mejor comprensión.

- Comparar números usando los símbolos mayor que (>), igual a (=) y menor que (<).

- Completar dos secuencias de números incompletas.

- Escribir el día de la semana y el mes del año.

- Resolver sumas y restas diarias de dos dígitos.

- Explorar la forma expandida de cada número para una comprensión más profunda.

- Dominar el concepto del valor posicional y los bloques de base 10.

- Introducir a los estudiantes en el fascinante mundo de las fracciones y su importancia en matemáticas.

- Aprender a leer relojes analógicos y digitales para mejorar las habilidades de lectura del tiempo.

Modelo B+

- Número del día (121 al 160)

- Escribir el nombre de cada número del día

- Distinguir par de impar

- Contar marcas de conteo

- Uno más y uno menos

- 10 más y 10 menos

- Mayor que, igual a, y menor que (>, =, <)

- Completar dos secuencias de números incompletas

- Escribir el día de la semana

- Escribir el mes del año

- Resolver 4 sumas y 4 restas diarias de dos dígitos

- Forma expandida del número

- Valor posicional

- Bloques de base 10

- Fracciones

- Reloj analógico a digital y digital a analógico

- Reconocimiento de formas (2D y 3D)

- Uso de monedas para representar el número del día

Prueba gratis:

¡No pierdas la oportunidad de probar nuestros Fantásticos Modelos A y B con los números del 1 al 5, completamente gratis! Descarga las muestras de ambos modelos (modelo A, modelo B). Si te encantan las actividades y la experiencia educativa que ofrecen, no dejes pasar esta fantástica oportunidad de adquirir el recurso completo.

Fortalece los fundamentos matemáticos:

Nuestras Fantásticas Fichas Diarias están diseñadas para reforzar los fundamentos matemáticos que tus alumnos han aprendido en clase como nunca antes, y todo con poco esfuerzo por parte de ellos y de ti. ¡Hacer que las matemáticas sean divertidas y efectivas nunca ha sido tan fácil! No dejes pasar esta oportunidad de mejorar tu experiencia de enseñanza y ayudar a tus estudiantes a alcanzar su máximo potencial en matemáticas.

Tienes a la venta los siguientes paquetes de números:


Modelo A

  • Del 1 al 120 completo
  • Paquetes de 5 números

Modelo B

  • Del 1 al 120 completo
  • Paquetes de 5 números

Modelos A y B juntos

  • Del 1 al 120 completo

Modelo B+

  • Del 121 al 160 completo

⭐ Números del día 121 al 125 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 126 al 130 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 131 al 135 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 136 al 140 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 141 al 145 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 146 al 150 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 151 al 155 modelo B+

⭐ Números del día 156 al 160 modelo B+


⭐ Numbers of the day math worksheets numbers 1 to 120 Model A ready to print

⭐ Numbers of the day math worksheets numbers 1 to 120 Model B Ready to print

⭐ Complete NUMBER OF THE DAY WORKSHEETS. 240 math worksheets.


⭐ Números del día Modelo A del 1 al 120

⭐ Números del día Modelo B del 1 al 120 listas para imprimir

⭐ Número del día completo. 240 fichas de matemáticas listas para imprimir

Doy las gracias a Paula Kim Studio por permitirme el uso de sus marcos de página


Gracias también a los creadores de las siguientes imágenes utilizadas

Computer classroom vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Border vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Digital clock vector created by iconicbestiary - www.freepik.com

Alarm clock photo created by onlyyouqj - www.freepik.com

Otras formas de conectarte conmigo



Math Homework - Linear Measurement

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Enhance your child's mathematical skills with our engaging "Math Homework - Linear Measurement" resource. This printable unit comprises three weekly 4-page homework assignments designed to reinforce the understanding of linear measurement through hands-on, practical exercises.

Key Highlights:

  • Nonstandard Measurement Focus: Immerse students in the world of nonstandard measurement tools to grasp the continuous nature of linear measurement.
  • Object Length Determination: Students learn to find the length of objects by visually assessing the number of same-size units needed to cover them seamlessly from end to end.
  • Visual Aids for Understanding: Illustrations of linear measurement guide students to determine object length to the nearest whole unit, expressing their findings with numbers and appropriate unit labels.
  • Dual Unit Exploration: Engage students in measuring object length using two different units, fostering an understanding of unit size and its impact on quantity.
  • Foundation for Future Concepts: Repeated practice with nonstandard units establishes a crucial foundation for comprehending various measurement concepts.

Aligned with TEKS Standards:

  • TEKS 1.7(D): Students describe length to the nearest whole unit using a number and a unit.

Complementary Standards:

  • TEKS 1.7(A): Utilize measuring tools to measure the length of objects, reinforcing the continuous nature of linear measurement.
  • TEKS 1.7(B): Illustrate that the length of an object is determined by the number of same-size units of length, laid end-to-end without gaps or overlaps.
  • TEKS 1.7(C): Measure the same object or distance using units of two different lengths and articulate how and why the measurements differ.

Prepare your child for mathematical success by incorporating this resource into their learning journey. Download and explore Math Homework - Linear Measurement today!


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

These worksheets are adaptable to various learning environments and cater to diverse learning styles. Use them as homework assignments, in-class activities, or assessment tools to prepare your students for mathematical success.

Download "Math Homework - Linear Measurement" now to witness the growth of your student's understanding of linear measurement. It's a resource that makes learning mathematics enjoyable and effective.

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by iconicbestiary on Freepik

Image by Freepik

Image by storyset on Freepik

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by Freepik

Image by djvstock on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by vectorpocket on Freepik

Image by juicy_fish on Freepik

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by GraphiqaStock on Freepik

Image by pch.vector on Freepik

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by upklyak on Freepik

Image by upklyak on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Math Homework - Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Enhance your students' understanding of Place Value with our comprehensive "Place Value Mastery Worksheets: Foundations of Numbers up to 120." This resource includes 8 engaging worksheets (2 weeks of homework) designed to strengthen your students' numeracy skills, conveniently organized into two PDFs, one for each week. Each PDF contains four skill-building pages, making it easy to integrate this resource into your weekly lesson plans. It is an excellent resource for teachers, homeschooling parents, or anyone looking to reinforce Place Value concepts.

Exercises for Every Weekly Homework:

  1. Represent the following numbers using blocks or objects:
    Your child should draw small objects or blocks to visually represent each given number. This helps reinforce the concept of place value.
  2. Write these numbers in expanded form:
    In this exercise, your child needs to break down each number into its hundreds, tens, and ones places. The expanded form shows the value of each digit.
  3. Compare the following pairs of numbers using >, <, or =:
    Your child will use comparison symbols to indicate whether one number is greater than, less than, or equal to another. This reinforces their understanding of place value and number relationships.
  4. Form a number that is (greater than but less than):
    Your child is tasked with creating a number within a specified range. They need to think critically about the conditions provided and form a number that meets those criteria.
  5. Use your knowledge of place value and an open number line to arrange the following numbers in the correct order on the number line provided:
    Your child will utilize an open number line to arrange the given numbers in the correct order based on their values. This exercise reinforces both place value and number line concepts.
  6. Describe how the following numbers are related to each other using words like "greater than," "less than," or "equal to:"
    Your child will practice using comparative language to describe the relationships between numbers. This exercise reinforces their ability to articulate these relationships.
  7. Compare the following piles of cubes using >, <, or =:
    Your child will compare the quantities of cubes in different piles using comparison symbols. This helps reinforce the concept of more, less, or equal.
  8. Choose a number between 80 and 120. Represent it in 4 different ways and decompose it 3 times:
    Your child needs to choose a number within the specified range and represent it in various ways (standard form, expanded form, using objects, etc.). They will also decompose the number three times by creating sums of three elements whose result is the chosen number.


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

These worksheets are adaptable to various learning environments and cater to diverse learning styles. Use them as homework assignments, in-class activities, or assessment tools to prepare your students for mathematical success.

Download "Place Value Mastery Worksheets: Foundations of Numbers up to 120" now to witness the growth of your students' Place Value comprehension. It's a resource that makes learning mathematics enjoyable and effective.

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by Freepik


Math Homework - Personal Financial Literacy

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Immerse students in a dynamic 3-week homework series that integrates mathematical concepts with essential financial literacy skills. This resource is designed to align with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), focusing on numbers and operations, coin recognition, and practical applications of financial decision-making.

Key Learning Objectives:

  1. Coin Recognition (TEKS 1.4):
  • Identify U.S. coins by value, including pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.
  • Describe the relationships among different coins.
  • Write numbers with the cent symbol to represent the value of a coin.
  • Use relationships to count coins by twos, fives, and tens.
  1. Financial Literacy (TEKS 1.9):
  • Define money earned as income.
  • Recognize income as a means of obtaining goods and services.
  • Make choices between wants and needs.
  • Distinguish between spending and saving.
  • Consider the concept of charitable giving.

Resource Features:

  • Aligned with TEKS 1.4 (Number and Operations) and TEKS 1.9 (Personal Financial Literacy).
  • Three-week structured homework series with 4-page assignments each week.
  • Engaging activities to deepen understanding of coins and financial literacy.
  • Practical application of mathematical concepts in real-world scenarios.
  • Parent's guide for enhanced involvement and support at home.

Why Choose This Resource?

  • Holistic integration of mathematical skills and financial literacy concepts.
  • Progressive learning approach from coin recognition to practical financial decision-making.
  • Emphasis on critical thinking and problem-solving in real-world scenarios.
  • Encourages a foundational understanding of financial security through effective money management.

Unlock Math Excellence with this comprehensive 3-week homework series, empowering students with mathematical proficiency and essential financial literacy skills for a lifetime of success.


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

These worksheets are adaptable to various learning environments and cater to diverse learning styles. Use them as homework assignments, in-class activities, or assessment tools to prepare your students for mathematical success.

Unlock Math Homework Personal Financial Literacy with this comprehensive 3-week homework series, empowering students with mathematical proficiency and essential financial literacy skills for a lifetime of success.

Get the US Coins ClipArt used in this resource that I created for personal and commercial use and use it for your purposes**:**

US Coins ClipArt by Ms Garcia Store

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by Freepik

Image by dooder on Freepik

Image by dooder on Freepik


120 printable bingo cards and a 120-ball PowerPoint Bingo Caller and printable

By Ms Garcia Store

Introducing an Exciting Bingo/Tombola Game!

Dive into the world of Bingo with our phenomenal educational resource.

What's Included:

  • 120 printable Bingo cards, neatly arranged with 6 cards per sheet.
  • Printable Bingo Caller.
  • PowerPoint Bingo Caller.

A Versatile Resource:

  • Discover a built-in random number generator within PowerPoint, spanning numbers 1 to 120.
  • Engage your students in a thrilling Bingo experience that helps them master numbers from 1 to 120.
  • Witness the enthusiasm of your students as they come together to compete and learn.

Endless Possibilities:

  • Encourage collaborative learning as students play together, pitting their wits against one another.
  • Elevate group dynamics by providing multiple Bingo cards for each member of competing groups.
  • Create interactive learning stations for small groups, making education an enjoyable journey.

Unleash the Fun:

  • Explore the boundless potential of Bingo as an educational tool.
  • Watch as your students embrace learning with excitement and joy.

Unlock the world of Bingo and make learning numbers an unforgettable adventure for your students. Grab this fantastic resource today!


Extract the files out of the ZIP file and out of the Download folder.

When you first open the document, you may be prompted to enable content that is blocked for security reasons. This content is simply the Visual Basic code needed to generate numbers in random order. Please accept it if you want the resource to function properly.

Instructions for Enabling ActiveX in PowerPoint:
Important Note: Enabling ActiveX can pose security risks. Only follow these instructions for trusted documents.

  1. Open the PowerPoint presentation you have received.
  2. If you see a security warning message near the top of the PowerPoint window that says "Security Warning: ActiveX controls have been disabled," click on it.
  3. A security dialog box will appear. Click on the "Enable Content" or "Enable ActiveX" button.
  4. If the presentation contains ActiveX objects, a similar security warning may appear. Click on it and choose the option to enable ActiveX controls or "Run ActiveX Controls."
  5. If prompted to trust the document or source, follow the on-screen prompts to confirm trust in the document.
  6. You can now use the ActiveX objects as needed in the presentation.
  7. After you've finished using the presentation, save any changes you made and close the file.

Remember to exercise caution and only enable ActiveX for documents from trusted sources. Disabling ActiveX is recommended for unknown or untrusted documents to protect your computer and data from potential security threats.

Money vector created by upklyak - www.freepik.com

More Bingo Games:

⭐ 75 balls PowerPoint Bingo

⭐ 100 balls PowerPoint Bingo

⭐ 120 balls PowerPoint Bingo

⭐ Multiplication Bingo Mastery Kit

⭐ Ultimate Bingo Bundle

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Capture 5 game

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Math Homework - Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Enhance your students' understanding of Number Relationships and coins with our comprehensive "Math Homework - Number Relationships up to 120 and Coins." This resource includes 8 engaging worksheets designed to strengthen your students' essential mathematical concepts related to numbers up to 120 and coins. Through a series of seven engaging exercises, your students will develop a strong foundation in number relationships, addition, subtraction, counting, and more with coins. Each PDF contains four skill-building pages, making it easy to integrate this resource into your weekly lesson plans. It is an excellent resource for teachers, homeschooling parents, or anyone looking to reinforce these skills.

Exercises for Every Weekly Homework:

Exercise 1: Identifying Coin Names and Values

In this exercise, students will write the name (Penny, Nickel, Dime, or Quarter) and the value of each coin beneath them using the cent symbol (¢).

Exercise 2: Solving Addition with Coins

Students will solve the addition and represent the result by drawing coins of 1, 5, 10, or 25 cents, using as few coins as possible.

Exercise 3: Counting forward the value of the coins

They will count forward from a given number of cents. Students will have to count forward by ones, twos, fives, tens, or quarters, depending on the value of every coin.

Exercise 4: Counting backward the value of the coins

The same as the one above, but this time counting backward.

Exercise 5: Calculating Coin Values

Students will Calculate the value, in cents, for each set of coins and use the cent symbol.

Exercise 6: Drawing Equivalent Sets of Coins

They will draw 3 different sets of coins that are equivalent to a given number of cents.

Exercise 7: Fill in the Cross (+1¢, -1¢, +10¢, -10¢)

Students will work on nine cross-shaped grids, each with a provided number of cents in the center. Their task is to complete the four fields of the crosses using mathematical operations: add 1¢, subtract 1¢, add 10¢, and subtract 10¢ relative to the central numbers. This exercise enhances their understanding of number relationships and basic arithmetic.


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

These worksheets are adaptable to various learning environments and cater to diverse learning styles. Use them as homework assignments, in-class activities, or assessment tools to prepare your students for mathematical success.

Download "Math Homework - Number Relationships up to 120 and Coins" now to witness the growth of your students' Number Relationships and coins comprehension. It's a resource that makes learning mathematics enjoyable and effective.

Get the US Coins ClipArt used in this resource that I created for personal and commercial use and use it for your purposes**:**

US Coins ClipArt by Ms Garcia Store

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by Freepik

Image by dooder on Freepik

Image by dooder on Freepik


Math Homework - Three-Dimensional Figures

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Introducing "Math Homework - Three-Dimensional Figures" – a comprehensive and engaging resource designed to enhance your child's understanding of 3D shapes. This unit consists of two weekly 4-page long homework assignments, each offering a variety of exercises that encourage active learning and critical thinking.

Key Features:

  1. Engaging Activities: The resource offers a variety of hands-on and thought-provoking activities that encourage students to explore, draw, and describe 3D shapes such as spheres, cones, cylinders, cubes, rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, hexagonal prisms, square pyramids, and triangular pyramids.
  2. Formal Language Development: Students are prompted to use formal geometric language to describe the attributes of 3D shapes. The exercises help build vocabulary related to vertices, edges, faces, and other key features, fostering language development.
  3. Critical Thinking and Comparison: The homework assignments involve critical thinking tasks, including comparisons between shapes, identification of unique attributes, and distinguishing between different types of 3D figures. These tasks enhance problem-solving skills.
  4. Real-World Connections: Some exercises bring real-world scenarios into the learning process, making abstract geometric concepts more tangible and relatable for young learners.
  5. Alignment with Standards: The content aligns with Texas state standards (TEKS 1.6.B and 1.6.E) related to geometry and measurement. The exercises are structured to meet specific learning objectives, ensuring a targeted and effective learning experience.

Bonus Features:

  • 3D Shapes Illustrated Guide: A visual reference to reinforce understanding.
  • Glossary (English and Spanish): Accessible language support for students to complete the descriptions of several exercises.
  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

This unit is specially crafted to make learning about 3D shapes enjoyable and meaningful. It encourages independent exploration and problem-solving, fostering a strong foundation in geometry for young learners. Elevate your child's math skills with "Three Dimensional Figures" – an excellent addition to your at-home learning resources!

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Bunny on a Cloud

Image by Freepik


Math Homework - Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Are you prepared to guide young minds toward a profound grasp of addition and subtraction? Look no further. Our carefully designed math homework resource remains your key to assisting students in developing outstanding math skills within the number range up to 20. Here's why you should integrate this resource into your teaching toolkit:

Adaptable Learning for the 2 weeks. This resource seamlessly aligns with your curriculum, spanning two pivotal weeks of your course. Each week presents a variety of exercises and challenges designed to meet diverse learning needs, transforming math into an engaging adventure.

Resource Composition: A Complete Learning Package

  • Two Pages of Engaging Addition and Subtraction Problems: These pages are filled with a variety of addition and subtraction problems to reinforce the essential skills needed for mastering mathematical operations.
  • One Page of Real-World Word Problems: Dive into the world of practical applications with word problems aligned with educational standards, emphasizing concrete and pictorial models for problem-solving.
  • One Page of Math Snake Puzzle: An innovative and interactive puzzle that engages students while reinforcing mathematical skills. Fill in the missing numbers as you navigate the snake-like layout.
  • Fifth Page: Math Snake Puzzle Solution: Each week concludes with the solution to the engaging Math Snake Puzzle, intended for the teacher or classroom to share, eliminating the need to print one for every student.


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

Why Choose This Resource?

  • Unlock math excellence with versatile learning.
  • Engage and challenge students with thoughtfully designed exercises.
  • Foster an awareness of the symmetry of equality through equations.
  • Promote problem-solving skills with real-world problem-solving tasks.
  • Provide an engaging and interactive element with the Math Snake Puzzle.
  • Ideal for educators and dedicated parents committed to extending learning beyond the classroom.

With this unit, students are prepared to overcome a diverse range of addition and subtraction challenges, equipping themselves with the skills necessary for mathematical success. Don't just teach math; unlock a world of mathematical excellence.

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images in the creation of this educational resource.

Image by Freepik


Math Homework - Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Enhance your students' understanding of Place Value with our comprehensive "Place Value Mastery Worksheets: Foundations of Numbers up to 20." This resource includes 8 engaging worksheets (2 weeks of homework) designed to strengthen your students' numeracy skills, conveniently organized into two PDFs, one for each week. Each PDF contains four skill-building pages, making it easy to integrate this resource into your weekly lesson plans. It is an excellent resource for teachers, homeschooling parents, or anyone looking to reinforce Place Value concepts.

Exercises for Every Weekly Homework:

  1. Represent the following numbers using blocks or objects:
    Your child should draw small objects or blocks to visually represent each given number. This helps reinforce the concept of place value.
  2. Write these numbers in expanded form:
    In this exercise, your child needs to break down each number into its hundreds, tens, and ones places. The expanded form shows the value of each digit.
  3. Compare the following pairs of numbers using >, <, or =:
    Your child will use comparison symbols to indicate whether one number is greater than, less than, or equal to another. This reinforces their understanding of place value and number relationships.
  4. Form a number that is (greater than but less than):
    Your child is tasked with creating a number within a specified range. They need to think critically about the conditions provided and form a number that meets those criteria.
  5. Use your knowledge of place value and an open number line to arrange the following numbers in the correct order on the number line provided:
    Your child will utilize an open number line to arrange the given numbers in the correct order based on their values. This exercise reinforces both place value and number line concepts.
  6. Describe how the following numbers are related to each other using words like "greater than," "less than," or "equal to:"
    Your child will practice using comparative language to describe the relationships between numbers. This exercise reinforces their ability to articulate these relationships.
  7. Compare the following piles of cubes using >, <, or =:
    Your child will compare the quantities of cubes in different piles using comparison symbols. This helps reinforce the concept of more, less, or equal.
  8. Choose a number between 8 and 20. Represent it in 4 different ways and decompose it 3 times:
    Your child needs to choose a number within the specified range and represent it in various ways (standard form, expanded form, using objects, etc.). They will also decompose the number three times by creating sums of three elements whose result is the chosen number.


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

These worksheets are adaptable to various learning environments and cater to diverse learning styles. Use them as homework assignments, in-class activities, or assessment tools to prepare your students for mathematical success.

Download "Place Value Mastery Worksheets: Foundations of Numbers up to 20" now to witness the growth of your students' Place Value comprehension. It's a resource that makes learning mathematics enjoyable and effective.

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by Freepik


Math Homework Numeracy Using Data Analysis

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Embark on a two-week math adventure with our engaging Math Homework resource designed for at-home learning! Each week features a four-page homework assignment comprising seven exciting exercises tailored to reinforce Data Analysis skills, aligned with TEKS 1.8 and complementary standards.

Students will delve into the captivating realm of data, where they collect and organize diverse information. Utilizing vibrant picture and bar-type graphs, along with Tally Charts and T-Charts, they will skillfully draw meaningful conclusions, nurturing foundational math skills and fostering a passion for real-world problem-solving.

This at-home learning resource is perfect for reinforcing mathematical concepts, making the subject enjoyable and educational for first-grade students. Elevate your child's math proficiency with these engaging weekly homework assignments!


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

These worksheets are adaptable to various learning environments and cater to diverse learning styles. Use them as homework assignments, in-class activities, or assessment tools to prepare your students for mathematical success.

Download "Numeracy Using Data Analysis" now to witness the growth of your students' Data comprehension. It's a resource that makes learning mathematics enjoyable and effective.

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by Freepik


Math Homework Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Embark on a two-week math adventure with our engaging Math Homework resource designed for at-home learning! Each week features a four-page homework assignment comprising eight and six exciting exercises tailored to reinforce Half and quarter Fractions and Time to the Half Hour, aligned with TEKS 1.7(E), 1.6(G), 1.6(H), and complementary standards.

This engaging unit reinforces mathematical skills and encourages a positive attitude towards math through hands-on, real-world applications. Elevate your child's learning experience with our Math Homework Unit 13!


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by Freepik


Math Homework - Numeracy Routines and Systems

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Introducing our engaging and interactive First Grade Math Homework Unit! This comprehensive 4-page resource is tailor-made for at-home learning, designed to reinforce essential math skills while making learning enjoyable for your first-grade child.

Key Features:

  • Week 1 Focus: Addition and Subtraction Strategies

    • Dive into the world of numbers as your child explores addition and subtraction strategies, aligning with TEKS 1.3 standards.
  • Variety of Exercises for Skill Mastery

    • This homework unit provides a diverse set of exercises, from easy sums to real-world problem-solving, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of addition and subtraction within 20.
  • Visual Learning with Concrete and Pictorial Models

    • Enhance understanding through concrete and pictorial models, promoting a hands-on and visual approach to math.
  • Engaging Story Problems and Challenges

    • Real-world story problems make math relatable and exciting. Challenge exercises at the end boost confidence and critical thinking skills.
  • Clear Instructions for Parents

    • A detailed guide ensures that parents can easily support their child's learning at home, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Why Choose Our Math Homework:

  • Aligned with TEKS standards, ensuring relevance to your child's school curriculum.
  • Designed for independent exploration, encouraging self-directed learning.
  • Supports a love for problem-solving and real-world applications, laying a strong foundation for future mathematical concepts.

Invest in Your Child's Learning Journey: This 4-page math homework unit is a valuable addition to your child's learning toolkit. Strengthen their math skills, foster a positive attitude toward learning, and make math a delightful adventure!

Elevate your child's math proficiency with our First Grade Math Homework - Week 1: Numeracy Routines and Systems! Purchase now and embark on a rewarding math journey together.


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

These worksheets are adaptable to various learning environments and cater to diverse learning styles. Use them as homework assignments, in-class activities, or assessment tools to prepare your students for mathematical success.

Download "Numeracy Routines and Systems" now to witness the growth of your students' numeracy comprehension. It's a resource that makes learning mathematics enjoyable and effective.

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by dooder on Freepik

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy


Math Homework - Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Introducing our new online resource for First Grade: Math Homework "Addition and Subtraction using Data Representation." This comprehensive 4-page homework is designed for one week of engaging learning. Students will explore different graph types such as bar graphs, picture graphs, pie charts, and tally mark charts, developing the skills to interpret and extract valuable information. Through carefully crafted exercises, they will not only enhance their graph-reading abilities but also master addition and subtraction by applying these skills to real-world scenarios. This resource provides an interactive and enjoyable learning experience, ensuring a solid foundation in both data representation and fundamental math operations.

Exercises of the Homework:

Exercise 1: Look at the picture graph below and answer the questions:

  • How many students like 4-leg pets?
  • What is the least favorite pet among the students?
  • How many students were surveyed?

Exercise 2: Examine the bar graph and respond to the questions:

  • What is the most popular fruit among the students?
  • How many students chose oranges?
  • How many students chose bananas and oranges combined?

Exercise 3: Review the tally mark chart and answer the questions:

  • Which 2 flavors have the most votes?
  • How many students prefer chocolate or strawberry?
  • How many more students like vanilla than mint?

Exercise 4: Examine the graph below and answer the questions:

  • How many students are on Bus B?
  • Which bus has the fewest students?
  • If we add the number of students on Bus C and Bus D, how many students do we have?

Exercise 5: Analyze the picture graph with symbols and answer the questions:

  • What was the most common weather condition during the month?
  • On how many days was it rainy or stormy?
  • How many more days were partly cloudy than rainy?

Exercise 6: Examine the graph below about the snacks students brought to school and answer the questions:

  • Which snack has the highest count?
  • How many oranges, apples, and watermelons were brought to class?
  • Compare the number of apples to strawberries. How many more apples were brought?

Exercise 7: Examine the data below representing the modes of transportation students use to get to school. Create a bar graph to represent the transportation choices and answer the questions:

  • Which transportation mode is the least popular among students?
  • How many students don’t go walking to school?
  • Compare the number of students who take the bus to those who ride bikes. How many more students take the bus?


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

These worksheets are adaptable to various learning environments and cater to diverse learning styles. Use them as homework assignments, in-class activities, or assessment tools to prepare your students for mathematical success.

Download "Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations" now to witness the growth of your students Data comprehension. It's a resource that makes learning mathematics enjoyable and effective.

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by dooder on Freepik

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy


Math Homework Two-Dimensional Figures

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

Introducing "Math Homework Two-Dimensional Figures" – a comprehensive and engaging resource designed to enhance your child's understanding of 2D shapes. This unit consists of two weekly 4-page long homework assignments, each offering a variety of exercises that encourage active learning and critical thinking. Here's a glimpse into the exciting activities included:

  1. Name these 8 two-dimensional shapes: Identify and become familiar with essential shapes.
  2. Sort them by drawing each shape in its appropriate category: Develop categorization skills based on shape attributes.
  3. Describe the following three 2D shapes using words from the provided Word Bank if necessary: Enhance descriptive vocabulary related to 2D shapes.
  4. Sort the following 2D Shapes by any of their attributes (you choose): Apply critical thinking to categorize shapes based on different attributes.
  5. 2D Shapes Riddles: Engage in a fun and challenging activity by solving riddles related to 2D shapes.
  6. True or False (circle your answer): Practice decision-making skills by determining the accuracy of statements about 2D shapes.

Bonus Features:

  • 2D Shapes Illustrated Guide: A visual reference to reinforce understanding.
  • Glossary (English and Spanish): Accessible language support for students to complete the descriptions of exercise 3.
  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

This unit is specially crafted to make learning about 2D shapes enjoyable and meaningful. It encourages independent exploration and problem-solving, fostering a strong foundation in geometry for young learners. Elevate your child's math skills with "Two Dimensional Figures" – an excellent addition to your at-home learning resources!

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images to create this educational resource.

Image by Freepik


Math Homework - Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

By Ms Garcia Store

This content can be adapted to fit the different schedules of each district.

"Unlock Math Excellence: Mastering Addition and Subtraction up to 10

Are you ready to empower young minds with a deep understanding of addition and subtraction? Look no further. Our meticulously crafted math homework resource is your key to helping students develop exceptional math skills within the number range of up to 10. Here's why you should make this resource your teaching companion:

3 weeks of versatile Learning. This resource is perfectly aligned with your curriculum, spanning three crucial weeks of your course. Each week offers an array of exercises and challenges that cater to students' diverse learning needs, making math an engaging adventure.

Resource Composition: A Complete Learning Package

  • Two Pages of Engaging Addition and Subtraction Problems: These pages are filled with a variety of addition and subtraction problems to reinforce the essential skills needed for mastering mathematical operations.
  • One Page of Real-World Word Problems: Dive into the world of practical applications with word problems aligned with educational standards, emphasizing concrete and pictorial models for problem-solving.
  • One Page of Math Snake Puzzle: An innovative and interactive puzzle that engages students while reinforcing mathematical skills. Fill in the missing numbers as you navigate the snake-like layout.
  • Fifth Page: Math Snake Puzzle Solution: Each week concludes with the solution to the engaging Math Snake Puzzle, intended for the teacher or classroom to share, eliminating the need to print one for every student.


  • Parent's Guide: We've included a detailed guide for parents to help them understand each exercise and support their child's learning journey. This resource encourages meaningful parent involvement in their child's education.
  • Spanish Translation of the Parent's Guide: To further enhance accessibility and inclusivity, we've provided a Spanish translation of the Parent's Guide. This ensures that non-English-speaking parents can actively participate in their child's mathematical development.

Why Choose This Resource?

  • Unlock math excellence with versatile learning.
  • Engage and challenge students with thoughtfully designed exercises.
  • Foster an awareness of the symmetry of equality through equations.
  • Promote problem-solving skills with real-world problem-solving tasks.
  • Provide an engaging and interactive element with the Math Snake Puzzle.
  • Ideal for educators and dedicated parents committed to extending learning beyond the classroom.

With this unit, students are primed to conquer a diverse range of addition and subtraction challenges, arming themselves with the skills necessary for mathematics success. Don't just teach math; unlock a world of mathematical excellence."

Get the 17 units:

⭐ Numeracy Routines and Systems

⭐ Numeracy Using Data Analysis

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 10

⭐ Measurement of Time- Time to the Hour

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 20

⭐ Addition and Subtraction- Represen. Word Problems up to 20

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 99

⭐ Number Relationships up to 99

⭐ Place Value- Foundations of numbers up to 120

⭐ Number Relationships up to 120 and coins

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Using Data Representations

⭐ Two-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Fractions and Time to the Half Hour

⭐ Three-Dimensional Figures

⭐ Linear Measurement

⭐ Addition and Subtraction Essential Understandings

⭐ Personal Financial Literacy

Thanks to the graphic designers for allowing us to use their images in the creation of this educational resource.

Image by Freepik
