Etiquetas Biblioteca de Aula | Género y Tema | Spanish Classroom Library Labels
By SPO Resources
Organiza la biblioteca de tu aula por géneros con estas coloridas etiquetas de géneros y temas para estanterías y cajas de libros. Con una categorización clara, clasificar los libros de la biblioteca por géneros y temas es FÁCIL.
Elija el formato listo para imprimir o utilice los archivos de imagen PNG y las plantillas prediseñadas para cada etiqueta de género para ajustar fácilmente el tamaño de las etiquetas y seleccionar etiquetas de género específicas para imprimir. De este modo, ahorrará tinta y papel a la hora de organizar la biblioteca de su aula.
Con seis formatos listos para imprimir, dos de los cuales están diseñados para ajustarse a las etiquetas Avery, podrá imprimir rápidamente etiquetas en varios tamaños y formatos que mejor se adapten a las necesidades de su aula.
Las plantillas incluidas en PowerPoint, Google Slides y Canva, junto con los archivos de imagen PNG de cada etiqueta, facilitan la personalización y selección de las etiquetas que desea imprimir, ofreciendo flexibilidad en el proceso de impresión.
Aquí tienes un resumen de las opciones disponibles:
Con estas funciones, puede simplificar el proceso de impresión de etiquetas y crear etiquetas de género de aspecto profesional para la biblioteca de su clase. Disfrute de una organización perfecta y cree un ambiente de lectura vibrante para sus alumnos.
¿Ya tienes los Pósters de géneros de lectura para tu aula?
En sintonía con los carteles de géneros de lectura, estas etiquetas de géneros para el aula se diseñaron para ayudar a los alumnos a aplicar sus conocimientos sobre los géneros de los libros en la biblioteca. Al combinar las etiquetas con los carteles, ayudará a sus alumnos a descubrir libros que les interesen y a comprender mejor los géneros.
¿Estás cansado de tener una biblioteca de aula desorganizada?
Mejore la biblioteca de su clase con estas etiquetas de género y tema para bibliotecas de aula. Clasifica tus libros por género y tema para crear una biblioteca organizada y accesible que fomente la lectura independiente. Despídete de las estanterías desordenadas y da la bienvenida a un atractivo espacio de lectura que inspira el amor por la literatura.
¿A sus alumnos les cuesta encontrar los libros que les interesan?
Con una amplia variedad de etiquetas entre las que elegir, puede organizar su biblioteca de forma que resulte visualmente atractiva y fácil de navegar, lo que permitirá a los alumnos encontrar rápidamente lo que buscan. Observe cómo sus alumnos descubren fácilmente libros que coinciden con sus intereses y niveles de lectura, despertando su pasión por la lectura.
★ Carpeta con imágenes PNG de las 60 etiquetas
★ 4 archivos PDF con etiquetas listas para imprimir
★ 2 archivos PDF con etiquetas Avery listas para imprimir
Dos opciones formateadas para imprimir directamente en etiquetas Avery.
Etiquetas rectangulares Avery: 1-1/3" x 4"→ 14 etiquetas por página
Etiquetas rectangulares Avery: 2" x 6" → 4 etiquetas por página.
★ 6 Plantillas PPTX para personalizar la impresión
➡ Puede cambiar el tamaño de las imágenes por su cuenta, pero el uso de plantillas le ahorrará tiempo y le facilitará mantener un tamaño uniforme.
➡ Ahorre tinta y papel imprimiendo sólo las etiquetas que necesite.
➡ Si no tiene PowerPoint, ¡no se preocupe! También puedes personalizar las etiquetas utilizando los enlaces proporcionados en Google Slides o Canva.
★ Todas las plantillas están disponibles en Google Slides y Canva.
Tenga en cuenta que ninguna característica de la etiqueta en sí es editable. Usted no será capaz de ajustar los colores, fuentes o gráficos de cualquiera de las etiquetas. Sólo podrá personalizar las etiquetas que desee imprimir utilizando las plantillas.
Etiquetas de género y temas incluidos
★ Etiquetas de ficción
★ Etiquetas de no ficción
★ Temas y otras etiquetas de la biblioteca
¿Falta alguna etiqueta en esta lista que desearía que estuviera incluida?
No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo por correo electrónico en y hágame saber su sugerencia.
¿Cómo puede beneficiar este recurso a mi clase?
Estas etiquetas coloridas y visualmente atractivas han sido cuidadosamente diseñadas para captar la atención de los jóvenes lectores, facilitándoles la elección de los libros de la biblioteca. Los llamativos gráficos de cada etiqueta ayudarán a los alumnos a comprender mejor el género y lo que pueden esperar leer.
Si ya tiene los pósteres de lectura de género, éstos serán un gran suplemento para su materiales didácticos. Estas etiquetas le ayudarán a coordinar su biblioteca con el contenido que se enseña durante su bloque de alfabetización. De este modo, a los alumnos les resultará más fácil encontrar los libros que les interesan.
Utiliza estas etiquetas para hacer de tu biblioteca un espacio más atractivo y más fácil de usar. Al clasificar la biblioteca de tu aula por género y tema, puedes crear una experiencia de lectura atractiva y envolvente para tus alumnos, ayudándoles a convertirse en lectores y aprendices para toda la vida.
Estas etiquetas son fáciles de usar y se adaptan a las necesidades de su aula. Ahorre tinta y papel utilizando las plantillas para seleccionar las etiquetas que desea imprimir. Además, puede imprimir directamente en dos tamaños de etiquetas Avery que ya están formateadas para usted. Ahorre tiempo recortando las etiquetas imprimiendo directamente en una hoja de adhesivos.
¿Quién puede beneficiarse de este recurso?
Como profesor de primaria, bibliotecario o educador, utiliza estas etiquetas de biblioteca para crear una biblioteca de aula bien organizada y atractiva. Al agrupar los libros por género y tema, sus alumnos podrán encontrar fácilmente los libros que coincidan con sus intereses y niveles de lectura. Estas etiquetas son una herramienta práctica que fomenta el amor por la lectura y mejora su experiencia docente a la vez que anima a los alumnos a explorar la literatura diversa.
Tras la compra, recibirá un archivo zip que contiene archivos PDF, archivos PPTX e imágenes PNG.
★ Archivos PDF incluidos:
★ Archivos PPTX incluidos:
★ Carpeta de PNG de etiquetas en color
★ Carpeta de PNG de etiquetas en blanco y negro
¿Puedo modificar los colores, gráficos y títulos de las etiquetas?
Los colores, gráficos y títulos de las etiquetas no pueden editarse debido a las restricciones de licencia de las fuentes. Sin embargo, para que se adapten mejor a su plan de estudios, he proporcionado varias versiones de títulos de géneros populares para que pueda elegir. Si las opciones de color no se adaptan a sus necesidades, puede usar la opción en blanco y negro e imprimir en la cartulina de color de su elección.
¿Necesito algún software específico para utilizar las plantillas?
La misma plantilla está disponible en PowerPoint, Google Slides y Canva. Esto significa que si no tienes acceso a Microsoft Office, puedes utilizar la versión gratuita de Canva o Google Slides para acceder a las plantillas.
¿Puedo utilizar los archivos de imagen PNG para imprimir etiquetas en tamaños diferentes a los mencionados en la descripción del producto?
Sí, puede ajustar las etiquetas al tamaño que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. Cada imagen PNG tiene un tamaño original de 8" x 2.5", pero se puede ajustar al tamaño que prefiera. Se incluyen plantillas del tamaño de la imagen para facilitar el proceso de impresión, incluso para aquellos que no sean expertos en diseño.
¿Es difícil utilizar las plantillas para alguien sin experiencia en diseño?
Las plantillas son muy fáciles de usar y se incluyen como herramienta para facilitarte el proceso de impresión. También se incluyen instrucciones sobre cómo utilizarlas. Alternativamente, puede optar por imprimir las etiquetas directamente desde el PDF listo para imprimir.
¿Puedo utilizar las imágenes en mis propios productos TeachShare o publicarlas en la web?
No, este producto está destinado a un único uso personal o en el aula. No puede publicar estas imágenes en ningún sitio web no seguro ni incluirlas en recursos gratuitos o de pago. Consulte mis Condiciones de uso (CDU) para obtener más información.
Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at I am always happy to help!
Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources
All rights reserved by the author.
Purchase is for single classroom use only.
Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.
Get ready to easily create an organized classroom library with these library labels for book bins and bookshelves in Spanish.
Printable Keyboard - Single Page Sized
By Z is for Zebra
Printable Keyboard - single page sized. This product is a great compliment to my Giant Printable Keyboard! Download and print off keyboards that your students can practice their finger placement. The color scheme matches my giant printable keyboard to help them out. These keyboards are fit to print on an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper. Lots of combinations to choose from to find the one that works best for you! This set contains both MAC and PC keyboards Mac Keyboards included: Keyboard - Giant Letters (BW & Color) 1 keyboard per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW & Color) 1 keyboard per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW - Gradient) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard - Giant Letters (BW & Color) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW & Color) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW - Gradient) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard with Number Pad, Arrows and Home End - Giant Letters (Color, BW, Gradient) - 2 per page Keyboards with Finger Placement (BW & Color) PC Keyboard with Number Pad, Arrows and Home End - Giant Letters (Color, BW) - 2 per page Keyboard - Regular Letters (BW & Color) 1 keyboard per page Keyboard - Giant Letters (BW & Color) 2 keyboard per page Keyboard - Giant Letters (BW & Color) 1 keyboard per page Keyboards with Finger Placement (BW & Color) Looking for a wall sized keyboard? I have them in both MAC and PC! Keywords: Computer, key, keyboarding, keyboard, tech, educational, technology, typing, type, colorful, fun, bright, bulletin board, display, computing,
Ten Timid Ghosts Book Activities Companion Read Aloud Questions
By Dotty's Printables
This is a set of companion activities for Ten Timid Ghosts, perfect for extension work after a read-aloud of the story. These no-prep activities help students engage deeply with the themes and characters, making it an ideal addition to your lesson plans.
Each activity supports reading comprehension and connects to the story’s themes, making this set a valuable tool for extending students’ understanding of "Ten Timid Ghosts".
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This is an informal activity set, not affiliated with or endorsed by Ten Timid Ghosts publishers.
By A Teachers Sidekick
This is a simple freebie bookmark themed around Dr. Seuss's The Lorax. There is a colored version and a black-and-white version if your students would like to color it. It comes with the quote from the book, "I am the Lorax, and I speak for the trees!".
I hope you enjoy it. Please rate and review.
Special Thanks to Plearn for supplying the Lorax Clip Art. Go check out Plearn’s Store!
Italian Heritage Month Digital Library || Italian Celebrations || Google Slides
By Pacific Street Playschool
Italian Heritage Month Digital Library
This Google Slide Digital Library was created to help celebrate Italian Heritage Month in your early childhood classroom.
What's Included?
This resource includes:
How Can This Be Used?
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Keywords:Italian, Italian Heritage, Italian Heritage Month, Digital Library, Italian Books, Italin Alphabet, Italian Numbers, Italian Colors, Italian Stories, Italian Books, Google Slides, Google Slides Library, Interactive Library, Italian Celebration, Italian American
Parts of a Book Worksheets & Vocabulary | Library Lessons & Reading Activities
By Innovative Classroom Ideas
With the help of these entertaining parts of a book worksheets, young children will enjoy learning about the components of a book. These entertaining book reports are incredibly helpful for young children. These worksheets on identifying book sections make sure that readers are aware of the title, author, and illustrator, among other elements of the books they are reading. All you need to do is print the label sections of a book worksheet, and your kindergarten, first, second, third, and fourth graders will be ready to study.
These no-prep parts of a book worksheet papers are perfect for kindergarteners, first-graders, second-graders, third-graders, and fourth-graders, regardless of whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler. In order to make sure they comprehend what they are reading, children will learn about the many components of books. Children will find it easy to learn and retain the components of a book with the aid of these guided prompts and identifying pieces of a book worksheet. Additionally, you can print these elements of a book worksheets for your own classroom or home.
The activities on these parts of a book worksheets include:
Whether you are a teacher, parent, homeschooler, daycare provider, or planning a summer camp you will love these parts of a book worksheets for kids in preschool, kindergarten grade 1, and even grade 2.
>>>> ⭐ More Similar Activities ⭐ <<<<<
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♥ Search Key Terms: Parts of a book, the parts of a book, the parts of a book song, parts of a book video, parts of a book lesson, parts of a book for kindergarten, the basic parts of a book,, what are the parts of a book, parts of a book, jack Hartmann parts of a book, learn about the parts of a book, book parts, book,spine of a book, physical parts of a book, parts of a book for grade 2,what is a book, what are the parts of a book?, books, parts of book Parts of a book, the parts of a book, parts of a story, what are the parts of a book, the basic parts of a book, parts of a book lesson, parts of a book for kindergarten, learn about the parts of a book, parts of a book, jack Hartmann,
Library Media Center Grade Level Editable Curriculum Guide
By Sign with me TOD
This product breaks down the library media center use categories: citizenship, organization, classification system, online catalog, literary elements, literary appreciation, literary criticism, reader advisory, topic definition, and information seeking strategies and broken down into sub categories among students in grades K-8. This is an editable document, so you can change the color coordination to meet your students individual learning needs. Colored categories include introduced, reinforced, and refined to show the level that students should be displaying under each subcategory.
The Media Center Literacy Skills that are included in this product include technology expectations for students in grades K - 8th. Vague project or activity ideas are included under each grade level, to allow for creativity when planning instruction for students.
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Halloween Bulletin Board Set - Halloween Classroom Decor - Reading- Pastel
By MrsBaileyandHerClass
Transform your classroom with the vibrant and fun pastel and black and white Halloween Batty About Work Bulletin Board Set! This resource is perfect for creating a student work display that combines seasonal style and practicality. Designed with a delightful pastel bat reading theme, this bulletin board set keeps your students interested and engaged. Ideal for displaying classroom seasonal projects, it’s a must-have for any teacher looking to enhance their classroom environment.
This set includes the phrase 'Batty About Books in two text variations. Whether you're creating a festive reading corner, classroom library display, or celebrating Halloween with a literary twist, these pastel bats will bring charm and joy to your classroom!
Here’s why this bulletin board set is a must-have for any organized classroom:
Why It's a Good Buy:
Ideal for grades PreK-5, this bulletin board set makes your classroom feel festive while keeping the focus on books and learning! Just print, cut, and display—your students will love it!
I hope you find this resource just as fun for your students as it has been for mine! If you have any questions or would like to share feedback, please reach out to me on Instagram: MrsBaileyandHerClass.
How to Earn TeachShare Credits for Future Purchases:
Book Character Pumpkin Contest
By The Librarian's Language Loft
Schools can celebrate reading in October with a book character pumpkin contest. This product includes a parent letter in color and in black and white. There is a link to Google slides with an option to edit a entry form to add a date. Add a text box to add your information to the letter.
** Please note that the writing and images on this Google slide resource have been flattened and secured to protect my work (therefore not editable). As with every Google slide, buyers can add text boxes to write their own information or insert images.**
Library Skills: Text Clues Task Cards
By Amanda G
This pack includes 24 scavenger hunt cards and a printable answer sheet allowing students to record up to twelve answers.
I designed this set with the library in mind but you can easily use this in your classroom.
The purpose of this scavenger hunt is to familiarize/support students in using text clues to determine the subject of a book.
How to use:
* Print, laminate and cut each card.. You will need a pile of picture books and a selection of nonfiction books. Make sure you have books that will answer each of the task cards, and some extras that don’t match any. You may also wish to select books that could meet the requirement of more than one task card.
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Bilingual Classroom Library Labels | Blue-English Green-Spanish | Dual Language
By SPO Resources
Organize Your Classroom Library by Genre with Bilingual Labels!
Enhance your classroom library with these dual-language genre and topic labels for bookshelves and book bins. Featuring blue font for English and green font for Spanish, these labels make sorting your books by genre and topic a breeze!
★ Bilingual labels are available in BLUE for English & RED for Spanish, or in multicolor.
★ Additional labels are available in English-only or Spanish-only options.
Choose the ready-to-print format, or use the PNG image files & pre-made templates to adjust label sizes and select specific genre labels for printing, saving ink and paper.
✨ SIX READY-TO-PRINT FORMATS: Two formats fit Avery labels, allowing you to quickly and easily print in various sizes to meet your classroom needs.
✨ FLEXIBLE TEMPLATES: Use the templates provided in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva, along with PNG image files, to easily customize and print your labels.
Options Available:
Streamline the label printing process and create professional-looking genre labels for your classroom library. Enjoy seamless organization and a vibrant reading atmosphere for your students.
★ Folder with PNG images of all 65 labels
★ 4 PDF Files with ready-to-print labels
★ 2 PDF Files with ready-to-print Avery Labels
★ 6 PPTX Templates for customization
★ Templates in Google Slides & Canva
Is there a label missing that you wish was included? Reach out to me at with your suggestion!
Upon purchase, you will receive a zip file containing PDF files, PPTX files, and PNG images.
PDF Files Included:
PPTX Files Included:
PNGs Included:
1. Can I customize the colors, graphics, and titles on the labels?
2. Do I need specific software to use the templates?
3. Can I use the PNG image files to print labels in different sizes?
4. Is it difficult for someone without design experience to use the templates?
5. Can I use the images in my own products to sell or give away for free?
These bilingual labels are perfect for you if you're a dual-language educator, ESL/ELL teacher, or foreign language instructor. They're also incredibly helpful if you're a school librarian with students who speak both Spanish and English. Use these labels to create an organized and engaging classroom library for your elementary or primary students.
❤️ Why You'll Love It ❤️
Time-Saving: Ready-to-print labels and easy-to-use templates save you valuable prep time.
Bilingual Support: Helps your students improve their language skills in both English and Spanish.
Versatile & Flexible: Includes a wide range of genre and topic labels in various sizes, perfect for bookshelves, book bins, and literacy focus walls, enhancing your classroom organization and learning.
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Made my classroom library so organized and helped students identify genre!” -Allison K.
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “This was perfect for my library! It is so cute and colorful, and includes so many options!” -Alexandra E.
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “These labels look amazing in my library! They're helpful for my ESL students.” -Paige M.
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⭐ Reading Genre Posters
⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts
⭐ Spanish & English Reading Genre Posters
⭐ BUNDLE Reading Genre Posters & Anchor Charts
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If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at I am always happy to help!
Created by Samantha McNally | ©SPO Resources
All rights reserved by the author.
Purchase is for single classroom use only. Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.
Enjoy seamless organization and a vibrant classroom library with these genre and topic labels designed for your classroom!
By Z is for Zebra
Do you want to organize your classroom library a bit? Here are 108 Book Labels to use in your classroom to build your own personal library. This collection contains 108 different labels on a bright polka dotted background! Each label is 3"x4" and contains a name and an image for that name. Here is a list of the book bin labels: 5 Senses, ABC books, Adventure Books, Alphabet Books, Animal Characters, Apples, Around The World, Art Books, Award Winning, Back to School, Big Books, Biographies, Birds, Board Books, Chapter Books, Christmas, Classic Books, Clifford, Color books, Counting, Cultures, Dental Health, Detective, Dinosaurs, Earth, Earth Day, Earth Science, Easter, Explorers, Fables, Fall, Family, Fantasy Books, Farm, Fiction, Food, Friends, Frogs, Funny Books, Geography, Graphic Novels, Halloween, Hanukkah, Harry Potter, Health, Historical Fiction, History, Holidays, How To, Humorous , Informational, Insects, Inventions & Technology, Legends & Myths, Life Cycles, Machines & Building, Magazines, Magic School Bus, Magic Tree House, Magnetism & Electricity, Math Books, Monster Books, Multicultural Books, Music Books, Mystery, Native Americans, Nature, New Books, Occupations, Ocean Life, Pets, Plants, Poetry, Polar Life, Presidents, Pumpkins, Rainforest Life, Realistic Fiction, Relationships, Reptiles, Rocks & Minerals, Safety, School, Science, Science Fiction, Sea Life, Seasons & Change, Seek & Find, Shape books, Silly Stories, Solar System, Song Books, Songs & Poems, Space, Spiders, Sports, Student Authors, Superhero Books, Teacher Favorites, The Human Body, Transportation, United States History, Veteran’s Day, Weather, Wild Animals, Winter, World History, Zoo Animals. Enjoy & Please leave feedback if you find this useful! Thanks! Brian If you like this product, please take a minute to "LIKE" it and "PIN" it!
The Giving Tree Activities Shel Silverstein Book Companion Read Aloud Questions
By Dotty's Printables
This is a set of companion activities for The Giving Tree, perfect for extension work after a read-aloud of the story. These no-prep activities help students engage deeply with the themes and characters, making it an ideal addition to your lesson plans.
Each activity supports reading comprehension and connects to the story’s themes, making this set a valuable tool for extending students’ understanding of "The Giving Tree".
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Thank you for shopping by My Store. Rating after downloading is very appreciated!
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This is an informal activity set, not affiliated with or endorsed by The Giving Tree publishers.
Book Report Project Templates | Simple Book Review, Bookmarks, & Parts of a Book
By Innovative Classroom Ideas
By utilizing this worksheet pack, you can make sure kids understand the material they are reading. A ton of fun printable book activities like a book report templates, parts of a book worksheets, and reading comprehension bookmarks are included in this bundle. This Book Activities Packet has it all and more, fostering a love of reading while enhancing critical thinking skills. Your little ones will be engaged and excited to explore the world of books!
✅ Save more than 50% when you get a bundle ✅
This bundle contains the following resources:
⭐ Book Report Project Templates | Simple Book Review | Reading Response Sheets
Ensure children comprehend the content they are reading by using these worksheets for book reports. These enjoyable printable book report template pages are ideal for older children enrolled in second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade classes. These book report forms, which require no prep, aid in making sure that readers comprehend the material they are reading. Just print the book report template, fill it out, and write down details about the book, such as the title, author, setting, main characters, the end, and more.
These book report templates are ideal for parents, teachers, and homeschoolers of students in grades 3 through 6. They require no preparation. Instead of staring at a blank page, children should practice writing, summarizing the main ideas of the book, and confirming that they understand what they are reading. This will help your early reader succeed! A book report form, such as these worksheets, can assist kids in recalling the key elements of the literature they read and help them create an engaging report on any book they have been reading.
The activities on these book reports include:
⭐ Book Report Project Templates | Simple Book Review | Reading Response Sheets
Use these book reports to ensure that children are comprehending what they have read. Because it requires no preparation and can be used with any book, this third-grade book report is incredibly useful. Make sure readers are comprehending what they are reading by using this book report template. There are numerous spaces on these book report forms for second, third, fourth, and fifth graders to take down details about the book, such as the title, author, setting, main characters and the ending. All you need to do is print the book report templates.
These no-prep book report templates are perfect for students in grades 2, 3, 4, and 5, regardless of whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler. Staring at a blank page won't help your early reader thrive; instead, they need to practice writing, summarizing the main ideas of the book, and making sure they comprehend what they are reading. Children may simply prepare an engaging report on any book they have been reading with the aid of our Book Review Template for Kids and guided prompts. Use these third-grade book report worksheets to help kids summarize and articulate the main ideas of the book they just finished reading.
The activities on these book reports include:
⭐ Reading Comprehension Bookmarks | Fiction and Nonfiction Book Report Templates
This might be the greatest reading aid available! With the help of these printable reading comprehension bookmarks, your child can jot down important details about the fiction or nonfiction book they are currently reading. These comprehension bookmarks are an extremely easy way for children in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, and sixth school to demonstrate that they are understanding and remembering what they have studied.
These helpful printable reading comprehension bookmarks are a terrific way to assess children's comprehension of the material they have been reading or to help them get ready to write a book report. For kids in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, and sixth grade, these comprehension bookmarks are incredibly helpful. You will enjoy these worksheets whether you are a homeschooler, teacher, or parent. These comprehension bookmarks will help students work on remembering key facts about what they’ve read – perfect for book reports, learning to take notes, and reading comprehension.
There are 4 choices of these reading comprehension worksheets:
The reading comprehension printable has space for kids to note various different things depending on what grade you are working with. Here are some of the choices you will find on these bookmarks:
⭐ Parts of a Book Worksheets & Vocabulary | Library Lessons & Reading Activities
With the help of these entertaining parts of a book worksheets, young children will enjoy learning about the components of a book. These entertaining book reports are incredibly helpful for young children. These worksheets on identifying book sections make sure that readers are aware of the title, author, and illustrator, among other elements of the books they are reading. All you need to do is print the label sections of a book worksheet, and your kindergarten, first, second, third, and fourth graders will be ready to study.
These no-prep parts of a book worksheet papers are perfect for kindergarteners, first-graders, second-graders, third-graders, and fourth-graders, regardless of whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler. In order to make sure they comprehend what they are reading, children will learn about the many components of books. Children will find it easy to learn and retain the components of a book with the aid of these guided prompts and identifying pieces of a book worksheet. Additionally, you can print these elements of a book worksheets for your own classroom or home.
The activities on these parts of a book worksheets include:
Parts of a book coloring pages
Playdough mat for the parts of a book
Read and trace the parts of the book
Trace the parts of a book in lines
Cut and paste the parts of a book
Color the parts of the book in the correct color
Label the parts of a book on the book
Fill in the parts of a book
Complete the story part of a book
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Pastel Ghost Bulletin Board Letters | Halloween Classroom Decor | Reading
By MrsBaileyandHerClass
Transform your classroom with the vibrant and fun Halloween Boo-tiful Work Bulletin Board Set! This resource is perfect for creating a student work display that combines seasonal style and practicality. Designed with a delightful pastel ghost reading theme, this bulletin board set keeps your students interested and engaged. Ideal for displaying classroom seasonal projects, it’s a must-have for any teacher looking to enhance their classroom environment.
This set includes full-page letters that are easy to cut and customize for any phrase or title. Whether you're creating a festive reading corner, classroom library display, or celebrating Halloween with a literary twist, these book-loving ghosts will bring charm and joy to your classroom!
Here’s why this bulletin board set is a must-have for any organized classroom:
Customizable Headers: Four Premade Headers are already created for you!
Full Printable Alphabet: Quickly customize with your own phrase or title!
Attractive Design: The charming pastel Halloween ghost reading block print and cursive headers add a cheerful and inviting touch to your classroom decor, making information easily accessible and visually appealing.
Comprehensive Set: Includes a full alphabet to allow you to customize and make the display your own!
Easy to Use: Simply print, cut, and display! The set is designed for quick setup, so you can focus on what matters most - teaching and engaging with your students.
Why It's a Good Buy:
Ideal for grades PreK-5, this bulletin board set makes your classroom feel festive while keeping the focus on books and learning! Just print, cut, and display—your students will love it!
I hope you find this resource just as fun for your students as it has been for mine! If you have any questions or would like to share feedback, please reach out to me on Instagram: MrsBaileyandHerClass.
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Library Skills and STEM Activities Bundle
By Amanda G
Elevate your library lessons with this dynamic bundle!
Bundle includes 3 sets of task cards, a hands-on coding activity, a STEM resource package, and a captivating set of lightbox slides. Perfect for fostering critical thinking and creativity, these resources make learning engaging and fun.
* Task cards sets are perfect for back to school library orientation or reviewing skills with students throughout the year. One set is K-4, other sets are 3-8.
* STEAM package includes everything you need to get started, including STEAM bulletin board headers, project "rules", a pre-activity for students to research and learn about the aspects of STEAM, a teacher planning sheet, student workbook, student reflection sheet, and student presentation guidelines.
* Coding resource includes 5 different "stations" that could be done as a whole class activity, or more like traditional ELL and math learning centres.
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All new items are listed at 50% off during the first 24 hours. Another great reason to follow my store.
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Classroom Library Labels by Genre & Topic for Book Bins & bookshelves | Decor
By SPO Resources
Organize your classroom library by genre with these colorful genre & topic labels for bookshelves and book bins. With clear categorization, sorting your library books by genre and topics is EASY!
Choose the ready-to-print format, or use the PNG image files & pre-made templates for each genre label to easily adjust the label sizes and select specific genre labels for printing. This will save ink and paper as you set up your beautifully organized classroom library.
With six ready-to-print formats, two designed to fit Avery labels, you can quickly print labels in various sizes and formats that best meet your classroom needs.
The templates provided in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva, along with the PNG image files of each label, make it easy to customize and select the labels you want to print, offering flexibility in the printing process.
⭐ Click here for the Bilingual Classroom Library Labels in English & Spanish⭐ Click here for the Spanish Classroom Library Labels
Here's a breakdown of the options in this resource:
These features allow you to streamline the label printing process and create professional-looking genre labels for your classroom library. Enjoy seamless organization and create a vibrant reading atmosphere for your students.
Do you already own the Classroom Library Genre Posters & Anchor charts?
Syncing with the Classroom Library Genre Posters & Genre Anchor Charts, these classroom genre labels were designed to help students apply their knowledge of book genres to the library. By matching the labels with the posters you will empower your students to discover books that pique their interests and help them gain a better understanding of genres.
Are you tired of dealing with a disorganized classroom library?
Elevate your classroom library with these Classroom Library Genre & Topic Labels. Categorize your books by genre and topic to create an organized and accessible library that fosters independent reading. Say goodbye to messy bookshelves and hello to an engaging reading corner that inspires a love for literature.
Do your students struggle to find books that interest them?
With a wide variety of labels to choose from, you can organize your library in a way that is visually appealing and easy to navigate, allowing students to find what they are looking for quickly. Watch as your students easily discover books that match their interests and reading levels, igniting their passion for reading.
What's Included:
★ Folder with PNG images of all 60 labels
★ 4 PDF Files with ready-to-print labels
★ 2 PDF Files with ready-to-print Avery Labels
Two options are formatted to print directly onto Avery labels.
Avery Rectangle Labels: 1-1/3" x 4"→ 14 labels per page
Avery Rectangle Labels: 2" x 6" → 4 labels per page
★ 6 PPTX Templates to customize printing
You can insert PNG images into the custom templates to ensure accurate sizing and easy printing of your desired labels.
Choose from the following label templates:
➡ You can resize images on your own, but using templates will save you time and make it easier to maintain consistent sizing.
➡ Save ink and paper by only printing the labels you need.
➡ If you don't have PowerPoint, don't worry! You can customize the labels using the provided links on Google Slides or Canva.
★ All templates are available in Google Slides & Canva
PLEASE NOTE that no feature of the label itself is editable. You cannot adjust the colors, fonts, or graphics of any of the labels. You are only able to customize the labels you would like to print using the templates.
Genre Labels & Topics Included:
★ Fiction Labels
★ Nonfiction Labels
★ Topics & Other Library Labels
Is there a label missing from this list that you wish was included?
Feel free to reach out to me via email at and let me know your suggestion!
How will this resource benefit your classroom?
These colorful and visually appealing labels have been thoughtfully designed to capture the attention of young readers, making it easier for them to choose books from the library. The eye-catching graphics on each label will help students better understand the genre and what they can expect to read about.
If you already own the genre reading posters and anchor charts, these will be a great addition to your teaching tool kit. These labels will help you coordinate your library with the content being taught during your literacy block. This makes it easier for students to find books that interest them.
Use these labels to make your library a more inviting and user-friendly space. By sorting your classroom library by genre and topic, you can create an engaging and immersive reading experience for your students, helping them to become lifelong readers and learners.
These labels are user-friendly and customizable for your classroom needs. Save ink and paper by using the templates to select which labels you want to print. Additionally, you can print directly onto two sizes of Avery labels that are already formatted for you. Save time cutting out the labels by printing directly onto a sticker sheet.
Who can benefit from using this resource?
As an elementary school teacher, librarian, or educator, use these library labels to create a well-organized and captivating classroom library. By grouping books by genre and topic, your students can easily find books that match their interests and reading levels. These labels are a practical tool that promotes a love for reading and enhances your teaching experience while encouraging students' exploration of diverse literature.
Upon purchase, you will receive a zip file containing PDF files, PPTX files, and PNG images.
PDF Files included:
PPTX Files included:
Folder of color label PNGs
Folder of black & white label PNGs
Can I customize the colors, graphics, and titles on the labels?
The colors, graphics, and titles on the labels cannot be edited due to font licensing restrictions. However, to fit your curriculum best, I've provided several versions of titles for popular genres to choose from. If the color options do not suit your needs, you can use the black-and-white option and print onto the colored cardstock of your choice.
Do I need any specific software to use the provided templates?
The same template is available in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva. This means that if you don't have access to Microsoft Office, you can use the free version of Canva or Google Slides to access the templates.
Can I use the PNG image files to print labels in different sizes not mentioned in the product description?
Yes! You can adjust the labels to the size that best fits your needs. Each PNG image is originally sized at 8” x 2.5”, but can be scaled to your preferred size. Image-sized templates are included to make the printing process easy, even for those who may not be design-savvy.
Is it difficult for someone without design experience to use the templates?
No! The templates are super simple to use and are included as a tool to make the printing process easy for you. Instructions on how to use them are also provided. Alternatively, you can choose to print the labels directly from the ready-to-print PDF.
Can I use the images provided in my own TeachShare products or post them on the web?
No! This product is intended for single classroom or personal use only. You cannot post these images on any unsecured website or include them in free or paid resources. Please refer to my Terms of Use (TOU) for more information.
You may also like the following:
⭐ Reading Genre Posters
⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts
⭐ BUNDLE Reading Genre Posters & Anchor Charts
⭐ Spanish & English Reading Genre Posters
Have any questions, comments, or concerns? Don't hesitate to reach out to me at I am always happy to help!
Created by Samantha Osleger | ©SPO Resources
All rights reserved by the author.
Purchase is for single classroom use only.
Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.
Enjoy seamless organization and create a vibrant classroom library for your students with these genre and topic labels designed specifically for your classroom library.
By Z is for Zebra
Giant Keyboard (Mac/Apple). Are you teaching a technology or keyboarding class? Do you have a computer lab you need to decorate? This giant printable keyboard would be great to print out, cut the keys apart, laminate and place on your wall. This wall sized keyboard is modeled after a Mac / Apple keyboard. Keys come in two sizes: 6"x5.8" & 4"x4" *Updated 9/1/15* Keyboard now includes the number pad, arrows and other keys. Large size prints 1 key per page. The size measures approximately 60"x20" (using spacing show in image) once you have cut out the letters / assembled the keyboard, but really depends on how much space you want to put between the keys. This is based off a Mac / Apple Keyboard. I have included both a color and black/white version so if you wanted to save that color ink, and print the black and white on colored paper, you can easily do that. Pages are separated out by the colors they should be printed on and I have included an image to show you which pages should be printed in a color group. Need the PC version? Get it here Keywords: Computer, key, keyboarding, keyboard, tech, educational, technology, typing, type, colorful, fun, bright, bulletin board, display, computing,
Thank you, Omu Book Companion Activities Read Aloud Reading Questions
By Dotty's Printables
This is a set of companion activities for Thank you, Omu, perfect for extension work after a read-aloud of the story. These no-prep activities help students engage deeply with the themes and characters, making it an ideal addition to your lesson plans.
Each activity supports reading comprehension and connects to the story’s themes, making this set a valuable tool for extending students’ understanding of "Thank you, Omu".
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If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
This is an informal activity set, not affiliated with or endorsed by Thank you, Omu Purple publishers.
Bilingual Classroom Library Labels | Blue-English Red-Spanish | Dual Language
By SPO Resources
Organize Your Classroom Library by Genre with Bilingual Labels!
Enhance your classroom library with these dual-language genre and topic labels for bookshelves and book bins. Featuring blue font for English and red font for Spanish, these labels make sorting your books by genre and topic a breeze!
★ Bilingual labels are available in BLUE for English & GREEN for Spanish, or in multicolor
★ Additional labels are available in English-only or Spanish-only options.
Choose the ready-to-print format, or use the PNG image files & pre-made templates to adjust label sizes and select specific genre labels for printing, saving ink and paper.
✨ SIX READY-TO-PRINT FORMATS: Two formats fit Avery labels, allowing you to quickly and easily print in various sizes to meet your classroom needs.
✨ FLEXIBLE TEMPLATES: Use the templates provided in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva, along with PNG image files, to easily customize and print your labels.
Options Available:
Streamline the label printing process and create professional-looking genre labels for your classroom library. Enjoy seamless organization and a vibrant reading atmosphere for your students.
★ Folder with PNG images of all 65 labels
★ 4 PDF Files with ready-to-print labels
★ 2 PDF Files with ready-to-print Avery Labels
★ 6 PPTX Templates for customization
★ Templates in Google Slides & Canva
Is there a label missing that you wish was included? Reach out to me at with your suggestion!
Upon purchase, you will receive a zip file containing PDF files, PPTX files, and PNG images.
PDF Files Included:
PPTX Files Included:
PNGs Included:
❓ FAQ ❓
1. Can I customize the colors, graphics, and titles on the labels?
2. Do I need specific software to use the templates?
3. Can I use the PNG image files to print labels in different sizes?
4. Is it difficult for someone without design experience to use the templates?
5. Can I use the images in my own products to sell or give away for free?
These bilingual labels are perfect for you if you're a dual-language educator, ESL/ELL teacher, or foreign language instructor. They're also incredibly helpful if you're a school librarian with students who speak both Spanish and English. Use these labels to create an organized and engaging classroom library for your elementary or primary students.
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “Made my classroom library so organized and helped students identify genre!” -Allison K.
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “This was perfect for my library! It is so cute and colorful, and includes so many options!” -Alexandra E.
⭐⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “These labels look amazing in my library! They're helpful for my ESL students.” -Paige M.
You may also like the following:
⭐ Reading Genre Posters
⭐ Reading Genre Anchor Charts
⭐ Spanish & English Reading Genre Posters
⭐ BUNDLE Reading Genre Posters & Anchor Charts
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at I am always happy to help!
Created by Samantha McNally | ©SPO Resources
All rights reserved by the author.
Purchase is for single classroom use only. Purchase additional licenses at 50% off for each additional user.
Enjoy seamless organization and a vibrant classroom library with these genre and topic labels designed for your classroom!