1st Grade General Science Lectures

Lower Elementary Science Bundle | PowerPoint Lesson Slides | Plants, Fish, Birds

By Building Bright Brains

Are you a Lower elementary science teacher who is looking for rigorous lessons to strengthen and supplement your explanation? This Bundle is perfect for you! It includes lessons on Plants, Animals, Fish, Birds, Matter and Energy, Living Things, Weather And Seasons and many others!

What is included?

30 total lessons (582 Slides)

1. Amphibians

2. Animals - How Do Animals Grow and Change

3. Benefits of Animals to Man

4. Birds

5. Course of Sun & Four Directions

6. Fish

7. Food Chain

8. Gardens and Its Components

9. How can resources be conserved

10. How Do Living Things Compete?

11. How Do People Grow and Change?

12. How do plants use their parts?

13. How to Read Times and Shadows

14. Mammals

15. Matter and Energy - How Do We Profit from the Sun

16. Matter and Energy - How Does Matter Change

17. Matter and Energy - What Makes Things Move

18. Needs of Living Things

19. Plants - How Can Plants Be Classified

20. Plants - Life Cycle of a Plant

21. Plants - Parts of Plants

22. Plants - What are Seeds

23. Plants - Why Should We Protect the Plants

24. Producing Seasonal Vegetable Crops In All Seasons

25. Reptiles

26. Sources and Benefits of Food

27. Variations Among Animals

28. Weather And Seasons

29. What Does a Day Consist of?

30. What is Light?

This Bundle is great to be used for:

  • In-Classroom Teaching (Displaying for the Whole Class)
  • Online Learning
  • Homeschooling
  • Sharing on Google Classroom or Other Platforms as a Tool for Revision

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