1st Grade Biology Resources

What Animals Need Science Unit for Preschool and Kindergarten

By Joyful Explorations

Children learn what animals need and how to care for pets through the hands-on lessons and activities in this unit. This packet supports the Next Generation Science Standards.

The “Science Kids” series is intended to help teachers implement developmentally appropriate, hands-on science activities for children in Preschool, Kindergarten and the early grades. The activities in these packets are based on the scientific method and encourage inquiry-based learning. All activities can be differentiated to meet the needs of your students.

Through the activities in this packet, children will explore the things that animals need, including:

❤ Food and Water

❤ Habitat

❤ Body Coverings

❤ Exercise

❤ Companionship

Also included are 8 full-color (half page sized) habitat posters, printable pages for students to record their activities, and lots of ideas for extension activities.

Click to see my entire Science Curriculum


Painting Art: Fish Aquariums. Fall/Autumn.

By Art Shack by JB

Need an awesome Art Unit? I have just the thing for you! This creative Fish Aquarium Scene was designed to be printed and displayed as examples while you teach. Use this Google Slide file to display these beautiful images one-by-one on a large screen. For this assignment, I made 4 unique pre-cut fish aquarium stencils that students could choose from and trace on large 18 x 24-inch paper. Students were asked to brainstorm ideas for the background, and what the Fish Aquarium could be sitting on. Students were given lots of fish/aquarium life photos as a resource to draw from. I hope you and your kiddos love this! Enjoy.


Human Body Unit for Preschool and Kindergarten

By Joyful Explorations

Students will make a life size model of the human body as they learn about the systems of the body. This Unit supports the Next Generation Science Standards.

The “Science Kids” series is intended to help teachers implement developmentally appropriate, hands-on science activities for children in Preschool, Kindergarten and the early grades. The activities in these packets are based on the scientific method and encourage inquiry-based learning. All activities can be differentiated to meet the needs of your students.

As we make the life size body model, the students will learn about:

★ The skeletal system (bones)

★ The respiratory system (lungs)

★ The muscular system (muscles)

★ The cardiovascular system (heart, veins and arteries)

★ The digestive system (stomach and intestines)

★ The nervous system (spine and brain)

This packet also includes a printable book: “My Amazing Body” (black and white)

Suggestions for additional activities are included (including printable activities)


Drawing Art: Insect Jar Habitats. Fall/Autumn.

By Art Shack by JB

Need an awesome Art Unit? I have just the thing for you! This creative Insect Jar Scene was designed to be printed and displayed as examples while you teach. Use this Google Slide file to display these beautiful images one-by-one on a large screen. For this assignment, I asked the students to create a couple sketches of what their insect jar would look like. Next, I asked the students to re-draw their sketch on a Final Copy paper and outline it with a black sharpie marker. Students spent 1-2 class periods coloring (w/colored pencils) the insects and other objects inside their jar, plus, the background around the jar. Students used a transparent blue watercolor to paint the inside of their insect jar. All finished! I hope you and your kiddos love this! Enjoy.


Woodland Animals Crowns Bundle | Animal Hats Set - Craft Coloring Activity

By The Fun Sheep

Transform your space into a woodland wonderland with these Printable Paper Crowns and Headbands. This Printable Hats Coloring Activity is not only a delightful way to engage kids' creativity but also a fantastic addition to themed parties, classroom activities, and craft time at home with this adorable Woodland Animals Paper Crown Headbands Printable by “The Fun Sheep” With both Color and Black & White versions, children can enjoy the flexibility of personalizing their own crowns

What comes in the product:

- SET OF 12 Paper Hat templates (12 Color + 12 Black & white version)

- Set includes: Bear, Beaver, Deer, Fox, Frog, Hedgehog, Mouse, Owl, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Skunk, Squirrel

- 24 pages to print

- A4 paper Size

- Best to print on card stock (Colors will vary depending on printer used)

Your opinion is very important, Feel free to leave your review.


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Pasaporte Ecológico y sellos de viaje de 20 ecosistemas

By Ms Garcia Store

Presentamos nuestro emocionante recurso, "Pasaporte Eco-Explorador: Viaje Interactivo a través de Ecosistemas". Lleva a tus estudiantes en una aventura cautivadora mientras exploran diferentes ecosistemas y se familiarizan con la documentación de pasaportes.

Para crear un pasaporte ecológico fantástico, simplemente imprime las 3 hojas tamaño carta del PDF llamado "Pasaporte Ecológico" en impresión a doble cara (8.5 x 11"). Esto proporcionará a tus estudiantes una experiencia inmersiva, combinando el aprendizaje sobre los ecosistemas con la comprensión del concepto de pasaporte.

Además, imprime el archivo PDF de "Sellos de Viaje", un archivo de 2 páginas (no a doble cara), que contiene 20 sellos de viaje. Estos sellos representan diferentes lugares como la selva amazónica, Australia, las montañas de los Andes, el Ártico, la Antártida, la sabana africana, las praderas americanas, los pantanos americanos, las costas del Pacífico, el desierto del Sahara, la jungla africana, las montañas del Himalaya, las islas de Indonesia, las Islas Galápagos, la selva monzónica asiática, los bosques del Norte, los bosques europeos, los arrecifes de coral, los animales de granja y los animales de la ciudad. Tus estudiantes podrán pegar estos sellos en sus pasaportes ecológicos mientras aprenden sobre cada ecosistema.

Estos 20 ecosistemas se alinean con nuestro Atlas Animal Interactivo, también disponible en nuestra tienda. Utilizando el atlas, los estudiantes podrán embarcarse en viajes virtuales en avión a estos lugares y descubrir información fascinante sobre los animales que los habitan.

Para personalizar el pasaporte ecológico, los estudiantes deberán completar la siguiente información:

- Apellido

- Nombres

- Nacionalidad

- Fecha de nacimiento

- Lugar de nacimiento

- Sexo

- Fecha de emisión (el día en que se completa el formulario)

- Fecha de caducidad (5 años después de la fecha de emisión)

- Firma

Con el Pasaporte Eco-Explorador, los estudiantes participarán en un aprendizaje interactivo, profundizando su comprensión de los ecosistemas y fomentando una conciencia global. Prepárate para embarcarte en un viaje educativo que encenderá la curiosidad y ampliará el conocimiento de los estudiantes sobre nuestro diverso mundo.

No te pierdas este increíble recurso. ¡Adquiere el Pasaporte Eco-Explorador hoy mismo e inspira a tus estudiantes a convertirse en exploradores globales!

Related Products

⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.

⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport

⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world

⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport

Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems

Productos Relacionados

⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...

⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo

⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas

Agradezco a los siguientes diseñadores gráficos el uso de sus imágenes en la realización de este recurso:

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik


Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems

By Ms Garcia Store

Introducing our exciting resource, "Eco-Explorer Passport: Interactive Journey through Ecosystems." Take your students on a captivating adventure as they explore different ecosystems and become familiar with passport documentation.

To create a fantastic eco-passport, simply print the 3 double-sided letter-size sheets (8.5 x 11") from the Ecologic Passport PDF. This will provide your students with an immersive experience, combining learning about ecosystems with understanding the concept of a passport.

Additionally, print the Travel Stamps PDF, a 2-page file (not double-sided), containing 20 travel stamps. These stamps represent various locations such as the Amazon rainforests, Australia, Andes mountains, Arctic, Antarctic, African savannah, American grassland, American swamps, Pacific shores, Sahara desert, African jungle, Himalayan mountains, Indonesian islands, Galapagos Islands, Asian Monsoon Rainforest, Northern Woods, European forests, Coral reefs, Farm animals, and City animals. Your students can affix these stamps to their eco-passports as they learn about each ecosystem.

These 20 ecosystems align with our Interactive Animal Atlas, also available in our store. By using the atlas, students can embark on virtual plane journeys to these places and discover fascinating information about the animals that inhabit them.

To personalize the eco-passport, students will need to fill in the following information:

- Surname

- Given names

- Nationality

- Date of birth

- Place of birth

- Sex

- Date of issue (the day the form is filled out)

- Date of expiry (5 years after the date of issue)

- Signature

With the Eco-Explorer Passport, students will engage in interactive learning, deepening their understanding of ecosystems, and fostering a sense of global awareness. Get ready to embark on an educational journey that will ignite curiosity and expand students' knowledge of our diverse world.

Don't miss out on this incredible resource. Purchase the Eco-Explorer Passport today and inspire your students to become global explorers!

Related Products

⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.

⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport

⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world

⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport

Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems

Productos Relacionados

⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...

⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo

⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas

Thanks to the following graphic designers for the use of their images in the creation of this resource:

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik


life cycle foldable sequencing activities - Fun cut and paste craft science

By The Students Palace

Embark on a captivating journey through the stages of life cycle with this charming foldable activity. Designed for young learners, this printable mini-book offers an engaging exploration of each phase of metamorphosis. Whether used in the classroom or at home, this craft brings the magic of transformation to life.


  • Low prep and easy assembly for educators and parents.

  • Hands-on learning goes beyond worksheets, offering an interactive experience.

  • Suitable for introducing or reinforcing understanding life cycle.

  • Enhances fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

  • Accommodates various age ranges and abilities.

  • Finished foldouts can be displayed or inserted into interactive notebooks.


  • ( PDF + PNG)

  • Large 11'' x 8.5'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper

  • High-resolution images

  • Unlimited prints

  • Great for kids, boys and girls


  • This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.

  • You can print as many copies as you want.


  • This is a digital item.

  • No physical product or printed material will be shipped.

  • No refunds as this is a digital product.


Matching Games Bundle | Symmetry Puzzles Matching Activity Bundle

By The Fun Sheep

Featuring different themes and Symmetry Puzzles, this ultimate Matching Games Bundle is sure to captivate and inspire young learners while fostering critical skills.

Ideal for preschools, pre-K programs, and early childhood education classrooms, these games bring so much joy into your educational activities. Whether you're a homeschooling parent or an educator, this bundle is an excellent addition to your different themed centers.

Themes included in this printable Bundle:

- Hearts Matching Game

- Butterflies Matching Game

- Spooky Donuts & Mugs Matching Game

- Fall Matching Game

- Snowman Matching Game

- Ugly Sweaters Matching Game

- Popsicle Alphabet Matching Game

* A4 paper Size

* Best to print on card stock (Colors will vary depending on printer used)

Your opinion is very important, Feel free to leave your review.


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All About Bees - Bees Non Fiction Insect Animal Unit - Kindergarten 1st and 2nd

By The Chatty Kinder

Learn all about bees with this information packed Bees Non Fiction Insect Unit for students in kindergarten, first and second grade. Featuring over 90 pages, this bees study unit is filled with information on bees, beekeeping, honey and the life cycle. More specifically, students will read about the parts of a bee, its behavior, social activity, food, reproduction, jobs, how honey is extracted and a detailed view of its life cycle. The printable contains real photos which your learners will love and helps students make connections with what they see in their environment.

For a detailed view of the contents of this non-fiction unit on bees, please view the preview above.

This bees literacy unit includes the following activities and printables:

  • Poster/Booklet - All About Bees: Print individual pages as posters or bind pages to create a booklet. - 27 pages.
    Topics covered include:

    • What are bees?
    • What is pollination?
    • Where do bees live?
    • What do bees live in?
    • Honeycomb
    • General Anatomy of a Bee
    • Compound Eyes
    • Mouth
    • Antennae
    • Stinger
    • Hairs and Pollen basket
    • How do bees communicate?
    • What do bees eat?
    • Beehive
    • Hive frame
    • Honey bee colony
    • Queen Bee
    • How is the queen bee chosen?
    • Drone Bee
    • Worker bee
    • Activities of the Worker bee
    • Pollen
    • Honey
    • Beekeeper
    • Entomologist
    • Beeswax
  • Non Fiction Reader: How do we get honey from beehives? A simple book featuring real pictures and explaining the process by which honey is harvested from beehives - 17 pages

  • Non Fiction Reader: Life Cycle of a Honeybee Booklet: Includes a puzzle, and sequencing activity. Related 3-part cards are also available in the 3-part card document.

  • Vocabulary 3-part cards: A set of vocabulary cards relating to the life cycle of bees, beekeeping and related equipment - 29 vocabulary words

  • Parts of a bee: Poster and labeling activity - 1 poster, 1 worksheet

  • Sorting Mats: Sort the bees and bee nests - 2 mats

  • Worksheets: Engaging worksheets to help students reinforce their knowledge of bees - 5 pages

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Diario del Explorador de animales

By Ms Garcia Store

"¡Explora y Documenta el Mundo Animal con Nuestro Diario del Explorador de Animales!"

Presentamos nuestro completo "Diario del Explorador de Animales" diseñado para enriquecer la experiencia de investigación en el aula. Este archivo PDF imprimible está repleto de hojas interactivas meticulosamente diseñadas para guiar a los estudiantes en la documentación de datos después de llevar a cabo investigaciones sobre todo tipo de animales.

Características Clave:

  • Documenta tu Investigación: Nuestro diario está diseñado para capturar todas las complejidades de tu investigación. Cada hoja proporciona una estructura organizada para recopilar datos esenciales sobre cualquier animal que elijas.
  • Flexible y Adaptable: Adecuado para cualquier animal que los estudiantes elijan investigar. No limitamos las opciones; el diario es una herramienta versátil que se adapta a una variedad de criaturas y sus atributos únicos.
  • Promueve la Investigación Activa: Los estudiantes no solo registrarán información; participarán activamente en el proceso de investigación al completar secciones relacionadas con la apariencia, la dieta, la reproducción, el comportamiento y más.

Secciones Incluidas:

  1. Tabla de Contenidos: Una guía para organizar y acceder fácilmente a los datos recopilados sobre diferentes animales.
  2. Aspecto: Registra características distintivas como colores, marcas y atributos físicos únicos del animal.
  3. Dieta: Explora las preferencias alimentarias de la criatura, detallando sus hábitos alimenticios.
  4. Reproducción: Registra información sobre el ciclo de vida y los métodos de reproducción específicos de cada especie.
  5. Comportamiento y Adaptaciones: Sumérgete en el comportamiento del animal y las asombrosas adaptaciones que le ayudan a sobrevivir y prosperar en sus hábitats. Aprende cómo interactúan con otros miembros de su especie y su entorno, así como las habilidades especiales que han desarrollado para enfrentar desafíos únicos.
  6. Hábitat: Documenta el entorno donde el animal vive y prospera, desde el terreno hasta el clima.
  7. Datos Más Interesantes: Captura curiosidades y hechos sorprendentes que hacen que cada animal sea especial.
  8. Sobre el Investigador: Agrega tu nombre y firma personal a tus hallazgos, mostrando tu compromiso con la investigación.
  9. Glosario: Un recurso útil para definir términos clave relacionados con los animales y sus hábitats.

Compatibilidad Perfecta con Recursos Interactivos en PowerPoint:

¡Eleva aún más la experiencia educativa! Nuestro "Diario del Explorador de Animales" se complementa a la perfección con los siguientes Atlas Animal interactivos en PowerPoint, donde aprenderás acerca de más de 150 animales como nunca antes:

⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...

⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo

⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

Esta sinergia crea un enfoque dinámico para el aprendizaje que involucra y educa a las mentes jóvenes.

Cómo Utilizar:

  1. Selección: Elige cualquier animal para investigar, desde los más conocidos hasta los más exóticos.
  2. Investigación en Profundidad: Obtén información confiable y completa cada sección del diario con datos precisos y detallados.
  3. Exploración Creativa: Anima a los estudiantes a incorporar dibujos, imágenes o gráficos para enriquecer sus hallazgos.

Ideal para:

El "Diario del Explorador de Animales" es esencial para fomentar la investigación activa en el aula. Brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de investigar cualquier animal elegido, desarrollar habilidades de investigación y adquirir un profundo entendimiento de las diferentes características de las criaturas.

Celebra la Diversidad Animal: ¡Consíguelo hoy mismo e incita a los estudiantes a sumergirse en el emocionante mundo de la investigación de animales!


Animal Explorer Journal

By Ms Garcia Store

"Explore and Document the Animal World with Our Animal Explorer Journal!"

Introducing our comprehensive "Animal Explorer Journal" designed to enrich the classroom research experience. This printable PDF is brimming with interactive sheets meticulously crafted to guide students in documenting data after conducting research on all kinds of animals.

Key Features:

  • Document Your Research: Our journal is tailored to capture all the intricacies of your research. Each sheet provides a structured framework to collect essential data about any animal you choose.
  • Flexible and Adaptable: Suited for any animal students select for investigation. We don't limit the options; the journal is a versatile tool that accommodates a range of creatures and their unique attributes.
  • Promotes Active Research: Students won't merely record information; they'll actively participate in the research process by completing sections related to appearance, diet, reproduction, behavior, and more.

Sections Included:

  1. Table of Contents: A guide to organize and easily access compiled data about different animals.
  2. Appearance: Log distinctive features such as colors, markings, and unique physical attributes of the animal.
  3. Diet: Explore the creature's dietary preferences, detailing its feeding habits.
  4. Reproduction: Record information about the life cycle and reproduction methods specific to each species.
  5. Behavior and Adaptations: Delve into the animal's behavior and amazing adaptations that help them survive and thrive in their habitats. Learn how they interact with others and their environment, and the special skills they've developed to face unique challenges.
  6. Habitat: Document the environment where the animal lives and thrives, from terrain to climate.
  7. More Interesting Data: Capture curiosities and surprising facts that make each animal special.
  8. About the Researcher: Add your name and personal signature to your findings, showcasing your commitment to research.
  9. Glossary: A helpful resource to define key terms related to animals and their habitats.

Perfect Compatibility with Interactive PowerPoint Resources:

Elevate the educational experience even further! Our "Animal Explorer Journal" pairs seamlessly with the following Interactive Animal Atlas on PowerPoint, which will allow you to learn about more than 150 animals:

⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.

⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport

⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world

⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport

This synergy creates a dynamic approach to learning that engages and educates young minds.

How to Use:

  1. Selection: Choose any animal to investigate, from well-known to the most exotic.
  2. In-Depth Research: Source reliable information and complete each journal section with accurate and detailed data.
  3. Creative Exploration: Encourage students to incorporate drawings, images, or charts to enrich their findings.

Ideal for:

The "Animal Explorer Journal" is essential to foster active research in the classroom. It provides students the opportunity to investigate any chosen animal, develop research skills, and gain a profound understanding of different creature characteristics.

Get our "Animal Explorer Journal" today and empower students to dive into the exciting world of animal research!

A special thank you to the talented graphic designers who contributed images used in creating this resource.

Image by brgfx on Freepik


Plants Activity Bundle

By Jennifer Connett

This bundle includes all of my plant themed science activities all in one place.

Science Experiments:

Experiment 1: What happens when a seed gets wet?

Experiment 2: How do seeds grow?

Each experiment includes a detailed instruction sheet with materials lists and step by step directions for the experiment. There is a recording page for students to make predictions and record the results of the project. Also provided are journal pages for students to write why they think the results happened the way they did. Journal pages are differentiated where appropriate.

Plants We Eat Sort:

We can eat all kinds of plants. This parts of a plant sort includes real photographic images to sort. This sort includes flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, roots, and fruits. There are four pictures for each plant part.

Plants Interactive Notebook Pages:

1. Parts of a Flower - This page covers flower, stem, leaf and root. Use the flower provided or have students draw their own to go under the flaps.

2. We Eat Plants - This page covers all parts of plants and the foods we can eat from each part. Students draw or find pictures in magazines/grocery fliers to put under each flap.

3. What do plants need? - This page shows plants need air, water, food and light to grow. Use magazines to cut out pictures or draw pictures to represent each under the flaps.

These pages can fit in a composition book or spiral notebook.

Plants and Seeds Activities

Match pictures of plants and their seeds. Complete cut and paste activities to sort plants and seeds as well as to match the parent plant with its seed.


¡Aventura Animal: Exploración Interactiva de 150 Animales y Ecosistemas

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Embárcate en una emocionante aventura con nuestro bundle educativo interactivo sobre el fascinante mundo de los animales! Este completo conjunto de recursos incluye:

1. Presentación Interactiva en PowerPoint: Sube a bordo de nuestro avión virtual y explora más de 150 animales en sus hábitats y ecosistemas. Cada animal cuenta con una ficha informativa que incluye una imagen, clasificación y un video de 3 a 5 minutos que resalta sus características únicas. Interactúa con los elementos de cada diapositiva para profundizar en el conocimiento de cada especie. Personaliza fácilmente la presentación reemplazando "Ms Garcia Store" con el nombre de tu clase.

2. Pasaporte Ecológico: Imprime y arma un encantador pasaporte ecológico con 3 hojas a doble cara (tamaño carta, 8.5 x 11"). Este pasaporte introduce a los estudiantes en los diferentes ecosistemas y les ayuda a comprender la diversidad de hábitats.

3. Sellos de Viaje: Incluye un PDF de 2 páginas con 20 sellos de viaje representando destinos como la Selva Amazónica, el Ártico y las Islas Galápagos. Los estudiantes pueden pegar estos sellos en sus pasaportes ecológicos mientras aprenden sobre cada ubicación.

4. Diario del Explorador de Animales: Un recurso educativo que cubre:

  • Clasificación de los animales (vertebrados e invertebrados).
  • Hábitats y ecosistemas globales.
  • Reproducción y alimentación de los animales.
  • Ejercicios para completar formularios en el Pasaporte Ecológico.

¡Permite que tus estudiantes se sumerjan en un safari virtual y descubran el magnífico mundo animal en sus diversos hábitats! Ideal para uso en el aula, en el hogar o en educación a distancia. ¡Adquiere este recurso ahora para ofrecer una experiencia educativa inolvidable!

Related Products

⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.

⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport

⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world

⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport

Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems

Productos Relacionados

⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...

⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo

⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico

⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas

Click here to see all my resources in Spanish

Click here to visit my TeachShare store

I would like to thank all the graphic designers whose work I took borrowed from these webs to do this educational resource:


Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Dog vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by upklyak - www.freepik.com

Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector - www.freepik.es

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Kids vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy

Animales Vectores por Vecteezy

Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy

Vintage vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


Duck-billed platypus

Animals vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay


Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay

Food vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Vintage photo created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Poster vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Snow vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com


Texture photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com

Image by macrovector on Freepik

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik

Imagen de macrovector en Freepik


Safari virtual interactivo alrededor del mundo

By Ms Garcia Store

Safari virtual field trip in Spanish

Travel in a plane around the world and discover 175 animals within their respective habitats and ecosystems. Learn about their main characteristics and their classification within the animal world. Each animal has its own card with its image, its classification, and a video of 3 to 5 minutes or so about each one. Clicking on any of its features takes you to new tabs that will help you understand this wonderful world.

Almost everything is editable. In slide number 3, type the name of your class instead of "Ms. Garcia Store". For example "Ms. Garcia's class".


-Clasificación de los animales

-¿Dónde viven?

-10 hábitats

-20 ecosistemas

Viaja alrededor del mundo a traves de diferentes ecosistemas y localiza a los animales que los habitan.

-¿Cómo se reproducen?

-Vivíparos, ovíparos y ovovivíparos

-¿De qué se alimentan?




More resources you might be interested in:

Safari Virtual Field Trip in English

Interactive Animal Atlas in English

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I would like to thank all graphic designers whose work I took borrow from these webs to do this educational resource:


Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Dog vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by upklyak - www.freepik.com

Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector - www.freepik.es

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Kids vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy

Animales Vectores por Vecteezy

Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy

Vintage vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


Duck-billed platypus

Animals vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay


Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay

Food vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Vintage photo created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Poster vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Snow vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com


Texture photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com


Safari virtual field trip around the world

By Ms Garcia Store

Travel with me on my plane and discover more than 150 animals within their respective habitats and ecosystems. Learn about their main characteristics and their classification within the animal world. Each animal has its own card with its image, its classification, and a video of 3 to 5 minutes or so about each one. Clicking on any of its features takes you to new tabs that will help you understand this wonderful world. Absolutely all the tiles are interconnected.

Almost everything is editable. In slide number 3 type the name of your class instead of "Ms Garcia Store". For example "Ms. Garcia's class".


-Animal Classification

-Where do animals live?

-10 habitats

-20 ecosystems

Travel around the world to each ecosystem and locate each animal in them.

-How do they reproduce?

-Viviparous, oviparous and ovoviviparous

-What do they eat?




This resource is also available in Spanish:

Safari virtual interactivo

Atlas animal interactivo

I would like to thank all the graphic designers whose work I took borrowed from these webs to do this educational resource:


Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Dog vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by upklyak - www.freepik.com

Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector - www.freepik.es

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy

Kids vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy

Animales Vectores por Vecteezy

Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy

Vintage vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


Duck-billed platypus

Animals vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay


Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay

Food vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Vintage photo created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Poster vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com

Nature Vectors by Vecteezy

Snow vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Tree vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com

Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com


Texture photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com


Animal Names Word Search ( 9 Puzzles )

By Zaazoua Mostapha

This resource includes all of our animals' word search puzzles. By buying the bundle you will save a lot and always have a hand on appropriate worksheets for early engaging homework or extra credit assignments. With a carefully chosen vocabulary animal names list, each puzzle is not only fun but an opportunity for discovering and reinforcing knowledge and vocabulary.

Note: this is a growing bundle. As I create new history puzzles, I will add them in.

Animal Names Word Search Puzzles:

Containing these 9 types of animals:

  1. Animals that Live in Water and Land
  2. Birds
  3. Carnivorous Animals
  4. Domesticated Animals
  5. Herbivores Animals
  6. Jungle Animals
  7. Mammals
  8. Omnivores Animals
  9. Wild Animals


  • This product is not for resale and absolutely not for Commercial Use.

If there is anything specific you need, we will be happy to provide it to you.


Human Body Systems Worksheets | Bones, Muscles, Parts of the Brain, 5 Sences …

By Innovative Classroom Ideas

Even young children are inquisitive about their body and how it operates.These super cute printable Human Body Worksheets Bundle are no prep pages for children to read, color, and learn about their bodies. Teach your kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade pupils about the human body. These colorful and informative pages make learning about anatomy fun and easy! These printables worksheets cover everything from the skeletal system to the parts of the brain, helping children develop a strong foundation in science. Plus, they’re perfect for independent learning or as a supplement to your homeschool or classroom curriculum.

✅✅ Save more than 50% when you get a bundle ✅✅

This bundle contains the following resources:

Human Body Systems Worksheets | Bones, Muscles, Heart, Digestive system …

Even young children are interested in the functions of their bodies. Children can read, color, and learn about their bodies with these adorable Human Body Worksheets. Students in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, and sixth grade can learn about their bodies by using these human body worksheets. Worksheets on human bodily systems, including the heart, muscles, brain, bones, stomach, bladder, and more, are included. Kids may have fun learning about the human body with this science worksheet. You may start learning as soon as you print the human body worksheets!

Kids can learn about the many human body systems, including muscles, bones, organs, and more, with these printable Human Body for Kids Emergent Readers. Additionally, a reader will have been forced to read, remember, and review new vocabulary terms again after coloring and tracing them. Kindergarteners, first-graders, second-graders, third-graders, fourth-graders, fifth-graders, and sixth-graders will like this human body printable.

Skeletal System Activities Passages & Worksheets | Skeleton Unit & Human Body

As part of our unit on the human body we learned about our amazing skeletal system through a variety of hands on projects and this informational, printable skeletal system worksheet pack. Students in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, skeletal system worksheet grade 5 pdf, and sixth grade can all benefit from using these printable skeleton system worksheets. You only need to print the skeletal system worksheet pdf to begin teaching children about the human body.

We have been studying the skeletal system as part of our children's human body unit. We made our own life-size skeletons with this printable template and we did lots of fun bone projects. But the “meat” of our unit came from this no prep Skeletal System Worksheets and our skeletal system book we made. Kindergarteners, first-graders, second-graders, third-graders, fourth-graders, fifth-graders, and sixth-graders will love these human body worksheets.

The activities included in this pack:

  • All about your bones, how they give you shape, how they protect your organs
  • What you need to make strong bones including exercise, healthy food with vitamins, and more
  • Layers of bone and bone marrow
  • Did you know the smallest bone in your body is in your ear
  • Your femur is the longest bone in your body
  • Different types of joints: hinge, ball & socket, saddle, pivot, plane, ellipsoidal
  • Learn all the bones in your body with clipart to see where the bones are in the human body
  • Human skeletal system anterior – label the bone
  • Human skeletal system posterior – label the bones
  • Skeletal system multiple choice answer test

Parts of the Brain | Human Brain Diagram | Human Body Systems & Organs Anatomy

With the help of these useful brain worksheets and an entertaining brain activity for kids, learn about the parts of the brain! In our lesson on the human body, kids will learn about the functions of the brain. First grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade, and sixth grade elementary students can use this brain project. To begin playing and learning with interactive human body activities for kids, just print out the no prep brain worksheets PDF file!

Kids learned about the 5 senses, and parts of the brain in this pack. We’ve used playdough mats with human bodies on them, edible skin projects, and printable human body worksheets! As we approached a very important area of our bodies, I realized that we also needed a great way to review and retain all of the information we had learned, along with a fun activity! This lesson on the components of the brain for kids includes a playdough brain model that kids can make, a brain diagram that lets kids see all the parts of our brains, and brain worksheets that teach kids about the key roles that the brain plays.

These brain activities for kids are fun for kids of all ages from 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade and up ++.

5 Senses Activity Worksheets | My Five Senses | Science Unit | PreK, k & 1st

With the help of this Five Senses Worksheets set, children may learn about the five senses. Children in toddler, preschool, pre-kindergarten, first, second, and third grade will love this printable My Five Senses book. The five senses touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste are all covered in the book My Five Senses. Each bodily part has its own page that corresponds to a feeling, along with a graphic that illustrates that sense in action. Simply print this no prep worksheets on the five senses to study, color, read, and trace!

For young students, learning about the five senses is a really enjoyable method to investigate science and the human body. As they discover how to learn about the world around them through their senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing, and sight, children may relate to and comprehend this science for kids topic. Children can learn how the eyes, ears, fingers, nose, and tongue process information about their surroundings with the aid of this My Five Senses Book PDF. Preschoolers, kindergarteners, first-graders, second-graders, and third-graders will love this five senses book printable.

There are two pages for each sense including:

  • Learning about the 5 Senses cover

  • My hands can touch.

  • I can touch the cat.

  • My tongue can taste.

  • I can taste the ice cream.

  • My eyes can see.

  • My eyes can read.

  • My ears can hear.

  • I can hear music.

  • My nose can smell.

  • I can smell flowers.

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  • Access your TeachShare account by logging in.
  • Select "My TeachShare" from the drop-down menu.
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  • Select ratings and provide feedback.

Terms of Use: By purchasing and/or downloading this electronic file, you are allowed to use the product for personal use as you like, but you are not allowed to resell or redistribute.

Follow my store and get all the newest product updates and freebies by clicking the green star ★ above.

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Life cycles of animals Craft : Cut and Paste Foldable Sequencing craft BUNDLE

By KidCraftable

Dive into the captivating journey of a animal's life with our comprehensive "Life Cycle of a animals" printable worksheets! Perfect for teachers, homeschooling parents, and young learners, this engaging resource offers an interactive and educational way to explore the fascinating stages of a animal's metamorphosis.

What's Included :

  • SIZE : 11'' x 8.5''

Products Included :

  • Life Cycle of a Butterfly
  • Life Cycle of a Bee
  • Life Cycle of a Frog
  • Life Cycle of a Chicken
  • Life Cycle of a Ladybug Insect

Spring Animals Life Cycles | Butterfly, Frog, Rabbit and Plant Life Cycle

By Innovative Classroom Ideas

Are you wanting to teach about animal life cycles this spring? This unit covers the life cycles of butterflies, frogs, and rabbits, plus the life cycle of a plant. These worksheets and reading passages cover a variety of topics about life cycles. There are different types of activities too.

✅ Save more than 50% when you get a bundle!! ✅

This bundle contains the following resources:

Frog Life Cycle Worksheets & Reading Passages | Life Cycle of a Frog | Spring

These printable worksheets on the life cycle of a frog are perfect if you're searching for an easy and entertaining approach to teach your kids about the subject. For elementary-aged children in pre-kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade, utilize these frog life cycle worksheets. All you need to do is print out the printables of the frog life cycle, and you can start learning some basic spring science!

There are quite a few activities in this pack including:

  • Vocabulary Cards
  • Life Cycle Poster
  • Write the life cycle
  • Cut and paste the life cycle
  • Draw the life cycle
  • Color the life cycle
  • Cut, paste and color the life cycle
  • Color and create a life cycle mini book
  • Trace and create a life cycle mini book
  • Life Cycle mini book – write your thoughts
  • Parts of a frog
  • What I know, what I want to learn
  • Can, have, are
  • Vocabulary page
  • Life Cycle Reader
  • Habitat Reading comprehension
  • Type of animal reading comprehension
  • Life cycle reading comprehension
  • Book Report
  • Animal Report
  • My Notes

These no prep life cycle of a frog worksheets are such a fun way for preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade, 5, and grade 5 students to learn about animal life cycles. These fun worksheets about the life cycle of frogs are perfect for parents, teachers, childcare providers, or homeschoolers. They make learning science more pleasant. The frog worksheets, which are full of adorable clipart, make for an engaging scientific project that's perfect for reviewing or practicing the frog life cycle. Some answers are provided!!

Rabbit Life Cycle Worksheets | All About Rabbits | Spring Animals Activities

These rabbit worksheets are a great option if you're searching for an easy and entertaining approach to teach your kids about the life cycle of a rabbit. These worksheets on the life cycle of rabbits are an easy, entertaining, and efficient approach to teach children about animal life cycles. These worksheets with bunnies are ideal for spring theme. For kids in preschool, pre-kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade, just print the life cycle worksheets from the attached pdf file.

These gorgeous animal life cycle worksheets are such a fun way for preschoolers, kindergarteners, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students to learn about the life cycle of a rabbit while working on handwriting and fine motor skills.. These no prep printables on the life cycle of a rabbit are perfect for anyone teaching, homeschooling, or working as a daycare. They make science fun and require no preparation. Practice or review the life cycle of a bunny with this fun scientific exercise.

There are quite a few activities in this pack including:

  • Tracing the lines
  • 3 Part Cards of the life cycle
  • Writing the names of the different parts of the life cycle
  • Life cycle puzzles
  • Cut and paste the parts of the life cycle
  • Draw the different parts of the life cycle
  • Write about the different parts of the life cycle
  • Practice writing the different parts of the life cycle – the uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Life Cycle book with tracing the parts of the life cycle
  • Life Cycle Book with space for children to write about the different parts of the life cycle
  • Life Cycle book with coloring and reading about the life cycle
  • Parts of a Rabbit

Life Cycle of a Plant Project and Worksheets | Parts of a Plant | Plants Unit

With this printable plant life cycle worksheet, kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, and fifth graders will enjoy learning about the life cycle of a plant. With the help of these plant life cycle worksheets, kids can learn what plants require to grow, record their findings while growing their own bean seed, identify plant parts, observe the plant life cycle, and pick up new words related to botany science. Just print the pdf document using

For kindergarteners, preschoolers, first-graders, second-graders, third-graders, fourth-graders, and fifth-graders, these helpful worksheets on the life cycle of a plant and the parts of a plant were an excellent method to highlight the key concepts in our botany study. In addition to learning important vocabulary and the life cycle of plants, kids will also create their own observation journals in which they can record their observations while starting a plant from seed. This printable plant life cycle worksheets is perfect for preschool or homeschool children to go along with an earth science or garden unit this spring.

Included in the pack are:

  • 10 pages for observations (including drawings, observations, interactive questions)
  • Plant Life cycle Chart
  • Parts of a Plant
  • Plant Vocabulary

Just print stack, and staple together the plant life cycle worksheet  to make individual plan observation books to help kiids learn plant vocabulary, plant life cycle, parts of a Plant, and write down how plants grow. This plant life cycle worksheet is handy for kids in elementary school to learn about plants for kids!

These printable plant worksheets are perfect for parents, teachers, and homeschoolers who want to add some fun to their education. Use these at home, in the classroom, for summer learning, or as a supplement to your homeschool science curriculum.

Butterfly Life Cycle Observations Notebook | Life Cycle of a Butterfly | Spring

We studied the life cycle of a butterfly as part of our homeschool science curriculum. I even created a worksheet on the life cycle of a butterfly to teach students in preschool, pre-kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade about this incredible transformation that occurs.

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We adore FEEDBACK! You also obtain CREDITS! :

  • Access your TeachShare account by logging in.
  • Select "My TeachShare" from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on "My Purchases."
  • Select ratings and provide feedback.

Terms of Use: By purchasing and/or downloading this electronic file, you are allowed to use the product for personal use as you like, but you are not allowed to resell or redistribute.

Follow my store and get all the newest product updates and freebies by clicking the green star ★ above.

♥ Search Key Terms: Frog life cycle, life cycle of a frog, life cycle, life cycle of a frog for kids, cycle,frog life cycle for kids, frog's life cycle, frogs, frog life cycle video, the life cycle of a frog, life cycle of a frog model, life cycle of a frog drawing, life cycle of a frog diagram, life cycle of a frog in real life, life cycle of frog, life cycle of frogs, frog life cycle stages, life cycles, Rabbit, rabbit life cycle, rabbits,rabbit cage, rabbit care, rabbit hutch, rabbit cycle of life, life cycle of rabbit, rabbit shopping, rabbit life cycles, baby rabbits, rabbit litterbox, life cycle of rabbits, train rabbits, rabbit cycles of life, rabbit life cycle story, life cycle of the rabbit, bonding with rabbit, rabbit life cycle diagram, rabbit life cycles story, life cycles of the rabbit, breeding rabbits, rabbit life cycle pictures, Life cycle of a plant, plant life cycle, parts of a plant, life cycle of a plant for kids, plant,life cycle of plants, 3d life cycle of a bean plant, life cycle of plant model, plant life cycle model, plant life cycle diagram, plant life cycle for kids, life cycle of a flowering plant, learn about the parts of a plant, parts of a plant for kids, plants, life cycle of plant, plant life cycle drawing, life cycle, life cycle of animals and plants, stages of plant life cycle, Parts of a plant, parts of plants, parts of the plant, plant parts, parts of plants for kids, parts of a plant for kids, parts of a plant, parts of a plant,parts of a plant diagram, parts of a plant for children, learn about the parts of a plant, parts of a plant and their functions, parts of a flower, parts of a plant video, english parts of a plant, different parts of plant, different parts of a plant, different parts of plants
