For Any Grade Special Education Resources

Mental Health Self Regulation Resources

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Teachers can utilize these resources to teach students how to self-regulate their emotions and request a break if necessary. Directions and tips are included on the second page of the PDF, but I encourage you to check out my blog post here highlighting how I use these in my classroom.


Growth Mindset Bulletin Board Decorations

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

This bulletin board decoration will help students remember that they are in control of themselves: they control their actions, their words, their effort... And in doing so, they can make smart choices to reach their full potential. Product includes

-six paper airplanes

-globe template with instructions to print as a 16x20 poster

-Letters and question mark to spell "What can you control?"

-Sample layout (with a different globe)


Family Student Parent Contact Information Booklet

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

If you are looking for a way to make sure your students' families have all of the important information they need- from ways to contact you to the school to important dates. There's even a page where you can add a picture of your school/district calendar!

Contains editable pages for school contact, teacher contact, dates to know, and school calendar. The "Dates to Know' comes pre-designed for a special education teacher, but there is a blank "Dates to Know" page if you do not need IEP information.

Prints in black and white so you can use colorful paper to save ink (if you desire).

Check out the video preview to see it in action.


Special Education Terms and Definitions for Families Sample

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Use this as a quick way to review frequently used special education terms and acronyms. For a more in-depth look at each term, download my e-book Special Education Terms Made Simple available here.


Student Reinforcement Survey & Interest Inventory

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Use this simple survey to discover what your students preferred reinforcements are for encouraging positive behavior, to use as rewards, etc.


Meet the Teacher Parent Gift

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Use these cards with globe key chains available HERE

Updated to include a parent and non-parent version!

Message 1: Dear family, I know your child is your world! Let this key chain be a reminder that we are a team, and i want the best for your student- just like you do! with your help and involvement, I know this school year is going to be amazing, And I look forward to what we will accomplish!

Message 2: As a parent, I know your child is your world! Let this key chain be a reminder that we are a team, and i want the best for your student- just like you do! with your help and involvement, I know this school year is going to be amazing, And I look forward to what we will accomplish!

This gift idea is perfect for the beginning of the school year to let parents know you are a team and you value their input. It can also be given at IEP meetings. The cards print four to a sheet on 8.5x11 paper. They print in black and white to save ink, and they look great when printed on colored cardstock. Use a hole-punch to make a hole to attach the key chain to the card.


Editable IEP Data Collection Sheets- Digital and Printable

By Rebekah Poe Teaching


Attention all special education teachers! Tired of the hassle and disorganization of tracking andstoring IEP data for your students? Look no further than my IEP data collection sheets and organization binder! Designed for all grade levels, these innovative tools will revolutionize the way you manage and access vital information regarding your students' IEPs. With the convenience of a "digital binder" in Google Slides, you'll never have to worry about losing or misplacing important documents again. Stay on top of your game and provide the best possible support for your students with our IEP data collection sheets and organization binder. Buy now and experience the power of streamlined organization and efficiency!


You will be prompted to make a copy of the binder to add to your Google Drive. The binder includes 67 editable pages:

An editable cover with a beautiful, muted color scheme with clickable tabs

A "Student Info" page with space for student name, guardian, phone number, and email

An "IEP at-a-glance" link page with clickable links to 20 editable, printable IEP at-a-glance pages (links work in PRESENT MODE)

A "Progress Monitoring" link page with clickable links to 40 progress monitoring data collection pages (links work in PRESENT MODE)

A "Meeting Schedule" page to keep track of IEP meetings, Initial Referrals, Re-Evaluations, and more.

A "Conference Log" page that can be used to track student service minutes or parent conferences

A "User Guide" to help you understand each section of the binder along with my social media contact information if you need any extra support!

Looking for even more? This resource is included in my Special Education Teacher Survival Kit! Click here to check it out...


Behavior Tracking Sheet for self-assessment

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Students can complete this behavior tracker to show how well they were able to:

Follow directions


Have a positive attitude

Stay on task

Complete work

I added room for the teacher to write in how many (if any) prompts are acceptable to follow directions and stay on task. I also left room for a percentage of work that should be completed. I know often my special education students struggle to complete assignments due to lack of focus, etc. So I might put that one student needs to complete 70% of his assignment and then gradually increase it. There is space for that to be written in in the chart.

Students can choose a big smiley face, a small smiling face, and a frowning face to show how well they were able to maintain the directives. At the bottom there is room for teacher signature and comments. At the top, the student has space to write what assignment he or she is assessing.

Two sheets print per page to save paper.


Data Collection Organization and IEP Development Packet

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

This packet contains:

Data collection charts:

  • Reading
  • Math
  • Language
  • Functional
  • Behavior
  • Speech
  • Social Skills

Cover sheet for pre-assessments

Parent and teacher input survey for IEP Development.

"Goal Master" certificate to hand out when students master a goal (print on colored card stock for more fun).

Post-it/sticky note template for accommodation checklists to easily track what accommodations are made on which assessments.

IEP at-a-glance form


IEP at a glance form

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Use this sheet to be able to quickly view a student's IEP information, such as accommodations, services, minutes, interests, and of course goals. Think of this as your IEP cheat sheet. Pass it out to the students' homeroom teachers so they can have all of the information in an easy-to-read format. The headings are centered in the boxes so when you enter the student's information, the text remains centered for a uniform look


All About Me Passport Travel Adventure Craft Activity

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Use these passports to learn a little more about your students.


Accommodation Checklist- Post-it Template

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

As a special education teacher, I use these to communicate with the general education teachers about what accommodations were given on which assessments. The post-it template allows me to print directly on to a post-it note to make it even more quick and convenient. Print a template, cover the squares with post-its, and place the paper back into the printer. The direction of the paper will vary based on the model of the printer, but for me, I put them in upside down and facing backwards.


Accommodations Checklist for IEP and 504

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

This ultimate guide to accommodations is perfect for planning out your lessons like a pro. There are ideas for accommodations for 9 high-to-mid incidence disabilities that you might find in your general education classroom. If you're looking to make more of an impact in your lesson plans, then this is exactly what you need.

What's included?

  • Functional definitions for 9 disabilities that you might find in your general education classrooms, including:
  1. ADHD
  2. Autism
  3. Deaf or Hearing Impairment
  4. Dyscalculia
  5. Dysgraphia
  6. Dyslexia
  7. Emotional Disability
  8. Speech or Language Impairment
  9. Visual Impairment
  • Suggested accommodations for each of the 9 disabilities discussed
  • A printable "accommodations checklist" with common accommodations for a variety of needs

Why do you need this?

Because you are a teacher who knows your students need more to be successful and you want to provide that for them. Because you know students aren't cookie cutter, and you want to make sure each receives what they need. Because you are looking to grow as a teacher and make your classroom more inclusive for your students with disabilities.

How can I help?

Reach out to me on Instagram at or email me at I'd love to answer any questions you may have.


Progress Monitoring Data Collection Pages for Special Education IEP goals

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Perfect for progress monitoring for RTI, small group instruction, IEP goals, and other classroom goals.

Use these pages to organize your data collection. The goal can be written on the lines provided. Then use the table to collect your data. Use these pages as dividers to separate work samples by subject and goal.

Pages include:

reading goal

math goal

functional goal

behavior goal

social skills goal

speech goal

language goal

writing goal

Print on colorful cardstock and add tabs to easily navigate through your binder.


Parent Input Survey

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Use this parent input survey to get to know your students from their parents' or guardians' perspectives. Use the information from these questions to help create IEP goals and incorporate them into IEP meetings. The graphics tie in with my "Meet the Teacher" letter, also available on TeachShare. This letter prints in black and white to save ink. Pass these out at Meet the Teacher Day or Open House. Or send them home before the IEP meeting. Questions included tie into questions from the Alabama State Department of Education but can be used by teachers in any location.

This is included in my Survey Bundle available here.


Classroom Behavior Management Strategies and Interventions

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Keep this quick reference guide for classroom behavior management strategies and interventions handy for when difficult behaviors arise in the classroom.

Print the Classroom Behavior Management Strategies and Interventions Quick Reference Guide on cardstock (laminate if preferred) and punch a hole in the top left corner. Use a binder ring to secure the pages together.

Use page 1 of quick reference guide as a way to determine an idea of the function of your student’s behavior. The box with the greatest number of checks should be considered as a possible function of the behavior. NOTE: THIS QUICK REFERENCE DOES NOT AND SHOULD NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF A FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSESSMENT FOR SIGNIFICANT BEHAVIORS.

After determining a possible function, flip to the page of the book for that function to see a list of behavioral strategies to alleviate the negative behavior. Behavioral interventions are also suggested by function. NOTE: THESE STRATEGIES AND IDEAS FOR INTERVENTION DO NOT AND SHOULD NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF A BEHAVIOR INTERVENTION PLAN.


IEP Goal Mastery Certificates

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Use these certificates to celebrate when an IEP goal has been met! Students will be excited to receive an award for their hard work, and parents, guardians, and gen ed teachers will know the goal has been met. Includes a place to write which goal has been mastered. Prints as a 5x7, so two print per page. Use colorful cardstock to make it pop!


Behavior Data Collection for ABC Data

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Looking for a way to learn the function of a student's behavior? I've got you covered with this Behavior Data Collection Sheet. This can be used as part of an official functional behavior analysis or as a way to learn how your students communicate their needs.

What's Included?

  • A one-page guide to collecting ABC data (antecedent, behavior, consequence) to determine a hypothesis as to the function of a student's behavior.
  • ABC Data collection page (printable)

Why do you need this?

There is a student in your classroom who struggles to express their wants or needs in an appropriate way. You want to alleviate the problematic behavior by discovering the behavior's function so you can find an alternate replacement behavior that serves the same function in a way that is more appropriate for the classroom.

How can I help?

Reach out to me on Instagram at or email me at I'd love to answer any questions you may have.


Special Education Google Form IEP Input Survey Bundle

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Gaining input from the IEP team is an important part of the IEP-writing process. These Google forms ask simple questions of the family, student, and teacher that you can use to develop a student's IEP. Simply email the link to the desired recipient and have them complete it digitally. No waiting on papers to go home and come back; no mailing forms home. Simple and efficient. Includes three separate forms for teachers, students, and families.


Special Education IEP Terminology Guide for Families

By Rebekah Poe Teaching

Special Education Teachers, do you struggle when it comes to making sure all IEP team members are aware and understanding the ins and outs of your students' IEPs? My 20 page e-book gives the definition of 12 common words, phrases, and acronyms you might come across in an IEP or meeting. The guide includes

  • Definitions
  • Expanded meanings as the term pertains to teachers and families
  • A one page "cheat sheet" for all term definitions
  • Links to extra resources