Russian Alphabet Nesting Dolls Matryoshka Coloring Pages Letters
By Eden Digital Arts
Russian alphabet and nesting dolls matryoshka 6 printable coloring pages for kids DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, this is a fun way to help kids or adults memorize the Russian alphabet.
For personal use by one teacher only, please do not sell or share the file.
Russian Reading Program 246 Flashcards Letter Blends for Word Building Games
By Eden Digital Arts
246 Russian language reading program syllables/letter blends flashcards Printable PDF Download.
62 pages four cards per page, US-letter size pages 8.5" by 11", best if printed on thick cardstock paper and laminated for durability.
Программа для чтения на русском языке, карточки могут быть использованы для игр на построение слов и чтения.
This is a reading program that I have used to teach all three of my kids to read in the Russian language by the age of 5, as well as a class of 20 five-year-old kids that I taught to read at a Russian school. These cards could be used for kids or adults.
The method of teaching kids to read with letter blends was used in pre-Soviet Russia.
This is a fun way to teach kids to read and to spend quality time with them while teaching, as you will be learning blends and later building words together out of the flashcards.
To be used by one teacher, please do not share or redistribute the file.
Instructions for using the flashcards:
1. Download these files to your computer
2. Print them onto thick cardstock paper, or order them to be printed at your local print shop or online printing services such as Staples, Costco, or Wal-Mart; have them laminated or encase them in clear tape--that is what I used.
3. Cut the sheets up into flash cards. If you are using tape instead of a laminator, first cut then cover the sheets with tape. (This would be done much faster with a laminator.)
4. Start the teaching process by introducing the cards to the child, use one letter/letter blend at a time. Spread the cards on the table or the floor in front of the child.
5. Best way for your child to memorize the letter blends is by singing them--yes, you read that right--as adding music to the memorization process makes memorizing quicker, plus it’s more fun. Select a simple tune that your child is familiar with--the ABC song, for example--or some other song your child knows well, and sing the letters and blends on each card together. The cards are organized in the recommended pattern in your download. For example: ЛУ-ЛО-ЛА-ЛЭ-ЛЫ-Л-ЛЮ-ЛЁ-ЛЯ-ЛЕ-ЛИ-ЛЬ МУ-МО-МА-МЭ-МЫ-М-МЮ-МЁ-МЯ-МЕ-МИ-МЬ
6. After the child has memorized most of the letters/blends, you could start building words together. Start with simple words, names of family members, or simple household terms. Use objects to help the child visualize the words--for example, put his/her favorite toy in front of them and build the word yourself with the cards--then ask them to do the same.
7. This is just one of the examples of how these cards can be used to teach your child to read and, after your child learns more and more cards, they can start building whole sentences.