For Any Grade Other (Music) Workbooks

Rock'N'Rollin' Book 1 -Beginner Drumset Method: Teacher Reference Copy

By ZS Music Publishing

Introducing our NEW, Rock'n'Rollin' Book 1 Expanded Edition! We have expanded the book to 100 pages, including more activities, and more patterns for students to learn! In the teacher reference copy, pages are watermarked as this is for teacher reference only and not to be distributed to students or parents.

When you are ready to order student copies you may order the following:

-Single Student Licensed Book (Click here)

-Studio Licensed Book: Unlimited Reproductions! (Click here!)

Printing instructions are included on the first page, with a print authorization certificate on page 2. The book is pages 3-102 in the document. It is highly advised that you print in color so you have the full effect of the book, but not required. Duplication is Prohibited. E-mail us at: for more information. You may also visit ZSMP on Facebook, or our online store.


Rock'N'Rollin' Book 1 -Beginner Drumset Method: Studio License

By ZS Music Publishing

Introducing our NEW, Rock'n'Rollin' Book 1 Expanded Edition! We have expanded the book to 100 pages, including more activities, and more patterns for students to learn! In R'n'R, novice drummers start off learning Body Percussion, then move on to learning each instrument through a series of colored icons called "Patterns" for students to pick up simple beats, then transition to a modified staff for students to learn the basics of reading drum-set music. There are activities throughout the book for students to create their own patterns, learn names of the instruments and more!

We also offer the Following Licenses for this book:

-Teacher Reference Copy (Click here!)

-Single Licensed Book: (Click here!)

Printing instructions are included on the first page, with a print authorization certificate on page 2. The book is pages 3-102 in the document. It is highly advised that you print in color so you have the full effect of the book, but not required. E-mail us at: for more information. You may also visit ZSMP on Facebook, or our online store.


Rock'N'Rollin' Book 1 -Beginner Drumset Method: Single Use License

By ZS Music Publishing

Introducing our NEW, Rock'n'Rollin' Book 1 Expanded Edition! We have expanded the book to 100 pages, including more activities, and more patterns for students to learn! In R'n'R, novice drummers start off learning Body Percussion, then move on to learning each instrument through a series of colored icons called "Patterns" for students to pick up simple beats, then transition to a modified staff for students to learn the basics of reading drum-set music. There are activities throughout the book for students to create their own patterns, learn names of the instruments and more!

We also offer the Following Licenses for this book:

-Teacher Reference Copy (Click here!)

-Studio Licensed Book: Unlimited Reproductions! (Click here - link coming soon!)

Printing instructions are included on the first page, with a print authorization certificate on page 2. The book is pages 3-102 in the document. It is highly advised that you print in color so you have the full effect of the book, but not required. Duplication is Prohibited. E-mail us at: for more information. You may also visit ZSMP on Facebook, or our online store.


The Twelve Days of Christmas: A Coloring and Drawing Book for kids of all ages!

By ZS Music Publishing

Get ready to color your way through one of the most popular Christmas songs...the 12 Days of Christmas!

Grab your colors and have fun exploring all 12 gifts and see how much you really get with every day of Christmas!

For each gift, there is a page for you to color in the words of each gift, then you get to draw a picture of that gift, so these gifts can be as wild and exotic as you'd like! A Partridge in a purple tree?? Calling Birds that are Pink?! 11 Leaping Lords wearing t-Shirts?! The only limit is your imagination.

The 12 Days of Christmas coloring book is a great activity to keep your kids and kids at heart engaged throughout the holiday season. It also makes a great gift to give someone through the holiday season. Pick up your copy today!

You CAN duplicate this book, but duplication is allowed for the original purchaser only. Your support of a small business is greatly appreciated!

© 2023 ZS Music Publishing (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved.
