By Creative Discoveries Online Academy Printables
Do you enjoy coloring to help relax? Here are several interesting pictures to color using a summer theme and beach theme. You can use your own colors or color by number.
Russian Language Educational Posters Alphabet Numbers Shapes Colors Days Months
By Eden Digital Arts
Set of 6 (+ 2 bonus variations) printable educational posters in the Russian language DIGITAL DOWNLOAD for kids. Minimalist posters in classic colors include the Cyrillic alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, days of the weeks, and months of the year.
Обучающие школьные плакаты для детей на русском языке: алфавит, цыфры, геометрические фигуры, цвета, дни недели, и месяцы.
1 PDF file with eight 8.5” by 11” pages, 6 posters, and two bonus variations for days of the week and months in size 8" by 10".
For personal use only, please do not share or resell this file.