Rock'N'Rollin' Book 1 -Beginner Drumset Method: Teacher Reference Copy
By ZS Music Publishing
Introducing our NEW, Rock'n'Rollin' Book 1 Expanded Edition! We have expanded the book to 100 pages, including more activities, and more patterns for students to learn! In the teacher reference copy, pages are watermarked as this is for teacher reference only and not to be distributed to students or parents.
When you are ready to order student copies you may order the following:
-Single Student Licensed Book (Click here)
-Studio Licensed Book: Unlimited Reproductions! (Click here!)
Printing instructions are included on the first page, with a print authorization certificate on page 2. The book is pages 3-102 in the document. It is highly advised that you print in color so you have the full effect of the book, but not required. Duplication is Prohibited. E-mail us at: for more information. You may also visit ZSMP on Facebook, or our online store.