Card Game Clip Art Template - Card Images ccg/tcg
By Z is for Zebra
Card Game Template Clip Art - Card Images for developing a custom collectible/ trading card game. Card games are a huge success with students. This set contains 3600 images for you frames and background images.
There are 3600 different colored images (50 images in 6 shapes, 12 colors for each image). This Card Game Template Clip Art is part of a larger product but due to the file size I had to organize it into a bundle.
Card Game Clip Art Template - Frames & Backgrounds ccg/tcg
By Z is for Zebra
Card Game Template Clip Art - Frames and Backgrounds for developing a custom collectible/ trading card game. Card games are a huge success with students. This set contains over 4002 frames and background images.
There are 432 different colored background images & 3570 different frame images. The frames have a color fill, a transparent center and a white center. I have also included different colored backgrounds for the transparent frames if you or your students want to use different backgrounds
This Card Game Template Clip Art is part of a larger product but due to the file size I had to organize it into a bundle.
Card Game Clip Art Template - Icons. Collectable/ Trading Card Games
By Z is for Zebra
Card Game Template Clip Art - Icons for developing a custom collectible/ trading card game. Card games are a huge success with students. This set contains over 64,000 icon images. Each set has 8100+ images in 8 colors. Each set has 129 different categories of icons, all sorted into individual folders. This Card Game Template Clip Art is part of a larger product but due to the file size I had to organize it into a bundle.
The icons used from this are from licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Included in this zip file is a document on how to attribute the images used.