160 Kids Yoga Games and Mindfulness Activities
By Stephanie Smith
This is the largest collection of kids yoga games and mindfulness activities on the Internet and is a MUST HAVE for every educator teaching kids yoga! This resource of 160 activities is color-coded by the different types of games to help you save time and effortlessly plan your lessons. Recommended to print on cardstock and attach to a large binder ring for ease of use.
What's Included:
✨ 160 Unique Kids Yoga Games & Mindfulness Activities
✨ 72 Labeled Pose Cards
✨ 72 Non-Labeled Pose Cards
✨ Decorative Backs for the Pose Cards
This resource is great for:
⭐ Children's Yoga Classes
⭐ Mindful Moments
⭐ Brain Breaks
⭐ Sensory & Movement Breaks
⭐ Therapy (Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy)
⭐ Gym Class
⭐ Transitions
⭐ Indoor Recess
⭐ Morning Group
⭐ Rainy Day Activities
⭐ Calm-Down Time
Physical Benefits of Yoga:
⛹ Helps Build Strength, Balance, and Coordination
⛹ Aides in Maintaining Flexibility
⛹ Relaxes and Helps Alleviate Stress
⛹ Teaches Children Self-Awareness
⛹ Increases Body Awareness & Overall Muscle Tone
⛹ Great for Warming-Up Before Sports
⛹ Helps Children Channel their Energy
Emotional & Mental Benefits of Yoga:
❤️ Increased Confidence
❤️ Encourages Mindfulness
❤️ Helps Steady Emotions, Reduce Anxiety & Stress
❤️ Teaches Self-Regulation & Calming Techniques
❤️ Non-Competitive & Non-Judgmental- Helps Kids feel Valued & Accepted
❤️ It’s All-Inclusive- Children Participate at their own Comfort Level
❤️ Teaches Self-Discipline & Reduces Impulsivity
❤️ Helps Children Manage their Anxiety
❤️ Aides in Developing Emotional Regulation Skills
❤️ Enhances Children’s Memory & Concentration
❤️ Teaches Self-Acceptance
❤️ Helps Boosts Children’s Self-Esteem & Supports Positive Mental Health
Games & Activities Included:
✨ Calming Games & Mindfulness Activities: Compliment Game ✯ Emotions Ball, Feather Fun ✯ Feather Weather ✯ Feelings Circle, Got Stress? ✯ Gratitude Ball ✯ Gratitude Jar ✯ How’s that Make you Feel? ✯ Nature’s Bounty ✯ Kindness Web ✯ Let’s go to the Beach ✯ Mindful Breaths ✯ Mindful Walk ✯ Noisy or Quiet ✯ Pasta Sensory Board ✯ Play Dough Yogis ✯ Pom Pom Board ✯ Racetrack ✯ Relaxation Train ✯ Sensory Walk ✯ Show & Tell ✯ Slime Time ✯ Stop and Smell the Roses ✯ Talking Stick Poses ✯ Rice Bag ✯ Yogi Pebbles
✨ Transition Games: Children Sleeping ✯ Find the Yogis ✯ Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes… ✯ Yoga Pose ✯ Heartbeat Game ✯ Hula Hula, I Have… Who Has… ✯ If You’re Happy and You Know it ✯ Love it or Leave it ✯ Pose of the Day ✯ Rainbow Stick Poses ✯ Sensory Board ✯ Yoga Card Game
✨ Small Group Games: Create a Pose ✯ Create a Son ✯ Hopscotch ✯ Mad Libs ✯ Monkey Mind ✯ Mountain Ranges ✯ Pom Pom Sorting ✯ Puzzles ✯ Speed Yoga ✯ Yoga Maze ✯ Yoga Pictionary ✯ Yoga Show
✨ Circle Games: Alphabet Game ✯ Arm Hockey ✯ Add One ✯ Around the World ✯ Ball Blowing ✯ Be the Teacher ✯ Ball Pass ✯ Beanbag Game ✯ Body Balance ✯ Build a Story ✯ Bubblegum Rhyme ✯ Butterfly Catcher ✯ Charades ✯ Choose your Pose ✯ Circus Show ✯ Concentration ✯ Drum Beats ✯ ✯ Foot Ball ✯ Hula-Hoop Game ✯ Human Knot ✯ Intuition ✯ ✯ Invent a Pose, I Spy with my Little Yogi Eye ✯ Jump and Pose ✯ Jump the Mats ✯ King of the Jungle ✯ Land & Sea ✯ Let’s be Superheroes ✯ Let’s go to the Zoo ✯ Magician’s Hat ✯ Name that Pose ✯ Rhyming Poses ✯ Story Detective ✯ Sun Salutation Wave ✯ Telephone ✯ Think Fast ✯ Toe-Ga ✯ Transportation Game ✯ Theme Game ✯ What’s in the Bag? ✯ Yoga Garden ✯ Yogi, Yogi, What do you See? ✯ Yogi Wave ✯ Yogi King / Queen ✯ Yogi Says, Yogi, Yogi Frog
✨ Slow-Paced Games: Alphabet Bag ✯ Beanbag Balancing ✯ Body Shapes ✯ Hide the Ball ✯ I Am ✯ Natural Phenomenon ✯ Name Game ✯ Wind in the Trees
✨ Relay & Race Games: Animal Relay ✯ Balloon Relay ✯ Beanbag Relay ✯ Bees to the Hive ✯ Bell Relay ✯ Hula-Hoop Relay ✯ Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My ✯ Pick a Card Relay ✯ Plow Race ✯ Pom Pom Relay ✯ Rock/Tree/Bridge
✨ Musical Games: Barnyard Freeze ✯ Beach Ball Yoga ✯ Dance Leader ✯ Freeze Dance ✯ Hot Lava ✯ Hot Potato ✯ London Bridge ✯ Musical Mats ✯ Musical Oms ✯ Musical Poses ✯ Paper Balance ✯ Scattered Poses ✯ Tissue Dance ✯ Yoga Limbo ✯ Yogi Pokey
✨ Large Group Games: Animal Parade ✯ Ball Side Step ✯ Beanbag Toss ✯ Colored Hoops ✯ Down-Dog Tunnel ✯ Freeze Game ✯ Ninja Freeze ✯ Over/Under ✯ Sea/Shore/Shells ✯ Sharks & Minnows ✯ Shark Game ✯ Sleeping Lions ✯ Tightrope Walking ✯ Triangle Tag ✯ Twisted Poses ✯ Yes Captain ✯ Yoga Cheer, Yoga Centers ✯ Yoga Train
✨ Partner Games: Body Chalkboard ✯ Draw your Pose ✯ Mannequins ✯ Mirror/Mirror ✯ Pom Pom Ping Pong ✯ Rock/Paper/Scissors ✯ What’s my Pose?
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Breathing Activities
Calming Strategies
Children's Book Activity Sets
Mindfulness Activities
Kids Yoga Activity Sets
Kids Yoga Coloring Pages
Kids Yoga Games
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Purchasing this product grants permission for use by one teacher in his or her own classroom. Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system, or commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. If other teachers would like copies of this product, please direct them to my store.
Valentine's Day Bundle: Fun-filled Worksheets and Engaging Google Slides
By Inspired By MlG
Looking for a way to make Valentine's Day in the classroom unforgettable? Our Valentine's Day Bundle is jam-packed with interactive worksheets, captivating Google Slides presentations, and FREE BONUS activities guaranteed to boost learning and fun!
Why Choose Our Valentine's Day Bundle for Students?
Target Age Group: This bundle is ideally suited for students in elementary grades. However, it can be easily adapted to fit the needs of a wider range of learners.
Looking for a creative and educational way to celebrate Valentine's Day with your students? Look no further than our Valentine's Day Bundle!
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