350 Education Quotes That Will Inspire Your Students
By Collaborative Educators 3000
350 Education Quotes That Will Inspire Your Students
We have gathered a long list of quotes about education that can serve as motivation for both students and teachers. You can utilize them to start a conversation or as a topic for writing. Here are only a couple of examples:
Education Quotes
"A child cannot learn from someone who hates him." - James Baldwin
"Rarely does a child require a lecture as much as they need someone to listen attentively." - Robert Brault
An unenthusiastic brain becomes quickly uninterested. An inquisitive mind grows endlessly. - Maxime Lagacé
Reading a well-written book is a schooling for the emotions. Expanding your perception of human potential is based on understanding human nature and worldly events. "It brings about introspection." - Susan Sontag
"A skilled educator excels at making complex ideas simple and rejects over-simplification." - Louis A. Berman
The impact of a teacher is everlasting; it is impossible to predict where their influence will end. - Henry Adams