Engineering Unit Plans

Design & Build a City - Project Based Technology & Engineering

By Innovations in Technology

In this project based learning unit, middle school/early high school students learn about city planning and architecture as they research and design their own city. In addition to using Internet search skills, they'll utilize CAD skills using Sketchup (free download) and finally build the city from chipboard and other recyclables and name their final creation. .

Unit download includes:

1. Teacher Resources and Materials List

2. Expectations and Overview of the Unit

3. Introduction to City Planning (research and vocabulary) – includes key

4. “What’s in the City” – team worksheet

5. Project Proposal – group planning worksheet

6. Create the City in SketchUp (CAD)

7. Building the City Information (hands on construction)

8. Student Team Work Log

9. Student Daily Work Log

10. Building scale information and examples

11. Sketchup and Building Examples

12. Project Written Reflection

I've used this lesson with an 8th grade Engineering class and every year students start work on this BEFORE the bell they enjoy it so much! I know your classes will enjoy it too!

Related Products
⭐ Digital Engineering Notebook - Fully Editable in PowerPoint & Google Slides
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
⭐ Real World Math - How Architects Use Math in their Career

Remember to leave feedback for credits on future purchases!


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Minecraft Education Introduction Unit

By Reece's Tech Shop by Scott Reece

Are you wanting to use Minecraft Education in your classroom, but you're not sure where to start? Well, I've laid it all out for you with Teacher Notes, Student Handouts, and a "Test" world created in Minecraft.

I give you a list of everything that we do in my classroom from Day 1 introduction to Day ?? when you give them their Minecraft Test.

Included in this set:

-Teacher Notes (My Minecraft Journey)

-Student Handouts (Agent Tutorials Checklist, Tutorials Checklist, NPC Documentation Sheet, and Reflection Sheet)

-FOUR Classroom Posters (Create A World Directions, Keyboard Instructions, NPC Poster, Tutorials List Poster)

-Test World (This is the world that I created in Minecraft to test my students. It includes four tasks for them to complete.)

I have also included directions on how to export a world to take to another computer.

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Kindergarten Science NGSS The Effect of Sunlight on the Earth's Surface

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This kindergarten earth science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 5 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson #1 Introduction to the Sun

Lesson #2 Introduction to the Earth's Surfaces

Lesson #3 Earth's Materials Outside

Lesson #4 What Effect does the Sun Have on Earth's Materials

Lesson #5 Building a Shelter

Included within the unit are:

-The Standards and Materials needed page (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)

-Essential Vocabulary Cards

-Engineering and Design Process Posters

-Student Friendly Activities and Experiments

-Suggestions for Books to Read

-Suggestions for YouTube Videos

-Student Recording sheets

If you teach in a bilingual class, we have the student resources available in Spanish.

Check out Kindergarten Science: The Effect of Sunlight on the Earth's Surface Worksheets in Spanish.

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Resources

❤️ Science Phenomenon for Kindergarten See Think Wonder Pdf and TeachShare Easel

⭐ The Sun: NGSS Leveled Reader for Primary Grades

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS K-PS2 Motion and Stability Unit: Move It! Pushes and Pulls

⭐ Kindergarten K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activities: Habitats & Taking Care the Earth

⭐ Kindergarten From Molecules to Organisms Unit: What do Plants and Animals Need?

⭐ Kindergarten Earth's Systems Unit: Weather and How it Affects Us

⭐ Computer Technology "I Can" Statement Posters for Kindergarten

Customer Tips:

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to log in). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Third Grade Science: Motion, Stability, Forces and Interactions Unit

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This 3rd-grade physical science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 9 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson 1 - Force and Motion

Lesson 2 - Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

Lesson 3 - Energy Transfer

Lesson 4 - Gravity

Lesson 5 - Friction and Air Resistance

Lesson 6 - Magnetic Force

Lesson 7 - Electrostatic Force

Lesson 8 - Start Your Engines

Lesson 9 - Design Challenge Using Magnets

Please make sure that you have access to YouTube before purchasing this unit.

  • Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- suggested YouTube Videos and Books

- Physicist Poster

* KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)

- Energy Transfer Poster

- student worksheets for collecting data and recording observations

- push or pull task cards

- Simple Experiments for energy transfer and gravity

- Friction Experiment

- Paper Drop Experiment

- Magnet Stations and Recording Booklet

* Soda Can and Water Bending Experiments

STEM Activity *Start Your Engines Activity

- Maglev Trains Reading

* Forces and Motion Posters

* Forces and Motion Mini Booklet

- 20 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

* Indicates other Science and STEAM Team resources that have been included in this unit.

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Products

⭐ Third Grade NGSS 3-LS1, 3-LS2, 3-LS3, and 4-LS4: Life Science Unit

⭐ Car Engineering Challenge Using Building Bricks

⭐ Data Collection and Graphing for Second and Third Grade

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEAM Posters for Elementary Grades

⭐ STEAM Challenges for the Whole Year Money Saving Bundle

⭐ STEM / STEAM Lab Materials Request Letter

Customer Tips:

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


4th Grade Life Science NGSS Aligned Unit

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This fourth-grade life science unit fits the bill! We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
  • It comes with:

- 10 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson 1 - External Structures of Humans

Lesson 2 - Internal Structures of Humans

Lesson 3 - Internal and External Structures of Animals

Lesson 4 - Camouflage and Mimicry

Lesson 5 - Reproduction in Animals

Lesson 6 - External and Internal Parts of Plants

Lesson 7 - Reproduction

Lesson 8 - Animal Senses

Lesson 9 - Animal Intelligence

Lesson 10 - Making a Model of a Newly Discovered Animal

  • Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- suggested YouTube Videos and Books

- Life Science Folder Cover

- Biologist Poster

- Living Things Needs Poster

- 8 Animal Structures WebQuests, Picture Cards, and Answer Keys

- Camouflage Poster

- Mimicry Short Research Assignment, Picture Cards, and recording sheets

- 12 Plant Photos and Reading Passages about Special Structures and Adaptations

- Animals and Plants Adaptations Booklet

- 24 "Did you know that..," cards

- Animal Intelligence Reading Passages and QR Code Cards

- Making a Model of a "Newly Discovered Animal" Task Cards and Rubric

- Biome Reading Passages (5 Biomes)

- 12 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

  • Check our preview to make sure this is a good fit for you and your students.

✅Please make sure that you have access to YouTube before purchasing this unit.

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Resources

❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-ESS1, 4-ESS2, and 4-ESS3: Earth Science Units

❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-PS3 and 4-PS4: Physical Science Units

⭐ Accountable Talk Posters for the Science Lab

⭐ Energy Bundle

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEAM Posters for Elementary Grades BUNDLE

What others are saying about our science units:

"Brilliant and comprehensive resource! Thank you!"

"This is a great resource and very well organized!"

"Love how well this aligns with NGSS!"

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to log in_). Next to each purchase_, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


4th Grade Earth Science NGSS Aligned Units

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This fourth-grade earth science unit fits the bill! We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
  • It comes with:

- 12 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Unit 1 Earth's Systems

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Earth Changes

Lesson 2 - Weathering

Lesson 3 - Erosion

Lesson 4 - Review of Weathering and Erosion

Lesson 5 - Exploring Topographical Maps

Unit 2 Earth's Place in the Universe

Lesson 1 - Introduction to the Rock Cycle

Lesson 2 - Rock Formations

Lesson 3 - fossils

Unit 3 Earth and Human Activity

Lesson 1 - Introduction to Energy from Natural Sources

Lesson 2 - Learning More About Energy from Natural Sources

Lesson 3 - Impact of Natural Disasters on Homes

Lesson 4 - STEM Challenge: Creating a Structure That Will Best Survive an Earthquake

Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- suggested YouTube Videos and Books

- Eath Science Folder Cover

- Geologists Poster

* KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)

* Weathering and Erosion Reading Passages

- Weathering Scavenger Hunt Recording Sheet

- Candy Erosion and Soil Erosion Activities

- Topographical Map Posters

- Three Types of Rocks Flip Book

- Rock Cycle Process Poster and Worksheet

* Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Tsunamis, and Floods Reading Passages and Graphic Organizer

- 8 Posters with Photographs of Land Formations and Informational Cards about these Formations

* Fossils Reading and Recording Sheet

* Fossils Posters

- Show What You Know Assessment

* Engineering and Design Process Posters

* Engineering and Design Rubric

* Reading Passages and Graphic Organizer for the Following Types of Energy: Solar, Wind, Biofuels, Geothermal, Hydroelectricity, Oil, Coal, Natural Gas, and Nuclear

- Types of Energy Flip Books

- Earthquake Informational Posters

- STEM Challenge Directions

- Light Station Cards

- 24 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

* Indicates other STEM to STEAM TRIO resources that have been included in this unit.

  • Check our preview to make sure this is a good fit for you and your students.

What others are saying about our science units:

"Brilliant and comprehensive resource! Thank you!"

"This is a great resource and very well organized!"

"Love how well this aligns with NGSS!"

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Resources

❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-LS1: Life Science Unit

❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-PS3 and 4-PS4: Physical Science Units

Accountable Talk Posters for the Science Lab

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEAM Posters for Elementary Grades BUNDLE

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to log in). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


1st Grade Physical Science Unit Light and Sound Energy

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This 1st-grade physical science fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson 1 - What is Sound?

Lesson 2 - Sound Vibrations

Lesson 3 - What is Light?

Lesson 4 - Reflection of Light

Lesson 5 - Shadows

Lesson 6 - Opaque, Translucent, and Transparent

Lesson 7 - Design a Device That Will Communicate From One Tent to Another Tent

Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- sound and light energy mini posters

- sound and light energy mini booklets

- loud sounds/soft sounds posters

- student worksheets

- suggested YouTubes and books

- directions for making a kazoo and stringed instrument

- poster on how the ear works

- natural and man-made light sorting activity

- shadow investigation

- transparent, translucent, and opaque investigation

- engineering and design process posters

- 19 essential vocabulary cards

  • Why not make your life easier and give it a try!

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Products

Science Phenomenon for 1st Grade See Think Wonder

⭐ First Grade NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⭐ BUNDLE of Brick Building STEM Challenges for the Whole Year

⭐ Bundle: Five Super Simple Science Experiments

⭐ Car Engineering Challenge Using Building Bricks

⭐ STEM Stories with QR Codes

Customer Tips:

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


1st Grade Life Science Unit - From Molecules to Organisms and Heredity

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This 1st-grade life science fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 8 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lessons in this unit:

Lesson 1 - What are the Needs of All Living Things

Lesson 2 - Our External Parts

Lesson 3 - External Parts of Animals

Lesson 4 - External Parts of Plants

Lesson 5 - What is a Habitat?

Lesson 6 - How Do Living Things Use Their External Parts to Meet Their Needs

Lesson 7 - What is Heredity?

Lesson 8 - STEAM Challenge: Design Equipment or Clothing to Protect a Bicyclist

Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- YouTube and book suggestions for each unit; all of which have been previewed

- website suggestions

- 24 essential vocabulary cards

- Biologist poster

- poster of what living things need to survive

- internal/external parts sort

- animal classification posters

- Types of Animals and Their Special Body Parts Booklet

- KLEWS Chart

- roots and stem observations using germination bags

- stem experiment directions

- leaf investigation directions

- flower investigation directions

- observation recording sheets

- habitat posters

- Habitats Mini Book

- What habitat do I live in? riddles

- Engineering and Design Process Posters

- student worksheets

- thematic writing paper

With all these great resources, why not make your life easier and give it a try!

YOU SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO YouTube as there are many suggested videos.

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Resources

Science Phenomenon for 1st Grade See Think Wonder

⭐ First Grade NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⭐ BUNDLE of Brick Building STEM Challenges for the Whole Year

⭐ Bundle: Five Super Simple Science Experiments

⭐ Car Engineering Challenge Using Building Bricks

⭐ STEM Stories with QR Codes

Customer Tips:

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


1st Grade Science Unit - Earth Science Aligned to NGSS 1-ESS-1

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This 1st-grade earth science fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lessons in this unit:

Lesson 1 - What is in the Sky?

Lesson 2 - Investigating the Sun

Lesson 3 - The Sun's Role in Day and Night

Lesson 4 - The Sun and Seasons

Lesson 5 - The Earth's Moon

Lesson 6 - The Stars

Lesson 7 - Final Project Showing Patterns

Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- YouTube and book suggestions for each unit; all of which have been previewed

- website suggestions

- 24 essential vocabulary cards

- "Reach for the Stars" motivational poster

- astronomer poster

- posters of each of the seasons

- poster showing the moon in the daytime sky

- phases of the moon poster

- Big Dipper poster

- KLEWS Chart

- cover for students unit folder

- observation recording sheets

- sun facts reading and cloze

- phases of the moon mini booklet

- directions and template for making a model of the sun, earth, and, moon revolving

- seasons booklet with full paragraph readings

- stars facts reading and cloze

- directions for making animal constellations

- student worksheets

- thematic writing paper

With all these great resources, why not make your life easier and give it a try!

YOU SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO YouTube as there are many suggested videos.

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Products

Science Phenomenon for 1st Grade See Think Wonder

⭐ First Grade NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⭐ BUNDLE of Brick Building STEM Challenges for the Whole Year

⭐ Bundle: Five Super Simple Science Experiments

⭐ Car Engineering Challenge Using Building Bricks

⭐ STEM Stories with QR Codes

Customer Tips:

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


2nd Grade Science Earth's Place in the Universe and Earth's Systems

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This 2nd-grade earth science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson 1 - Natural Events that Change the Earth Quickly

Lesson 2 - Natural Events that Change the Earth Slowly

Lesson 3 - Review of Quick and Slow Changes

Lesson 4 - What are Landforms?

Lesson 5 - Where is Water on Earth?

Lesson 6 - Develop a Model to Represent the Shapes and Kinds of Land and Bodies

of Water in Your State

Lesson 7 - STEM Challenge: Design a Solution to Prevent Water from Changing the

Shape of the Land

  • Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- suggested YouTube Videos and Books

- Geologist Poster

- KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)

- student worksheets for collecting data and recording observations

- Natural Disasters Poster

- Natural Disasters Flipbook

- Elephant Toothpaste Experiment

- Weathering Reading Passage

- Weathering Activity and Questions

- Erosion Reading Passage and Questions

- Erosion Activities

- Weather/Erosion Venn Diagram

- 14 Photographs of Weathering and Erosion

- Task Cards with Information about Natural Events that Change the Surface of the


- Landforms Booklet

- Landforms Matching Task Cards

- Flipbook- Earth's Water in Three States of Matter and Posters

- Rain in a Bottle Experiment

- engineering and design process posters

- 20 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

  • Check out the preview to see if this resource is right for you and your students.

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

If you like this you might enjoy:

⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-LS2 Ecosystems and Interactions, Energy and Dynamics and

2-LS4 Biological Evolution, Unity and Diversity

⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-PS1 Matter and its Interactions

☀️ What is STEM? A Parent Handout

Customer Tips:

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


4th Grade Physical Science NGSS Aligned Energy Units

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This fourth-grade physical science unit fits the bill! We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
  • It comes with:

- 11 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Unit 1

Lesson 1 - What is Energy?

Lesson 2 - Speed and Energy

Lesson 3 - Sound Energy

Lesson 4 - Light Energy

Lesson 5 - Heat Energy

Lesson 6 - Electrical Energy

Lesson 7 - What Happens When Objects Collide?

Lesson 8 - STEM Challenge - Have S'more Fun: Creating a Solar Oven

Unit 2

Lesson 1 - What is Amplitude?

Lesson 2- Eyes and Light

Lesson 3 - STEM Challenge Using Morse Code

Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- suggested YouTube Videos and Books

- Physicist Poster

* KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)

- Energy WebQuest

- Energy Experiments

- Energy Transfer Poster

- student worksheets for collecting data and recording observations

- Investigations for Motion, Energy Transfer, Sound, and Light Energy

- Posters for Heat, Light, Sound, and Electrical Energy

- Methods of Heat Transfer Flipbook

- Sorting Cards of Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

* Static Electricity Experiments

- Potential and Kinetic Energy Poster

- Atom and Electricity Poster

* Engineering and Design Process Posters

* Engineering and Design Rubric

- Make a Wave Task Cards

- How the Ear Works and How the Eye Works Posters

- Light Station Cards

- Make a Model of a Seeing Eye Task Cards

- STEM Challenge Create a Pattern that will Transfer a Message Using Sound and Light

- 19 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

  • Check our preview to make sure this is a good fit for you and your students.

* Indicates other STEM to STEAM TRIO resources that have been included in this unit.

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Resources

❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-ESS1, 4-ESS2, and 4-ESS3: Earth Science Units

❤️ Fourth Grade NGSS 4-LS1: Life Science Unit

**⭐**Accountable Talk Posters for the Science Lab

⭐ Energy Bundle

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to log in). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Third Grade Science: NGSS Aligned Life Science Unit

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This 3rd-grade life science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
  • It comes with:

- 9 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson 1 - Organisms Have Unique Life Cycles

Lesson 2 - Some Animals Live in Groups

Lesson 3 - What are Inherited Traits?

Lesson 4 - Different Types of Environments for Different Types of Animals

Lesson 5 - Animals Adaptations

Lesson 6 - Plant Adaptations

Lesson 7 - Will This Organism Survive Here?

Lesson 8 - Forest Fires Can Be Beneficial

Lesson 9 - What Do Fossils Tell Us?

  • Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- suggested YouTube Videos and Books

- Biologist Poster

- What is an Organism? Poster

* KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)

- student worksheets for recording information

*Metamorphosis of a Frog Posters

- Self-Assessment for a group project

- 6 Reading Passages about Animals that Live in Groups

- Task Cards of different groups of animals for students to observe inherited traits from

- Task Cards for "Does this Organism Live Here?" Activity

- Habitat Photographs

* 5 Ecosystems Reading Passages

* 6 Animal Adaptations Reading Passages

* 5 Plant Adaptations Reading Passages

- Fossils Reading and Research Activity

- Fossils Posters

- 27 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

* Indicates other Science and STEAM Team resources that have been included in this unit.

❤️Click Here to Follow Us!

Related Products

⭐Third Grade NGSS 3-PS2: Motion and Stability and Forces and Interactions Unit

⭐ Data Collection and Graphing for Second and Third Grade

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEAM Posters for Elementary Grades

⭐ STEAM Challenges for the Whole Year Money Saving Bundle

Customer Tips:

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


2nd Grade Science Ecosystems and Biological Evolution

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This 2nd-grade life science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson 1 - What are the Needs of All Living Things?

Lesson 2 - Do Plants Need to Have Water and Sunlight to Grow?

Lesson 3 - What is a Habitat?

Lesson 4 - Observing Plants and Animals in Different Habitats to Compare Their


Lesson 5 - What is Seed Dispersal and How are Seeds Dispersed?

Lesson 6 - What is Pollination and What Animals Help with Pollination?

Lesson 7 - STEM Challenge: Create a Model the Mimics the Function of an Animal

Dispersing Seeds or Pollinating Plants

  • Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- suggested YouTube Videos and Books

- Biologist Poster

- KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)

- student worksheets for collecting data and recording observations

- Living Things Poster

- Plant reinforcement readings and worksheets

- Habitat Posters with real pictures

- "My Habitats" Booklet

- "Mini Habitats" Posters (tree, rotting log, stream, and pond)

- Task cards for reading about 4 different plants and 4 different animals in each of

6 different habitats

- Habitat compare/contrast activity

- Plant Life Cycle sheet

- Seed Experiment

- Seed Dispersal Experiment

- Seed picture cards

- Meet Some Plant Pollinators reading passages and questions

- Engineering and design process posters

- Instructions for a STEM Challenge

- 15 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

What others are saying about our science units:

"Brilliant and comprehensive resource! Thank you!"

"This is a great resource and very well organized!"

"Love how well this aligns with NGSS!"

✅Please note: You will need access to YouTube as there are many suggestions for videos in these lessons.

❤️Click Here to Follow Us

If you like this you might really enjoy:

⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-ESS1 Earth's Place in the Universe and ESS2 Earth's Systems

⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-PS1 Matter and its Interactions

☀️ STEM Little Innovators Classroom Decor

☀️ Scientist Character Traits

☀️ What is STEM? A Parent Handout

Customer Tips:

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Kindergarten Science - Pushes and Pulls Unit for NGSS K-PS2

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This kindergarten physical science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- Six Detailed Lesson Plans: so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson #1 Let's Move! What is Motion?

Lesson #2 How Do Some of Our Favorite Things Move?

Lesson #3 Pushes and Pulls

Lesson #4 Gravity

Lesson #5 Down We Go! Building Ramps

Lesson #6 STEM Challenge

- The Standards and Materials needed pages (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)

- Essential Vocabulary Cards (10 words)

- Push and Pull Picture Sort with real photos

- STEAM Challenge: Create a Ramp that will Move a Marble to the Finish Line

- Engineering and Design Process Posters

- Charts, Worksheets

- Suggestions for Books to Read

- Suggestions for YouTube Videos

*Student worksheets are also available in Spanish.

• Kindergarten Science Pushes and Pulls Student Resources In Spanish

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Related Resources

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⭐ Kindergarten K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activities: Habitats & Taking Care the Earth

⭐ Kindergarten From Molecules to Organisms Unit: What do Plants and Animals Need?

⭐ Kindergarten Earth's Systems Unit: Weather and How it Affects Us

⭐ Computer Technology "I Can" Statement Posters for Kindergarten


2nd Grade Science Matter and Its Interactions Complete Unit

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This 2nd-grade physical science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 10 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson 1 - What is Matter?

Lesson 2 - The Three States of Matter and Introduction to Properties of Matter

Lesson 3 - More Properties of Matter: Liquids and Gases

Lesson 4 - Solids, Liquids, and Gases Review

Lesson 5 - Examining Different Materials

Lesson 6 - What is Mass?

Lesson 7 - Testing for Absorbency

Lesson 8 - Changing States of Matter

Lesson 9 - A Small Set of Objects Can Be Disassembled and Made into a New Object

Lesson 10 - STEM Challenge: Which Material Works the Best for Making the Tallest


  • Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- suggested YouTube Videos and Books

- Materials Scientist Poster

- KLEWS Chart (KWL for Science)

- What is Matter Poster Set

- Matter Booklet for Students

- student worksheets for collecting data and recording observations

- three science experiments

- Materials sorting cards and headers

- Physical and Chemical Changes poster and sorting cards

- engineering and design process posters

- 27 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

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If you like this, you might enjoy:

⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-LS2 Ecosystems and Interactions, Energy and Dynamics and 2-LS4 Biological Evolution, Unity and Diversity

⭐Second Grade NGSS 2-ESS1 Earth's Place in the Universe and ESS2 Earth's Systems

☀️ MATTER: Structure and Properties SCOOT GAME!

☀️ MATTER: Science Scenes Writing Prompts and Vocabulary Cards for Centers

☀️ MATTER: Making Ice Cream

☀️ MATTER: Making Butter

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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Earth Day Kindergarten Science Earth and Human Activities

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This kindergarten earth science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 7 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lesson #1 What is a Habitat?

Lesson #2 What Habitat Do I Live In?

Lesson #3 Create a Habitat STEM Challenge

Lesson #4 Natural or Man-made

Lesson #5 Taking Care of Our Habitat

Lesson #6 Making New Objects by Using Old Things

- Included within the unit are:

- The Standards and Materials needed pages (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)

- Essential Vocabulary Cards (14 words)

- Habitat Passage for the teacher to read to the class

- Mini Posters for the following habitats: arctic, desert, forest, ocean, and wetlands

(these include a photograph of the habitat and a short description)

- Sorting Cards with plants and animals from different habitats

- Habitats Mini-Booklet

- Habitat Riddle Cards

- STEM Challenge Create a Habitat

- Natural or Man-made Passage for the teacher to read to the class

- Natural or Man-made Board Game

- Helping Earth Mini-Booklet

- Directions for Making Rainbow Crayons and Puzzles by Reusing Materials

- Engineering and Design Process Posters

- Worksheets

-Suggestions for Books to Read

-Suggestions for YouTube Videos

*It should be noted that weather is not covered in this unit as it is addressed in the

Earth's Systems Unit.

If you teach in a bilingual class, we have the student resources available in Spanish. Check out:

It's Kindergarten Science Student Resources in Spanish: Habitats

*It should be noted that weather is not covered in this unit as it is addressed in the

Earth's Systems Unit.

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Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS K-PS2 Motion and Stability Unit: Move It! Pushes and Pulls

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS Energy Unit: The Effect of Sunlight on the Earth's Surface

⭐ Kindergarten K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activities: Habitats & Taking Care the Earth

⭐ Kindergarten From Molecules to Organisms Unit: What do Plants and Animals Need?

⭐ Kindergarten Earth's Systems Unit: Weather and How it Affects Us

⭐ Computer Technology "I Can" Statement Posters for Kindergarten

⭐ Animal Needs: A Christmas Science Activity for Kindergarten


Hermit Crabs STEM Challenge and More

By Science and STEAM Team

This Hermit Crabs resource makes the perfect complement to A House for Hermit Crab by Jan Brett. Included is an informational read aloud, photographs of hermit crabs, a six-page mini book for students to complete, and a fun STEM challenge. There is also a guide to hermit crab care for those of you getting one as a class pet. As a bonus, there is an Engineering and Design Process poster set! Standards, tips, and suggestions are also included.

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Related Products

⭐ Animal Needs: A Brown Bear's Needs

⭐ Kindergarten From Molecules to Organisms Unit: What do Plants and Animals Need?

⭐ Kindergarten K-ESS3 Earth and Human Activities: Habitats & Taking Care the Earth

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS Energy Unit: The Effect of Sunlight on the Earth's Surface

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS K-PS2 Motion and Stability Unit: Move It! Pushes and Pulls

⭐ Kindergarten Earth's Systems Unit: Weather and How it Affects Us

⭐ Kindergarten NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⭐ Computer Technology "I Can" Statement Posters for Kindergarten

⭐ Family STEM Night All-Inclusive Package!

⭐ Family STEM/STEAM Challenges with SAMMIE STEAM!

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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Third Grade Earth Science Unit

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This 3rd-grade earth science unit fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.
  • It comes with:

- 5 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Lessons in this unit:

Lesson 1 - What is Weather?

Lesson 2 - Are There Patterns of Weather?

Lesson 3 - Climates in Different Regions of the World

Lesson 4 - What is a Natural Disaster?

Lesson 5 - STEM Challenge: Create a House that Can Survive a Hurricane

Included within this resource are:

- the standards

- suggested YouTube Videos and Books

- Meteorologist Poster

- Data Collection sheets

* Self-Assessment for a group project

* Natural Disasters Poster

* 5 Reading Passages about Natural Disasters

- Weather Brochure Template

- STEM Challenge directions and materials list

- 21 colorful essential vocabulary cards with graphics and definitions

* Indicates other STEM to STEAM TRIO resources that have been included in this unit.

  • Check out the preview to see if this resource is right for you and your students!

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Related Resources

⭐Third Grade NGSS 3-PS2: Motion and Stability and Forces and Interactions Unit

⭐ Data Collection and Graphing for Second and Third Grade

⭐ Famous People in the Area of STEAM Posters for Elementary Grades

⭐ STEAM Challenges for the Whole Year Money Saving Bundle

Customer Tips:

How to get TeachShare credit to use towards future purchases:

*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to login). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.


Kindergarten Science NGSS Aligned Bundle of Units for the Year

By Science and STEAM Team

Do you need a science curriculum that is aligned to the NGSS?

  • This kindergarten science bundle fits the bill!. We have researched each standard, so nothing goes untaught.

  • It comes with:

- 32 detailed lessons, so you can reclaim your nights and weekends.

Included within the units are:

- The Standards and Materials needed page (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)

- 79 Essential Vocabulary Cards for your word wall

- Posters ( with photos) to enhance students learning

- Picture Sorts to keep students actively engaged

- Mini Books so you can integrate reading

- 4 STEAM Challenges for high interest, high-level thinking

- Charts for reference

- Worksheets

- Suggestions for Books to Read so you don't have to go searching

- Suggestions for YouTube Videos that are tested and appropriate

All the ideas you need are in these NGSS aligned kindergarten science units!

If you have a bilingual class student resources are now available in Spanish in

It's Kindergarten Science Student Resources in Spanish: BUNDLE


"These lessons were so easy to use and follow. My Kindergarten students loved the engaging activities, especially the STEM challenges. I highly recommend this."

"This is perfect for the age group of kindergarten. It's very eye-appealing and easy for the kids to follow along. Not a lot of prep is needed, which has been a lifesaver."

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More Science Kindergarten Resources

⭐ NGSS Level Readers for Primary Grades Bundle

⭐ BUNDLE of Brick Building STEM Challenges for the Whole Year

⭐ Bundle of Bingo! Animals Classification

⭐ Bundle: Five Super Simple Science Experiments

⭐ Family STEM/STEAM Challenges with SAMMIE STEAM!

Science Bundles for Other Grades

⚛ First Grade NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⚛ Second Grade NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⚛ Third Grade NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!

⚛ Fourth Grade NGSS: Bundle of Science Units for the Whole Year!


4th Grade Science NGSS Aligned Units for the Year

By Science and STEAM Team

  • SAVE LOTS OF TIME, ENERGY, and MONEY when you buy this 4th-grade science BUNDLE! You need to access the individual product pages to get access to the digital format at this time.
  • All the ideas you need to teach 4th-grade NGSS are in these science lesson plans.

Included within the units are:

- The Standards and Lists of Materials needed (all inexpensive, practical suggestions)

- 33 Detailed Lesson Plans

- 55 Essential Vocabulary Cards

- Experiments

- Posters (with photos)

- Picture Sorts

- Mini Books

- 4 STEAM Challenges

- Charts

- Readings

- Worksheets

- Suggestions of Books to Read

- Suggestions for YouTube Videos

  • Check our preview to make sure this is a good fit for you and your students.

What others are saying about our science units:

  • "Brilliant and comprehensive resource! Thank you!"
  • "This is a great resource and very well organized!"
  • "Love how well this aligns with NGSS!"

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Related Resources

⭐ AWARDS: Celebrating 21st Century Skills!

⭐ WebQuest and STEM Challenges Bundle

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*Please go to your My Purchases page (you need to log in). Next to each purchase, you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Click that and you will be taken to a page where you can give a rating and leave a short comment about the product. Each time you give feedback, TeachShare gives you credit that you can use towards your future purchases.
