Elementary School Teacher Manuals

NSW Report Comments Guide Covering a Wide Range of Learning Areas 107

By Dotty's Printables

The NSW Report Comments Guide is a helpful tool for teachers to quickly write clear and personalized report comments. It’s perfect for grades K-6 and covers a variety of areas to suit every student’s needs. The comments are simple and easy to edit.


  • Comment banks for Reading, Writing, Maths, PDHPE, Social & Emotional Development, and more.
  • Written in simple present tense with "XXXX" placeholders for easy personalization.
  • Includes comments for future goals and personalized learning plans.
  • Comes in a Word format for quick and easy editing.
  • Suitable for all types of learners and classroom needs.

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A Special Education Teacher's Guide to Getting Started

By Specifically Sped

This is a fifteen-page guide to getting started in a self-contained special education or life skills classroom. Included are descriptions, helpful hints, and pictures from actual classrooms.

The following topics are covered:


Lesson Planning

Classroom Management

Classroom Setup




Prompt Hierarchy




By French Made Fun!

Déverrouillez le succès des élèves avec l'outil de diagnostic de la conscience phonémique !

Découvrez et adressez les phonèmes spécifiques avec lesquels vos élèves rencontrent des difficultés grâce à cet outil de diagnostic ciblé, conçu pour améliorer votre enseignement, vos leçons en petits groupes et votre lecture guidée. Idéal pour les enseignants de français, cette ressource est essentielle pour identifier les lacunes phonémiques et planifier une instruction efficace.

Caractéristiques du produit :

  • Tests diagnostiques complets : Comprend 39 phonèmes différents avec des listes de mots et des paragraphes correspondants, permettant d’identifier les défis phonémiques spécifiques.
  • Méthodes de test flexibles : Choisissez entre faire lire les élèves à voix haute à partir de cartes de mots ou de courts paragraphes pour évaluer leur conscience phonémique.
  • Outils de suivi détaillés : Utilisez des cartes de mots imprimables et plastifiables, des registres complets et des outils d'évaluation miniatures pour suivre les performances des élèves et planifier l'instruction.
  • Groupement efficace : Identifiez les élèves ayant besoin de soutien supplémentaire et regroupez-les efficacement en fonction de leurs besoins phonémiques.
  • Communication claire : Partagez facilement les données avec les parents, les équipes de ressources et les administrateurs pour soutenir les progrès des élèves.

Contenu :

  • 430 cartes de mots : Organisées par phonème, faciles à utiliser et à transporter.
  • 39 paragraphes spécifiques aux phonèmes : Passages authentiques pour tester la conscience phonémique dans un contexte.
  • 39 outils d’évaluation miniatures : Suivez la prononciation et les progrès pour chaque phonème.
  • Registres complets : Suivez les performances du groupe entier et identifiez facilement les domaines nécessitant une instruction en groupe entier ou en petits groupes.

Cet outil de diagnostic est parfait pour évaluer rapidement et adresser les problèmes de conscience phonémique, rendant votre enseignement plus efficace et vos élèves plus performants. Gagnez du temps et fournissez des données claires et concrètes pour la communication avec les parents et les collègues.

Vous en voulez plus ? Voici quelques ressources de mini-leçons en FRANÇAIS à découvrir :

  • Écriture: Générer les idées
  • Écriture: Endurance et motivation
  • Écriture: La structure et la fluidité
  • Écriture: Améliorer le choix de mots
  • Écriture: Introductions & Conclusions
  • Lecture: Solutionner les mots
  • Lecture: La visualisation
  • Lecture: Faire des liens
  • Lecture: Connaissances antérieures
  • Lecture: Faire des prédictions
  • Lecture: Faire des inférences
  • Lecture: Informations clés
  • Lecture: Stratégies de réparation

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Pour l'amour du ciel, n'oubliez pas de vous amuser !

Mme Kaitlyn


NYS 6th Grade 10 Month Health Curriculum Map

By Sign with me TOD

This Macmillan McGraw-Hill (2014) 6th Grade Health Curriculum Map has been broken down into chapters for the entire school year, which includes essential questions, NYS Education Department Standards for Health and the National Health Education Standards, prerequisite skills that are necessary to access the material presented (This is beneficial for students that require material to be adapted), assessment ideas (Found within the Macmillan McGraw-Hill 6th Grade Health materials, and resources that were used. 

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


TCI Science | Second Grade Supplemental Lesson Guides | Units 1-3

By Sweet Maple Teaching

Our TCI science second grade supplemental lesson guides will assist in organizing your materials so you can feel successful teaching the second grade science standards.

Are you having trouble incorporating the TCI textbook, online slide deck, and student workbook into one nicely flowing lesson? I was struggling with this same dilemma in my classroom. I decided to get to work and add all of the materials together into a lesson guide that includes all of the important parts including page numbers for the textbook and workbook as well as slide names for the slide deck. I print these lesson guides front to back and put them in sheet protectors in a science binder. When I teach a lesson, I remove the sheet protector and have the entire resource in hand to feel confident that I'm asking students to be in the right place. This was a game changer for my classroom as I didn't dread teaching science anymore.

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Related Resources:

Our continents and oceans resource teaches the 7 continents, 5 oceans, landmarks, and animals and biomes to lead into TCI science Unit 1: Animal survival. If interested, click the following link.

Continents & Oceans

Our essential math templates include the materials you'll need for your students to be successful in learning the common core math standards for second grade. If interested, click this following link.

Essential Math Templates

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NYS 5th Grade 10 Month Health Curriculum Map

By Sign with me TOD

This Macmillan McGraw-Hill (2014) 5th Grade Health Curriculum Map has been broken down into chapters for the entire school year, which includes essential questions, NYS Education Department Standards for Health and the National Health Education Standards, prerequisite skills that are necessary to access the material presented (This is beneficial for students that require material to be adapted), assessment ideas (Found within the Macmillan McGraw-Hill 5th Grade Health materials, and resources that were used. 

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


NYS 4th Grade 10 Month Health Curriculum Map

By Sign with me TOD

This Macmillan McGraw-Hill (2014) 4th Grade Health Curriculum Map has been broken down into chapters for the entire school year, which includes essential questions, NYS Education Department Standards for Health and the National Health Education Standards, prerequisite skills that are necessary to access the material presented (This is beneficial for students that require material to be adapted), assessment ideas (Found within the Macmillan McGraw-Hill 4th Grade Health materials, and resources that were used. 

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


NYS 3rd Grade 10 Month Health Curriculum Map

By Sign with me TOD

This Macmillan McGraw-Hill (2014) 3rd Grade Health Curriculum Map has been broken down into chapters for the entire school year, which includes essential questions, NYS Education Department Standards for Health and the National Health Education Standards, prerequisite skills that are necessary to access the material presented (This is beneficial for students that require material to be adapted), assessment ideas (Found within the Macmillan McGraw-Hill 3rd Grade Health materials, and resources that were used. 

You may like these products as well:

Health Parent/Guardian Letter


3rd Grade Monthly Plans


4th Grade Health Curriculum Map


4th Grade Monthly Plans


5th Grade Health Curriculum Map


5th Grade Monthly Plans


6th Grade Health Curriculum Map


6th Grade Monthly Plans


If you like this product, please leave a positive review. :)


Journal Writing

By Beth Hammett

Using journal writing in the classroom takes know-how. This 41-page booklet takes teachers through the basics and introduces a model for successful journal writing. The how-to journal writing guide includes seven chapters: Just the Facts, How to Start Writing, Prompts, Student Examples, Assessing and Grading, What if..., and Resources. It makes journal writing enjoyable and easy for teachers and students. A great resource with student examples for teachers who want to use journal writing but are not sure where to begin or what to do. Beth Hammett's other works include: Natalie: Diary of a Senior Year, Developmental Writing Workshop, and educational articles for NADE, TCTELA, NCTE, and more. Join Beth at: www.bethhammett.blogspot.com


Speech Therapy - Supporting Comunication Language In the Classroom

By All Therapy Resources

The following 20 page “Supporting Communication in the Classroom” package includes information and strategies to support the development of communication within a classroom context. Overview of Contents include:

• Communication – what is communication? How do we communicate? Levels of communication complexity.

• Supporting Communication in the classroom – AAC in the classroom

• The teachers role as a communication partner

• Instructional Strategies – Prompts and Questions

• Teaching Strategies

• Strategies for Managing a Differentiated Classroom

Looking for more Speech Therapy resources? We've got you covered!

  • Early Intervention Language Program
  • Speech Therapy Articulation Cards Bundle
  • "I tried it" - Fussy Eating Program
  • Speech Therapy Ultimate Bundle 
  • Yes/No Closed Questions Picture Cards
  • Encouraging Functional Communication Program
  • Breathing and Voice Exercises - Speech Therapy Program

   ⚠️ Click HERE to follow All Therapy Resources and be alerted of new products and free downloads! ⚠️

 © All Therapy Resources - Please read my Terms of Use regarding personal and commercial use of All Therapy Resources. You can download the free document here.


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 3: Connections: Concrete to Verbal, Numerical

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the third five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Making Connections: Concrete to Verbal

Making Connections: Verbal to Numerical

What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 10: Telling Time to the Hour

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the tenth five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Time: Which Takes Longer

Telling Time to the Hour

Telling Time Matching Game

What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 16: Directional Words; Capacity in Cups

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the sixteentfive-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

This is the sixteenth five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Directional Words in a Map Grid

Measuring Capacity in Cups

What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 2: Meaning of Number, Weight, Data Collection

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the second five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Meaning of Number

Data Collection


What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 7: Addition (Sums to 10 with Plus Sign), Length

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the seventh five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Addition of Sums to Ten

Addition with an Equal Sign

Comparing Length

Measuring Length

What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 5: Place Value (2-Digit Numbers, Naming Scheme)

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the fifth five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Place Value with Two-Digit Numbers

Naming Scheme for Number System

Comparing Quantities

What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 4: Connections: Concrete to Verbal, Numerical

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the fourth five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Comparing Quantities by Pairing

Straigth and Non-Straight Paths

Comparing Quantities by Counting

What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 9: Proportions, Length w/ Ruler, Make Bar Graph

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the ninth five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Proportional Reasoning

Measuring Length with a Ruler

Constructing a Bar Graph

What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 8: Length in Inches, Skip Count by 5, Making 10

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the eighth five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Measuring Length in Inches

Making Ten

Skip Counting by Five

Addition in a Vertical Format

What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters


1st Grade DEEP Math Lessons Unit 15: Odd & Even, Geometric Figures, Copies

By Cockrell's Creations Math and More

Are you looking for an easy way to help your students make sense of the mathematics they are learning? Are you ready for them to see how mathematical concepts all fit together in amazing ways to help them find answers to real questions using efficient, meaningful strategies? Do you want to do all of these things without having to spend additional time planning lessons?

The DEEP Math program is a year-long curriculum that is standards aligned. Each lesson is designed to take approximately one class period to complete. Lessons contain step-by-step directions and include discussion, an engaging focus lesson, guided practice, and independent work. Each set of five lessons includes a quiz to be administered after the lessons have been completed.

This is the fifteenth five-lesson series in a year's worth of rich and meaningful lessons that are designed with the primary goal of helping students make sense of mathematics. Your students will learn mathematics by using it, day in and day out—to form the mental images, to build the conceptual understanding, to see the connections, to become fluent in the language, and to cultivate the habits of mind—which will serve them, not only on high stakes tests, but much more importantly, for a lifetime.

Mathematical Concepts Addressed in Lessons

Odd & Even Numbers

Characteristics of Geometric Figures

Recognizing Figures That Are Copies

What is included in this product?

Detailed Lesson Plans

Materials List

Activity Problem Sets

Practice Problem Sets


Answer Keys

Copy Masters
