Elementary School Social Emotional Learning Interactive Notebooks

Halloween Activities

By Elena Tenisi

Halloween themed SEL activity pages. Students will get to personify their worries. They'll be able to think about what their anxiety tells them, what it stops them from doing, and when it shows up most. Students will be able to list their top ten worries, brainstorm coping skills, and practice a fun breathing technique. Resource comes with a 31 day self care challenge where students will be able to participate in daily activities for the fall. Great for independent work or group sessions.

A HUGE thank you to the following content creators for making my resource possible:












Affirmations Flower Activity and Worksheet for Positive Self-Talk Fun SEL SPED

By Teacher Ever Creative

Looking for a fun and meaningful way to boost your students’ self-esteem? This Affirmation Flower activity is a creative activity that helps kids recognize their strengths and build positive self-talk!

In this engaging activity, students will:

• Write or cut & paste positive words (like “brave,” “kind,” and “smart”) on each petal.

• Color and decorate their flowers, creating a vibrant reminder of their personal qualities.

• This can also be part of an interactive notebook activity.


  • Cut & paste or write affirmations - differentiated to suit your students' needs
  • 2 pages

Use Affirmations Flower Activity for:

  • Interactive notebook
  • Boosting Self-Esteem
  • Social Emotional Learning
  • Morning work
  • Brain breaks
  • Classroom positivity
  • Independent work
  • Substitute Teacher Activity

Benefits to Teachers:

  • Suitable for various grade levels
  • Print and go! (no prep)
  • Evergreen product (can be used again and again, for upcoming years)

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If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at teacherevercreative@gmail.com

Happy Teaching and Learning!


The Case of Respectfully Problem Solving - An Interactive SEL Lesson

By Jeni Donath

If you're ready to add a little flare to your next classroom lesson, this might be the one for you! The Case of Respectfully Problem Solving brings a whole new level to working together, creative thinking and perspective shifting, as well as small group problem solving, listening, and working together! It is a whole lot of social-emotional learning in one fun activity! This digit download includes 12 pages with everything you need and specific instructions on just how to use it! There are a whole lot of teachable and "ah-ha" moments packed into one activity.

Make it even more fun and package their materials in a "Top Secret" Folder! My students loved being able to work together on this activity, but also enjoyed the individual creative thinking that came with it. It was a blast for all! If you are looking to reduce your paper usage, this is a great activity where you could print and laminate some of the activity sheets to use at a later time as well - only printing what you need to re-use (the sheets that students will write on!) Easy prep - lots of fun - many skills practiced!
