Elementary School Reading Games

Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

By Ms Garcia Store

Printable Centers and Worksheets for the Spanish and English Words of the Week of HMH in Kinder.

English Set

Teach and learn the Kinder HMH Words of the Week with this wonderful set of centers and worksheets. This resource covers 120 words over 36 weeks through engaging games and worksheets that will keep your students interested.


Kinder HMH High-frequency Words Worksheets

Kinder HMH Weekly Homework High-Frequency Words

Word Search Puzzles (Search & Write and Search & Trace worksheets)

Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).

Words of the week Spinners ( 4 Worksheets and 4 center versions. Spin & Write, Spin & Trace, Spin & Fill and Spin & mark)

I Spy HMH High-frequency Words (and more activities)

Memory Game HMH High-frequency Words

Domino Game HMH High-frequency Words

Dobble-type Cards Game (Spot it!) High-frequency Words

This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.

Spanish Set

¡Enseña y aprende de manera divertida con este fantástico conjunto de centros, juegos y fichas de trabajo para las palabras de uso frecuente del programa HMH de Kinder! Con estos entretenidos juegos, mantendrás el interés de tus alumnos mientras trabajan 12 palabras mensuales.

Cada semana se trabajan 3 palabras de uso frecuente, a excepción de las primeras 4 semanas que son 2. En total, son 104 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 9 módulos.


- Fichas de trabajo diarias para palabras de uso frecuente HMH

- Tarea semanal de las palabras HMH de uso frecuente de Kínder

- Juego de cartas tipo Dobble Palabras de uso fecuente de Kinder HMH

- Memorama de palabras de uso frecuente

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (escribir las palabras)

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (trazar las palabras)

- Juego del "veo veo" y otras actividades propuestas Palabras de uso frecuente

- Dominó Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH

- Sopa de letras HMH (escribe las palabras)

- Sopa de letras HMH (traza las palabras)

Este conjunto estará en constante actualización, agregando nuevos centros en el futuro, lo que aumentará su valor con el tiempo. Al adquirir este recurso, tendrás acceso a los futuros centros que se añadan a este conjunto. ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad y enriquece tu material educativo!

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource:

Image by upklyak on Freepik

Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik

Image by Freepik

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik


Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

By Ms Garcia Store

Teach and learn the Kinder HMH Words of the Week with this wonderful set of centers and worksheets. This resource covers 120 words over 36 weeks through engaging games and worksheets that will keep your students interested.


Kinder HMH High-frequency Words Worksheets

Kinder HMH Weekly Homework High-Frequency Words

Word Search Puzzles (Search & Write and Search & Trace worksheets)

Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).

Words of the week Spinners ( 4 Worksheets and 4 center versions. Spin & Write, Spin & Trace, Spin & Fill and Spin & mark)

I Spy HMH High-frequency Words (and more activities)

Memory Game HMH High-frequency Words

Domino Game HMH High-frequency Words

Dobble-type Cards Game (Spot it!) High-frequency Words

This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik


1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

By Ms Garcia Store

Printable Centers and Worksheets for the First Grade Spanish and English Words of the Week of HMH.

English Set

Teach and learn the 400 High-frequency and Decodable Words and the 300 Spelling Words in 36 weeks with a fun and complete set of centers and worksheets.



Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)

Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).

Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)

I Spy HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words (and more activities)

Memory Game HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words

SPELLING WORDS (300 words)

Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)

Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)

Memory Game HMH Spelling Words

I Spy HMH Spelling Words (and more activities)

Find with a magnifying glass and write the spelling words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).

This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.

Spanish Set (396 words)

Enseña y aprende con este magnifico conjunto de centros y fichas de trabajo las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía de primer grado. En ellos se trabajan 11 palabras cada semana por medio de entretenidos juegos que mantendrán el interés de tus alumnos.

Las 11 palabras semanales están compuestas por las 5 palabras de uso frecuente y 6 palabras de ortografía. En cojunto son casi 400 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 12 módulos.


  • Fichas diárias Palabras de uso frecuente HMH
  • Fichas de trabajo de Palabras de Ortografía HMH (nuevo)
  • Juego del veo veo (y otras actividades propuestas)
  • Sopas de letras (con dos distintas fichas)
  • Ruleta de las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (Escribe las palabras)
  • Ruleta de las palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (Traza las palabras)
  • Encuentra con lupa y escribe las palabras de la semana (con dos distintas fichas por semana, una para que tracen la palabra y otra para que la escriban)
  • Memorama de las palabras de uso frequente y ortografía

Este bundle queda abierto a futuros centros con lo que, con su llegada, su valor subirá con el tiempo. Comprando este recurso, tendrás acceso a futuros centros añadidos a este bundle.

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource:

Image by upklyak on Freepik

Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik

Image by Freepik

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik


Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Enseña y aprende de manera divertida con este fantástico conjunto de centros, juegos y fichas de trabajo para las palabras de uso frecuente del programa HMH de Kinder! Con estos entretenidos juegos, mantendrás el interés de tus alumnos mientras trabajan 12 palabras mensuales.

Cada semana se trabajan 3 palabras de uso frecuente, a excepción de las primeras 4 semanas que son 2. En total, son 104 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 9 módulos.


-Lecturas Semanales Palabras de Uso Frecuente HMH Kínder y Comprensión Lectora

- Fichas de trabajo diarias para palabras de uso frecuente HMH

- Tarea semanal de las palabras HMH de uso frecuente de Kínder

- Juego de cartas tipo Dobble Palabras de uso fecuente de Kinder HMH

- Memorama de palabras de uso frecuente

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (escribir las palabras)

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente (trazar las palabras)

- Juego del "veo veo" y otras actividades propuestas Palabras de uso frecuente

- Dominó Palabras de uso frecuente de HMH

- Sopa de letras HMH (escribe las palabras)

- Sopa de letras HMH (traza las palabras)

Este conjunto estará en constante actualización, agregando nuevos centros en el futuro, lo que aumentará su valor con el tiempo. Al adquirir este recurso, tendrás acceso a los futuros centros que se añadan a este conjunto. ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad y enriquece tu material educativo!

Image by upklyak on Freepik

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN


First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

By Ms Garcia Store

¡Enseña y aprende de manera divertida con este fantástico conjunto de centros y fichas de trabajo para las palabras de la semana del programa HMH en primer grado! Con entretenidos juegos, mantendrás el interés de tus alumnos mientras trabajan en las 11 palabras semanales.

Cada semana se trabajan 11 palabras, que incluyen 5 palabras de uso frecuente y 6 palabras de ortografía. En total, son casi 400 palabras a lo largo de 36 semanas y 12 módulos.


- Fichas de trabajo diarias para palabras de uso frecuente HMH

- Fichas de trabajo para palabras de ortografía (nuevo)

- Juego del "veo veo" y otras actividades propuestas

- Sopas de letras (con dos fichas diferentes)

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (escribir las palabras)

- Ruleta de palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía (trazar las palabras)

- Encuentra con lupa y escribe las palabras de la semana (con dos fichas diferentes por semana, una para trazar la palabra y otra para escribirla)

- Memorama de palabras de uso frecuente y ortografía

- Juego de cartas tipo Dobble Palabras HMH de Primer Grado

Este conjunto estará en constante actualización, agregando nuevos centros en el futuro, lo que aumentará su valor con el tiempo. Al adquirir este recurso, tendrás acceso a los futuros centros que se añadan a este conjunto. ¡Aprovecha esta oportunidad y enriquece tu material educativo!

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

Image by upklyak on Freepik


First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

By Ms Garcia Store

Teach and learn the first-grade HMH words of the week with this wonderful set of centers and worksheets. They work on 11 words each week through entertaining games that will keep your students interested.

The 8 to 14 weekly words are made up of 8 High-frequency Words and up to 6 Decodable High-frequency Words. Altogether there are almost 400 words throughout 36 weeks and 12 modules.


Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)

Find with a magnifying glass and write the words of the week (with two different worksheets per week, one to trace the word and another to write it).

Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)

I Spy HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words (and more activities)

Memory Game HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words

Dobble-type Cards Game (Spot it!) High-frequency and Decodable Words

This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik


First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

By Ms Garcia Store

Teach and learn the first-grade HMH Spelling Words of the week with this wonderful set of centers and worksheets. They work on 11 words each week through entertaining games that will keep your students interested.

300 Spelling Words in 36 weeks.

  • 6 words each week from weeks 1 to 15
  • 10 words each week from weeks 16 to 36


Spelling Word Search Puzzles (with two different worksheets)

Spelling Words of the week Spinners (2 Worksheets and 2 center versions. 2 are to write the words and 2 to trace them.)

Memory Game HMH Spelling Words

I Spy HMH Spelling Words (and more activities)

Find the tiny Spelling Words ('Find and write' and 'Find and trace' versions)

⭐Spelling Words Dobble Playing Cards sets to play 5 different games

This bundle is open to future centers so its value will rise over time. By purchasing this resource, you will have access to future hubs added to this bundle.

Related Products

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH High-frequency Words

⭐ Kindergarten Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spanish High-frequency Words

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets English Words of the Week HMH

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets HMH Spelling Words of the Week

⭐ First-Grade Printable Centers and worksheets Spanish Words of the Week HMH

⭐ Kinder Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

⭐ 1st Grade Bilingual Printable Centers and worksheets 'Words of the Week' SP/EN

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by alvaro_cabrera on Freepik

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik


Complete First Grade HMH High-frequency Words Dobble-type Cards Game

By Ms Garcia Store

Unlock the potential of this amazing resource and dive into:

• 5 captivating games to play and learn the 400 First Grade HMH High-frequency and Decodable Words, spread across 12 sets of Dobble-type cards, one for each HMH module.

• Choose individual sets or go for the complete bundle. Your students will adore replaying these games, just like mine, while I observe their remarkable progress.

• The objective is to spot the only identical word between two cards. Each pair of cards has one and only one word in common.

• Discover 31 cards in each set, except for the final one, Module 12, which features 13 cards due to the smaller number of words.

• Engage with every card containing 6 vibrant words in distinct colors, except the cards in Module 12 that present 4 words each. Unleash the power of learning through fun-filled play!

These are the 12 available sets:

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Module 7

Module 8

Module 9

Module 10

Module 11

Module 12

The 12 Modules

Content of this resource:

•The front and back design of the cards of the modules (36 weeks) to be cut square.

•The front and back design of the cards of the 12 modules (36 weeks) to be cut round.

•The rules of the five quick games that you can play with these cards.

•Guides to print the cards.

•The list of words for each week and module.

Related Products

⭐ Complete First Grade HMH High-frequency Words Dobble-type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 1 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 10 Dobble Type Card Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 11 Dobble Type Card Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 12 Dobble Type Card Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 2 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 3 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 4 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 5 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 6 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 7 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 8 Dobble Type Cards Game

⭐ First Grade HMH High-frequency & Decodable Words Module 9 Dobble Type Cards Game

Thank you to the designers of the pictures used in this resource

Image by brgfx on Freepik

Image by Freepik


Color by CVC - Build a Custom Bundle of 10 Units - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Build a custom bundle of the Color by CVC Word puzzles that fits your classroom!

Need Halloween themed CVC activities, plus a refresher/review game at Easter but don't want the whole year bundle? Need a good mix of princess and sports, seasonal and evergreen? Pick ten from the list of more than forty units available in the store and create your own bundle. This bundle is discounted, so creating a custom bundle saves you 20% off the list price! That's like getting two units free!

When you purchase this unit, you will receive a file that includes instructions for picking your Color by CVC Word units (and handy pics of the products for visual reference!). Please download the file you receive upon purchase and fill out the google form right away. Once you send in the form, your chosen resources will be emailed to you within 2 business days.

Please note: You must submit the form (found in the file you'll receive upon purchase) in order to receive your resources.

Color by CVC Word puzzles are also available in Build a Bundle of 4 Units and Build a Bundle of 6 Units options.

*Already purchased but need ten more? Click on your purchases and then add an additional license to order another custom bundle!*

Have a question before you buy? Leave a message in the product questions or email me at threelittlehomeschoolers@gmail.com

Want to try the Color by CVC puzzles before you buy? Check out the Cactus Color by CVC Freebie for a free sample!


Check out my other CVC activites:

*all of my CVC activities use the same words and images for cohesive learning*

All Color by CVC Word listings

CVC Blending Cards - 85 Words with and without pictures

CVC Word Family Rearrange Puzzles -

85 Words

Seasons Color by CVC Word Bundle

CVC Word Memory Game

More coming soon...


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Follow me to be the first to know about discounts, sales, and new products!

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• Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for.



Fairy Tale Color by CVC BUNDLE

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Get all 10 Fairy Tale Color by CVC sets at a 20% discount!

This bundle includes 10 fairy tale themed Color by CVC Word puzzle sets covering short a, e, i, o, and u word families. Each set includes 5 puzzles in 2 difficulty levels for a total of 100 puzzles. Each color by word puzzle features 4 to 6 CVC words for a vowel family in both difficulties. I've included both a picture clue set and a word clue set. In the picture clue set, students look at the picture of the word and then find the corresponding word to color. In the word clue set, students have the CVC word to look at and find the matching word to color in the puzzle. No prep! Just print and go.

Includes the following sets: Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Frog Prince, Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Wizard of Oz. The finished puzzles feature princess, dwarves, princes, witches, carriages, fairies, mermaids, and more from the featured fairy tales!

All sets included in this bundle use some combination of the following words:

Short a - bag, bat, can, cap, cat, fan, ham, hat, jam, mad, map, nap, pad, pan, rag, tag, van

Short e - bed, beg, den, gem, hen, jet, leg, men, net, pen, pet, red, ten, vet, web, wed, wet

Short i - bib, bin, dig, dip, fin, hid, kid, lid, lip, pig, pin, pit, rib, rip, sit, wig, win

Short o - box, cob, cog, dog, fox, hop, hot, jog, log, mop, pod, pop, pot, rod, rot, sob, top

Short u - bud, bug, bun, cub, cup, cut, gum, gun, hug, hut, mud, nut, pup, rug, sub, sun, tub

Want some of these units but not all of them? Want to mix in some non-fairy tale units? Build a custom bundle by choosing from any of our 40+ units and you'll still save 20% off the list price! You can choose from a 4 Unit Bundle, a 6 Unit Bundle, or a 10 Unit Bundle.


Check out my other CVC activites:

*all of my CVC activities use the same words and images for cohesive learning*

CVC Blending Cards - 85 Words with and without pictures

CVC Word Family Rearrange Puzzles -

85 Words

Seasons Color by CVC Word Bundle

CVC Word Memory Game

More coming soon...


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Follow me to be the first to know about discounts, sales, and new products!

Get credit to use on your next purchase

• Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for.



Holidays Color by CVC Word Bundle - Year Long Holidays - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Introduce or review CVC words all year long with this Holidays Color by CVC Word Bundle! Each holiday unit comes with five puzzles in two difficulty levels and each puzzle covers a different vowel family. I've included both a picture clue set and a word clue set. In the picture clue set, students look at the picture of the word and then find the corresponding word to color. In the word clue set, students have the CVC word to look at and find the matching word to color in the puzzle. No prep! Just print and go.

With this bundle you get a total of 120 puzzles that cover holidays throughout the year. All items are available individually, but buying them in this bundle saves you 20%!

Holidays included in this bundle are:

Back to School




New Year's Eve

Groundhog Day

Chinese New Year

Valentine's Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

St. Patrick's Day


Fourth of July

Want some of these units but not all? Want to mix in non-holiday units? Build a custom bundle by choosing from any of our 40+ units and you'll still save 20% off the list price! You can choose from a 4 Unit Bundle, a 6 Unit Bundle, or a 10 Unit Bundle.


Check out my other CVC activites:

*all of my CVC activities use the same words and images for cohesive learning*

CVC Blending Cards - 85 Words with and without pictures

CVC Word Family Rearrange Puzzles -

85 Words

St. Patrick's Day Color by CVC Word

More coming soon...


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Follow me to be the first to know about discounts, sales, and new products!

Get credit to use on your next purchase

• Leave feedback for any purchases you've made and TeachShare will give you a credit toward your next purchase! Plus, feedback helps me make better products tailored to what my customers are looking for.



CVC Word Puzzles Games and Cards Bundle of ALL Resources - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Get every CVC word unit in my store at a 20% discount! Plus, free updates of any new units!

This bundle includes every CVC Word resource in the Three Little Homeschoolers store. That includes all 40+ Color by CVC Word Puzzle sets, CVC Memory Game, CVC Rearrange Puzzles, CVC Blending Flash Cards, and CVC Word Wall Cards. In addition, any future units posted in the store will be added here and will be made available free for anyone who purchases this bundle.

What's included in each resource?

Color by CVC Word Puzzles: Each set includes 5 puzzles in 2 difficulty levels for a total of more than 400 puzzles. Each color by word puzzle features 4 to 6 CVC words for a vowel family in both difficulties. I've included both a picture clue set and a word clue set. In the picture clue set, students look at the picture of the word and then find the corresponding word to color. In the word clue set, students have the CVC word to look at and find the matching word to color in the puzzle. No prep! Just print and go.

CVC Blending Cards: CVC Cards in 7 different styles for differentiated learning. Let these cards grow with your students! 85 words covering short a, e, i, o, and u. Each word comes in 7 different styles including phonics dots and arrows, phonics dots, word only, and picture only. Almost 600 cards included! Laminate the picture only cards and have students create the CVC word with dry erase markers or letter manipulatives.

Cards are four to a page so that they're large enough to put up on the wall but still small enough for students to use easily. These are low prep...just print, cut and laminate. Please check out the preview above to see examples of the different card styles!

CVC Word Rearrange Puzzles: CVC Words from short a, e, i, o, and u word families in rearrange/cut-apart 3 piece puzzles. Print, laminate, and play! Puzzles are self-checking and show both the word and the picture when students put them together. This set has 85 puzzles/words and comes in both a full color set and a black and white set. Use the black and white set as a coloring activity before cutting apart to let students personalize their own set of puzzles!

CVC Word Memory Game: The classic game of memory using CVC words! 3 different versions provide several ways to play the game: match word to word, word to picture, word and picture to word and picture, or any combination of the three! Mix and match to increase the difficulty of the game. Includes 85 different CVC words covering short a, short e, short i, short o, and short u. Cards can be separated into individual games for each word family. Print cards on cardstock and/or laminate for durability.

CVC Vocabulary Word Wall Cards: Learn CVC words with these fun vocabulary/word wall cards! Comes with cards for 85 different short a, e, i, o, and uwords and featuring a fun, colorful picture for each word. These are perfect for centers, flash cards, vocabulary word walls and more! Low prep...just print, cut, and laminate. Also includes a write and wipe version of the cards so you can laminate them and use them in writing centers!

All sets included in this bundle use some combination of the following words:

Short a - bag, bat, can, cap, cat, fan, ham, hat, jam, mad, map, nap, pad, pan, rag, tag, van

Short e - bed, beg, den, gem, hen, jet, leg, men, net, pen, pet, red, ten, vet, web, wed, wet

Short i - bib, bin, dig, dip, fin, hid, kid, lid, lip, pig, pin, pit, rib, rip, sit, wig, win

Short o - box, cob, cog, dog, fox, hop, hot, jog, log, mop, pod, pop, pot, rod, rot, sob, top

Short u - bud, bug, bun, cub, cup, cut, gum, gun, hug, hut, mud, nut, pup, rug, sub, sun, tub

Want JUST the Color by CVC Word Puzzle sets? Get them at a 20% discount in the Color by CVC Word Puzzles Endless Bundle of ALL Puzzles.


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Color by CVC Word Puzzles Endless Bundle of ALL Puzzles - Distance Learning

By Three Little Homeschoolers

Get every Color by CVC set in my store at a 20% discount! Plus, free updates of any new sets!

This bundle includes every Color by CVC Word puzzle set in the Three Little Homeschoolers store. These puzzles cover short a, e, i, o, and u word families. Each set includes 5 puzzles in 2 difficulty levels for a total of more than 400 puzzles.

Each color by word puzzle features 4 to 6 CVC words for a vowel family in both difficulties. I've included both a picture clue set and a word clue set. In the picture clue set, students look at the picture of the word and then find the corresponding word to color. In the word clue set, students have the CVC word to look at and find the matching word to color in the puzzle. No prep! Just print and go.

All sets included in this bundle use some combination of the following words:

Short a - bag, bat, can, cap, cat, fan, ham, hat, jam, mad, map, nap, pad, pan, rag, tag, van

Short e - bed, beg, den, gem, hen, jet, leg, men, net, pen, pet, red, ten, vet, web, wed, wet

Short i - bib, bin, dig, dip, fin, hid, kid, lid, lip, pig, pin, pit, rib, rip, sit, wig, win

Short o - box, cob, cog, dog, fox, hop, hot, jog, log, mop, pod, pop, pot, rod, rot, sob, top

Short u - bud, bug, bun, cub, cup, cut, gum, gun, hug, hut, mud, nut, pup, rug, sub, sun, tub

Want some of these units but not all of them? Build a custom bundle by choosing from any of our 40+ units and you'll still save 20% off the list price! You can choose from a 4 Unit Bundle, a 6 Unit Bundle, or a 10 Unit Bundle.


Check out my other CVC activites:

*all of my CVC activities use the same words and images for cohesive learning*

CVC Blending Cards - 85 Words with and without pictures

CVC Word Family Rearrange Puzzles -

85 Words

CVC Word Memory Game

More coming soon...


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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Novel Bundle

By Educate and Create

Doing a novel unit on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? Looking for materials to help students comprehend the text? Need some differentiation? Look no further! This bundle includes a study guide, characterization flip book, graphic organizers, film adaption, introduction power point, and novel project choice board.


Digraph Worksheets and Centers Mega Bundle

By Jennifer Connett

This product several different activities, centers and worksheets to introduce, practice and review digraphs. These products include a variety of activities for each major digraph.

What is included in this bundle?

  • Digraph Flower Craftivities - This bundle includes 9 flower craftivities for the following digraphs: CH, CK, QU, SH, TH, WH
  • Digraph Self-Checking Cards - Use these cards to practice reading simple words with digraphs. Each card has a word on the front that students must read. The student will then open the cards to see if they read the word correctly. The following digraphs are in this packet: CH, SH, TH, WH
  • Digraph Word and Sentence Mats - There are two mats for each digraph where students will match the pictures with the correct word or sentence. One mat has just the words represented and the other mat is just sentences. The picture cards are available in black and white. The digraphs included in this packet are: CH, SH, TH, WH
  • Digraph Word Wall Cards - These cards can easily double as puzzles. The following digraphs are included: CH, SH, TH, WH
  • Digraph Worksheets - This packet includes a variety of activities to practice reading digraphs. The following digraphs are included: CH, SH, TH, WH
  • Digraph Spelling Cards - There are 96 different digraph words in this packet at 3 levels of difficulty, so there are a total of 288 cards in this packet. Students will practice spelling words that contain the following beginning digraphs (CH, KN, PH, QU, SH, TH, WH, WR) and the following ending digraphs (CH, CK, PH, MB, NG, SH, TH)
  • Digraph Clip Cards - This packet contains 110 clip cards for students to clip the correct digraph for each picture. This packet contains the following beginning digraphs (CH, KN, PH, QU, SH, TH, WH, WR) and the following ending digraphs (CH, CK, PH, MB, NG, SH, TH)

Related Links

Blends and Digraphs


All 220 Sight Word Recognition Games Bundle for All Seasons

By Jennifer Connett

Where is the Object? These seasonal sight word game is great for students who are practicing sight word recognition and beginning reading skills. This game can be used in a pocket chart or on a table top for an early education classroom.

Products Included:

  • Winter: Where's the Penguin?
  • Spring: Where's the Ladybug?
  • Summer: Where's the Sun?
  • Fall: Where's the Acorn?

What is Included:

  • Sight word cards for all 220 sight words.
  • Penguin cards for hiding

The cards are available in two formats, 6 to a page and 4 to a page to accommodate different sized pocket charts.

Ways to Use:

  • small group game
  • whole class game
  • circle time game
  • student led literacy center
  • one on one instruction to target specific sight words for struggling students

How to Play:

Where's the ________? is a game for centers or whole group instruction where an object is hidden behind a sight word card. A poem is chanted where the student(s) must say the sight word they think the object is behind. Once guessed, the sight word is removed. If the object is behind the sight word card, then the object must be hidden again to play further. If the object is not behind the sight word card, then the poem is chanted again with a new sight word.


All 220 Sight Word Cards Holiday Bundle

By Jennifer Connett

These holiday sight word cards make a fun holiday literacy center or holiday sight word game for students to enjoy while practicing sight words from the preprimer through third grade word list, for a total of 220 sight word cards for each theme.

These sight word cards have a variety of uses in the classroom from games, to instructional tools, to center props.

Ways to Use

  • Flash Cards
  • Memory Game
  • Sand or Salt Tray Cards
  • Writing Center Reference Cards
  • Place in Alphabetical Order
  • Write the Room

Each word is printed on its own themed card for students to use to practice reading, writing and spelling each sight word.

Sets Included:

  • The Christmas cards have the sight words printed on Christmas trees.
  • The Halloween cards have the sight words printed on pumpkins or candy corn.
  • The Valentine's Day cards have the sight words printed on hearts of various shades of purple, pink and red.
  • The St. Patrick's Day cards have the sight words of shamrocks of different patterns.
  • The Easter cards have the sight words printed on Easter eggs of different patterns.
  • The Patriotic cards have the sight words printed on red, white and blue stars.
  • The Thanksgiving cards have the sight words printed on turkeys.

This product contains all 220 sight words:


Fry 1-300 Sight Word Cards Holiday Bundle

By Jennifer Connett

These holiday sight word cards make a fun holiday literacy center or holiday sight word game for students to enjoy while practicing sight words from the Fry 1-300 word list.

These sight word cards have a variety of uses in the classroom from games, to instructional tools, to center props.

Ways to Use

  • Flash Cards
  • Memory Game
  • Sand or Salt Tray Cards
  • Writing Center Reference Cards
  • Place in Alphabetical Order
  • Write the Room

Each word is printed on its own themed card for students to use to practice reading, writing and spelling each sight word.

Sets Included:

  • The Christmas cards have the sight words printed on Christmas trees.
  • The Halloween cards have the sight words printed on pumpkins or candy corn.
  • The Valentine's Day cards have the sight words printed on hearts of various shades of purple, pink and red.
  • The St. Patrick's Day cards have the sight words of shamrocks of different patterns.
  • The Easter cards have the sight words printed on Easter eggs of different patterns.
  • The Patriotic cards have the sight words printed on red, white and blue stars.
  • The Thanksgiving cards have the sight words printed on turkeys. (coming soon)

This product contains all of Fry's first 300 sight words:


Decodable Word Bingo Bundle: Practice Reading Decodable Words!

By Tech for Teaching

Introducing Decodable Word Bingo – an engaging activity for students to practice decoding and word recognition with a variety of spelling patterns in single and multisyllabic words! These games are designed to help students develop their skills decoding words with various spelling patterns!

  • CVC words (hat, tab)
  • Beginning and ending blends (slug, help)
  • Consonant digraphs (chin, dish, tuck)
  • Short vowel words with digraphs and blends (hat, help, dish)
  • Silent-e words (came, time, home)
  • R-controlled vowel words (form, star, term, birth)
  • Long Vowel Teams (heat, sheet, pain, way, mow, boat, goes, ties)
  • Advanced Vowel Teams (straw, cause, thread, look, tool, crew, juice)
  • Words with inflectional endings (-es, -ed, and -ing)
  • Compound words with closed syllables (snapshot, gumdrop)
  • Closed/closed two-syllable words (dentist, habit)
  • Open/closed two-syllable words (robot, tripod)
  • Words with consonant le syllables (cuddle, rattle)
  • Words with ending y (fry, sly, bumpy, copy)

Each of the 30 unique Bingo cards contains 24 randomly selected decodable words. 60 matching calling cards are included. The 24 words are chosen from a list of 60 words, so each Bingo card has a unique combination. Bingos should be frequent but not every word appears on every card.

Students will blend the words multiple times throughout the game facilitating orthographic mapping!

Practice decoding words with a variety of spelling patterns with a fun and engaging activity your students will be sure to enjoy!

What’s included in each set:

  • 30 unique Bingo cards in color
  • 30 unique Bingo cards in black & white
  • Related calling cards to print

Use your printer settings to print two on a page for smaller cards!

Clipart provided by Sasha Mitten at Rainbow Sprinkle Studio


Copyright: Tech for Teaching©

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


Editable Bingo Templates Growing Bundle - Phonics, Sight Words, Math Fact Review

By Tech for Teaching

Enhance your students' phonics, word reading, or math skills through engaging and customizable BINGO card templates! Effortlessly generate 30 distinct themed BINGO cards in color or black & white by entering 24 to 60 items. These editable templates are tailored to meet the diverse needs of your students and are sure to make learning a fun experience!

This GROWING BUNDLE will include color and black & white Editable Bingo Card Creators in Google Sheets™ for...

Summer FunFun✓

→ Back to School

→ Halloween ✓

→ Thanksgiving

→ Christmas ✓

→ Winter ✓

→ Valentine's Day ✓

→ St. Patrick's Day ✓

→ Easter ✓

→ Earth Day ✓

No more searching for BINGO cards with just the right skills for your students! These BINGO card templates will allow you to provide targeted whole group or small group instruction for your diverse learners!

Print and send them home for a fun way for students to practice with their family!

How they work:


Enter between 24 and 60 phonics skills, words, numbers, or equations on the "List" tab.


Print up to 30 unique winter-themed BINGO cards!

You control the length of the game! Enter exactly 24 items for 30 unique cards containing all words or enter up to 60 words for cards that do not contain all items!

Three ways to track used items!

Printable calling cards!

Drag bulbs or gifts to cover used items on virtual tracker!

Check of items on list as they are called!

See complete directions in the preview for more information!

You may also like these Google Sheet Helpers:

→ Bingo Card Generator - Phonics, Sight Words, Math Facts - Dynamic Google Sheets™

→ Fluency Pyramid Generator - Editable Google Sheet Workbook™

→ Phonics, Sight Words, Etc. - Editable Fluency Practice - Targeted Intervention

→ Multisyllabic Words & Phrases Editable Fluency Practice - Targeted Intervention

→ Longer Phrases and Sentences - Editable Fluency Practice - Targeted Intervention

Clipart provided by Sasha Mitten at RAINBOW SPRINKLE STUDIO!


Copyright © Tech for Teaching.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.

