Elementary School Reading Strategies Word Walls

Fall Word Walls Bundle Vocabulary Cards Classroom Decor Poster

By The Emergency Sub

Fall Word Wall Bundle

This set includes 150 Words for the Fall Season. The Word Wall Activity Set has also been included.

Word Wall Sets Included

Back to School (30 words)

Halloween (30 words)

Thanksgiving (30 words)

Christmas (30 words)

Word Wall Activities

These activities can be used for any word wall. This set includes five activities.

  1. Word Wall: Acrostic Poem: Students will design an acrostic poem using words from the word wall.
  2. Word Wall: Spray the Word, Don't Say It: Students will define the word, draw a picture, and provide the synonym and antonym on aerosol cans.
  3. Word Wall: Design Your Word Search: Students design a word search using the words on the word wall.
  4. Word Wall: Roll an Activity: Students will complete an activity according to their roll number.
  5. Word Wall: Clue Maker: Students will provide clues to the target word (word wall words).