Elementary School French Independent Work Packet

FREEBIE-French SPRING Writing Prompts-Free Writing Activity-LE PRINTEMPS

By La trousse de Madame

This French Spring Writing Prompt resource is the fast and easy No-Prep way of adding a little boost to your writing program all while getting students to progress with their decoding and encoding skills. The vocabulary used in this resource seamlessly aligns with the Science of Reading progression recommended by many school boards and is in lock step with what is being promoted by IDAPEL and ONLit websites for teaching French language in today's classrooms.

You can find the full version here French Spring Writing Prompt!

Once you have a grasp on all the simple sounds in French, the magic happens when you get students writing. They don't even notice that all the words used are from their very own memory banks and are all decodable words from past lessons.

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Who can use this resource:

Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple texts to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.

Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in writing and confidence in writing strategies.

The prompts are designed to offer many variations for students to use their imaginations and to build confidence in their own writing.

Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French writing skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

Science of Reading:

These prompts are aligned with sounds being taught in any Science of Reading aligned curriculum. They are set up for student success based on the research for increasing writing proficiency and building student confidence in the classroom!

Once you have established the strategies for identifying sounds, initial sounds, and blending sounds, segmenting sounds, students will be able to use these self-driven passages on their own. What a great way to build learning autonomy!

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilités

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Decodable Sentence Strips

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Small word bank on the side makes it easy for students to start writing immediately.
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce decoding and encoding skills
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and writing skills
  8. Sets can be used at all levels as students meet challenges at their own pace

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.



By French Made Fun!

Cette activité de rentrée s'adresse aux élèves de la 3e à la 6e année et permettra à vos élèves d'apprendre à se connaître en présentant leur « sac brun » à la classe. Cela vous donnera une idée de leur créativité, de leur personnalité, de leur écriture, de leurs capacités de présentation orale, de leurs capacités d'écoute et permettra à vos élèves d'apprendre à se connaître et peut-être de trouver des amis ayant des intérêts similaires. Une EXCELLENTE activité pour les deux premiers jours de l'année scolaire!

Cette activité de six pages comprend :

  • Une description de la tâche + et un petit poème
  • Un exemple modélisé
  • Une feuille de travail sur la description des symboles
  • Une auto-évaluation
  • Une évaluation par les pairs
  • Une évaluation de l'enseignant


By French Made Fun!

Il s'agit d'une révision thématique amusante pour passer en revue les décimales avec vos élèves. Cela fonctionne très bien comme brise-glace au début de l'année (pour la 5e/6e!) et fonctionne très bien à la fin de l'année (pour la 4e!) ou comme atelier ou centre amusant pour les 4e, 5e ou 6e. Ce document contient 9 pages:

  • 5 pages de 'circulaires' réalistes mais fictifs!
  • 6 listes de courses différentes.
  • Une copie reproductible/vierge pour créer une liste de course.

Cette "Math Boutique" est la 2e de la collection! Elle permet à vos élèves d'additionner et de multiplier des nombres décimaux avec un nombre entier. J'ai créé des circulaires réalistes mais fictifs qui présentent des produits alimentaires ainsi que des pages thématiques. J'ai également inclus plusieurs listes de courses réalistes mais fictives que vos élèves peuvent utiliser pour cette activité.

J'utilise cette activité à diverses fins. Voici quelques possibilités :

  • Demandez à vos élèves de travailler seuls ou à deux pour calculer le total de leur facture d'épicerie ;
  • Demandez à vos élèves de comparer les totaux avec les autres ou de se classer du plus petit au plus grand ;
  • Demandez à vos élèves d'arrondir les totaux à la hausse ou à la baisse en fonction de la valeur de position sur laquelle vous travaillez ;
  • Demandez à vos élèves d'estimer avant d'ajouter leurs éléments ensemble ;
  • Faites comparer ces circulaires à vos élèves avec de vrais circulaires en ligne ou sous forme de papier pour trouver le meilleur prix possible ;
  • Demandez à vos élèves d'essayer de dresser une liste d'épicerie qui totalise le même (ou aussi près que possible) en utilisant d'autres articles.

C'est une activité préférée de mes cocos! J'espère qu'elle vous plaira !

Mme Kaitlyn

You can earn TeachShare CREDITS by leaving feedback on any of the products you purchase. You can do so by going to MY PURCHASES your page and clicking on the "Provide Feedback" button. You will earn 1 TPT Credit for every dollar you spend!



By French Made Fun!

This 14-page math situation will have your students creating a budget, following a budget, estimating and calculating total costs and creating their own super surprise bag! It will push your students' financial literacy and understanding of receipts, budgets, costs and quantities of items.

In this 14 page document, you'll find printable price lists, activities and the answer keys for all of the activities. Here are the activities you'll find in this document:

  • Price list for all items covered in the printable activity pack;
  • An activity on estimating costs (using mental math and multiplying decimal numbers);
  • An activity on calculating the true cost of items (using algorithmic multiplication of whole and decimal numbers);
  • 4 "questions d'approfondissement" where students write their answers in word form;
  • An activity on calculating totals with various items and quantities;
  • An activity on calculating items based on quantity, finding a subtotal, adding in taxes, and calculating the final total of a purchase ;
  • A shopping bag activity to calculate Mme Janie's totals ;
  • A shopping bag activity on creating their DREAM super surprise bag and calculating their total purchase.

This fun activity packet is great to use as revision, as a reward activity, and works EXCELLENT for a substitute plan! It covers me for roughly 2 math classes. I use it with my combined class (5 and 6) but it could also work wonderfully for students en adaptation scolaire working on financial literacy outcomes.

Have fun!




By French Made Fun!

Engage students in exploring cultural diversity through enlightening interviews and vibrant creative projects focused on food. Foster empathy, curiosity, and global awareness.

This 13-page project-based (PBL) unit features three assignments for students to explore cultural diversity through:

  • "Mon projet de patrimoine familiale": Interviewing their own family members and creating a brochure or pamphlet summarizing their family's traditions.

  • Included with this project is a lesson plan with suggestions, rubric, success criteria, a letter to parents (in both English and French) as well as the interview (in both English and French).

  • "Mon héritage culinaire": A class recipe book activity featuring your students' traditional recipes used in their families and passed down through generations.

  • Included with this project is success criteria with explanations.

  • Includes simple recipe template sheet.

  • "L'exploration des plats culturels": A project that will have students creating a realistic, informative ethnic cuisine menu.

  • Included with this project are 6 short stories about kids around the world and their culinary traditions (Japan, China, Africa, India, Mexico and Greece).

  • Also included are success criteria and explanations as well as a rubric.

I use this product with my 5th graders, but teaching cultural diversity, acceptance and global awareness are universal. This project-based resource would work for students in grades 5 through 9.

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!

Mme. Kaitlyn.



By French Made Fun!

Fuel middle schoolers' curiosity with our French Halloween history resource! Explore traditions and origins through a reading comprehension, short answer, and research tasks. Perfect for a substitute teacher, fostering independent learning during a hectic time of year.

Looking to do something a little different with your Middle-schoolers this Halloween? This independent reading, writing and researching unit will have your students better understanding Halloween's origins, traditions and cultural rites and customs. This is an ideal unit if you're not looking to do anything cross-curricular and are a language arts teacher. It's quiet and reflexive with a final presentation showcasing their discovery. It would be amazing to leave with a sub!

It is a printable document on 8.5" x 11" paper.

Reflection, reading and assessment activities are not time-consuming; however, I give my students 2-3 classes to research, and plan for 2 days of presentations. This could very well cover you for Hallo-week .

Here's what you'll find included in this resource that's carefully curated for your middle school French learners.

  • "Réflexion" - 3 separate reflection prompts which can be used as a small writing assessment. These reflections foster higher-level thinking and will have your students thinking about culture, inclusivity, and Halloween's historical changes that have occurred through time.
  • "Halloween - une recherche autour du monde!" - A mini research activity that will have your students delving into how Halloween is celebrated around the world, comparing it to their own culture and beliefs. Included in this research description is a presentation opportunity and success criteria are also included.
  • "Les origines historiques et l'importance culturelle d'Halloween" - A short reading comprehension piece which has questions to verify understanding.
  • "Testez vos connaissances" - A short two-page assessment on general Halloween history.

If you're looking into trying our a project- and inquiry-based approach in your classroom, I recommend trying any of the following resources:

  • Un avenir durable (imports, exports and energy - A sustainable future.)
  • Dragon's Den - Dans l'oeil du dragon! (Lead a Dragon's den in your classroom!)
  • Mon espèce en voie de disparition (An artsy approach to endangered species)
  • Space Food! (Space travel & nutrition)

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun!




By French Made Fun!

Cette ressource comprend 16 semaines d'incitations d'écriture créative (4 questions au choix chaque semaine) pour un total de 60 incitations! Elles se présentent sous la forme de « démarreurs d'histoires », où les élèves réfléchissent ou inventent une histoire ou une expérience.

Vous pouvez demander aux élèves de choisir un nombre d'incitations d'écriture par semaine (ou tout!) et vous pouvez aussi choisir la quantité d'écriture. Vous pouvez choisir de les rendre formels ou informels, formatifs ou sommatifs. Vous pouvez choisir de les faire comme devoirs ou en classe.

Ils sont excellents en tant qu'activités de remplacement pour les enseignants!

Au fur et à mesure que j'ajoute à mes propres documents, je les mets à jour pour vous. Mes produits sont en constante évolution et mise à jour.


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By French Made Fun!

This bundle of 25 worksheets will get you through this last crazy week!

My students are very low-level and not easy to engage. My products are not babyish and are created for grades 5-8. The vocabulary and concepts are very basic; but I try to create documents that are at their maturity level. My Core French products are built around this demographic and this concept.

Here are the activities you'll find in here:



  • "Renne"
  • "Mes mitaines d'hiver"
  • "Mes vêtements d'hiver"
  • "Chandail de Noël moche" (Ugly Christmas Sweater)

Blank tree to decorate

Casse-tête - Les cloches de Noël

Bonhomme de neige en hiver (simple writing prompt)

Mots cachés

  • "Les saisons"
  • "Noël"

Relier les points

  • Père Noël (x2)
  • Maison de pain d'épice (x2)
  • Manchot/Pingouin

Colorier par nombre

Noël: Vocabulaire à tracer

Noël: Nouveaux mots de vocabulaire

Drawing + Small text

  • "Mon bas de Noël"
  • "Mon plat de Noël"

Poème acrostiche Noël

Nombres et couleurs de Noël (compter et colorier ornements).

On lâche pas! Hang in there.

Mme. Kaitlyn.

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French Easter Color by Code-Pâques French Sounds NO PREP COLOURING-SOR

By La trousse de Madame

Easter Colour by Code Activity

Easter No-Prep Colouring Pages are the best!

I LOVE giving students fun and engaging activities that they don't even realize has them practicing their decoding skills and immersing themselves in the Science of Reading all while having fun!

These quick Easter activity sheets are just what you need for a quick and easy no-prep activity to keep the students happy in those last busy days before the Easter Break.

Students find them challenging and engaging and a whole lot of fun once they realize they can figure out the image as they go. I hope your students enjoy these as much as mine do.

Who can use this resource:

Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple texts to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.

Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.

Pages are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.

Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.

What grade level:

I personally use these colouring activities with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

Science of Reading:

These texts are aligned with sounds being taught in any Science of Reading aligned curriculum. They are set up for student success based on the research for increasing reading fluency and building student confidence in the classroom!

Once you have established the strategies for identifying sounds, initial sounds, and blending sounds, segmenting sounds, students will be able to use these self-driven colouring sheets on their own. What a great way to build learning autonomy!

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Decodable Sentence Strips

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Students make use of the sound wall in your class to sound out words and identify target sounds
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce decoding and encoding skills
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and writing skills
  8. Use this resource over and over each year with no prep

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.



By French Made Fun!

J'ai créé un examen approfondi et complet des fondements mathématiques de 6e année - avec un thème de jardin! C'est un excellent moyen de voir ce qui a été retenu. J'adore utiliser ce type d'activité pour voir si les élèves comprennent un concept dans un scénario authentique. Ils pourraient vous surprendre!

Cette ressource compte 20 pages au total - dont 12 pages d'activités. Tous les corrigés sont fournis. 

Voici les concepts couverts:

  • Valeur de position
  • Le nombre entier
  • Les fractions
  • Le rapport
  • Le pourcentage
  • Les facteurs et multiples
  • L'addition, la soustraction, la multiplication et la division des nombres décimaux
  • La compréhension d'angles
  • Les polygones (côtés + angles)
  • Périmètre, aire, volume
  • Les diagrammes à ligne
  • La résolution des problèmes
  • La priorité des opérations
  • La collecte de données
  • Tracer des diagrammes


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FRENCH DECODABLE TEXTS 3 - Science of Reading- French Fluency Passages- Phonics

By La trousse de Madame

French Decodable texts that align with the Science of Reading are a NO PREP printable activity for the K-2 French classroom. Students practice endoding and decoding skills and build confidence in reading.

Make a few copies of each text and insert into clear pockets to create a quick and easy reading centre; arrange a table with four copies to create a quiet reading group; use one-on-one with your students to assess reading levels, to gain insights to their decoding skills, and to inform your upcoming lesson plans. Ask students to highlight the key sound of each text and find the words all while having fun with their classmates. Whatever way you choose to use this resource, I am so grateful that you have given this item a try!

Who can use this resource:

Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple texts to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.

Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.

Texts are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.

Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

Science of Reading:

These texts are aligned with sounds being taught in any Science of Reading aligned curriculum. They are set up for student success based on the research for increasing reading fluency and building student confidence in the classroom!

Once you have established the strategies for identifying sounds, initial sounds, and blending sounds, segmenting sounds, students will be able to use these self-driven passages on their own. What a great way to build learning autonomy!

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Decodable Sentence Strips

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Word wall and pocket chart for class focus and sound focus activities
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce decoding and encoding skills
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and writing skills
  8. Card set can be used all year long and re-introduced each year going forward

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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By French Made Fun!

Pump up and motivate your strong math students with this engaging, hands-on project-based learning which will have them discovering the history of baseball cards, women in sports, math in sports, and finally working to create a statistical infographic on an athlete and a baseball card.

Do you teach a math enrichment class, or do you have students in your grades 5 and 6 classrooms who are on enrichment programs? Particularly when it comes to multi-levelled classrooms, the focus tends to be on the students with academic struggles, but our strong students need opportunities to push themselves and to stay engaged.

Mathematically-enriched students can be a challenge - and they crave independent, critical-thinking tasks that will allow them to explore the same content as their peers, but at a higher level. Your enriched students can explore any or all activities in this unit while their peers work through concepts they likely already understood before you started teaching it. You can then refocus your energy on a smaller group of students and make some progress! You've got this!

In this document, you'll discover 37 pages of activities, projects, research and artistic activities which will have your students keeping busy while your grade-level and below-grade level students can have you in other ways. I cover a lot of ground in this resource:

  • Fractions: Comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.
  • Decimals: Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimal numbers.
  • Percentages: Calculating percentages, converting between percentages, decimals, and fractions.
  • Ratios: Calculating and comparing ratios.
  • Statistics: Collecting, organizing, and interpreting statistical data including mean, median, mode, range, and frequency distribution.
  • Graphs and Charts: Creating and interpreting bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and histograms.
  • Measurement: Converting between different units of measurement, including metric and imperial units.
  • Geometry: Identifying and working with angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and geometric shapes in sports contexts.
  • Input-Output Charts: Creating and interpreting input-output charts.
  • Place Value: Understanding place value with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions.
  • Data Analysis: Analyzing data sets, identifying trends, making predictions, and drawing conclusions.
  • Financial Literacy: Understanding the costs associated with sports activities, including ticket prices, stadium construction costs, and budgeting for sports teams.

You'll find:

  • 4 Reading Comprehension Passages (with questions and answer keys)

  • 10 pages of challenging math problems (including their answer keys)

  • 2 projects:

  • "Make your own baseball card" (Includes instructions and a template)

  • "Infographic on an athlete" (Includes instructions, a template for final infographic, a rubric, and activities to promote independent research)

This is the second of (hopefully) many enrichment projects for math. Here's another on constellations you and your students might enjoy!

For goodness sakes, don't forget to have fun.




By French Made Fun!

Your middle schoolers are bored and tired of the same coloring sheets, crosswords, and pumpkin cutouts they've seriously been doing for years. Do them a favor and switch up your Halloween routine with this fun project-based Halloween unit which features cross-curricular content in math and language arts.

In this unit, you (or your sub!) can easily lead an independent, self-guided project for your middle-school students in grades 4 through 8. As with all of my products, you'll never see frilly hard-to-read fonts or babyish images. My products are intended for your students who think they're adults, but aren't quite there! They're loaded with examples and easy-to-understand language.

In this 13-page resource, you'll find the following activities, templates, prompts, examples and tasks that will keep them busy for days!

  • "Une maison hantée thématique" - An activity that will get your students brainstorming a theme for their haunted house and a final reflexive activity on making their choice.

  • "Donnez des frissons!" - An activity intended to have students stick to their "theme" and give details about the different rooms or areas within their haunted house. This activity should bring to life their design and concept.

  • "Le plan d'étage" - A guided example of a building plan including a "légende" with typically used symbols in engineering to construct their one- (or multiple-) storey haunted house on paper.

  • Also included is a large-format example to display for your students who need the extra visual supports.

  • Also included is a blank sheet for students to draw their haunted house's building plan.

  • "Mesures de ma maison hantée" - An activity to push your students' mathematical brains. These activities have step-by-step examples on changing the scale of their "paper" haunted houses to a realistic measurement, as well as calculating the perimeter and area of each of the areas within the house! Formulas are given and explained if you haven't quite got here, yet! This step will include multiplying decimal numbers.

  • "Des paragraphes terrifiants!" - This writing activity will have your students thinking about audience and the purpose of writing. Miniature graphic organizers are provided for your students to create descriptive, persuasive and narrative paragraphs as well as a poster project to "sell" their haunted house!

  • "Boutique Bouh!" - A series of math activities to boost your students' abilities to estimate and add decimal numbers including:

  • Boutique Bouh!'s store prices to be used in 2 other activities:

  • Story problems/written problems.

  • Building a mathematically specific treat bag!

  • "La liste de courses" - An activity that will have your students sticking to a budget when choosing the items they'll need to create the haunted house of their dreams! This activity includes a catalogue of items and prices at a local hardware store, and your students will have to calculate based on quantity, add and multiply decimal numbers, and finalize their total bill which must not surpass 1000$.

  • "Potions des monstres" - An activity on ordering decimal numbers from smallest to greatest.

If you're looking for basic Halloween themed worksheets, I've got those here.

If you're looking for a more research-based approach to the traditions and culture surrounding this Holiday, I've also got those here.


French Phonics Decodable Sentence Strips 4 Le son ON - Phrases décodables - SOR

By La trousse de Madame

French Decodable Sentence Strips that align with the Science of Reading and current Modern Language Standards 1.0. The easy to use decoding and encoding strips can be used in the K-2 French classroom with little to no preparation.

Make a few copies of each card and insert into clear pockets to create a quick and easy reading centre; arrange a table with four copies to create a quiet reading group; use one-on-one with your students to assess reading levels, to gain insights to their decoding skills, encoding skills, and to inform your upcoming lesson plans. Students use whiteboard markers to sound out each sound in the word, each syllable, or each word in the sentence. What a great way to build confidence! Whatever way you choose to use this resource, I am so grateful that you have given this item a try!

Science of Reading:

These sentence strips are aligned with sounds being taught in any Science of Reading aligned curriculum. They are set up for student success based on the research for increasing reading fluency and building student confidence in the classroom!

Once you have established the strategies for identifying sounds, initial sounds, and blending sounds, segmenting sounds, students will be able to use these self-driven sentence strips on their own. What a great way to build learning autonomy!

Who can use this resource:

Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple sentence strips to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.

Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.

Sentences are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Pyramid Reading

Check out French Decodable Reading Passages BUNDLE

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Word wall and pocket chart for class focus and sound focus activities
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce decoding and encoding skills
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and writing skills
  8. Card set can be used all year long and re-introduced each year going forward

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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French Phonics -Alphabet Activity Sheets-Science of Reading Phonemique-French

By La trousse de Madame

Alphabet pages are a NO PREP printable activity that align with the Science of Reading with vocabulary that contains the target sounds for K-2 French students. Each page helps students build phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, and endoding and decoding skills with sweet graphics and easy to read fonts. Build a strong foundation in French language with educational resources designed specifically with your students in mind!

What’s in my workbook?

-In each page, you will find a large bubble letter, upper and lower case, for students to colour or trace inside the lines.

-A section for identifying upper and lowercase letters by colouring the appropriate boxes.

-There is a section for tracing letters in upper and lowercase to build efficiency in printing.

-Students then have a quick little sentence using the target sound by circling the target letter.

-Next is a word practice.

-Finally, the student is asked to colour images that have the target sound.

Option 1:

Alphabet Worksheets have been organised by vowel sound first, followed by the consonant sound letters. Please note the ‘e accent aigu’ has been introduced early in each version.

Option 2:

Alphabet sounds have been organised as they are introduced by the Bien lire, Aimer lire formatting preferred by many French schools in Canada and abroad.

This is done to make it easier to sequence lessons based on the preferred letter introduction sequence.

Alphabet sounds:

-all vowel sounds a, e, i, o, u, y (as i), and e accent aigu

-consonant sounds including hard and soft g, and c

-y as a consonant

-images containing each of the letter sounds

-on sentence of decodable words with primarily simple sounds (complex sounds also present as are some heart words)

Activity Sheets include:

-printing practice

-tracing letters

-upper and lowercase letter recognition

-identifying letters

-decoding sentences

-word recognition

-identifying sound in an image

-find the images with the target sound

Who can use this resource:

-Any teacher using the strategies of the Science of Reading in the K-3 French Immersion classroom, Grade 4-6 Core French classroom.

-Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.

-Sentences are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.

-Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Pyramid Reading

If you prefer things all bundled together:

***1 . French Decodable BUNDLE BEST DEAL

***2 . Phrases Decodables BUNDLE SUPER DEAL

♥ Feel free to follow me for more items in my store! Click the green star beside my store name

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Each alphabet sheet may be used independently or as a cumulative workbook of French activities
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce decoding and encoding skills
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and writing skills
  8. Alphabet set can be used all year long and re-introduced each year going forward

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

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Follow me on TeachShare



You have downloaded a license for you to use this resource in your own classroom(s) with your own students. Duplication of any kind: copying, adding to your own resource, or digitally changing and reproducing is strictly prohibited.

If you wish to download more licenses to share this resource with colleagues, please do so at the link for additional licenses.



By French Made Fun!

♡ Made for French Immersion kids by a French Immersion teacher. ♡

This 61-page document will give you enough content and activities to teach your students about symbols, identity and heraldry for 7 days. Comes with a Slides presentation (27 slides) and a Carnet d'élève (34 pages) with dozens of activities to keep them engaged:

  • Finding symbols in Canadian money & stamps
  • Creating a design for Canadian money & stamp using symbols
  • Researching historical figures found on Canadian money
  • Researching components of Canadian coat of arms
  • Finding symbols in coats of arms (Provinces and territories)
  • Rewriting the National Anthem using Canadian symbols.
  • Article on the National Anthem + Comprehension questions (or use as a WEBquest).
  • Activity on past experiences and history (Activity on self-reflection and identity)
  • Bio-Poésie (Poetry activity on self-reflection and identity)
  • "My name" and "My identity" card (Activity on identity & family)
  • Creating my own symbols and creating my identity.
  • Creating a personal coat of arms.

* The majority of these activities could be standalone activities for a substitute *

All Canadian coats of arms included. I have my students work in pairs on the Canadian coat of arms and then independently on the provincial coats of arms before creating their own.

Like what you see but want to see more? Send me a message to request specific lessons and activities!

Relax - I've got this one!

♡ Mme. Kaitlyn



By La trousse de Madame

French Decodable texts BUNDLE that aligns with the Science of Reading are a NO PREP printable activity for the K-2 French classroom. Students practice endoding and decoding skills and build confidence in reading.

Make a few copies of each text and insert into clear pockets to create a quick and easy reading centre; arrange a table with four copies to create a quiet reading group; use one-on-one with your students to assess reading levels, to gain insights to their decoding skills, and to inform your upcoming lesson plans. Whatever way you choose to use this resource, I am so grateful that you have given this item a try!

Who can use this resource:

Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple texts to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.

Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.

Texts are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.

Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Word wall and pocket chart for class focus and sound focus activities
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce decoding and encoding skills
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and writing skills
  8. Card set can be used all year long and re-introduced each year going forward

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

Like my Facebook and Instagram account.

Follow me on TeachShare





By French Made Fun!

Avez-vous du mal à savoir par où commencer ? Où finir ? Avez-vous de la difficulté à enseigner de plus petits morceaux afin que vos élèves sachent ce qu'on attend d'eux, afin qu'ils puissent écrire efficacement et en toute confiance ? C'est votre première année d'enseignement et vous aimez voir un modèle ou un exemple pour vous guider dans les années à venir ? Cherchez vous des critères de réussite et des modèles - Avez-vous honnêtement du mal à faire la différence, vous-même, entre les différents genres que vos élèves sont censés produire ? Cherchez pas plus loin! J'ai fait le travail pour que vous puissiez enseigner avec confiance et pour que vos élèves performent avec confiance.

Mes études de genre vous donneront suffisamment de contenu enseignable, d'activités imprimables, d'invitations de discussion et d'opportunités d'écriture guidée pour écrire avec facilité et confiance. Chacun de mes ensembles de genres commence par un contenu enseignable et des minis-leçons et réflexions intégrées pour que vos élèves partagent, participent et collaborent avec leurs pairs. Si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise avec l'enseignement des genres, c'est le produit qu'il vous faut. JE guide vos cours, VOUS le facilitez en personne.

Mes produits sont FAITS avec vos grands enfants et adolescents à l'esprit. Vous ne trouverez pas de dessins animés enfantins, de polices difficiles à lire et exagérées et vous ne trouverez pas de mots croisés et d'espace perdu. Je prends le temps de m'assurer que mes produits sont attrayants pour un groupe d'élèves plus âgés, mais toujours attrayants, engageants et à leur niveau. Ils sont créés pour les élèves de la 4e à la 8e année en milieu Immersion ou Français langue première.

Ce document est presque identique au texte descriptif à l'exception de modifications très mineures, donc acheter les deux n'est pas pratique pour vous ! Cette étude de genre fait partie d'un ensemble grandissant, que vous pouvez trouver ici.

Voici ce que vous pouvez attendre de cette ressource :

  • Diapositives pédagogiques (26 pages)

    • Définissons ensemble ce qu'est un texte descriptif
    • Les qualités d'un texte informatif
    • Les bonnes et les mauvaises sources d'informations
    • "Est-ce informatif?" Une activité pour reconnaître les textes informatifs selon les titres et les couvertures
    • Une activité kinesthésique - La chasse au trésor
    • Comment inspirer nos idées à partir d'une grande idée
    • Comment choisir un sujet pertinent - qui nous intéresse
    • Connaître les "catégories" informatives
    • Comment choisir un sujet spécifique et réalisable
    • Écrire avec précision et clarté
  • Carnet d'élève (40 pages)

    • Activités guidées, organisateurs graphiques, fiches imprimables. Voici les titres qui s'y trouvent:
      • Un coup d'oeil dans mon esprit - Une activité sur les intérêts personnels
      • Possibilités de sujets - Une activité pour les élèves têtus!
      • Tableau SVA
      • Des questions que je me pose sur mon sujet.
      • Un sujet très spécifique
      • Des questions brûlantes
      • Ma recherche indépendante
      • Mes informations BOOM!
      • Mes informations recueillies
      • Pistes possibles
      • L'organisation de mes idées (#1 et #2)
      • Comment attirer l'attention de mes lecteurs?
      • Mon introduction planifiée (Avec sujets amenés, posés et divisés)
      • Écriture d'un paragraphe
      • Paragraphes 1, 2 et 3
      • Écrire une conclusion
      • Conclusion
      • De quel 'capteur d'attention' il s'agit?
      • Mon capteur d'attention
      • Auto-évaluation + buts
      • Critères de réussite
      • Corrections et révisions
      • Texte modèle: Le gaspillage alimentaire (1 page)
      • Texte modèle: L'E-Gaming - L'avenir du divertissement (3 pages + 1 page de questions)
      • Texte modèle: Le Titanic (2 pages + 2 pages de questions)
      • Texte modèle (sous forme chronologique): Les frères Wright (1 page + 1 page de questions)
      • Quête WEB avec questions et corrigé (excellent à laisser avec un suppléant!)

** Mes documents évoluent constamment et j'ajoute des activités, des imprimables et du matériel didactique dès que je les réalise pour mon propre usage. En fait, ce document a eu une mise à jour 08.19.22. **

Vous pouvez gagner des crédits en laissant des commentaires sur les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en vous rendant sur votre page My Purchases et en cliquant sur Leave a Review. Vous gagnerez 1 crédit pour chaque dollar dépensé !

Si vous êtes intéressés par mes produits, assurez-vous de vous inscrire à ma boutique pour être averti lorsque je crée de nouveaux produits ou lance des ventes. Vous pouvez également me rejoindre sur Facebook, où je partage des cadeaux et préviens à l'avance les ventes à venir.

Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!

- Kaitlyn.


French Phonics- PHRASES DÉCODABLES BUNDLE- Decoding Sentence Reading Bundle-SOR

By La trousse de Madame

French Decodable activities that align with the Science of Reading in the K-2 French classroom. Students work on their phonemic awareness, phonological awareness, decoding and encoding skills and as they master the target sound.

Make a few copies of each card and insert into clear pockets to create a quick and easy reading centre; arrange a table with four copies to create a quiet reading group; use one-on-one with your students to assess reading levels, to gain insights to their decoding skills, encoding skills, and to inform your upcoming lesson plans. Students use whiteboard markers to sound out each sound in the word, each syllable, or each word in the sentence. What a great way to build confidence! Whatever way you choose to use this resource, I am so grateful that you have given this item a try!

Who can use this resource:

Teachers who are just getting accustomed to using strategies from the Science of Reading can use these simple sentence strips to open up independent practice, small group evaluation, or up on a digital screen for whole group instruction and reading practice.

Make a set and send them home with students to build fluency in reading and confidence in reading strategies.

Sentences are designed to build a number of common French sounds and get more challenging as they go on.

Correction sheet is handy for use with a substitute as they can confidently assess students and command the lesson even when they are not assured of their French skills.

Science of Reading:

These cards are aligned with sounds being taught in any Science of Reading aligned curriculum. They are set up for student success based on the research for increasing reading fluency and building student confidence in the classroom!

Once you have established the strategies for identifying sounds, initial sounds, and blending sounds, segmenting sounds, students will be able to use these self-driven sentence strips on their own. What a great way to build learning autonomy!

What grade level:

I personally use these texts with Grade 1 and Grade 2 students in French Immersion. I feel confident that students from K-3 will find these most useful and teachers can come back to the texts with any students who may be experiencing challenges in their French reading skills. Core French teachers will be sure to add the resource to their repertoire for Grades 4 to 6 as they learn to read and write at the Junior level.

If you love this resource:

***1. French SOR Sound Cards

***2. French Decodable Reading

***3. Roles et Responsabilites

***4. French Number Line

***5. French Attention Grabbers

***6. French Speaking Passport

***7. French Pyramid Reading

Some of the Benefits of this resource:

  1. Students use hands on materials
  2. Boost confidence in French language acquisition with whole group, small group, independent work, and one-to-one instruction using the same resource
  3. Word wall and pocket chart for class focus and sound focus activities
  4. Students grow in independence at their own pace
  5. Reinforce decoding and encoding skills
  6. Social wellness and personal autonomy in using French in the classroom
  7. Scaffold and support language acquisition, oral communication, and writing skills
  8. Card set can be used all year long and re-introduced each year going forward

Check out French Science of Reading Assessment Tool

Like my Facebook and Instagram account.

Follow me on TeachShare





By French Made Fun!

Avez-vous du mal à savoir par où commencer ? Où finir ? Avez-vous de la difficulté à enseigner de plus petits morceaux afin que vos élèves sachent ce qu'on attend d'eux, afin qu'ils puissent écrire efficacement et en toute confiance ? C'est votre première année d'enseignement et vous aimez voir un modèle ou un exemple pour vous guider dans les années à venir ? Cherchez vous des critères de réussite et des modèles - Avez-vous honnêtement du mal à faire la différence, vous-même, entre les différents genres que vos élèves sont censés produire ? Cherchez pas plus loin! J'ai fait le travail pour que vous puissiez enseigner avec confiance et pour que vos élèves performent avec confiance.

Mes études de genre vous donneront suffisamment de contenu enseignable, d'activités imprimables, d'invitations de discussion et d'opportunités d'écriture guidée pour écrire avec facilité et confiance. Chacun de mes ensembles de genres commence par un contenu enseignable et des minis-leçons et réflexions intégrées pour que vos élèves partagent, participent et collaborent avec leurs pairs. Si vous n'êtes pas à l'aise avec l'enseignement des genres, c'est le produit qu'il vous faut. JE guide vos cours, VOUS le facilitez en personne.

Mes produits sont FAITS avec vos grands enfants et adolescents à l'esprit. Vous ne trouverez pas de dessins animés enfantins, de polices difficiles à lire et exagérées et vous ne trouverez pas de mots croisés et d'espace perdu. Je prends le temps de m'assurer que mes produits sont attrayants pour un groupe d'élèves plus âgés, mais toujours attrayants, engageants et à leur niveau. Ils sont créés pour les élèves de la 4e à la 8e année en milieu Immersion ou Français langue première.

Cette étude de genre fait partie d'un ensemble grandissant, que vous pouvez trouver ici.

Ce document étudie en profondeur la poésie et l'expression poétique.

Voici ce que vous pouvez attendre de cette ressource :

  • Diapositives d'enseignement (73 pages)

  • Définissons ensemble ce qu'est la poésie et les poètes

  • Explication sur les schémas de rimes, les strophes, les vers, les syllabes

  • Explication sur les dispositifs littéraires et les figures de style (comparaisons, métaphores, onomatopées)

  • Discussion sur le thème

  • Minis-poèmes modèles

  • Invitations + discussions

  • Activités sur la différenciation des trois schémas de rimes

  • Activités sur la différenciation des métaphores des comparaisons

  • Jeu kinesthésique sur les syllabes

  • Explication des haïkus et acrostiches

  • Poème décortiqué!

  • Activités sur la planification + organisation des idées

  • Un poème guidé - sa création, sa révision, son amélioration étape par étape comme texte modèle

  • Étapes d'amélioration et de révision.

  • Carnet d'élève (37 pages)

  • Rendre un texte poétique

  • Réfléchir pour écrire de la poésie (7 activités réflexives personnelles pour encourager une pensée poétique et générer des idées créatives).

  • Sois dans la zone

  • La musique et les figures de style

  • Haïku (2 activités)

  • Quintain

  • Diamante (3 activités)

  • Poème biographique (2 activités)

  • Tanka

  • Acrostiche (2 activités)

  • Poème allitératif

  • Le poème-pensée

  • Investigation des mots (un mini-dictionnaire du vocabulaire de la poésie)

  • Mon poème tout garni

  • Projet final: Mon anthologie

  • Détails du projet

  • Critères de réussite

  • Activité de pré-écriture

  • Brouillons + listes de vérification (x4)

  • Évaluation par les pairs

** Mes documents évoluent constamment et j'ajoute des activités, des imprimables et du matériel didactique dès que je les réalise pour mon propre usage. En fait, ce document a eu une mise à jour 05.05.23**

Vous pouvez gagner des crédits en laissant des commentaires sur les produits que vous achetez. Vous pouvez le faire en vous rendant sur votre page My Purchases et en cliquant sur Leave a Review. Vous gagnerez 1 crédit pour chaque dollar dépensé !

Si vous êtes intéressés par mes produits, assurez-vous de vous inscrire à ma boutique pour être averti lorsque je crée de nouveaux produits ou lance des ventes. Vous pouvez également me rejoindre sur Facebook, où je partage des cadeaux et préviens à l'avance les ventes à venir.

Merci! Je vous apprécie énormément!

- Kaitlyn.
