Elementary School en Français Video Files

Core French Beginner Children's Stories Videos and Worksheets | Francais

By Jennifer

2 French Children's Story Videos (Petit Poulet and L'Oiseau et la baleine) from The French Experiment are linked.

For your beginner Core French class, I recommend having students watch one of the videos in French first with no subtitles. Have them try to answer as many questions as possible from the accompanying worksheet. You might want to play the video at .75x speed if you teach elementary students.

Next, play the video once more, this time with subtitles. Students will be able to fill in the blanks they missed the first time around.

The last question for each of the stories allow students to think critically about the lesson each story teaches.

The worksheets are in English. The videos are in French.

I found this allows students to think about what they are watching more carefully, learning more French words along the way.

An answer key is not included, but the questions are very simple and you will be able to answer them easily after watching the video. I wrote the answers while watching the videos along with the students.

The French Experiment offers these two French videos for free. The rest are on a paid version. You can check it out below.


Happy teaching!
