Balance Your Life: Sleep, technology, movement, and mindfulness for kids & teens
By Lara Hocheiser
In this 18 slide PowerPoint,
learn about mindfulness and yoga breathing, proper nutrition, proper technology use, bedtime, and sleep hygiene, as well as an empowerment yoga pose series meant to strengthen and build confidence.
Can be used on the smartboard or on children's personal devices, or print individual slides.
The last slide has a link to download the healthy habits tracker for FREE
History of Computers - Group Research & Presentation Project
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn more about the history of the computer. The lesson starts with a Microsoft PowerPoint whole class presentation that gives an overview of computer history from the 1950’s through current times. Next, students work in small groups to research history information from an assigned decade and then to create a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint (or Google Slides) to share with the class. Students take notes during the presentations and then culminate their learning with a short quiz over the material. A study sheet is provided to cover the material from each decade that will be tested to give students an opportunity to review the information (or to assist in the case of absences or presentations that are incomplete). This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary grades or high school as well. Files included: • Teacher & Student Resources • Microsoft PowerPoint presentation (for teacher presentation to the class) • Note sheet for PowerPoint presentation and student presentations • Team Planning Sheet • Student Expectations, Instructions and Grading Rubric for History Presentation Project • Study sheet: Computer History Facts • Multiple choice quiz (includes answer key) Remember to leave feedback for credits on future purchases! ************************************************************************** Connect with us for free technology tips, resources and curriculum: Follow our blog Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Pinterest Visit our Website
Who Owns the Music - Copyright Lesson (Team research and PowerPoint)
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn about copyright laws as they relate to the use of music by working with a team and researching actual court cases about them, creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides, and then presenting and defending that decision to the class. Perfect for technology, career exploration, business law and music classes. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in any secondary classroom.
Files included:
• Teacher & Student Resources
• Student instructions, expectations and grading rubric
• 12 Cases (with related web site links) to assign to groups
Approximate Lesson Duration:
• 2 (50 minute) class periods – Research topic and create presentations
• 2-3 (50 minute) class periods – Presentations (depending on class size and time spent discussing as a class).
Related Products
⭐ Learning about Copyright WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt)
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Exploring Hospitality Careers: Be an Event Planner & Plan a Party!
By Innovations in Technology
In this project based learning unit, students learn about hospitality careers as they work together with their team of “Event Planners” to plan a party or wedding. They research costs, utilizing a budget they create in MS Excel (or Google Sheets). Together they determine how they will divide the work of planning the event, creating an invitation and a menu (MS Word or Publisher or Google Docs/Slides). Finally, they research a career of choice and compile their information in MS PowerPoint or Google Slides.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Included with this Lesson
• Unit Overview & Teacher Resources
• Event Planning Project Expectations and Grading Information (4 self paced projects, taking a total of approximately 6-7 class periods of 55 minutes each)
• Group Planning Sheet
• Research/Reference Planning Sheet
• Budget Project Sample
• Invitation Project Sample
• Menu Project Sample
• Career Project (PowerPoint) Sample
Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Hospitality & Tourism
⭐ Real World Math - How Math is Used in Hospitality Careers
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Exploring Architecture: Design a Tiny House | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
Technology, CTE and Engineering classes are gaining in popularity at the middle school level. This fun exploration of Architecture is perfect for grades 6-8 to learn history, design and explore careers in this field through a variety of computer based projects.
Included in this Unit:
1.Teacher & Student Resources
2.Architect Research Project (PowerPoint) Expectations
3.“Tiny House” Research & Design Project (Sketch Up) Expectations
4.Careers in Architecture Project (MS Publisher) Expectations
Students start by researching some of the influential architects and create a PowerPoint to showcase their information. Next, they research and design a "tiny house" utilizing Sketchup (free software) to learn the basics of CAD while letting their creativity and problem solving skills help them design a beautiful, yet functional small living space. Finally, students explore careers in the field to learn more about different architectural jobs of interest and present their findings in a MS Publisher newsletter.
My 8th graders loved these assignments and created some amazingly creative products! I hope your students will enjoy it too!
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Related Products
⭐ Designing Novelty Architecture - Project Based Learning
⭐ Digital Engineering Notebook - Fully Editable in PowerPoint & Google Slides
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
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Famous Entrepreneurs and Their Impact on Society - Research & PowerPoint Project
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn about famous entrepreneurs, their work and how their work influenced society. Students choose from an entrepreneur of interest (on their own or from a provided list) and then research specific information about them, creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. Perfect for business, history, social studies or career exploration classes.
This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in any secondary classroom.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files included:
• Teacher & Student Resources
• Student instructions, expectations and grading rubric
• Suggested list of famous entrepreneurs
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Learning to Use Microsoft PowerPoint - Beginner Lessons | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
The “Learning MS PowerPoint” Beginner Lessons start students with no previous knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint on a path of learning the most important and frequently used commands to give them a quick start.
Each lesson has a short, step-by-step tutorial that includes screenshots to walk students through the new tools they will use in the lesson. Then, they are given a creative task to solve, using those skills to create a presentation. There are four lessons, each taking no more than two (50 minute) class periods.
Versions of the lesson are included for MS PowerPoint 2013/2016, and Office 365 (MS PowerPoint 2019).
This lesson was created for middle school students (grades 6-8) but could also be used for upper elementary or high school students.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher Notes and Resources
• 4 Mini Lessons with Tutorial and Creative Project including rubrics
Related Products
⭐ Learning to Use Microsoft Word - Beginner Lessons
⭐ Excelling with Excel - Beginner Activities
⭐ Excelling with Excel - Intermediate Tutorial & Activities
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Character Traits of Leaders -Research & Presentation Project | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students identify leadership traits by researching leaders throughout history. They are provided with links to resources to help them research three individuals of their choice from three different time periods in history. Lists of leaders from each time period are provided to help them choose. Then, they use that information along with graphics, pictures and backgrounds from the Internet to create a finished presentation that explains the qualities of each leader, the similarities and differences, and add their own opinions and insights to the project as they learn how to apply leadership skills in their own life.
Two versions of instructions are provided to allow the lesson to be done individually or in small groups or partners. Projects can be presented in class or included on a website for viewing.
This is an excellent creative project to add to a unit in a career class, leadership class or to support a history/social studies unit. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be used with upper elementary or high school students.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources
• Student Project Instructions, Expectations, and Grading Rubric (for individual projects)
• Student Project Instructions, Expectations, and Grading Rubric (for group products)
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Famous Photographers - Research & Presentation Project | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn about famous photographers and their work. Students choose a photographer of interest (on their own or from a provided list) and then research specific information about them, creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. Teacher and student resources are provided for the lesson, along with full instructions and project expectation, including a grading rubric. A list of famous photographers is included separately for student choice (or students can choose a photographer of interest on their own). Two versions of the lesson are included to let teachers decide if they prefer to have students use the more traditional presentation tools of Microsoft Office or Google Slides or, if they prefer to give students a choice of those and various free Web 2.0 tools such as Prezi, eMaze, or Canva. Links for tutorials are provided for all suggested software choices in the student resources.
Perfect for business, art, history, social studies or career exploration classes. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in any secondary classroom.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files included:
• Teacher & Student Resources
• Student instructions, expectations and grading rubric – MS PowerPoint/Google Slides
• Student instructions, expectations and grading rubric – Choice of Web 2.0 tools, Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides
• Suggested list of famous photographers
Related Products
⭐ History of Photography - Research & Presentation Project
⭐ Basic Photo Editing in Adobe Photoshop
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Things I'm Thankful For- PowerPoint or Google Slides Project | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students reflect on people and things they are thankful for and create a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides to showcase that information. This lesson encourages students to think about the positive things in their lives and promotes being grateful for what they have. The lesson includes links to tutorials for Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides to assist students with the presentation.
This is a great activity for any class during the Thanksgiving holidays. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary grades or high school as well.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files included:
• Teacher & Student Resources
• Student Instructions, Expectations and Grading Rubric
Related Products
⭐ Thanksgiving Pixel Art in Microsoft Excel
⭐ Fun Thanksgiving Activities & WebQuest
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Learning about Design - Elements of Art, Shapes & Colors | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
Learning about Design: Elements of Art, Shapes & Color is a three-part lesson to give students an introduction to design. This is perfect for a technology class that focuses on web design or graphic design, or for an art class. The first lesson has students create a PowerPoint (or Google Slides presentation) to define the Seven Elements of Art in their own words and give picture examples of three areas of design for each. In the second lesson, students complete a short WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about how designers use shapes to convey a message. Finally, in the third lesson, students explore how designers use color by researching information on the Internet and completing a color chart. The project was created for grades 7-8 but could easily be adapted for older students.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher Notes and Resources
• Seven Elements of Art PowerPoint Project - Student Expectations & Rubric
• Seven Elements of Art Project Sample (as .pdf)
• How Designers Use Shapes WebQuest – Student Worksheet
• How Designers Use Shapes WebQuest – Teacher Answer Key
• How Designers Use Color Research Chart – Student Worksheet
• How Designers Us Color Research Chart – Teacher Answer Key
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Researching a Career of Interest | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
It's never too early to start planning for the future! This activity lets students research a career of interest and then create a presentation about it using MS PowerPoint, Google Slides or a Web 2.0 tool such as Prezi.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources
• Researching a Career of Interest Project Expectations and Grading Rubric
• Sample Presentation
This project was created for middle school, but could be used for upper elementary as well.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: 16 Career Cluster Units BUNDLE
⭐ Exploring Careers: Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Career Cluster
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
⭐ Exploring Careers: Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
⭐ Exploring Careers: Business, Management & Administration
⭐ Exploring Careers: Education & Training
⭐ Exploring Careers: Finance
⭐ Exploring Careers: Government & Public Administration
⭐ Exploring Careers: Health Science
⭐ Exploring Careers: Hospitality & Tourism
⭐ Exploring Careers: Human Services
⭐ Exploring Careers: Information Technology
⭐ Exploring Careers: Manufacturing
⭐ Exploring Careers: Marketing, Sales & Service
⭐ Exploring Careers: STEM Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
⭐ Exploring Careers: Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
⭐ Exploring Careers: Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
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Famous Architects & Their Place in History - Research & PowerPoint Project
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn about famous architects, their work and how they influenced history. Students choose from a list of famous architects and then research specific information about them, creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. Perfect for engineering, history, art, or career exploration classes. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in any secondary classroom.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files included:
• Teacher & Student Resources
• Student instructions, expectations and grading rubric
Related Products
⭐ Exploring Careers: Architecture & Construction
⭐ Real World Math - How Architects Use Math in their Career
⭐ Research & Build a House - Architectural Styles & Their Creators
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Grandparent's Day - WebQuest, Interview/Presentation Project, & Word Search
By Innovations in Technology
Lesson Overview
In this lesson, students learn about the history of Grandparent’s Day as they complete a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about the topic. A complete answer key is provided for easy grading, along with resources for both teachers and students. Two versions of the WebQuest are included to let teachers print the questions or to provide them digitally as an interactive page in an editable Microsoft PowerPoint file. Next, students interview a grandparent (or another person they are close to from that generation) to compare life today with the life their grandparent lived. Interview questions are provided to encourage students to learn more about their grandparent through conversation. These questions can be answered through research on the Internet from that time period if the student does not have someone to interview. Using the answers from the questions, students create a presentation in either MS PowerPoint or Google Slides. Instructions/expectations are included for the project, along with a grading rubric. Additionally, a word search puzzle (with answer key) is included to use for early finishers or as a part of the lesson.
This lesson includes alternatives to be inclusive for students who are from non-traditional families as well. It was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary as well.
Materials Required:
· Computers with Internet access for each student (or pair of students)
· Software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs
Files included:
· Teacher & Student Resources
· WebQuest questions for students - print and digital versions (editable)
· WebQuest Answer Key (non-editable, .pdf)
· Comparing Life Between Generations – Instructions, interview questions, and grading rubric
· Word Search Puzzle (non-editable, .pdf)
· Word Search Puzzle Answer Key (non-editable, .pdf)
Approximate Lesson Duration:
· WebQuest: 1 (50 minute) class period
· Comparing Life Between Generations project: 2 (50 minute) class periods
· Word Search Puzzle: 15-20 minutes
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"I'll Always Remember" - End of the Year PowerPoint Project | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
“I’ll Always Remember” PowerPoint end-of-the-year project gives students an opportunity to creatively express their memories from each of their classes for the year. In this project, they combine pictures with a short paragraph about a specific memory they will “always remember” from each of their classes. The project was created for 8th graders but could easily be adapted to use with high school students.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Files Included with this Lesson
• Teacher & Student Notes and Resources
• “I’ll Always Remember” PowerPoint Student Instructions, Expectations & Grading Rubric
• Photo release form
• Sample Slide (.pdf)
Related Products
⭐ "My Best Work" - Online Portfolio End of Year Project in Weebly
⭐ Memories from the Year Video Project - End of Year Activity
⭐ Student Success Guidebook - Brochure Project
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Influential Leaders of 20th Century - Presentation Project | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn about influential leaders from the 20th century and their work. Students choose an individual of interest (on their own or from a provided list) and then research specific information about them, creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides or using a Web 2.0 tool. Teacher and student resources are provided for the lesson, along with full instructions and project expectation, including a grading rubric. A list of famous people from the 20th Century is included separately for student choice (or students can choose an individual of interest on their own). This list is also included as a sign-up sheet in case the teacher wants each student to do a different person. Two versions of the lesson are included to let teachers decide if they prefer to have students use the more traditional presentation tools of Microsoft Office or Google Slides or, if they prefer to give students a choice of those and various free Web 2.0 tools such as Prezi, eMaze, or Canva. Links for tutorials are provided for all suggested software choices in the student resources.
This lesson can be completed individually, in pairs or in groups, depending on the teacher’s preference. All resources are fully editable, so that it can be easily modified for any classroom.
Perfect for business, history, social studies or career exploration classes. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in any secondary classroom.
Materials Required:
Files included:
Approximate Lesson Duration:
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
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20th Century Songwriters - Technology Presentation Project | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn about famous songwriters from the 20th century and their work. Students choose a songwriter of interest (on their own or from a provided list) and then research specific information about them, creating a presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides or using a Web 2.0 tool. Teacher and student resources are provided for the lesson, along with full instructions and project expectation, including a grading rubric. A list of famous songwriters is included separately for student choice (or students can choose a songwriter of interest on their own). Two versions of the lesson are included to let teachers decide if they prefer to have students use the more traditional presentation tools of Microsoft Office or Google Slides or, if they prefer to give students a choice of those and various free Web 2.0 tools such as Prezi, eMaze, or Canva. Links for tutorials are provided for all suggested software choices in the student resources.
Perfect for business, music, history, social studies or career exploration classes. This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in any secondary classroom.
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Materials Required:
Files included:
Approximate Lesson Duration:
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Broadway Composers - Leonard Bernstein WebQuest & Presentation Project
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn interesting facts about the modern Broadway composer, Leonard Bernstein and his work, as they complete several projects including a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about the topic. A complete answer key is provided for the WebQuest for easy grading, along with resources for both teachers and students. The student questions are included in both a print version and a digital (editable) version to make it easy for students to complete the lesson digitally or on paper. Then, students research their choice of one of his famous musicals and create a presentation or a video about it using their choice of Web 2.0 tools such as Adobe Creative Express (formerly Adobe Spark), eMaze, Canva, etc. (all are free, no download needed) or by using Microsoft Office or Google Apps. A full list of software/technology options is listed in the student lesson instructions and includes links to tutorials. For classrooms with limited technology, this lesson can be completed with students working in pairs or small groups. The completed presentations can be shared with the rest of the class if the teacher chooses.
This lesson is intended to be an introduction to the topic and was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well. This lesson could be used in a music, drama, history or technology class and is also a great lesson to leave for a substitute teacher!
Files included:
· Teacher & Student Resources
· Learning about Leonard Bernstein WebQuest Activity (print and
editable digital files included)
· Learning about Leonard Bernstein WebQuest Answer Key
· Musical Compositions of Leonard Bernstein Project Expectations with Rubric
Approximate Lesson Duration:
· WebQuest - 1 (50 minute) class period
· Presentation / Video Project (including research) – 2-4 (50 minute) class periods
· Optional: additional time for students to present their project to the class (time will vary depending on class size).
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Classical Music in Modern Day Life - Puzzle & Presentation Project
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn fun facts about the use of classical music in modern day life such as movies, television, and video games as they research different uses of classical music in modern day life. No download is required to use Canva ( - a free product, making it easy for teachers who are not able to download software on classroom computers to still give their students a choice in learning. Options for using Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides are also included for use if the teacher prefers.
In these lessons, students are provided with a quick tutorial for Canva, as well as links to other resources to help them with their designs. The tutorial is intended to help students get started with the program and then use the resources within the program to refine their creations. Links are included to tutorials for Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides. Students create a presentation with examples of classical music used in their own lives after researching the topic. They use that information along with graphics, pictures and backgrounds from the Internet and also supplied in Canva, to create a finished presentation that explains their topic, and add their own opinions and insights to the project. A word search puzzle is also included (with answer key) for early finishers or as a part of the lesson.
This lesson was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in upper elementary or high school classes as well. Great to leave for a sub or to use for distance learning too.
Materials Required:
· Computers with Internet access for each student (or pair of students)
· Software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides
Files included:
· Teacher & Student Resources
· Research and Presentation Project Expectations and Grading Rubric
· Quick Start Tutorial for Canva
· Word Search Puzzle and Answer Key
Approximate Lesson Duration:
· Introduction to the Lesson - 1 (50 minute) class period
· Research and Presentation Project Creation – 1.5 – 2 (50 minute) class periods
· Word Search Puzzle - .5 (50 minute) class period
· Presentation sharing with class – time will depend on the size of the class
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Broadway Composers - Cole Porter - WebQuest & Presentation | Distance Learning
By Innovations in Technology
In this lesson, students learn interesting facts about the modern Broadway composer, Cole Porter and his work, as they complete several projects including a WebQuest (Internet Scavenger Hunt) to answer questions about the topic. A complete answer key is provided for the WebQuest for easy grading, along with resources for both teachers and students. The student questions are included in both a print version and a digital (editable) version to make it easy for students to complete the lesson digitally or on paper. Then, students research their choice of one of his famous musicals and create a presentation or a video about it using their choice of Web 2.0 tools such as Prezi, Adobe Spark, eMaze, Canva, etc. (free, no download needed) or by using Microsoft Office or Google Apps. A full list of software/technology options is listed in the student lesson instructions and includes links to tutorials. For classrooms with limited technology, this lesson can be completed with students working in pairs or small groups. The completed presentations can be shared with the rest of the class if the teacher chooses.
This lesson is intended to be an introduction to the topic and was designed for middle school (grades 6-8) but could be used in high school as well. This lesson could be used in a music, drama, history or technology class and is also a great lesson to leave for a substitute teacher!
This lesson is great for distance learning/remote learning. You can upload it to your school's learning management system (Google Classroom, Edmodo, Canvas, etc.) or share with students via Google Drive.
Materials Required:
Files included:
Approximate Lesson Duration:
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