Chemistry Clip Art

Conical Flask Clip Art

By The STEM Master

Science lab equipment clipart: conical flask (Erlenmeyer flask)

100 mL markings

empty + 3 different amounts of liquid (25 mL increments)

red, gray, blue and pink versions

tilted versions

versions without markings

28 png files

28 svg files

Terms of Use:

Clip art may be used to create resources for your own classroom

Clip art may be used to create resources to be sold on websites

All images must be secured in a pdf file

Clip art may not be sold as graphics alone

Products must provide a link to my store


Laboratory Glassware Clip Art

By The STEM Master

Science lab glassware clip art


conical flask

filter funnel

filtering flask

graduated pipette

Liebig condenser

round-bottomed flask

separating funnel

three-neck boiling flask

two neck boiling flask

volumetric pipette

black-and-white + colored versions

22 png files

22 svg files

Terms of Use:

Clip art may be used to create resources for your own classroom

Clip art may be used to create resources to be sold on websites

All images must be secured in a pdf file

Clip art may not be sold as graphics alone

Products must provide a link to my store


Beaker Clip Art Lab Equipment Science Chemistry Measurement

By The STEM Master

Science lab equipment beaker clipart

250 and 1000 mL markings

empty + 5 different amounts of liquid (50 and 200 mL increments)

gray, blue and pink versions

tilted versions

versions without markings

41 png files

41 svg files

Terms of Use:

Clip art may be used to create resources for your own classroom

Clip art may be used to create resources to be sold on websites

All images must be secured in a pdf file

Clip art may not be sold as graphics alone

Products must provide a link to my store
