Diario del Explorador de animales
By Ms Garcia Store
"¡Explora y Documenta el Mundo Animal con Nuestro Diario del Explorador de Animales!"
Presentamos nuestro completo "Diario del Explorador de Animales" diseñado para enriquecer la experiencia de investigación en el aula. Este archivo PDF imprimible está repleto de hojas interactivas meticulosamente diseñadas para guiar a los estudiantes en la documentación de datos después de llevar a cabo investigaciones sobre todo tipo de animales.
Características Clave:
Secciones Incluidas:
Compatibilidad Perfecta con Recursos Interactivos en PowerPoint:
¡Eleva aún más la experiencia educativa! Nuestro "Diario del Explorador de Animales" se complementa a la perfección con los siguientes Atlas Animal interactivos en PowerPoint, donde aprenderás acerca de más de 150 animales como nunca antes:
⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...
⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo
⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
Esta sinergia crea un enfoque dinámico para el aprendizaje que involucra y educa a las mentes jóvenes.
Cómo Utilizar:
Ideal para:
El "Diario del Explorador de Animales" es esencial para fomentar la investigación activa en el aula. Brinda a los estudiantes la oportunidad de investigar cualquier animal elegido, desarrollar habilidades de investigación y adquirir un profundo entendimiento de las diferentes características de las criaturas.
Celebra la Diversidad Animal: ¡Consíguelo hoy mismo e incita a los estudiantes a sumergirse en el emocionante mundo de la investigación de animales!
By Ms Garcia Store
"Explore and Document the Animal World with Our Animal Explorer Journal!"
Introducing our comprehensive "Animal Explorer Journal" designed to enrich the classroom research experience. This printable PDF is brimming with interactive sheets meticulously crafted to guide students in documenting data after conducting research on all kinds of animals.
Key Features:
Sections Included:
Perfect Compatibility with Interactive PowerPoint Resources:
Elevate the educational experience even further! Our "Animal Explorer Journal" pairs seamlessly with the following Interactive Animal Atlas on PowerPoint, which will allow you to learn about more than 150 animals:
⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.
⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world
⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
This synergy creates a dynamic approach to learning that engages and educates young minds.
How to Use:
Ideal for:
The "Animal Explorer Journal" is essential to foster active research in the classroom. It provides students the opportunity to investigate any chosen animal, develop research skills, and gain a profound understanding of different creature characteristics.
Get our "Animal Explorer Journal" today and empower students to dive into the exciting world of animal research!
A special thank you to the talented graphic designers who contributed images used in creating this resource.
Image by brgfx on Freepik
¡Aventura Animal: Exploración Interactiva de 150 Animales y Ecosistemas
By Ms Garcia Store
¡Embárcate en una emocionante aventura con nuestro bundle educativo interactivo sobre el fascinante mundo de los animales! Este completo conjunto de recursos incluye:
1. Presentación Interactiva en PowerPoint: Sube a bordo de nuestro avión virtual y explora más de 150 animales en sus hábitats y ecosistemas. Cada animal cuenta con una ficha informativa que incluye una imagen, clasificación y un video de 3 a 5 minutos que resalta sus características únicas. Interactúa con los elementos de cada diapositiva para profundizar en el conocimiento de cada especie. Personaliza fácilmente la presentación reemplazando "Ms Garcia Store" con el nombre de tu clase.
2. Pasaporte Ecológico: Imprime y arma un encantador pasaporte ecológico con 3 hojas a doble cara (tamaño carta, 8.5 x 11"). Este pasaporte introduce a los estudiantes en los diferentes ecosistemas y les ayuda a comprender la diversidad de hábitats.
3. Sellos de Viaje: Incluye un PDF de 2 páginas con 20 sellos de viaje representando destinos como la Selva Amazónica, el Ártico y las Islas Galápagos. Los estudiantes pueden pegar estos sellos en sus pasaportes ecológicos mientras aprenden sobre cada ubicación.
4. Diario del Explorador de Animales: Un recurso educativo que cubre:
¡Permite que tus estudiantes se sumerjan en un safari virtual y descubran el magnífico mundo animal en sus diversos hábitats! Ideal para uso en el aula, en el hogar o en educación a distancia. ¡Adquiere este recurso ahora para ofrecer una experiencia educativa inolvidable!
Related Products
⭐ Interactive animal atlas, animal classification, reproduction, habitats, etc.
⭐ Interactive Animal Atlas and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Safari virtual field trip around the world
⭐ Safari Virtual Fieldtrip and Ecologic Passport
⭐ Ecologic Passport and 20 Travel Stamps of different Ecosystems
Productos Relacionados
⭐ Atlas animal interactivo. Clasificación, reproducción, habitats...
⭐ Atlas animal interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ Safari virtual interactivoalrededordel mundo
⭐ Safari Virtual Interactivoy PasaporteEcológico
⭐ PasaporteEcológicoy sellosde viajede 20 ecosistemas
Click here to see all my resources in Spanish
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I would like to thank all the graphic designers whose work I took borrowed from these webs to do this educational resource:
Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com
Dog vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com
Background vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com
Tree vector created by upklyak - www.freepik.com
Vector de Fondo creado por macrovector - www.freepik.es
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Antarctica Vectors by Vecteezy
Kids vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com
Cartoon Jungle Vectors by Vecteezy
Animales Vectores por Vecteezy
Naturaleza Vectores por Vecteezy
Vintage vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com
Imagen de Clker-Free-Vector-Images en Pixabay
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay
Duck-billed platypus
Animals vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com
Imagen de tony241969 en Pixabay
Imagen de Mostafa Elturkey en Pixabay
Food vector created by macrovector - www.freepik.com
Background vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com
Vintage photo created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com
Poster vector created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com
Nature Vectors by Vecteezy
Snow vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com
Tree vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com
Background vector created by brgfx - www.freepik.com
Texture photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com
Image by macrovector on Freepik
Image by brgfx on Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
Imagen de macrovector en Freepik
The Human Body : Overview of the Respiratory System Functions & Structures
By saadia balhous
Respiratory System Overview
The respiratory system is vital for gas exchange, allowing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out. Key components include:
Together, these structures ensure efficient oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal.
Energy Pyramid Notes and Practice!
By EduCraft Marketplace
Need some notes that you can do whole group AND have the "you do" portion incorporated? This is great for doing notes with the class, discussing energy pyramid, trophic levels, practicing the 10% rule and more! The students won't have time to be unengaged and it is great practice AND study guide!
The Human Body : Overview of the Respiratory System Functions & Structures
By Create Learn Inspire Grow
Respiratory System Overview
The respiratory system is vital for gas exchange, allowing oxygen in and carbon dioxide out. Key components include:
Together, these structures ensure efficient oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal.
The Giraffe: Possible Interactive Notebook Activity
By Gail Hennessey
Check out my web quest on the Giraffe(it includes these fun facts as well as extension activities and links for the teacher. The Giraffe: A Webquest Check out this additional resources about animals: 1. Learn about the rhino with this fun and very informative webquest. There are 9 web questions and lots of extension activities and resources. There is also a comprehension activity and key. Great for a Friday activity, before a vacation or if you are studying endangered species! Grades 4 and up. One class period unless you opt to do additional extension activities: Rhinosaurus! A Webquest 2. Did you know that a polar bear can swim up to 100 miles non-stop? Did you know that a polar bear doesn't hibernate like other bears do in the winter? The polar bear is in trouble! Warming temperatures has cause a decrease in the sea ice-something the polar bear needs to survive. Learn about this amazing mammal with this fun and informative webquest. Additional extension activities and resources are also provided: Polar Bears! A Webquest 3. Need a webquest activity in science? Maybe, you are looking for a language arts activity for students to skim to find answers and use informational text to develop a creative writing task. Learn about the leopard with my Leaping Leopard's Webquest! Grades 4 and up. The webquest has 8 webquestions and 8 extension activities(and links to more information): Leopards! A Webquest 4. Learn about the elephant: Did you know that elephants can be right or left tusked, kind of like humans are with their hands? Did you know that the elephant has the largest brain of any LAND mammal?(The sperm whale has the largest brain of all...) And if you think elephants like peanuts...they really do not! I think your students would have fun learning about the elephant with this web quest! I have included extension activities, additional trivia and the key:Elephants! A Webquest My website for teachers/kids: Lots of geographic activities, short reads, bell ringers, news, career surveys, factoids on different topics and more: Gail Hennessey's Website for Teachers/Kids Please consider following me. Click by the green star by my logo.Thank you.
Endangered Species, a FREEBIE Handout
By Gail Hennessey
Use this handout to have students learn about endangered species. In 2023, Endangered Species Day is May 19th.
Check out these resources on Endangered Species:(Webquests)
By Gail Hennessey
Free Facts about the Brain for kids! Possible Interactive Notebook Activity. June is Brain Awareness Month. Appreciate your clicking to review and perhaps, download this freebie. I'd be very happy if you'd check out other resources in my TeachShare Store. I have over 25 Reader's Theater Scripts on famous men and women in history, science and language arts as well as many web quests and reading resources in the content area of social studies and science. Always happy to gain new followers! Click the green star by my photograph in the upper right hand corner. :-) Gail My website for teachers/kids has lots of geography activities, short reads, factoids, news, career surveys, bell ringers and more.
By Gail Hennessey
Fun facts about the Rhino with several extension activities.
Save the Rhino Day is May 1st!
life cycle of a butterfly foldable kids craft science activity spring activities
By The Students Palace
Embark on a captivating journey through the stages of a butterfly's life cycle with this charming foldable activity. Designed for young learners, this printable mini-book offers an engaging exploration of each phase of metamorphosis. Whether used in the classroom or at home, this craft brings the magic of transformation to life.
Low prep and easy assembly for educators and parents.
Hands-on learning goes beyond worksheets, offering an interactive experience.
Suitable for introducing or reinforcing understanding of the butterfly life cycle.
Enhances fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Accommodates various age ranges and abilities.
Finished foldouts can be displayed or inserted into interactive notebooks.
Unveil the wonder of nature with this delightful Life Cycle of a Butterfly activity!
3 Pages
( PDF + PNG)
Large 11'' x 8.5'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
Life Cycle Of a Bee foldable kids craft science activity - Fun World Bee Day
By The Students Palace
Embark on a captivating journey through the stages of a bee's life cycle with this charming foldable activity. Designed for young learners, this printable mini-book offers an engaging exploration of each phase of metamorphosis. Whether used in the classroom or at home, this craft brings the magic of transformation to life.
Low prep and easy assembly for educators and parents.
Hands-on learning goes beyond worksheets, offering an interactive experience.
Suitable for introducing or reinforcing understanding of the Bee life cycle.
Enhances fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Accommodates various age ranges and abilities.
Finished foldouts can be displayed or inserted into interactive notebooks.
Unveil the wonder of nature with this delightful Life Cycle of a Bee activity!
5 Pages
( PDF + PNG)
Large 11'' x 8.5'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
Life cycle of a bean plant foldable sequencing - Fun cut and paste Activities
By The Students Palace
Embark on a captivating journey through the stages of a bean plant's life cycle with this charming foldable activity. Designed for young learners, this printable mini-book offers an engaging exploration of each phase of metamorphosis. Whether used in the classroom or at home, this craft brings the magic of transformation to life.
Low prep and easy assembly for educators and parents.
Hands-on learning goes beyond worksheets, offering an interactive experience.
Suitable for introducing or reinforcing understanding of the bean plant life cycle.
Enhances fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Accommodates various age ranges and abilities.
Finished foldouts can be displayed or inserted into interactive notebooks.
Unveil the wonder of nature with this delightful Life Cycle of a bean plant activity!
4 Pages
( PDF + PNG)
Large 11'' x 8.5'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
life cycle of a Plant foldable kids craft science activity Fun spring activities
By The Students Palace
Embark on a captivating journey through the stages of a plant's life cycle with this charming foldable activity. Designed for young learners, this printable mini-book offers an engaging exploration of each phase of metamorphosis. Whether used in the classroom or at home, this craft brings the magic of transformation to life.
Low prep and easy assembly for educators and parents.
Hands-on learning goes beyond worksheets, offering an interactive experience.
Suitable for introducing or reinforcing understanding of the plant life cycle.
Enhances fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Accommodates various age ranges and abilities.
Finished foldouts can be displayed or inserted into interactive notebooks.
Unveil the wonder of nature with this delightful Life Cycle of a Plant activity!
5 Pages
( PDF + PNG)
Large 11'' x 8.5'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
Printable Spring Butterflies Activities - Fun Spring Insects Activities & Games
By The Students Palace
Printable SPRING BUTTERFLIES ACTIVITIES are perfect for keeping kids engaged and entertained during SPRING . These activities include a variety of fun and educational options that can be easily printed and completed at home or on the go. this bundle contains, Word search , mazes, Sudoku , mandala coloring sheets ...
( PDF + PNG)
Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
Follow me from Here .
life cycle foldable sequencing activities - Fun cut and paste craft science
By The Students Palace
Embark on a captivating journey through the stages of life cycle with this charming foldable activity. Designed for young learners, this printable mini-book offers an engaging exploration of each phase of metamorphosis. Whether used in the classroom or at home, this craft brings the magic of transformation to life.
Low prep and easy assembly for educators and parents.
Hands-on learning goes beyond worksheets, offering an interactive experience.
Suitable for introducing or reinforcing understanding life cycle.
Enhances fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Accommodates various age ranges and abilities.
Finished foldouts can be displayed or inserted into interactive notebooks.
( PDF + PNG)
Large 11'' x 8.5'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
Spring Butterflies Quotes Activities - Fun Spring Insects Activities & Games
By The Students Palace
Printable Spring Butterflies Quotes activities are perfect for keeping kids engaged and entertained during Spring . These activities include a variety of fun and educational options that can be easily printed and completed at home or on the go. this bundle contains, Coloring Pages , jigsaw puzzles , cut and paste activities , mandala coloring sheets ...
( PDF + PNG)
Large 8.5'' x 11'' designs that can easily be printed on regular sized paper
High-resolution images
Unlimited prints
Great for kids, boys and girls
This item comes as a high-resolution PDF + PNG files that you can download straight after purchasing.
You can print as many copies as you want.
This is a digital item.
No physical product or printed material will be shipped.
No refunds as this is a digital product.
Follow me from Here .
Cells [Animal & Plant Cells] | Notes Graphic Organizer + Riddle Review
By Nardine Mettry
Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of cells, the building blocks of all living things through a no-prep resource providing a comprehensive yet engaging overview of cells and organelles for your 4th-grade students.
What's Included?
Part 1: The Cell City (Notes Pages)
Part 2: Riddle Review: Who Am I?
Tissue Types | Riddles & Anchor Chart
Male & Female Plant Reproductive Parts | Foldable Notes
Plant Life Cycle | Foldable Notes
WANTED Cells [Animal & Plant Organelles]
Reproduction of Plants | PowerPoint (with Mnemonics)
Don't forget to share with me how it went with your little ones. I hope it was useful in your classroom.
If you like this product, follow my store -Mettry Teaches- for more.
Types of Tissues (Nerve, Epithelial, Connective, Muscle) | Foldable Notes
By Nardine Mettry
Take your students on a journey into the amazing world of tissues with these engaging foldable note guides!
This will help your student compare and contrast the different tissue types.
What your students could include:
What's Included:
⭐Tissue Types | Riddles & Anchor Chart⭐
⭐WANTED Cells⭐
⭐Notes Graphic Organizer + Riddle Review⭐
Don't forget to share with me how it went with your little ones. I hope it was useful in your classroom.
If you like this product, follow my store -Mettry Teaches- for more.
Plants: Parts, Cells, Life Cycle | BUNDLE
By Nardine Mettry
Engage your 4th graders in an exciting exploration of plants with this dynamic bundle. Packed with interactive activities, students will develop a solid understanding of cell structure and function.
What's Included:
Don't forget to share with me how it went with your little ones. I hope it was useful in your classroom.
If you like this product, follow my store -Mettry Teaches- for more.