
The Teaching Resources Company

Hi, I'm Maria! When I was a child I hated science. So, how did I end up as a STEM author and STEM curriculum publisher?

In 2012, my 6 year old daughter refused to read anything but science books. She had an insatiable desire to learn more about the world. I had heard about this thing called "STEM" so I thought I better get her into this science, technology, engineering, and math stuff.

Back then, STEM curriculum was hard to find, so I created STEAM activities for her and other kids in her after-school clubs.

Soon, her teachers and other parents began to ask for my lesson plans to use on their own. I put them online and The Teaching Ressources Company was born.

The Teaching Ressources Company mission is to provide hands-on STEM activities that unlock children's curiosity and passion for discovery, no matter where they live.


Joined October 2024