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Tengo… ¿Quién tiene..? Spanish Numbers 0 - 30 - I have...Who has?

Tengo… ¿Quién tiene..? Spanish Numbers 0 - 30 - I have...Who has?

This game includes 31 cards. Depending on class size you could either give each student more than one card or have them play with a partner. I recommend printing out and laminating these cards if possible so that you can use them over and over again. Two sets are included. The first set is for beginners. It has clues in which the numbers are written in alphabetical and numerical form. The second set only has the numbers written in numerical form. You can get the French version here.

Here's how this game works. Once each student has a card (or cards), the one who has the card that says Tengo la primera tarjeta. Comienzo, begins the game. He says, for example, Comienzo. Tengo dieciséis. ¿Quién tiene cero? The person who has the card with cero on it says, Tengo cero. ¿Quién tiene doce? And so the game goes on until the last card is called and that student's card will say, Tengo quince, ¡Se acabó!

Another idea is to prepare two sets of cards, divide your class into two groups and let each group have a go to see which team can get through the entire deck of cards the fastest. It's a lot of fun, and though you can play with younger students the older ones love this game just as much.

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Resource Type

Activities, Games, Printables

PDF, 16 pages

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