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Shabtis in Egyptian Burial Chambers: 6th Grade Studies Weekly Week 7

Explore the traditions of Ancient Egyptian burial chambers:

Students will learn about shabtis and how Ancient Egyptians used them as models of those who would do their chores in the afterlife. Students will read an informational text concerning shabtis and then create their own. This taps into their creativity.

Students can create shabtis for either a week or a month.

Follow up questions increase rigor and help students make connections.

Aligns with Indiana Social Studies Standard 6.H.1.

What's included:

  • Teacher instructions.
  • Informational Text.
  • Student instructions.
  • Two versions of activity template.
  • Follow up questions.

How is this product useful:

  • Low prep for teacher.
  • Informational text.
  • Engaging, creative activity.


Resource Type

Activities, Printables

PDF, 6 pages

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