Do your students need practice in identifying the value of digits in 2-digit numbers or in breaking down numbers into ones and tens? This online, activity in Google Slides using base ten blocks (MAB blocks) will give them plenty of practice, and help develop their understanding of how numbers are made up! Students are presented with two numbers at a time to build by dragging one and ten blocks onto the work mat. The numbers are paired (13 and 31 for example) so that they can easily see how where a digit is placed affects its value. (The numbers 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99 are not included in this activity.)
This makes for a great independent math center activity, or you can project the activity for a whole group look at how to build numbers. There are a total of 45 cards and 90 different numbers between 1 and 98 for students to build. This activity is similar to another one in my store which also asks students to build the number and type the number in words. (Very useful for English language learners who may need help distinguishing between the -ty and -teen numbers.) The other is a customizable template - you decide which numbers you want the students to build on each slide, whereas this activity is a potential time-saver for you as it is ready to go. Buy them as a bundle so you have the convenience of the paired numbers already set up, and the flexibility to create your own question sets!
If you want a self-correcting version of the activity, check out the Boom Cards version.
Copyright information:
Purchasing this product grants permission for use by ONE teacher in his or her own classroom. If your colleagues would like to use this activity, please direct them to my store to buy their own copy.