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Interpretive Reading | GLOBAL CHALLENGES | MLK Jr.

Do you struggle to incorporate real-world, authentic reading in your Spanish classroom? This amazing interpretive reading activity about the life and accomplishments of Martin Luther King, Jr. will get your kids reading and analyzing an authentic resource from the Spanish-speaking world.

In this activity, your students will:

  • identify vocabulary related to the civil rights movement
  • determine the main idea
  • identify supporting details
  • guess the meaning of words based on the context
  • answer comprehension questions
  • compare and contrast the US Civil Rights Movement with movements from other countries
  • write follow-up questions from the infographic

This reading and writing activity makes a great addition to any unit on human rights or global challenges, from Spanish 2 through AP (as an introduction to the unit). It also makes a great pre-reading activity for an article about human rights or the life of MLK, Jr (there are links to two suggested articles in the product and a short video). There are two versions of the handout: version 1 has all directions and questions in English, while version 2 has all directions and questions in Spanish.

PLEASE NOTE: the infographic is NOT included with this product due to copyright laws and you must access it at the following link: infographic. I would recommend printing and laminating the infographic, projecting it on your board, or posting it to Google Classroom, Edmodo, or Schoology for students to access it. Each handout includes the link to the image at the top as well as a QR code to the image at the bottom.

© Rachel Bailey (La Señorita Creativa®) All Rights Reserved


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