Imagine having your 3rd and 4th grade geometry anchor charts done for you! How about a one-stop download for all your 4th grade geometry posters? This set of 3rd and 4th grade geometry anchor charts work great as math posters to hang on the wall or as geometry reference sheets to glue into notebooks for quick and easy reference.
Ideas for using geometry anchor charts in your classroom:
❤️ Set your printer to 11x17, print, and hang as anchor charts for whole group instruction
❤️ Print as 8x10 and leave at your math centers as geometry reference sheets
❤️ Print 2 per page and have students glue them into their notebooks as quick geometry reference sheets
❤️ Print as 8x10 as math posters for a 3rd and 4th grade geometry concept wall
❤️ Use them as math posters for 3rd and 4th grade geometry bulletin board
❤️ Print and bind them into a book for reading about geometry
Bright colors and step-by-step instructions allow these geometry posters for 3rd and 4th grade to serve dual purpose as math reference sheets for teaching geometry concepts. If you are worried about using too much ink, just switch your printer setting to black ink only.
The anchor charts are also perfect for printing as geometry posters to hang on the walls for face-to-face learning and math stations. Either way you will find your students referring to them time and time again as they gain confidence in their geometry skills.
Math Anchor Charts for Geometry
Prep doesn't get any easier than this! Forget messy markers and anchor chart paper that never tears quite right! Print once and file away for each time your geometry unit comes around. You will be ready to teach geometry lessons in a matter of seconds.
What other 3rd and 4th grade teachers are saying about Curious Classroom Adventures anchor charts:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Brittany said: “These anchor charts are wonderful! One of the best purchases. My students requested a mini anchor chart that they can keep with them to reference on their own and these are the perfect resources for that!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Miles said: “This is a great set of anchor charts to use to help keep previously taught standards available for any student who needs a review or to just confirm what they think they should do is right.”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Alison said: “This is a great resource. I hang the anchor charts on my math focus board. The kids love that I print them for their math notebooks too!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Haley said: These are perfect for my math word wall! I made small 5x7 anchor charts using these to put on the students' tables as reference sheets.”
Check out the preview for a taste of the 3rd and 4th grade geometry posters and anchor charts included!
More resources:
4th Grade Math Anchor Charts and Math Posters - Math Reference Sheets
3rd Grade Math Anchor Charts and Math Posters - Math Reference Sheets
Measurement and Geometry Problem Solving Interactive Math for Google Slides™️
Geometry Units BUNDLE Lesson Plans Games and Activities for 4th Grade Math
Lines and Shapes Geometry Unit BUNDLE of Lessons, Game, and Activities Grade 3
Copyright ©Curious Classroom Adventures
Permission granted to copy for single classroom use only.
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